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Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:53 am
by indyfrisco


That lawn looks ripe for a watermoelon patch.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:02 am
by Rasputin
Nahhh. He's got to get his economic team together.

I'm guessing Sean Combs will head it up.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:10 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Even Pikkkle thinks this thread is racist.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:42 pm
by Cuda
20" spinners on the presidential limo

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:12 pm
by Cuda
youy're not scheduled until late 2010, R-Jack

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:15 pm
by Tom In VA
R-Jack wrote:Is that all.

I thought I was being sent to the cotton fields for "reorientation"

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:16 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Oh! Oh! I get it! Because he's BLACK right?


Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:01 pm
by Rasputin
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Oh! Oh! I get it! Because he's BLACK right?
I was actually going for because he's an idiot as far as economic matters.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:33 pm
by KC Scott
One of the first things I'd like to see him put an end to would be all the Reperations talk.

Might calm all you whiteys down :lol:

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:38 pm
by Cuda
you're in denial

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:48 pm
by BSmack
KC Scott wrote:One of the first things I'd like to see him put an end to would be all the Reperations talk.

Might calm all you whiteys down :lol:
The picture of Obama taking the oath of office should end any and all reparations talk by itself.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:49 pm
This is going to be interesting.

We're going to start to make progress on the issue of entitlement in this country.

We have all heard some blacks say some ridiculous things about what they expect Obama will be able to do. He will not be able to do them, simply stated...and he never said he would.

What he DID say his goals were are lofty enough. He was not elected to hand out entitlements to folks.

This is where guys like Bill Cosby will be able to make some headway.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:36 pm
by KC Scott
Jsc810 wrote:Image

Hey Chip - you do know this picture has him repairing the damage that's been done to the constitutuion, right?

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:51 pm
by KC Scott
Jsc810 wrote:Yes, I do. That's why I posted it.

And yes, I voted for McCain. But Obama is now our President-elect, so I respect him, support him, and hope that he is successful.
Congrats on putting the robe and hood away chip.

Now if you'll just watch the road a little more closely your assimilation into the mainstream should be complete

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:52 pm
by Tom In VA
BSmack wrote:
KC Scott wrote:One of the first things I'd like to see him put an end to would be all the Reperations talk.

Might calm all you whiteys down :lol:
The picture of Obama taking the oath of office should end any and all reparations talk by itself.
Whoa, hold the phone on that one buddy. Are you sure about that ?

I don't think so and I think there will be an awful lot of folks - folks he prayed with every Sunday for instance - that would be very very disappointed if at least a symbolic gesture or nod to even talking about reparations isn't made by Obama.

Of course, the irony is, his ancestors were from the tribe that sold slaves to euros and arabs.

But dude, think about that one. There will be some talk about it. Might be cloaked and all, but there will be talk.

And potentially some action in the form of expanding 8a and set asides.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:54 pm
by KC Scott
Tom In VA wrote:
But dude, think about that one. There will be some talk about it. Might be cloaked and all, but there will be talk.

And potentially some action in the form of expanding 8a and set asides.
And there's Tom looking for that darkie cloud again.


Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 9:57 pm
by Tom In VA
KC Scott wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:
But dude, think about that one. There will be some talk about it. Might be cloaked and all, but there will be talk.

And potentially some action in the form of expanding 8a and set asides.
And there's Tom looking for that darkie cloud again.


Excuse me ? Have you ever bothered to read my stance on the reparations issue at all over the course of the past 8 years ?

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:00 pm
by Cuda
rack offering "deeds"!


Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:00 pm
by Tom In VA
Careful posting Obama's own words and thoughts on the issue mvscal, KC "Wonderbread" Scott might call you a racist.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:10 pm
by KC Scott
Here's the whole context - Surprise, Surprise, Surprise....
After speaking before thousands of cheering journalists at the Unity 2008 convention in Chicago July 27, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) answered a question from the audience about the possibility of a federal apology to Native Americans.

Quoted by a Honolulu Star-Bulletin reporter attending the convention, Obama said:

There’s no doubt that when it comes to our treatment of Native Americans as well as other persons of color in this country, we’ve got some very sad and difficult things to account for. …

I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged. …

I consistently believe that when it comes to whether it’s Native Americans or African-American issues or reparations, the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds.


Obama’s remarks drew special attention in Hawaii, where Obama is known by local Democrats as “Hawaii’s third senator.” Just weeks after winning his Illinois Senate seat in 2004, Obama visited Hawaii and met with state Democratic leaders. At the top of their agenda was the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act.

Also known as the Akaka Bill, if enacted it would create a Hawaiian tribal government — in spite of the fact that there never has been a Hawaiian tribe. Establishment of a tribe would allow Hawaiians to sidestep any restrictions on race-based benefits. McCain is strongly opposed to the bill.

Obama’s agreement to support the Akaka Bill led to his receiving important early-money support for his presidential campaign from Hawaii Democrats — many of whom had given similarly important early-money support to a little-known Arkansas governor in the early 1990s. Hawaii Democrats closely tied to Kamehameha Schools and former Governor John Waihe`e launched a draft Obama campaign in late 2006.

Amazing that MVS would have just pulled that one little sentence to prove a point............. :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for saying Sorry to the redskins, coons and pinapple pickers - OK...... words are cheap. :hfal:

You may all now resume your regularly scheduled cross burning :waz:

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:10 pm
by BSmack
Tom In VA wrote:
BSmack wrote:The picture of Obama taking the oath of office should end any and all reparations talk by itself.
Whoa, hold the phone on that one buddy. Are you sure about that ?
The very use of the word "should" in my post should have told you that 100% certitude has not been achived. But I am certain that any talk of reparations will be met with a collective "WTF dude!" by just about any reasonable person. We have so many bigger fish to fry as a country.

[hope]Maybe sometime in his second term when his approval ratings are 120% and former klansmen are working as backup dancers on a Soul Train Revival Show. Maybe then we can talk about reparations.[/hope]
I don't think so and I think there will be an awful lot of folks - folks he prayed with every Sunday for instance - that would be very very disappointed if at least a symbolic gesture or nod to even talking about reparations isn't made by Obama.

Of course, the irony is, his ancestors were from the tribe that sold slaves to euros and arabs.

But dude, think about that one. There will be some talk about it. Might be cloaked and all, but there will be talk. And potentially some action in the form of expanding 8a and set asides.
Nope, the best way for Obama to address the concerns of poor black folk is to address the concerns of poor folk in general. A racial component is the surest way to blow up all the god will he's engendered. I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase "It takes a Nixon to go to China"? Well it is going to take an Obama to go to a place in our politics where race isn't a subtext to our fight against poverty.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:19 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:
BSmack wrote:The very use of the word "should" in my post should have told you that 100% certitude has not been achived.
Oh, I get it. Sorta like it depends on what the definition of 'is' is, right?
It truly does baffle you that words have meaning and elections have consequences.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:23 pm
by KC Scott
mvscal wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Here's the whole context - Surprise, Surprise, Surprise....
The "whole context" doesn't change the meaning of the quote.
And of course the word "acknowledged" in the MVSLimbaugh venacular means Reparation$

Spin away,
But thanks for playing Mr. Top

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:31 pm
by Tom In VA
Even more a reason why I think they should be paid.

The burden shouldn't solely be shouldered by the U.S. So when Obama refers to Reparations, he should do so, globally.

Perhaps starting with his own tribe in Kenya, then moving on to the Netherlands, then to England, and last stop the United States.

It is an albatross around our neck that needs to be cut loose.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:34 pm
by KC Scott
Tom In VA wrote:Even more a reason why I think they should be paid.

Dude, you just went suma cum idiot on the idiot scale.


Paid for what exactly?

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:36 pm
by KC Scott
mvscal wrote:
KC Scott wrote:And of course the word "acknowledged" in the MVSLimbaugh venacular means Reparation$
He SAID reparations, fuckwit. He further said that the most important thing for government to do in relation to REPARATIONS was deeds not words. So why don't you back the fuck up and take another run at it, Corky.

What government DEEDS is he speaking of in reference to reparations?
Read it again....

He said acknowledged in the sentence preceeding it.......
I'll take that mean a mea culpa for slavery.

If it's more than that, then I guess I'll go MVS on him then.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:40 pm
by Tom In VA
KC Scott wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Even more a reason why I think they should be paid.

Dude, you just went suma cum idiot on the idiot scale.


Paid for what exactly?
The "they" in my sentence was reparations. After WWII we forced germany to pay "THEM" to the Jews and all, I'm not sure but I think we paid "them" in some form to the Japanese who were thrown into internment camps during WWII.

So there is precedence for paying "them"

Understand ?

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:41 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Here's the whole context - Surprise, Surprise, Surprise....
The "whole context" doesn't change the meaning of the quote.
Sure it does; it makes it worse

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:42 pm
by Cuda
Tom In VA wrote: I'm not sure but I think we paid "them" in some form to the Japanese who were thrown into internment camps during WWII.

So there is precedence for paying "them"

Understand ?
No, what we paid to the interned japanese were provable, direct damages to specific individuals

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:50 pm
by Tom In VA
Cuda wrote: No, what we paid to the interned japanese were provable, direct damages to specific individuals
Point taken. However, the principle is still the same. Even if it cannot be done - tracking down to the individual - some dialog about an overall measure of paying reparations somehow should ensue in my opinion.

It's principle Cuda. If I steal from a man, I must pay him restitution. If he is dead and I cannot, I am still indebted to the "stream of life", and restitution in some form is required for absolution. Yes, I freely except the "idiot" tag I get for my point of view on this, but I believe in it very strongly as a matter of principle.

Somehow, some way, the karmic balance should be made right. Again, I view it as an albatross around this country's neck.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:53 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Tom In VA wrote: It's principle Cuda. If I steal from a man, I must pay him restitution. If he is dead and I cannot, I am still indebted to the "stream of life", and restitution in some form is required for absolution. Yes, I freely except the "idiot" tag I get for my point of view on this, but I believe in it very strongly as a matter of principle.

Somehow, some way, the karmic balance should be made right. Again, I view it as an albatross around this country's neck.
I have a sneaking suspicion you're muscling in on my "schtick" Tom...

Step off.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:57 pm
by Tom In VA

Hey chalk it up to, I'm here, because I'm not all there.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:58 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Tom In VA wrote:Somehow, some way, the karmic balance should be made right. Again, I view it as an albatross around this country's neck.
Courtesy of Bloody Ole England:


Is it enough?

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:59 pm
by Tom In VA
England, The Netherlands, and ironically Obama's kinfolk in Kenya.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:30 pm
by KC Scott
Tom In VA wrote:Yes, I freely except the "idiot" tag I get for my point of view on this, but I believe in it very strongly as a matter of principle.

Somehow, some way, the karmic balance should be made right. Again, I view it as an albatross around this country's neck.
The stream of life thingy is just fucking weird Tom.
You need to go climb a Tibetian mountain and eat abag of shrooms, get rid of all those demons, and head back down here to planet earth when your done.

I also liked you much better when you were FMJ. :waz:

Gunny Hartman would be doing bedspins right about now

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:36 pm
by Tom In VA
KC Scott wrote: The stream of life thingy is just fucking weird Tom.
It is. Agreed. But I believe it exists. It exists in all religions and I'm sure you'll even find scientific principles that deal with equilibrium that could be applied.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:36 pm
by Screw_Michigan
mvscal wrote:
KC Scott wrote:Here's the whole context - Surprise, Surprise, Surprise....
The "whole context" doesn't change the meaning of the quote.

What is he talking about then when, refering to reparations, he says that, "the most important thing for the U.S. government to do is not just offer words, but offer deeds."

Spin away, dicklick.
Take a nap in front of a steamroller, dumbfuck.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:41 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Screw_Michigan wrote: Take a nap in front of a steamroller, dumbfuck.
At least you didn't tell him to go listen to some MGMT...

That would be cruel and inhuman.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:12 am
by Sirfindafold
A little off-topic, but: How many current citizens of Africa would rather come over here and be a slave rather live in the condition they are in?

just curious.

Re: Obama's first order of business...

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:28 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Sirfindafold wrote: How many current citizens of Africa would rather come over here and be a slave rather live in the condition they are in?
Probably equal to the number of American who would let some pervert shit on their bare chest for $10 000.

Ironic, isn't it?