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Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:04 pm
by Boges
Going undefeated in the Little 11 should have no more clout than in the C-USA.

If Tejus Tech wins out (doubtful) and Penn State wins out and they meet in the championship and the Lions get blown out, there should be a bylaw passed by the BCS that for a Little 11 team to be considered for the BCS Championship, they need to defeat at least one top level non-conference Big 12 or SEC team on the road.

How can what Penn State has done compare to Florida potentially blowing out the pre-season Number 1, The defending National Champion and the #1 team in the country. (if they play an undefeated Alabama in the SEC championship game)

But Florida is a worse team because they lost at the end of September by one point.

Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:10 pm
by WolverineSteve
Outlaw Canucks from talking Bigtime Power College Football.

Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:24 pm
by Boges
WolverineSteve wrote:Outlaw Canucks from talking Bigtime Power College Football.
Very constructive response D-Bag.

Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:29 pm
by WolverineSteve
How about some solutions from you. How would you go about changing something that is intangible, such as conference designation. Last I checked "mid-majors" is not a designation. If you are inferring that the Big10 should not be a bcs conference, then you are indeed an idiot.

Either way you're best served to leave the CFB talk to those who know it, live it, and love it. Canadians need not apply.

Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:37 pm
by Boges
WolverineSteve wrote:How about some solutions from you. How would you go about changing something that is intangible, such as conference designation. Last I checked "mid-majors" is not a designation. If you are inferring that the Big10 should not be a bcs conference, then you are indeed an idiot.

Either way you're best served to leave the CFB talk to those who know it, live it, and love it. Canadians need not apply.
Well my preference would be for a playoff.

How many Little 11 teams need to be trounced in National Championship games to prove that the conference is not up to snuff?

Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:45 pm
by WolverineSteve
Tell ya what spanky, when Moosejaw Tech goes undefeated or Regina State gets a bigtime OOC victory we'll be sure and get your input. When I need a scouting report on the qb at SW Halifax State, I'll rattle your cage. Until then, when I need your opinion I'll give it to you.

Most in here favor (favour to you) a playoff. We just know it's pissing into the wind at this point. Any undefeated from any BCS conference will make the MNC game ahead of any 1-loss team.

Oh and if you are truly a noob.....welcome.

Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:46 pm
by King Crimson
this is suspicious. the two Big 11 teams to be blown out are tOSU....and it's a Michigan poster responding to the troll.

once the Michigan fan "sets" the standard that the Big 11 does not suck--in faux heroic defense of *all* the members of the conference and those by extension that have played in the big game.....the only available conclusion to explain BCS blowouts (since the Big 11 is strong) is that:

Ohio State sucks.


Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:49 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Boges wrote:Very constructive response D-Bag.
To be fair, your idiotic post doesn't deserve a constructive response.

Re: Make the Little 11 a Mid Major

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:54 pm
by WolverineSteve
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:
Boges wrote:Very constructive response D-Bag.
To be fair, your idiotic post doesn't deserve a constructive response.
^^^^got my point.