So now that their guy is in the White House quotas and diversity are out the window? Are they just saying this hoping that Obama appoints a ton of minorities anyway?Yahoo Story wrote:In 1992, Bill Clinton famously promised to appoint a Cabinet that “looks like America.” He followed through, tapping women and minorities for high-ranking positions and overseeing an administration more diverse than any that had come before it. President Bush continued this tradition, appointing two African-Americans to his national security/foreign policy team.
...Put in political terms, does our first African-American president, elected with a rainbow coalition, have more of an imperative to appoint an administration that includes minorities in high-ranking positions?
Not really, is the answer supplied by a group of prominent African-Americans. Having a team of varied faces is preferable and in keeping with Obama’s pledge to represent all Americans — but these veteran black politicians and public officials say the president-elect should tap into the best talent available without taking a head-counting approach, in which slots are determined by demographics and symbolism trumps substance.
Actually I am all for this. Let's end this crap about quotas and race etc, and go with the best talent available all the time. Glad to see the NAACP finally getting on board. Race should no longer be a factor in school admissions, hiring decisions, or appointments. Now every candidate is graded on their resume, not on their resume against only their race.