Ron Paul Speaks

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Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA » ... index.html
During the debates in the Republican Presidential primary, even though I am a 10-term sitting Representative Member of Congress, I was challenged more than once on my Republican credentials. The fact that I was repeatedly asked how I could be a Republican when I was talking a different language than the other candidates answers the question of how the Republican Party can slip so far so fast.

My rhetorical answer at the time was simple: Why should one be excluded from the Republican Party for believing and always voting for:

• Limited government power

• A balanced budget

• Personal liberty

• Strict adherence to the Constitution

• Sound money

• A strong defense while avoiding all undeclared wars

• No nation-building and no policing the world

How can a party that still pretends to be the party of limited government distance itself outright from these views and expect to maintain credibility? Since the credibility of the Republican Party has now been lost, how can it regain credibility without embracing these views, or at least showing respect for them?

I concluded my answer by simply stating the Republican Party had lost its way and must reassess its values. And that is what needs to be done in a hurry.

concluded my answer by simply stating the Republican Party had lost its way and must reassess its values. And that is what needs to be done in a hurry.

But it might just take a new crop of leaders to regain the credibility needed to redirect the Party. It certainly won't be done overnight. It took a long time to come out of the wilderness after 40 years of Democratic rule for the Republican Party to take charge. Today though, time moves more quickly. Opportunities will arise. The one thing for certain is that in the next four years we will not see the Republic restored. Instead the need for it will be greater than ever.

The problems are easily understood and the answers are not that difficult. Abusing the rule of law and ignoring the Constitution can be reversed. If the Republican Party can grasp hold of the needed reforms, it can lead the way and regain its credibility. If power is sought for power's sake alone, the Party will never be able to wrench away the power of the opposition.

In the past two years, I found that when the young people heard the message of liberty, they overwhelmingly responded favorably, fully realizing the failure of the status quo and the need to once again endorse a system of self reliance, personal responsibility, sound money, and a non-interventionist foreign policy while rejecting the cradle-to-grave nanny state all based on the rule of law and the Constitution.

To ignore the political struggle and only "hope for the best" is pure folly. The march toward a dictatorial powerful state is now in double time.

All those who care -- and especially those who understand the stakes involved -- have an ominous responsibility to energetically get involved in the battle of survival for a free and prosperous America.
Paul's words are powerful. How do we get there ? How can - close a hundred years - of involvement in, reliance upon, and continued progress towards being involved in foreign affairs to the extent we are now be reversed ? My opinion on the Iraq Front has and continues to be - it was necessary based upon the region's "balance of power" and the existence of so much oil in the overall area. If something catastrophic were to occur there, economies throughout the world would grind to an excruciatingly painful halt. Aggressive move towards alternatives is necessary as well.

"We're in too deep". As it relates to Pauls - right opinion on - No nation-building and no policing the world - how does he propose we get out of doing that ?
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Dinsdale »

Tom In VA wrote:how does he propose we get out of doing that ?

In the past, The Revolutionary has stated "the same way we got into it...

We walked in, we can walk out tomorrow.
Ron Paul wrote:If you hit someone and kill their family, they will hate you and probably hit you back in the future.

That’s what blowback is all about. It seems like such a simple concept, but many of Ron Paul’s former opponents for the Presidency vehemently denied its validity.

They professed that what our military does abroad has no effect on how the citizens of the world feel towards us. Rudy Giuliani in particular believed that the 9/11 terrorists hated our wealth and freedom so intensely that they sacrificed their lives to prove it. (Of course, our government bombing their countries, propping up their dictators and supplying their enemies with money and weapons had nothing to do with it.)

Instead of securing our borders, we’ve been planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression. Within a few short years, we turned Iraq into the world’s leading breeding ground for terrorists. Our military is spread thin all across the planet, yet we remain involved in dangerous power plays that unnecessarily put the lives of our soldiers at risk. And we brazenly squandered the wealth of our nation as if there were no tomorrow.

It doesn’t make any sense unless you consider increasing the profits of the military-industrial complex to be in the “national interest”, no matter what the cost to the rest of us may be.

Newsflash, Sheeple -- if there's oil in the ground, and it's worth ridiculous money, and we're the wealthiest nation on earth...



Someone is going to pump it out of the ground and sell it to us.

Not even up for debate, unless you're really a fucking moron.

But way to lap up the propaganda, idiots.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Dinsdale »

Dear Friends,

Our journey together has been truly historic. As the final votes are tabulated and the curtain closes on this election, we must take time to reflect on our successes even as we turn our attention to the task before us.

Our campaign has stirred the sleeping giant by showing millions that freedom, peace, and prosperity are achievable. We know that these things can come about only through sound money, limited government and a respect for the inherent rights of every individual. We have awakened the political class to the popularity and viability of Liberty. And, most of all, we have awoken within ourselves a spirit of freedom and independence that cannot be suppressed by any ruler, army, or philosophy of subservience and fear.

Yet we must not reflect long. We must press our efforts and lay the groundwork for the future of our movement and our country. The 2010 election cycle is just around the corner. We must redouble our efforts to educate our fellow citizens, recruit and support liberty candidates, and marshal our resources for the battle ahead.

Ours is the most solemn charge of all: to defend Liberty in this bleak hour lest the very notion that man might best govern himself be scoured from this land and from the conscience of mankind.

In our campaign for liberty, we’re just getting started. Let the Revolution begin.

Ron Paul
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

I agree, in principle, but talking about "Revolution" is one thing, how does one execute the revolution ?

Just packing up and going home isn't going to fly for people who have vested interests, financial interests, in other countries. Unfortunately those people, with money, have too much clout. Even Obama is surrounding himself with them.

We can take it to the polls. By electing Paul and those like him, I like that.
We can take it to the streets. Protesting the Bilderbergs, IMFs, major corporations whose interests abroad outweigh our interests here.

What else can be done ?

If the situation is as dire as the people painting it depict, the time for insults, platitudes, and rhetoric is over. It's now time for a plan and course of action. As Paul says the opportunity is here for leaders to step up. Those leaders need to lead, not read [from a script].
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Mikey »

Maybe Paul and Gracie can lead us?
Look whats happening out in the streets
Got a revolution got to revolution
Hey Im dancing down the streets
Got a revolution got to revolution
Aint it amazing all the people I meet
Got a revolution got to revolution
One generation got old
One generation got soul
This generation got no destination to hold
Pick up the cry
Hey now its time for you and me
Got a revolution got to revolution
Come on now were marching to the sea
Got a revolution got to revolution
Who will take it from you
We will and who are we
We are volunteers of america
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »


Smart money move: "Politically I'm just a little bit to the left of a Sandinista, but for financial stuff I always listened to my father, a Republican investment banker
Ignorant, but at one time, a hot piece of ass with a great voice.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Dinsdale »

Tom In VA wrote:If the situation is as dire as the people painting it depict, the time for insults, platitudes, and rhetoric is over. It's now time for a plan and course of action. As Paul says the opportunity is here for leaders to step up. Those leaders need to lead, not read [from a script].

I'd gladly step up and offer my leadership, intellect, and everything else to save my fellow Americans...

Except for that pesky criminal record and history of drug use and whatnot... usually doesn't play too well in politics.

But I'll do what I can to deliver us from this dark time, when America abandoned any and all morals.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

Dinsdale wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:If the situation is as dire as the people painting it depict, the time for insults, platitudes, and rhetoric is over. It's now time for a plan and course of action. As Paul says the opportunity is here for leaders to step up. Those leaders need to lead, not read [from a script].

I'd gladly step up and offer my leadership, intellect, and everything else to save my fellow Americans...

Except for that pesky criminal record and history of drug use and whatnot... usually doesn't play too well in politics.

But I'll do what I can to deliver us from this dark time, when America abandoned any and all morals.
Dinsdale, your contributions are ... RACKS don't do them justice. I can see you with your own radio show. And getting the information out there as you do, educating the ignorant, is by and large what is so desparately needed.

As for the criminal record and other skeletons ... sigh ... I feel you. Kind of sucks that good people don't get the opportunity to do good things - because of judgement cast upon them - for choices they've made.

But more and more, especially as our generation creeps closer to having to assume those positions of responsibility that might change.

Man to man, I appreciate all your comments and insight.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Dinsdale »

Frankly, bro, the Revolution can start right here, sitting at your keyboard.

If a few articulate, intelligent people can show a few other articulate, intelligent people the reasoning and morality behind Our Cause, it begins to spread.

While a minor step, and a drop in the bucket, our first need is overall awareness. If it takes random internet soapboxing to start the ball rolling, then so be it.

But typing about your beliefs and getting them into action are worlds apart. Talk is cheap, actions speak.

But NEVER quit fighting the Good Fight... NEVER. The TRUE CONSERVATIVES are definitely in the right, and it's only a matter of time before our immoral opponents realize it.

It's OUR TIME. History will eventually prove us to be in the right. Only we can restore this country to greatness... never forget that, regardless how we'll be mocked in the coming days. Just know, it truly is our time.

Truly an exciting time in our history. It's time for all good people, of all backgrounds and ethnicities, to band together and fight the coming oppression.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by poptart »

Ron Paul speaks, Ron Paul gets RACKed.

That's my current contribution, Tom.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

If McCain had had the balls to select Ron Paul as his running mate instead of pandering to the religious fringe, I'd have voted for him in a heartbeat.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by BSmack »

MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan wrote:If McCain had had the balls to select Ron Paul as his running mate instead of pandering to the religious fringe, I'd have voted for him in a heartbeat.
Ron Paul has a lunatic fringe separatist past that makes Sara Palin's moonbattery look positively orthodox. No way any sane politician would have picked Paul.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

Jesus it never fucking ends. Ron Paul a white separatist ? Do tell BSmack, do tell.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by BSmack »

Tom In VA wrote:Jesus it never fucking ends. Ron Paul a white separatist ? Do tell BSmack, do tell.
I never said that he was a "white separatist". I've already had my lunch. No need to put any words in my mouth.
"Once upon a time, dinosaurs didn't have families. They lived in the woods and ate their children. It was a golden age."

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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

BSmack wrote:
Tom In VA wrote:Jesus it never fucking ends. Ron Paul a white separatist ? Do tell BSmack, do tell.
I never said that he was a "white separatist". I've already had my lunch. No need to put any words in my mouth.
No, but there is a crackpot element to his base that includes some pretty vile crypto-racists.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

While that might be true, Marty, it doesn't matter. On November 4, 2008 CHANGE had come to America and such things don't matter.

Is Paul a racist ? NO.
Is Paul affiliated with any groups preaching separate but equal ? NO.
Is Paul affiliated with any domestic terrorists ? NO.

Even if he is, he will be able to shrug it off and abandon those folks and as long as he's singing the same song.

• Limited government power
• A balanced budget
• Personal liberty
• Strict adherence to the Constitution
• Sound money
• A strong defense while avoiding all undeclared wars
• No nation-building and no policing the world

That is all that matters. All that mattered this year was CHANGE. All that will matter in 2012, will more than likely be CHANGE OF DIRECTION.

Paul could be the man the lead the way, if not the man to do it.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

Medical technology is improving and with the baby harvest coming soon and resurgence in unlimited stem cell research, who knows.

Either way. All Our Country Belong To Us.

We need to Make Our Time.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

Has anyone heard Ron Paul speak?

He sounds like some geezer begging for an extra cheese sample on a toothpick at the mall during a heatwave.

Clearly, a voice made for children's television, where the kindly old man asks kids to join him on a magical journey to the land of imagination.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

Martyred wrote: asks kids to join him on a magical journey to the land of imagination.
Was effective for this year's election winner. What's your real problem with Paul ?
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Goober McTuber »

Tom In VA wrote:
Martyred wrote: asks kids to join him on a magical journey to the land of imagination.
Was effective for this year's election winner. What's your real problem with Paul ?
There's that snide, sarcastic cynicism again, Tom. I thought you were embracing the change, man.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

Well I am embracing the change. One of the key changes is that as we discuss politics - specifically platforms geared towards -

• Limited government power
• A balanced budget
• Personal liberty
• Strict adherence to the Constitution
• Sound money
• A strong defense while avoiding all undeclared wars
• No nation-building and no policing the world

We need to not have the conversation degrade into who knows who, who went to what church (if at all), who is a protegy of radical thought and idealogy etc.. etc..

Is Obama's change going to

• Limit government power
• Balance the budget
• Not harm Personal liberty
• Practice Strict adherence to the Constitution
• Be based on Sound money
• Fortify a strong defense while avoiding all undeclared wars
• Not engage in nation-building and policing the world


If so, if it is MOVING TOWARDS those ends, then I will embrace the change.

And c'mon Goober, it is a smackboard, I thought it was funny. A good 50% of the folks I read and listen to who voted for Obama - not on this board - did in fact vote Obama because of some mantra that might as well have been the equivalent of a "magical journey to the land of imagination".

To his credit Obama, dared to dream. He has led the way. Now I dare to dream of a return to ...

• Limited government power
• A balanced budget
• Personal liberty
• Strict adherence to the Constitution
• Sound money
• A strong defense while avoiding all undeclared wars
• No nation-building and no policing the world

It's time to get out of the quagmire Democrats like Wilson and Roosevelt got us involved in.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by BSmack »


I have no problem with a limited 18th century style government. That is, as long as the idea of corporate personhood also disappears with the nanny state. Our overbearing nanny state is a direct response to the excesses of the corporate system. It may not be perfect, but I'll take our system now over working 18 hours a day for less than subsistence wages in a company town.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Shlomart Ben Yisrael »

BSmack wrote: Our overbearing nanny state...

Did you think it "overbearing" when Clinton was eviscerating Serbs with super-heated shrapnel?

Please die.
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Felix wrote:you've become very bitter since you became jewish......
Kierland drop-kicking Wolftard wrote: Aren’t you part of the silent generation?
Why don’t you just STFU.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by poptart »

Tom wrote:• Limited government power
• A balanced budget
• Personal liberty
• Strict adherence to the Constitution
• Sound money
• A strong defense while avoiding all undeclared wars
• No nation-building and no policing the world
I'm totally IN.

Tom gets it.

The B.O. 'change' mantra is a steaming pile of horseshit.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

BSmack wrote:Tom,

I have no problem with a limited 18th century style government. That is, as long as the idea of corporate personhood also disappears with the nanny state. Our overbearing nanny state is a direct response to the excesses of the corporate system. It may not be perfect, but I'll take our system now over working 18 hours a day for less than subsistence wages in a company town.
Perhaps the "bogey man" of a Socialist New World Order, to which some think we're heading is similiar to the "bogey man" of some Oliver Twist type existence. Clearly both aren't out of the realm of possibility without vigilance on both ends. But it would seem as if we're careening towards the former rather than seeking a stable orbit held tight by the intertia of labor and conservative working from each others perspectives.

So what do we do ?

Paul's guide - I'm sold - is the right guide, the fulcrum upon which our balance must be set. Specifically,

• Limited government power - NOT eradicated federal government power - limited.
• A balanced budget - I know you agree. Balanced through solely funding the necessary functions of the Federal government
• Personal liberty - Goes way beyond the Patriot Act. Personally, I don't know if Paul is suggesting this, stop trying to regulate morality. That is not government's job.
• Strict adherence to the Constitution - There really is no other way. Had we strictly adhered to it, the outcome would have been the same, and the addiction to twisting it to our needs wouldn't exist.
• Sound money - I am sure you agree.
• A strong defense while avoiding all undeclared wars - No question. My position has been, we fucked this up a long time ago, is it as simple as Humongous just said "Just walk away" ?
• No nation-building and no policing the world - See above.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by poptart »

• Strict adherence to the Constitution - There really is no other way.
Absolutely correct.

Every time a new prez steps into office he speaks of 'unifying' the country.

The ONLY way you can begin (and it will be a long process) to unify the country is through the understanding that the only thing that DOES unify us as a people is the constitution.

Anything else is pissin' in the wind.

B.O. ain't gonna unify jack shit, and especially when he is coming at things from one extreme -- far left.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Tom In VA wrote: • Personal liberty - Goes way beyond the Patriot Act. Personally, I don't know if Paul is suggesting this, stop trying to regulate morality. That is not government's job.
The lack of adherence to this principle has been the biggest problem with the Republican Party throughout the Bush era and essentially since Reagan took office, if not earlier (that's just as far back as I can remember). I'm no political historian, so correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like the last Republican presidential candidate who actually cared about this principle was Barry Goldwater, and he lost in a fucking landslide. It really doesn't seem to be that big of a deal to most current day Republicans/conservatives. The general mentality among neo-cons is "If you're not doing bad stuff, you shouldn't have anything to worry about." Even the ones who agree with this principle seem willing to concede it for lower taxes or whatever carrot they're dangling in front of you.

So now we have the Patriot Act, an unwinnable drug war that has put countless non-violent "offenders" behind bars, bigotry written into state constitutions, and speed cameras going up every 2-3 miles to take your picture when you go 11 fucking miles over the speed limit. Screw it. Why not just put cameras on every goddamn street corner in America. Who cares who's watching you or listening to your conversations? If you're not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about, right?
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Dinsdale »

mvscal wrote:The point that Paul and you overlook is that Law serves no purpose other than to regulate/codify the prevailing morality of the society in question.
How you, a conservative, could possibly come up with this is beyond me.

While your statement is absolutely correct, to imply that you're the one who "gets it" is asinine.

Laws should function to keep people from doing horrible things to each other. Not micromanage people's daily lives.

Remember -- if you pass enough laws (the "Land of the Free" has more laws than any society in human history), you eventually make everyone a criminal.
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

I understand what you're saying mvscal but I think that "moral sense" can and should be secularized based on what is needed to facilitate liberty through fair trade and good governance. Murder, robbery, fraud, etc.. etc.. get in the way of that. It doesn't need to be based on religious notions and preconceptions of what is a "sin".
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Tom In VA »

I framed my statement incorrectly and with poorly chosen words.

I know what I'm trying to say but, I'm at a loss. To me laws should deal in inequitable treatment of each other. Murder, stealing, invading property, destroying property, fraud, etc.. etc.. etc..

For instance.

Laws do not need to delve into what position you have sex in, with whom you have sex, whether that sex was provided to you via a mutual agreement and the exchange of something of value.

Laws do not need to prohibit the drinking of booze .... they should prohibit the driving of a vehicle while drinking because that deals in inequitable treatment of each other ... just because I want to get drunk ... doesn't give me the right to relegate YOU to a wheelchair or coffin. That is inequitable.

Laws do not need to prohibit the wagering of earned money on a race, or game of chance.

Most laws have utility to governing a society. But you're right mvscal, it is based in a "moral sense".

Is it a a moral sense that often stems from a religious belief ? Was the incorrect practice of slavery deemed morally reprehensible because of peoples faith ?
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by Dinsdale »

I'll summarize my thoughts here by saying...

"What Tom just said."
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Re: Ron Paul Speaks

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Uh yeah. Like, me too and shit.
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