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Cisco Emulator Fun
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:12 am
by ElTaco
So if any of you yahooos work with Networking and Cisco in particular, you must check out GNS3 []. It is a Cisco router emulator. Yep it is the VMWare of Cisco equipment. You can actually download the Cisco IOS files from Cisco, load them up and create a network topology and off you go. You can telnet into each piece of equipment, configure it and run traffic tests through it. Really awesome!
Re: Cisco Emulator Fun
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:18 pm
by Arch Angel
I used something similar to that when I studied for my exam.....still didn't do any good because the exam scenarios were insanely hard and it doesn't help when they've changed materials right in the middle of class.
I missed it by 19 points, but I never was going to stay in the field anyway so I didn't take it again. Possibly the hardest test I ever taken in anything.
I will stick to programming, much easier.