Free Stuff
Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:16 pm
From the school bulletin:
Free camp-Let us help you with respite care! You may qualify for respite care and receive free day and overnight camps/afterschool care. Call .... if interested.
Let's all just quit our jobs and get free stuff. Soon we can get free healthcare. As of now we can get free breakfast/lunch for our kids, free before/after school care, free homework club, free after school sports, free field trips, everything free! You will also get a check from Uncle Sam every year, from what I understand. What else can we get free? Post here with your ideas.
I'll start... food stamps.
Let's do this!
Free camp-Let us help you with respite care! You may qualify for respite care and receive free day and overnight camps/afterschool care. Call .... if interested.
Let's all just quit our jobs and get free stuff. Soon we can get free healthcare. As of now we can get free breakfast/lunch for our kids, free before/after school care, free homework club, free after school sports, free field trips, everything free! You will also get a check from Uncle Sam every year, from what I understand. What else can we get free? Post here with your ideas.
I'll start... food stamps.
Let's do this!