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Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:29 pm
by Mrs. Vogel
I know you say you've been working hard on the relationship, but it's OVER!
I still love you, but things have been really bad for a long time now!
I know Rev. Handley warns us against profanitites, but you're a SHIT!!!!!!!!
God gave us a gift, Dan! We're supposed to seek solace in each other's arm. Dan, you never look at me these days! I am a REAL WOMAN, Dan. I think you still are looking at those awful websites - in fact, I KNOW you are! The FBI agents have told me. I kept it to myself for so long...but they're starting to wink at each other, and I know they are mocking me!
I will finally be honst with you now, Dan - I've ben with other men! It's true, I wasn't a virgin when we were married. My first boyfreind and I DID have sex, and I've never forgotten it! In a lot of ways, I feel like we've never really had sex, dan. you always seemed so distnt and rushed. You never liked how wet I got - I CAN'T HELP IT!!! It's how jesus made me, dan
Also...I have to tell you, that mexican who comes every other week to look at our history books, we have made love. he's rogh, and he always asks funny questions about our pets, but ... i think I love him!
Dan, I am gouing to get together my things and go. we're linked forever, bear-bear...but I have needs, and I have to live my life!
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:33 pm
by indyfrisco
Don't put any stock into it that Dan will have sex with you for the next 7 days. If on the 8th day he still wants you, know it is genuine.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:04 pm
by Screw_Michigan
RACK the Vogel bitch!
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:01 pm
by Goober McTuber
Mrs. Vogel wrote:You never liked how wet I got - I CAN'T HELP IT!!! It's how jesus made me, dan
Sounds like a nice idea for a t-shirt:
“Jesus makes me wet.”
I know poptart and bco would buy a couple.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:47 pm
by Louis Cyphre
Um.. why didn't you ask her any funny questions about their pets just now?
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:08 pm
by Imus
This is great. We've got video of Mrs. Vogel pulling a blow job train on the instructors at her last sensitivy training. She paid $2,000 for a bukake bliss weekend. In the men's shitter.
Which lawyer wants to buy it.
Don't ask how we got the tape.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 10:29 pm
by Mrs. Vogel
Dan, SCREW YOU for making me turn to this board in order to reach out to you. You won't talk to me at home, what choice have you given me?
People have stuffed my messagebox with support and phone numbers. Some of them are even toll-free. I even got a pic from an african-american - of his crank! his pubes look like tiny little piles of dogshit, so i'll pass. I have OPTIONS now, dan. I don't have to beg the g-men to motorboat my clit when I'm horny any longer.
mvscal, don';t believe for a second that i'll take your side in this. we've had our litlte fling, that's ALL it is. I knoe that now.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:54 am
by Dan Vogel
What is this garbage? I see how this board is where some of you take a pleasure in tearing people down. I'm a big man and can take it off my back. But with the warnings that have already been given about investigations from police and FBI to some members of this board when threats were made against my family I can't believe I see this when I log on today. The moderators can delete this thread right now if you know what is good for you. LEAVE MY FAMILY OUT OF YOUR DISCUSSIONS PERIOD.
I wasn't going to bring it up anymore because no legal action came from it. But we better all remember that in fact the police and FBI monitored this board and a few specific members who I notified them about. You can joke about it if you like but that is the fact. Further the authorities assured me that a continuing observation and monitoring of this site would take place because it had been the subject of a serious citizen complaint. Go ahead and laugh right now but when that knock comes on your door you won't be the one laughing. I'm not a violent man but I can tell you that if you want to push my buttons I can change my nature too.
Delete this thread now if you want what is good.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:37 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Dan, I can see where you feel your...ummm...
position on this board may have been compromised. The ire you are expressing is quite palpable. Knowing that most members of the VogelHous (how's that bird Dan?) have had their various orifices violated by mvscal and friends must be a weight most difficult to carry. I'm certain it will takes weeks, if not months to clean and sterilize their DNA from the curtains, walls, bed linens and most household utilites.
However Dan, going to the police or the FBI might not be your best approach to your need for retribution. There are other..."avenues" you might consider. Much as I am loath to suggest such an idea, you may wish to give this pink-polo-puka-prancing porker a call.
He might just be right up your alley.
So to speak.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:37 pm
by War Wagon
But we better all remember that in fact the police and FBI monitored this board and a few specific members who I notified them about.
I'm sure the FBI has nothing better to do than be concerned about a message board full of jokers and trolls and they've taken your complaints quite seriously.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:51 pm
by Goober McTuber
Dan Vogel wrote:What is this garbage? I see how this board is where some of you take a pleasure in tearing people down. I'm a big man and can take it off my back. But with the warnings that have already been given about investigations from police and FBI to some members of this board when threats were made against my family I can't believe I see this when I log on today. The moderators can delete this thread right now if you know what is good for you. LEAVE MY FAMILY OUT OF YOUR DISCUSSIONS PERIOD.
I wasn't going to bring it up anymore because no legal action came from it. But we better all remember that in fact the police and FBI monitored this board and a few specific members who I notified them about. You can joke about it if you like but that is the fact. Further the authorities assured me that a continuing observation and monitoring of this site would take place because it had been the subject of a serious citizen complaint. Go ahead and laugh right now but when that knock comes on your door you won't be the one laughing. I'm not a violent man but I can tell you that if you want to push my buttons I can change my nature too.
Delete this thread now if you want what is good.
Gee, Dan, maybe you should ask your whore of a wife to quit posting here.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 6:24 pm
Dan, give me the bird's DIGITS, asshole. Feathers will fucking fly.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:57 pm
Dan...don't make me do this. Don't MAKE me back The Crew on this one.
Your wife is right, fucking degenerate PUSSY.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:01 am
by Bobby42
There's always chocolate.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:02 am
by Screw_Michigan
Mace wrote:What's the big deal, Dan? Hell, jtr has been fuckin' your wife for years.

The lowest of the low blows.
The Crew is a bunch of pud-smoking degenerate wannabes, but even I'm afraid of the consequences of Dan's actions if he keeps dissing the Crew.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:08 am
by Dan Vogel
Ok I had time to settle down today and this is what I understand. I spoke by phone with the agent I have had contact with since the earlier family threats were made on this board. He looked at what was posted in this thread and said that it was just some message board clowning and not something that called for any kind of action. Maybe I overreacted to it. That's all fine and good but as long as we got on this subject I will inform you of the rest of my talk with him. That is his assurance to me that just what I told you before. They continue to monitor this board and a few people in particular who did make threatening comments to my children. Reason is that board operators have access to IP information and can possibly locate addresses of board members. If threats have been made they are no different than any kind of threat that we might get in a real life situation. Serious and harmful things have happened to innocent people in this age of the internet and we've seen news stories about them. The agencies take this thing seriously. So just think before you try to take a real threat tone to another member. It's a bad thing.
I don't have anything good to say about this stupid thread topic. Someone who has never grown up. Sad.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:38 am
by War Wagon
Dan, this isn't your cup of tea.
Consider yourself run.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:53 am
by KC Scott
Dan Vogel wrote: I spoke by phone with the agent
Hijack thread time
3 Best Agents

Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:06 am
by Mrs. Vogel
Dan, don't you even CARE? if you're not careful, the disrespet you've shown our elationship will come to define it. All of the memries e had will turn bad!
I'm starting to like the anal with the mexican more and more. Is this where we saw ourselfs heading after the good feelings we shared from the relationship weekend?
Dan, It's true, I was unfaithful to you there, too. I went with an open mind, and i want ed to work things out with you - but when I saw how glum you looked, I couldn't help it, but I started looking at other men there! Remember Marc? he grabbed me by the soda machine on a break and we kissed in ssecret! Later, when you were sleeping, I met him and he ate me down there for like a half hour straight, and I LOVED it, Dan! Marc keeps PMing me .,wants to get together, and I held off in case you saw the light, but now there's no looking back, there's no chance with you, and marc better buy some floss to get the pubes out of his teeth, 'cuz I'll be steaming up his glasses as soon as I can!
Dan, please don't trust the FBI guys, they've been making a fool out of you for months now! There only listening to you so that they can talk about how stupid you are afterward, behind youyr back! You have to understand, they don't have that much to do parked in that van out there.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:15 am
by KC Scott
Mrs. Vogel wrote: All of the memries e had will turn bad!
If there really was a Hell, I'd so be going there.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:19 am
by Mrs. Vogel
I'm not happy to post here with some of the people I'm sure Dan spent time with talking ALWAYS about college football. I think sports discussion is healthy, but what is there to talk about after maybe 10 minutes? Did Dan really want to spend more time talking with people here about that, when he could have been cookign a nice dinner for the family, or bakign something wholesome?
Does jtr spend his time doing this? Maybe he's differnt; mayb e he knows how to make a woman feel nice. that's all we want. we don't want a star-gazing freak who gets more excited talkig about college football or birds than he does when his wife puts on something frilly and nice.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:01 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Dan Vogel wrote:What is this garbage?
Garbage? Dan, YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD - I've checked the ip.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:03 pm
by Dan Vogel
R-Jack wrote:Sorry you had to find out this way Mrs. Vogel. Would giving me head make you feel better?
You've always got something to say don't you? Are you a slow learner? I'm not saying it is a fact or not because of confidential issues but you might stop and ask yourself if maybe you're not one of the people I've talked about who has been under investigation. If you were aware of all that I am you would operate differently mark my words. And not only that but if you think you can talk tough and crude because you hide behind a keyboard ok. You would never speak to my face that way. People here would never speak to my face the way they do on a board. I've always been able to handle my business. Whatever floats your boat.
Take that to heart and have a happy thanksgiving.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:34 pm
I'm starting to understand that Dan and IRIE LAGOS define "investigation" similarly.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:49 pm
by Mikey
Ze zychology of zis Dan Fugol troll and how ze mile posters on zis board are respondink to him is verrry eenterestink. From a zychoanalytical perspecteef, yes?
I sink I vill haf to study zis a bit more.
Uncle Sigmumd

Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:04 pm
you don't?
Somebody's trolling.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 5:46 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
R-Jack wrote:You sure? Weren't you able to plant a vine in her shitpipe?
Yes, and the spurting grapes it issued allowed her produce the most amazing vintage of whine.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:02 am
by Dan Vogel
I've had enough with this stupid thread. I'm leaving. Have fun in sesame street children.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:30 am
by smackaholic
mvscal wrote:I don't pick grapes...
that's nocal.
I'll go with avocado picker.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:50 am
by poptart
Dan Vogel wrote:I've had enough with this stupid thread. I'm leaving.
Dan Vogel was run.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:29 am
by Mrs. Vogel
Dan Vogel wrote:I've had enough with this stupid thread. I'm leaving. Have fun in sesame street children.
Oh, Dan, part of me started this thread to see if you would wake up and finally just GET IT. Part of me that i had been keeping under wraps what there for you, Dan...pulsing and throbbing like that vein in your temple does whenever we catch our son tongue-scrubbing the dog's crusty fur-rimmed turd pincher and then you get so mad and ashamed.
But I see it now, you've REALLY given up! All of my last tight;y-clutched hopes are DASHERD.
Things don't look good with that asshole from the relationship weekend. He finally picked up before the answering maching did the other night, and he was SO MEAN, he cursed me up and down, called me a "FAT SOW with a rotten gushing gunt", or something to that effect. Forget him.
I'm not completely destroyed yet, though. Rev. Handley still takes my calls, and I can sense the warmth in his voice, I think he probably loves me, and wants to discuss taking things to the next level. Why else would he be so nice to me, and always comformt me so well, even when I just can't stop craying on the phone? Oh Dan, why am I telling you this, you don't care anymore
But, Dan...I'm not totally without options, you should know that.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:37 am
by Mrs. Vogel
I JUST opened my eemail and to my Joy, the first one was from REV. Handley!!! he sent me a coulpe of pictures! He was being SOOOOOOOOOO sweet! oh, my, this is really something!
OOOOOOOH , he looks
so good!

Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:45 am
by Screw_Michigan
MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote:Garbage? Dan, YOU STUPID FUCKING BASTARD
Try getting a reservation at Dorcia now.
Re: Screw you, Dan, it's OVER!!!
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:36 pm
by smackaholic

Nice outfit. I think this guy used to be with the teddy boys.