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Pre-Tailgating and tailgating PET

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:32 pm
by Adelpiero
Ok, were heading to KC for Mizzou-Kansas football game. This time were doing different stuff, my buddy talked us into:

5 lb's shrimp 8-12's
2lbs of Pickled Shrimp
2lbs of Crab Salad(excellent)
2 lb's of Jimmys holiday crab dip(excellent, i get it for every family event now, I'll check where they sell it in Indy, cause i think you'll like this stuff Indyf)

i bought a nice t-bone from the butcher, so i'm set. So he brings the shrimp by, and tells me he thinks he got eazy-peel, which i learn, means their backs r cracked and deveined(usually in the bigger shrimp), and i put them in the freezer, then bring them out this afternoon to get peeled and put into aluminum foil for saturday. We'll they weren't eazy-peel, they were shelled and not deveined. So i spent close to an hour de-shitting the damn things. And these aren't like your normal shrimp, these damn things had huge turd canals, and it took forever it seemed. So now they are done, 1 packet has lemon,garlic salt,butter,garlic , the 2nd one has butter, cajan mix, and lemon. They turned out perfect last time, we'll see.

so, here's what we got so far"


shrimp depoop'd and ready for seasoning


The dips-n-sides Pickled shrimp on left, Jimmys holiday crab dip in back, and Crab salad on right


have more when i return from KC. Anyone bought a half a cow? were the cuts better than from your local butcher???? Less fat or more fat on cuts? Was offered half a cow for basically processing costs, and was curious if it's better or worse. (mo beef)

Re: Pre-Tailgating PET

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:59 am
by Cicatrix
Find out how long the side has been aged for. If its 14 days take it. Longer....fucking pounce on it now. Anything less then 14 and you are not getting decent enough beef even for just processing cost. My out-laws have a hobby farm and so I get piles of free beef. Trouble is that the processing place is so back up with cows to slaughter that they dont have space to age it long enough...or long enough for me anyway. Its OK, cuz its cheap but could be way better.

Getting in on a side of well aged cow is a sweet deal if you can get it.

Re: Pre-Tailgating PET

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:30 pm
by Goober McTuber
Adelpiero wrote:So he brings the shrimp by, and tells me he thinks he got eazy-peel, which i learn, means their backs r cracked and deveined(usually in the bigger shrimp), and i put them in the freezer, then bring them out this afternoon to get peeled and put into aluminum foil for saturday. We'll they weren't eazy-peel, they were shelled and not deveined.

Looks to me like that shrimp is not shelled at all.

Re: Pre-Tailgating PET

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:08 pm
by Adelpiero
it wasn't i had to shell it, and devein it.

they were supposed to be eazy-peels, but he ordered the wrong shit.

Re: Pre-Tailgating PET

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:27 pm
by Goober McTuber
Adelpiero wrote:it wasn't i had to shell it, and devein it.

they were supposed to be eazy-peels, but he ordered the wrong shit.
Sorry, but you said "they were shelled and not deveined." Just wanted to make sure you didn't eat the shells.

Re: Pre-Tailgating PET

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 3:45 am
by War Wagon
adel, I like seafood, especially crab legs, but it's not exactly my choice of tailgating grub.
Adelpiero wrote: So i spent close to an hour de-shitting the damn things. And these aren't like your normal shrimp, these damn things had huge turd canals...
I'll now never eat another boiled spiced shrimp w/o envisioning "huge turd canals".

Was offered half a cow for basically processing costs, and was curious if it's better or worse. (mo beef)
Dude, you do realize it's deer season?

Re: Pre-Tailgating PET

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:35 am
by Adelpiero
ok, pics from tailgating. started grilling at 8:15am, right as the snow started falling again!

shrimp on grill in foil

t-bone and pork loin on grill

tboner and loins grilling

Tboner done

pork done

shrimp on plate

shrimp in butter,garlic salt, lemon mix

shrimp in cajun,butter mix

dat be it too lazy to downsize the pics for the KU-MU PET

Re: Pre-Tailgating and tailgating PET

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:26 pm
by War Wagon
Good looking grub adel, especially that T-bone. Got any pics from the game?

Re: Pre-Tailgating PET

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:44 pm
by Goober McTuber

Damn, Adel, have a little shrimp with your butter. What do you call that dish? Shrimp Angina? I’d skewer those bad boys for the grill and just brush a little seasoned butter on them as they cooked.

Re: Pre-Tailgating and tailgating PET

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:44 pm
by Adelpiero
until i bought that $19 gas grill(which works perfect, a must for all tailgaters and hunters), we never had enough room to do shit, with just the 1 grill. And i wasn't sure how the new grill would work, i mean $19 gas grill? i wasn't expecting much at all, i was expecting 1/3 of grill to work, rest no flame, cold-hot spots all over. Instead, it worked perfect, as well as the other grill, a definite great find.

we'll probably do some skewers next time(next season)

Re: Pre-Tailgating and tailgating PET

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:08 pm
by Adelpiero
War Wagon wrote:Good looking grub adel, especially that T-bone. Got any pics from the game?
calm the fark down. i have to cut down every pic, and i have close to 200pics. they are like 5meg per picture. so ihave to cut everyone of them down to save.

i'm working on it now.