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Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:11 am
by Left Seater
To bad they don't include an address. I would pay to ship my trash to his house.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:06 pm
by smackaholic
He lives in LA and he has a basement? Must live on a hillside, in which case, he's just a good rain or two away from having his whole fukking house recycled.

Rack the penn and teller video, btw. They should have come to my neighborhood. We have a cute little green plastic box to putt all our recyclables into. A big motherfukking diesel spewing truck stops by ever week to empty the handful of shit that fits into it.

Yeah, that makes sense.

The only way recycling things like plastic and paper might make sense, is if you have an efficient way to collect them. Otherwise it is a fukking joke.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:02 pm
by Wolfman
We recycle here in Lee county FL---paper, cardboard, cans, glass and plastic bottles. I have no problem with that. Our trash all goes to building a mountain of "solid waste" out in the boonies. Was it that long ago when we called them dumps and not "sanitary land-fills" ?
During "The War" (that would be WW2 folks) we saved our "tin cans" and someone picked them up, allegedly going to build tanks and planes. I think most of that stuff ended up in a dump--the government wanting stateside people to feel they were helping the war effort. Yes, I remember that and rationing. My Dad walked to work, so he could save his gasoline to go trout fishing. The man had his priorities straight ! Somewhere I still have a ration coupon book. Butter, sugar, and shoes were rationed too.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:47 pm
by smackaholic
We need to have a shit take recycling center for folks like let's turd. Just throw them all in a heap, shuffle through it a bit and see if you can maybe come up with something decent every month or so.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:11 pm
by Dinsdale
I used to live by a PRIVATE recycling center. I'd save all my recyclibles, and load them up and drop them off when I went by there (right off the freeway).

Itwas a great system, and sometimes there was a line to get to some of the dumpsters. The company began to invest heavily in compactors to make it profitable.

But then, the Big Government that you people have fully endorsed decided that the government should subsidize recycling, which effectively created a government monopoly, and have essentially driven private recyclers out of business.

Let's look at the milk jug example...

There's companies that make plastic milk jugs. This is how they make money. Figure that once their manufacturing plant is set up with machinery, certain expenses are constant -- labor, and basic operational costs. The variable is their raw materials, which is petroleum products.

Now, if it took less energy and resources to make a milk jug out of old milk jugs than it is to make a new one from scratch...

Wouldn't the corporations that make milk jugs be doing just that?

Why yes, yes it would. Basic fucking supply/demand economics.

And a private company like I used to frequent had obviously figured out a way to make a few bucks by making recycling efficient and easy.

Equipping everyone with a plastic bin and picking up the shit curbside (which has been going on here for well over a decade) isn't a break-even proposition.

Big Government is now destroying the environment.

Wanna save the planet? Throw that fucking milk jug in the fucking trash. If there was zero participation, Big Brother would get the fuck out of the recycling business, and it would be returned to the private sector, where it belongs, and will operate efficiently, since profotablity leaves a private business no other choice.

Sure, old habits die hard... I still recycle, on the false hope that the infrastructure will improve and make it work... but I know it won't. It's mostly just to save space in the garbage can and avoid extra fees at this point.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:25 pm
by smackaholic
there is one type of recycling program that might make sense. it is called single stream. you put all your shit into one big container, the truck picks it up curbside and it all ends up going through an automated sorting process. not sure how well this process sorts shit, but, most people don't sort themselves very well. i know i don't, since the laughable container they provide doesn't hold a quarter of the recyclables. and it eliminates atleast one extra big ass truck driving by my house a week.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:34 pm
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:there is one type of recycling program that might make sense. it is called single stream. you put all your shit into one big container, the truck picks it up curbside and it all ends up going through an automated sorting process.

Been doing that shit here for a long time... but as far as Big Government liberalism controling, we're fucking years "ahead" of you fucks.

We have an extra trash can (the kind that the robot arm dumps into the truck). It doesn't do glass, though. That goes in the old fashioned bins, and they laugh off the scheduled pickups, so it sits next to the curb often for weeks on end.

But the automated sorting process doesn't hit for a very good average. I don't have exact numbers, but when I've heard them brought up on the news or wherever, it's not too terribly impressive.

Because if the government is hell-bent on destroying private industry and monopolizing recycling, heaven forbid they use prison labor to sort that shit.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:40 pm
by Kierland
88 wrote:Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides?

I couldn't care less.
Way to talk in circles you stupid fuckhole.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:57 pm
by smackaholic
Dinsdale wrote:
smackaholic wrote:there is one type of recycling program that might make sense. it is called single stream. you put all your shit into one big container, the truck picks it up curbside and it all ends up going through an automated sorting process.

Been doing that shit here for a long time... but as far as Big Government liberalism controling, we're fucking years "ahead" of you fucks.

We have an extra trash can (the kind that the robot arm dumps into the truck). It doesn't do glass, though. That goes in the old fashioned bins, and they laugh off the scheduled pickups, so it sits next to the curb often for weeks on end.

But the automated sorting process doesn't hit for a very good average. I don't have exact numbers, but when I've heard them brought up on the news or wherever, it's not too terribly impressive.

Because if the government is hell-bent on destroying private industry and monopolizing recycling, heaven forbid they use prison labor to sort that shit.
yeah, seems to me that prisoners would be perfect for such a miserable shit job. let them keep what ever smokes they find as a fringe benefit.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:51 am
by Dan Vogel
Dave Chameides is doing a great thing. He should not be criticized he should be given a medal. If he is making you angry or uncomfortable then I would say he is making his point. People need to stop living like pigs. It's not that hard to make changes of habit and do your part to help our enviornment and planet. Just don't be so self centered and lazy. If we need to tax people for the weight of their garbage then that might have to be the way to go in the future if people can't get the message.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:09 pm
by smackaholic
Seems to me that P&T nailed it.

Recycling aluminum makes all the sense in the world. Other things may actually be worse for the environment to recycle because the recycling stock is so contaminated with other shit that you have to process the hell out of it.

I think that places like where I work that general literally tons of waste paper on a daily basis, can probably make recycling work, both on an economic and environmental basis. But, people putting a handful of miscellaneous shit into a cute little green plastic container, so a big ass diesel rig can pick it up curbside, are wasting their time, others money and further damaging the environment.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:30 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Wolfman wrote:Somewhere I still have a ration coupon book.

Goodie! Would you mind terribly if I sent you a "shit post" ration coupon book?

Every time you're thinking of mashing the submit button, you have to send $4.39, a hand written copy of your shit post, and a coupon from your shitty booklet to The Deciders and they will process your takes for you.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 1:45 am
by Smackie Chan
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:
Wolfman wrote:Somewhere I still have a ration coupon book.
Goodie! Would you mind terribly if I sent you a "shit post" ration coupon book?

Every time you're thinking of mashing the submit button, you have to send $4.39, a hand written copy of your shit post, and a coupon from your shitty booklet to The Deciders and they will process your takes for you.
Which, of course, would be a win-win for everyone concerned from a simple economic standpoint.

The amount of energy and resources required to transform or recycle a Wolfie post into something - anything - of any value to anyone is inherently cost-prohibitive and, therefore, would not be expended unless the gov't got involved. I doubt even our elected officials (or The Deciders) could find a compelling reason to do something that idiotic. So Wolfcorky would get the satisfaction of excreting a shit post and submitting it, The Deciders would be $4.39 richer each time, and none of us would have to endure seeing it.

It's brilliant, I tell ya.

Re: Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:44 pm
by Kierland
88 wrote:
Kierland wrote:
88 wrote:Don't You Just Hate Fuckers Like Dave Chameides?

I couldn't care less.
Way to talk in circles you stupid fuckhole.
Way to stand on your tip toes and talk directly into my navel, you take-less fuck-midget.
Care to actually comment on why you were talking in circle you brainless fuckstain or in the very least direct you shitty smack at me and not some figment of your imagination?