Hope you all had a great day. Right now I'm fixing the prime rib dinner while the wimmenfolk are watching opera DVDs on the new 52" TV, as they have been doing all day. I'll get my chance to play my Zep and Van Morrison shows eventually.
Right now I'm just extremely thankful to have a family that's all together for the holidays, and healthy (well, I'm feeling pretty fuckked up physically right now but it could be worse). My job hasn't been impacted by the economic slump, at least not yet. In fact we had a record year. The OL works in the same office that I work in and we commute together. Lucky for me, we actually enjoy being together.
Tomorrow I'm going around to these places and writing $500 checks:
Fallbrook Food Pantry
Fallbrook Land Conservancy (buying up land to preserve as open space)
Fallbrook Music Society (promoting music education in local elementary schools)
I've never done anything quite like this before, but we got some extra $$ this year when everybody else seems to be suffering and we feel like we should be helping out, because we can. In my limited experience, local charities provide by far the most bang for your buck.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:35 am
by Wolfman
Fallbrook Land Conservancy (buying up land to preserve as open space)
Open space for what ?? Probably preventing others from building near you ?? Nice Christmas thought.
At least you're probably giving more to charity than most lefty libs.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:43 am
by Mikey
My God and GOD you really are a dumbfuck asshole aren't you?
You have a problem with buying land at MARKET PRICES to preserve as parks and open spaces? Preserving native habitat and providing hiking trails? You consider this to be "preventing others from building near you"? OK I guess you're right. We don't need parks or open space. No useful purpose, after all. We should just fill every square foot with houses and condos.
Tell you what James. You really do need to just slink off somewhere and die.
Merry XMAS dickwad.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:48 am
by Screw_Michigan
You could just cut ME a $500 check. It would be much appreciated.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:52 am
by Mikey
Screw_Michigan wrote:You could just cut ME a $500 check. It would be much appreciated.
I would. I really would.
But I know that you'd feel cheapened by it and I wouldn't want that to come between us.
Besides, you're not tax deductible.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:00 am
by RumpleForeskin
Mikey wrote:...you really are a dumbfuck asshole aren't you?
Happy happy joy joy!
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:15 am
by Mikey
Mace, if I thought you'd move in next door I'd run our asshole neighbors and their worthless yappy shit dogs out of here in a flash. You move in and I'll put a gate in the fence and you can use the pool any time you want...except for mornings when the OL and I are sleeping in.
Merry Christmas my friend.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:42 am
by Mikey
Mace wrote: How do you feel about floaters in the pool?
That would put an immediate end to your priveleges. The gate would be locked. Sorry but we have to run a tight ship here.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:50 am
by War Wagon
Mikey wrote:
Tomorrow I'm going around to these places and writing $500 checks:
Fallbrook Food Pantry
Fallbrook Land Conservancy (buying up land to preserve as open space)
Fallbrook Music Society (promoting music education in local elementary schools)
I've never done anything quite like this before, but we got some extra $$ this year when everybody else seems to be suffering and we feel like we should be helping out, because we can. In my limited experience, local charities provide by far the most bang for your buck.
How you spend your money is your business and props for the donations to any sort of cause... but seriously, Land Conservancy and Music Society? These don't qualify as "charities" in my book.
But you're right about one thing. Many people are suffering. So being the left wing liberal fag that you are, you're ostentaciously giving money to idiotic causes... going around writing checks...whilst giving yourself a message board reach around. LOOK AT ME! I'M GIVING MONEY AWAY... BECAUSE I CAN. EVERYBODY LOVE ME WHILE I EAT PRIME RIB!
Truth be known, you're most likely a lying sack of shit and aren't donating a fucking dime of your windfall to charity, assuming you aren't also lying about the supposed windfall.
But even if you aren't lying, most charitable donors choose to remain anonymous. Something about staying in the closet and getting their reward in heaven instead.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:56 am
by Screw_Michigan
Promoting musical education in schools isn't a fucking charitable cause, Whitey? Are you seriously that fucking stupid? Jesus fucking Christ.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:57 am
by Dinsdale
Rack you, Mikey, and happy fucking holidays.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:04 am
by War Wagon
Screw_Michigan wrote:Promoting musical education in schools isn't a fucking charitable cause?
In your case, no amount of charity would suffice. Mikey would be better off taking that money to Vegas.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:11 am
by Mikey
Wags -
Sorry if I come off looking like I'm propping myself. That was not really my intent.
I thought that maybe my post might inspire one or more of the other losers around here to consider donating to their charity of choice. We are truly living in hard times right now and organizations that depend on donations are taking the hit prolly harder than most anybody else. If you want to think that I'm just trying to stroke my own ego, then so be it. But after that maybe you'll consider going out and dropping $5 in the next Salvation Army kettle you see.
As for the Fallbrook Music Society, you really don't know WTF you're talking about. Prolly 30% or more of the residents here fall under the poverty line. A lot of schools are discontinuing music education but our K-8 district has an incredibly successful music program supported in large part by donated instruments. When my kids were in middle school there was a a concert band, a cadet band and a beginning band with a total of over 300 students. It's been shown that learning music and proficiency in math go hand in hand. I happen to believe also that giving kids the opportunity to develop an appreciation for all types of music is a worthy cause. If you disagree, fine. But GFY. And then go out and donate to any charity that you feel is worthy.
If the fact that I'm a lot more successful in life than you are makes you jealous, then that's cool. You see, I happen to believe that I am a more intelligent, cultured and overall better person than you are. You are a fucking loser and you show it in everything that you do. I have more brains, more money and a better family than you do. That makes me feel pretty good, but not especially good because I realize you set an extremely low bar to compare to. I'm not really that great, but compared to you I'm a both genius and a saint.
Merry Christmas.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:45 am
by War Wagon
Mikey wrote:
Sorry if I come off looking like I'm propping myself. That was not really my intent.
And then you go on to do just exactly that.
On the surface, you're really enamored with your life Mikey. Nothing wrong with that, but methinks you're somehow pretty dissatisfied. Thus the need to constantly reinforce how great you've got it to others on a message board.
Good that you mentioned the Salvation Army. That is one of my favorite charities and one that I drop some change into everytime I pass the kettle.
I'd also suggest Habitat for Humanity being another worthy cause.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:49 am
by poptart
"Habitat" is pretty damn good.
... when you can keep the hamster shit cleaned out of it.
Talking about donations is not something I think needs to be mentioned, unless your stumping for your favorute i guess.
There was a guy in KC named Larry Stewart that started the secret Santa thing you now see on TV: http://www.secretsantausa.com/
I respected the hell out of him for how and why he did it.
I donate to a few charities and this year am Adding a new one ('sup Pops)
And it sure isn't to hear others tell me how great it is I do.
BTW - We had Lobsters for dinner Wags.
And in the T1B Spirit of Xmas here's a couple heartwarming stories:
I'm sure the girls are wondering if Santa is packing or just glad to see them.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:56 am
by Tom In VA
Merry Christmas team.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:41 am
by War Wagon
KC Scott wrote:
BTW - We had Lobsters for dinner Wags.
That's un-American and right up there with having Christmas dinner at night. What is wrong with you people?
To begin with... Christmas dinner is a honey baked ham, baked beans, potato salad and some bread rolls. Throw in a few deviled eggs as appetizers.
Next... if you ate after 3:00 pm, you weren't having "dinner"... you were having "supper"... or in most cases of Americans with any sense of tradition... seconds.
Sorry to have to edumacate you hopelessly ingratious 'tards this way, but get with program.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:49 am
by Screw_Michigan
I did catch myself saying supper today. Rack me? Rack Nada Surf for sure.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:12 am
by Jerkovich
Mikey wrote:Wags -
Sorry if I come off looking like I'm propping myself. That was not really my intent.
What a bunch of self proping bullshit. You are perhaps one of the most arrogant, self righious cunts on this board.
Big deal, you gave more to charity then Bidden did this year.. What a hero. There are those of us that give all year long and don't brag about it. Mike, you're a slimey little weasel that needs a kick right between the trunks.
Next time you brag a bout giving, please spare us the spread sheet, dumb ass.
Oh, btw, please keep the documentation on your wonderful contributions. The IRS is really cracking down on that stuff.
And another thing, 95% of all of the conservancy properties are fenced and "NO TRESPASSING" signs are posted.
Merry Holidays you heathen.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:38 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber
Merry Christmas!
Especially to Mikey, the only other person smart enough to read(besides me) and actually understand Eco's' 'Focaults Pendulum'.
PSU, yer still a huge tool.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:56 am
by Mikey
Jerkovich wrote: There are those of us that give all year long and don't brag about it. .
I doubt that includes you.
Jerkovich wrote:
And another thing, 95% of all of the conservancy properties are fenced and "NO TRESPASSING" signs are posted.
Not around here.
Oh, and BTW, you forgot to RACK me for being so generous.
(Merry Christmas Scott!! - but then it's not Christmas anymore where you are, is it?)
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:27 pm
by smackaholic
Rack mikey for sacking up even if it is to dumb liberal charities.
And rack his buddy wags for mentioning two of the best charities I can think of, SA and habitat.
Too bad wags doesn't have mikey's jack to throw around.
Ofcourse, with the incoming messiah, all that charity stuff will be a mute point as he will take care of it. I suspect we 'll have a sec of habitat for humanity and sec of the salvation army as full cabinet positions. Hell, we'll prolly even have a salvation navy and a salvation air force.
And to think, it'll all be funded by a slight increase in the tax rate of folks making 250K200k175k uhhh a lot.
Now, I think I'll go write checks to habitat and SA.
happy kwanikahmas to you and your shit trolls.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:04 pm
by Screw_Michigan
smackaholic wrote:dumb liberal charities
Well then, what would be a "smart conservative charity" be, suckaholic? The NRA? Exxon? The Heritage Foundation? Oh, enlightened one, please inform us.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:34 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:
War Wagon wrote:These don't qualify as "charities" in my book.
Shove your book up your ass and mind your own fucking business.
No shit.
I've always strived to be the biggest fucking asshole on the entire internet. That dream has now been crushed, since there's no way I can compete with people who are teeing off on a guy for his choice of extremely generous contributions, on Christmas day.
Don't like Mikey's charities?
Don't donate to them... which is a rather "conservative" way to go about things.
If you're looking for a name to scribble on that charitible check, consider...
Good outfit, that doesn't seem to have the high administrative spending that many do, and do a decent job of actually getting the money/help to the people in immediate need, rather than the execs.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:45 pm
by RumpleForeskin
Rack Mikey
I've always been a proponent of donating to the local communities even if the donation is going to something that isn't putting food in a mouth or a roof over a family's head.
I made a donation to a young women's program a few years back that involved teaching them basic computer skills, communication skills, and other general office reponsibilities. These young women were highschool dropouts, drug addicts, and shit like that. The kind of women that had a hanger or two shoved up their twat, but were ready to make things right. Instead of just donating clothes or feeding them, I thought it was important for them to get their education, so I donated to the cause.
Wags can go fuck himself.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:58 pm
by smackaholic
Screw_Michigan wrote:
smackaholic wrote:dumb liberal charities
Well then, what would be a "smart conservative charity" be, suckaholic? The NRA? Exxon? The Heritage Foundation? Oh, enlightened one, please inform us.
If you bothered to read my entire post, you stupid fukkin' douche, you'll notice that I pointed 2 out. Habitat for humanity and salvation army.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:05 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:Kinda humorous to see all these self-proclaimed conservatives telling other people how they should be spending their own money.
You find it "humorous," I find it "offensive."
Let's see...
Wants to PRIVATELY fund school music education... check
Wants to PRIVATELY fund the purchase and construction of new parks... check.
What a heartwarming holiday story... the guy who wears the "liberal" label around here has joined our cause.
And the "I'm a liberal-basher, but I don't really know what 'liberal' means" crew here tries to pile on?
To you "conservatives-of-convenience" -- your behavior has been noted. The next time you care to open your yaps, you will be knocked into next week, since we now know you're lying through your fucking teeth when you deride "liberals."
RACK Mikey for coming over to the Light Side of the Force.
Just think -- if you fucking asshats weren't such douchebag idiots in the voting booth, Mikey would have a great deal more money left over to commit even more generous acts... the way this country worked for about a century and a half.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:29 pm
by Derron
War Wagon wrote:
Sorry to have to edumacate you hopelessly ingratious 'tards this way, but get with program.
Bwwaaahaaa...you couldn't fucking educate a chicken...let you want to school and lecture Mikey, even the idiot he is on charitable giving ?
Sit down at the table, give thanks, pound the grub and remember we got military people all over the world away from home, with some body trying to kill them every day. My whole family was home, save for my son in Iraq, and he got to call 2 times during the day.
Props to Mikey for donating..and music in schools is a charitable cause...he can donate who wants to and how much he wants to...at least he has the financial sense to be able to do that...and if he gets off on it..props to him..
I donate too...not going to say to what, who or how much..but being able to donate is recognition enough for me..been at places and times in my life with nothing...so giving can be good.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:32 pm
by Mikey
Sorry to disappoint you guys, but I changed my mind.
I decided to spend the $$ on an oz. of blow instead.
Well, that should make Wags and wolfie happy anyway.
Well, gotta go. Don't want to be late for my appointment with Quadrevion.
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:46 pm
by Dinsdale
Mikey wrote:I decided to spend the $$ on an oz. of blow instead.
Got baking soda?
Re: Merry Christmas, ASSES.
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:48 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:
Kinda humorous to see all these self-proclaimed conservatives telling other people how they should be spending their own money.
I guess you missed this:
How you spend your money is your business and props for the donations to any sort of cause...
EAD, fuckface. And the same to Dins and Rumps.
I took exception to Mikey breaking his arm patting his own back over it, not the act itself, but I guess some dipshits didn't get that message.