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Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:29 pm
by socal ... full.story
Man in Santa suit kills at least eight at Covina party, police say
Authorities say Bruce Jeffrey Pardo, dressed in a Santa suit, opened fire at a Christmas Eve party and then set the house ablaze. He is later found dead of a gunshot wound.
By Ari B. Bloomekatz, Tami Abdollah and Joel Rubin
December 26, 2008
As he had in years past, Bruce Jeffrey Pardo volunteered to serve as an usher at his church's midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.
Pardo, however, was miles away from the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church as the religious service got underway. He had driven a rental car from his home in Montrose to the Covina home of his ex-wife's parents. Shortly before 11:30 p.m., dressed as Santa Claus, he approached the front door with a large, wrapped package.
Inside the two-story home at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, his ex-wife, her parents and about two dozen others were enjoying their annual holiday party.
An 8-year-old girl ran to answer his knock. When the door swung open, Pardo, 45, shot her in the face with a semiautomatic handgun, stepped into the house and opened fire on the revelers. Amid the chaos, he doused the house with a flammable liquid contained in the package -- a pressurized fuel tank, about 2 1/2 feet tall.
Partygoers fled in panic as the house on Knollcrest Drive went up in flames. They ran to neighbors' homes and frantically called 911. A young woman, according to a neighbor, leaped out of a second-floor window, breaking her ankle.
The 8-year-old girl and a 16-year-old girl who was shot in the back survived and were transported to local hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries, officials said. Eight bodies remained in the ruins of the house, coroner officials later said.
It was thought to be the worst single killing spree in the county this year. Overall, homicides have remained at relatively low levels compared to previous years.
The investigation, which began quickly and continued into Christmas Day, led to two other Southern California homes: Pardo's and his brother's, where Pardo was found dead. It revealed a divorce, the flammable device like the one Pardo took into the Covina home -- police said they'd never seen anything like it -- and incredulous reactions from people who knew Pardo as a reliable church usher and good, but quiet, neighbor. By late Thursday night, authorities weren't even close to identifying all the victims, although his former wife and her parents are thought to have been killed.
In Covina, police kept firefighters at bay as flames engulfed the house, believing the gunman might still be in the area. About 80 firefighters battled the blaze for an hour and a half before extinguishing it, said Los Angeles County Fire Capt. Mike Brown. The second floor of the house fell to the ground. Palm trees swayed eerily in the smoke.
Pardo had left the scene quickly, driving to his brother's house about 40 miles away in Sylmar. Shortly before 3:30 a.m., the brother summoned Los Angeles police, saying he had come home to find Pardo dead with a gunshot wound to the head. When arriving officers ran Pardo's name through a law-enforcement database, they were alerted that he was wanted by Covina police.
By 9 a.m., a pair of Covina detectives had arrived at Pardo's tan stucco house in Montrose and cordoned it off with tape. A wreath was hung on the front door and candy canes adorned the fence.
An SUV and a military-style Hummer were parked in the driveway.
In midafternoon, authorities approached the house with guns drawn, shouting, "We're police! We have a search warrant!" When no one responded, they used a battering ram to get in. More than two hours later, officers carried away four shotguns, a handgun, wrapping paper and a fuel tank like the one Pardo used in the attack.
A label on the red tank read, "," the website of a company that specializes in fueling devices for all-terrain vehicles. Buchanan, a 30-year police veteran, said the tank Pardo used in the attack was "nothing that we or the arson team had ever seen."
Recently, Pardo had been living in the Montrose home alone, said Det. Antonio Zavala. Court records show that his wife divorced him last September. He "was apparently going through a bad time in his marriage," Covina Police Lt. Pat Buchanan said.
Neighbors said that Pardo had lived in the house with his wife, Sylvia, 43, and her three children for a few years, until she and the children moved out last spring.
The family was often seen walking their dog in the neighborhood.
Pardo, several neighbors said, was a quiet, unassuming man who enjoyed tending his garden and regularly ushered at the evening Sunday Mass at Holy Redeemer.
"Bruce?" said an incredulous Jan Detanna, the head usher at the church, when told about the attack by a reporter on the phone. "I'm just -- this is shocking. He was the nicest guy you could imagine. Always a pleasure to talk to, always a big smile."
Bong Garcia, Pardo's next-door neighbor, said he last saw Pardo between 9 and 10 p.m. Christmas Eve. Pardo, who was dressed in regular clothes, said he was on his way to a party.
Pardo's former wife and her parents, Joseph Ortega, 80, and Alicia Ortega, 70, are believed to be among the dead. Authorities said Thursday afternoon that the bodies found in the house were so badly burned that dental records would be needed to identify them.
The Ortegas lived in a bucolic neighborhood -- their street lined with large homes with swimming pools, valued upward of half a million dollars.
Tom Minter, 78, who lives a few doors down from the Ortegas' house, was washing dishes when he heard a loud bang. Soon after, police SWAT officers rushed a man and two women who had been at the party into his home, sat them down in the hallway and turned off all lights in the house, Minter said. Both women were crying and the man was talking into his cellphone, saying 'They're all dead, he shot them all,' " Minter recalled.
Gazing at the scene of destruction on Christmas morning, Frank Castillo, 46, stood at the yellow police tape barrier trying unsuccessfully to obtain information about relatives he said had been at the party.
"I want to make sure [they] are OK," he said, choking back tears.
The bizarre case continued to unfold into the night. Bright lights brought in by police illuminated the crime scene in Covina. In searching the rental car in Sylmar, the L.A. County sheriff's bomb squad found a suspicious object.
As they attempted to render the object safe, the car erupted in flames, said Los Angeles Police Sgt. James Bender. Later, police evacuated houses close to Pardo's in Montrose, concerned that he might have left behind bombs.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:22 pm
by Mikey
If they had all been packing, especially the 8 YO girl, they might have stopped him.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:48 pm
by Bobby42
"So. It was him."
-Father Carmine of the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:49 pm
by Ken
How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that? Not that I'm proud of it, but I can now say I've done it. I've shaken that motherfucker's hand twice before.
Sylvia Pardo was my assistant back at our head office. I work from home in Pgh and she was my lifeline to my customers when I was busy or unavailable. She set up many of my meetings, kept the gears running smoothly for me, and helped me personally through rough times. She was the sweetest lady in the world. Had so much going for her- good looking, great daughter, and a work ethic beyond reproach.
I caught wind of this last night about 7PM when my boss called me from Cali.
Needless to say, this m-fer was royally screwed in the head. Regrettably, Sylvia did not become aware of hi 'past' until after marriage... hence the divorce. His 'past' didn't begin or end w/him disowing a son who he neglected to the point that he almost died in a swimming pool accident and to this day is severely brain damaged. Embezzlement too. Slime of the highest order.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:55 pm
by Nishlord
Ken wrote:How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that? Not that I'm proud of it, but I can now say I've done it. I've shaken that motherfucker's hand twice before.
That's grim, Ken.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 5:58 pm
by Ken
Nishlord wrote:Ken wrote:How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that? Not that I'm proud of it, but I can now say I've done it. I've shaken that motherfucker's hand twice before.
That's grim, Ken.
Grim, yes. Demented, no.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 6:47 pm
by Dinsdale
Ken wrote:How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that?
I can say that I've shaken at least 4 that I know of... which doesn't speak well of me, but 3 were neighborhood kids gone bad.
Condolences on the loss of your friend. Always a tough pill to swallow.
Honor her by being the best man you can be.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:43 pm
by smackaholic
Bong Garcia?
I can pretty much picture that dude.
As far as it being notable for being a neighborhood of homes with values over a half mil, doesn't that pretty much include anywhere in cali, within 50 miles of the coast? Even with a market downturn.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:46 pm
by Mikey
Check out Riverside County.
There are plenty of places (try looking at the MLS listings in Hemet) within 50 miles of the coast where you can get a 4 br house for under $200K.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 12:16 am
by Bobby42
mvscal wrote:Sick and stupid evidently. At least he died screaming.
A preview of much more to come.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:31 am
by Ken
[Authorities say Pardo's Santa suit actually melted onto his body before he fled.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 4:42 am
by poptart
Pardo had a meltdown before running himself.
Took a page right out of Guntslinger's book.
RACK him!
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:22 pm
by War Wagon
Ken wrote:
Needless to say, this m-fer was royally screwed in the head. Regrettably, Sylvia did not become aware of hi 'past' until after marriage... hence the divorce. His 'past' didn't begin or end w/him disowing a son who he neglected to the point that he almost died in a swimming pool accident and to this day is severely brain damaged. Embezzlement too. Slime of the highest order.
If I saw that, I would just say that's fucked up and leave it at that.
Somehow, an "at least he's not AP" doesn't work here.
What causes a man to snap like that? I'm not trying to make light of a horrific, murderous tragedy, but the final straw had to be when she got custody of the dog.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:11 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Ken wrote:How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that?
Twice . . . sort of.
One was in my eighth grade class. A decade or so later, he committed a murder.
The other: an assigned client who was on parole for Criminal Facilitation, 1st Degree. The name of the charge doesn't quite do justice in this case. What he had done: he got a 15-year-old to commit murder.
To me, he came across as a complete sociopath. The closest I've ever come to Evil Incarnate in my entire life, 'cept maybe for mvscal. I was representing him on a Criminal Mischief charge, as well as a resultant Parole Violation. It was alleged that he had slashed "a pedophile's" (his characterization, not mine) tires. He actually had the stupidity/lack of conscience to suggest that his record would actually help him in that case, since he had a record of violence toward people, but not violence toward property.
He and I didn't quite see eye-to-eye, so I got off his case in relatively short order, fortunately.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:40 pm
by Moving Sale
Between representing regular parolees and MDOs (Mentally Disorderd Offenders) I have met and talked to approx 40-50 Killers, half of whom had a murder rap. I have also done over 100 Lifer hearings with about 75% of those guys being locked up for some kind of homicide, so I have met (not sure how many of them shook my hand) well over 100 Killers.
Lots of sick shit in those police reports and trial transcripts.
Edit: Met Scott Peterson a few times never shook his hand though. I was too busy hitting on Lacy. All the stuff you heard about in the media about how nice she was was 100% true. Oh and a guy I was friends with in HS killed his parents.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:37 pm
by Mr T
I am going to guess she is like a lot of folks and didnt try to get to know the person before getting married and found out who he really was....a sick fucked up individual.
Background checks and a full credit history should be mandatory for marriages
Dude was also probably a big fan of American Psycho and Phil Collins
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 9:52 pm
by socal
Moving Sale wrote:Between representing regular parolees and MDOs (Mentally Disorderd Offenders) I have met and talked to approx 40-50 Killers, half of whom had a murder rap. I have also done over 100 Lifer hearings with about 75% of those guys being locked up for some kind of homicide, so I have met (not sure how many of them shook my hand) well over 100 Killers.
Troll stops in West Covina will do that.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:32 pm
by Cuda
Mace wrote:Ken wrote:How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that? Not that I'm proud of it, but I can now say I've done it. I've shaken that motherfucker's hand twice before.
I can think of 5 right off the top of my head, but there are probably a few more. It kinda goes with the territory.
Probation/Parole Officer
Murderers can get probation?

Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 4:56 pm
by Kierland
Mace wrote: Murderers receive a life sentence in Iowa with no parole.
You don't even know the law in your own state? How dumb are you?
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:19 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Kierland wrote:You don't even know the law in your own state? How dumb are you?
Okay Kierland, in your pea-brain, what exactly is the penalty for murder in Iowa? As Iowa doesn't have a death penalty, life in prison without parole IS the law. Of course, being as Mace has been a parole officer in Iowa almost as long as Luther has been alive, and being as the aforementioned penalty is Iowa state law, what pray tell, is the source of your "information"?
If you're going to make a statement like you did, you gutless little fella', you might want to back it up with a link.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:21 pm
by Kierland
Jay in Phoenix wrote:If you're going to make a statement like you did, you gutless little fella', you might want to back it up with a link.
I used the Interwebs. ... T/XVI.html
Took about 3 minutes to find out he was full of shit.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:26 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Specifics Kierland. Where in that link is the death penalty law?
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:29 pm
by Kierland
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Specifics Kierland. Where in that link is the death penalty law?
Hey dumbass. There is no death penalty. Who said there was? He said you get life. The link does not back that up. How dumb are YOU?
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:32 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Kierland wrote:Jay in Phoenix wrote:Specifics Kierland. Where in that link is the death penalty law?
Hey dumbass. There is no death penalty. Who said there was? He said you get life. The link does not back that you. How dumb are YOU?
My god you a fucking tool. Mace said, "Murderers receive a life sentence in Iowa with no parole." To which you drooled in reply, "You don't even know the law in your own state? How dumb are you?" The LAW in the state is LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE. So dumbfuck, which part of the statement Mace wrote is in error?
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:34 pm
by Kierland
Jay in Phoenix wrote: So dumbfuck, which part of the statement Mace wrote is in error?
The part about LWOP. You can read that link right?
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:40 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
There is no obvious heading for LWOP on that link. Just do a cut and paste and spell it out for us.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:49 pm
by Kierland
Jay in Phoenix wrote:There is no obvious heading for LWOP on that link. Just do a cut and paste and spell it out for us.
I was waiting for you to admit defeat.
Here you go dumbass.
"Murder in the second degree is a class "B" felony. However, notwithstanding section 902.9, subsection 2, the maximum sentence for a person convicted under this section shall be a period of confinement of not more than fifty years."
Not more than 50 does not equal life w/o parole (LWOP).
You're welcome.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:55 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
That's for murder in the 2nd degree. We are talking about 1st degree here, the case to which Mace was addressing. However, 50 years without parole for most people is a "life" sentence.
Try again.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:06 pm
by Kierland
Jay in Phoenix wrote: We are talking about 1st degree here, the case to which Mace was addressing.
Bullshit. We are talking about shaking hands with murderers.
Cuda:Murderers can get probation?
Mace: Only if the charge has been reduced to manslaughter. Murderers receive a life sentence in Iowa with no parole.
My link: Murderers can get LESS THAN 50 years.
You: [Throw-up on keyboard.]
You do know what the word "only" means right?
You do know what the words "not more than" mean right?
Nice try you vapid fucko.
However, 50 years without parole for most people is a "life" sentence.
Can you fucking read? It is one simple, declarative sentence. It says you can not get more than 50. It doesn't say you get 50 w/o parole, it says not more than 50. 5 is not more than 50 and lots of dudes live for more than 5 years after they commit a murder.
Face it tard in your zeal to hang from mace's sack you fucked this one up.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:18 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Spin spin spin little top. The subject we are talking about is MURDER. Not manslaughter. And not shaking hands. Murder.
In Iowa, an individual who commits "manslaughter" may get parole. An individual who commits MURDER in the 1st degree gets life without parole.
Kierland wrote:Cuda:Murderers can get probation?
Mace: Only if the charge has been reduced to manslaughter. Murderers receive a life sentence in Iowa with no parole.
My link: Murderers can get LESS THAN 50 years.
Once again dumbfuck, 1st degree, not 2nd, as per your link. Try to stay on the specifics of the act and not spin it to fit your need to follow Mace's posts around like a ankle-biting chiguagua. Read your own words idiot, or do you not understand the difference between manslaughter and murder? Or the 1st or 2nd degree?
Try again dumbfuck.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:33 pm
by Kierland
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Spin spin spin little top.
Projection much?
The subject we are talking about is MURDER.
Which includes 2deg. Something mace said you get life for.
And not shaking hands.
Oh really?
Ken: How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand?
Mace: I can think of 5 right off the top of my head...
Cuda: Murderers can get probation?
You: [Puke on keyboard]
Me: Ha! Ha!
An individual who commits MURDER in the 1st degree gets life without parole.
You were the first person to bring up 1st deg and you did it to try and run from your idiotic statements from the last page of this thread.
Once again dumbfuck, 1st degree, not 2nd, as per your link.
Says who? Show me one reference to mace talking about 1st deg. Just one.
Read your own words idiot, or do you not understand the difference between manslaughter and murder? Or the 1st or 2nd degree?
Do you understand that 2nd deg murder is murder?
Try again dumbfuck.
More projection you stupid fuckhole?
Face it. mace fucked up. He posted something that just isn't true and you ran with it thus fucking up yourself. You are one stupid asshole.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:03 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Let's go back to the beginning, since you are too stupid to figure this out. The now-dead (thankfully) cretin Pardo, who is the subject of the article to which this thread is about, committed murder in the 1st degree. Several times. Mace addressed this by saying that a murderer in the state of Iowa gets life without parole. The lesser crime of manslaughter may result in parole. What part of this is sailing over your pointed head? You keep spinning on your own idiocy like a retarded dervish.
Mace didn't need to specify the degree, it was obvious. But he never said "You get life for 2nd degree murder." You keep trying to classify the atrocities by Pardo as manslaughter. (Yeah yeah, I know you didn't specifically say that, but it is painfully implied, just as what Mace wrote was implied.) Once again, 2nd degree murder is indeed murder, but it is a classification of a LESSER crime. It would be impossible for the Pardo scenario to be anything other than the capital offense of murder in the FIRST DEGREE. Of course, as you cannot differentiate the various degrees of a criminal act, it would be just as impossible for you to understand any of this.
Don't fret little Queerland, Mace will be around in short order to set you straight. (If that's humanly possible.) In the interim, go suck on a box of rocks, read the laws of your link a bit more carefully and maybe, just maybe, a neuron or two might just activate in that water-logged sock of yours that you refer to as a 'brain'.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:43 pm
by Dinsdale
Sudden Sam wrote:Dinsdale wrote:Ken wrote:How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that?
I can say that I've shaken at least 4 that I know of... which doesn't speak well of me, but 3 were neighborhood kids gone bad.
Living where you do, you could hardly avoid shaking hands with a least a dozen serial killers daily!
The U&L killer of note at present --
He's on the hook for the very high-profile Wilberger murder, but there's plenty of law enforcement across the country that's looking at him for all kinds of missing chicks... they think he might have racked up a death toll across the country.
At one time, back when we were kids, my Dad kinda took Joel under his wing. Dad always thought there was something sinister going on in the Courtney house. Joel used to eat dinner with us and whatnot. Haven't really seen him much since high school.
Apparently, Dad's efforts were in vain.
My other neighbor kid from a few houses down is getting sent down the river for killing a person or two. I knew Pat wasn't quite right when he described having to have a marble extracted from his sinus in the hospital. When those of us listening to the tale seemed incredulous as to how a person could get a marble so far up their nose that it required hospitalization...
He demonstrated it for us... right before his mother carted him off to the hospital for another marble extraction...
No joke.
So parents -- if your child keeps shoving marbles up his nose, based on personal observation, you might wanna get them into some sort of therapy.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:47 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
Dinsdale wrote:So parents -- if your child keeps shoving marbles up his nose, based on personal observation, you might wanna get them into some sort of therapy.
Well damn, that explains Kierland now. Thanks Dins.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:21 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
Terry in Crapchester wrote:Ken wrote:How many in here have shaken a murderer's hand? Who can say that?
Twice . . . sort of.
One was in my eighth grade class. A decade or so later, he committed a murder.
The other: an assigned client who was on parole for Criminal Facilitation, 1st Degree. The name of the charge doesn't quite do justice in this case. What he had done: he got a 15-year-old to commit murder.
To me, he came across as a complete sociopath. The closest I've ever come to Evil Incarnate in my entire life, 'cept maybe for mvscal. I was representing him on a Criminal Mischief charge, as well as a resultant Parole Violation. It was alleged that he had slashed "a pedophile's" (his characterization, not mine) tires. He actually had the stupidity/lack of conscience to suggest that his record would actually help him in that case, since he had a record of violence toward people, but not violence toward property.
He and I didn't quite see eye-to-eye, so I got off his case in relatively short order, fortunately.
Upon further review, I have to modify this statement slightly.
I also represented a client who had been charged with murder but acquitted. Ironically, he had been involved in the same murder as my 8th grade classmate. Btw, this guy (my client) had gone to the same high school I did and was two years ahead of me in high school. He was responsible for one of the running jokes on our football team -- "But coach, I gots a career to think about." (He actually said that. Fortunately, the coaches were somewhat in on the joke, at least they knew the reference. I'd prolly still be running laps today if they thought I meant it.)
Anyhoo, I was in law school out of the area at the time, but from what I heard later, he apparently was the driver for this particular deal. He wound up getting acquitted because he never left the vehicle, and apparently, all that was proved was that he knew his cohorts were going to confront the guy who ended up dead. He didn't know, or at least it wasn't proved that he knew, that they intended to kill him or otherwise commit a crime. But at the time of his arrest, they found all sorts of drugs on him. So he was acquitted of murder, convicted of possession of a controlled substance, and did state time.
Dude later ended up paralyzed from the waist down due to a tumor that grew on his spine and crushed a portion of his spinal cord before it could be removed. Jail and prison officials denied him any medical treatment, even after he told them he couldn't feel his legs or walk, until he swallowed some batteries in a suicide attempt. He wound up suing both the state and the county and won about a gazillion dollars. The lawyer who represented him on the personal injury case later got suspended over an unrelated matter.
Since he was acquitted of murder, I guess he's not technically a murderer. Accused murderer, though.
Re: Sick Motherfucker
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:09 pm
by Mikey
Jay in Phoenix wrote:Dinsdale wrote:So parents -- if your child keeps shoving marbles up his nose, based on personal observation, you might wanna get them into some sort of therapy.
Well damn, that explains Kierland now. Thanks Dins.
I think the kid ripped the "up his nose" idea from an early Cheech and Chong routine.