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U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:04 pm
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:38 pm
by RumpleForeskin
At least they're not AP.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:39 pm
I eagerly await the news of Dinsdale assaulting an owner of such a chariot.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:39 pm
by smackaholic
I can see lil' U&L hipster dude rolling along on his rotti powered skateboard....till fido spots a cat or another dog. Something tells me the directional stability of that rig is gonna suffer just a bit. Oughta be good for a few laughs though.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:42 pm
by RumpleForeskin
No shit. What fucking dog takes a straight line on a sidewalk without stopping to sniff evaporated piss left by a k-9 just hours before?
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:43 pm
Does Derron own a chihuahua?
Good times.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:46 pm
by RumpleForeskin
If I attached my dog to one of those things, I'd probably end up with four speeding tickets and a cracked dome.
Yes....good times.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:46 pm
Just invite your wife for a ride - should provide an anchoring effect.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:47 pm
by RumpleForeskin
PSUFAN wrote:Just invite your wife for a ride - should provide an anchoring effect.
Why do you hate dogs?
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:49 pm
Got any better ideas for moving her around? Apart from brandishing a weight-watchers kit around her, that is...
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:54 pm
by RumpleForeskin
PSUFAN wrote:Got any better ideas for moving her around?
Here's to another failed New Year's resolution.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:11 am
by Derron
PSUFAN wrote:Does Derron own a chihuahua?
Good times.
Nope..Lab and a Border collie...all ready have a harness for the Lab...the OL hooks her up to her garden cart and takes some of the edge off could pull a fucking car I think..
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:21 am
by smackaholic
Sounds about like a lab.
Fukkers are just full of energy and want to do one thing. Run.
I had one about 16 years ago. Lasted almost a year. One night he decided to run off....right up to rt. 9 where he head butted a chevy. Sukked. I'd love to have another lab, but am afraid it would end the same way.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:24 am
by Q, West Coast Style
PSUFAN wrote:U&L Brilliance
When you have a region comprised of so many pot smokers you're bound to see strokes of such genious.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 8:14 pm
by Dinsdale
Oh, dear.
I'll forgive your ignorance of the U&L dynamic.
That company is in YesDebinatelyLand.
Those of us who make the rules here in the U&L Capital will
occasionally acknowledge Bend as a peripheral member of the U&L, on the rare occasions they make a positive contribution to society. But until we grant them they're occasional waiver, Bend is generally considered to be a Midwestern/Flyover city.
The land of sagebrush and scrubgrass.
smackaholic wrote:I can see lil' U&L hipster dude rolling along on his rotti powered skateboard....
I can't see that. Hipster dork (who is from the Midwest, as a general rule, and they sure the fuck ain't from here) doesn't own littledick dogs. The two are pretty much mutually exclusive.
Littledick dog is usually paired with littledick truck (I'm guessing it's that way where you live, too). 'Round these parts, the littledick dog/truck pairing has another feature -- its owner lives in a methlab, and isn't too fond of black people. These people are a great deal more prevalent when you cross the Creek to the Couv, where being a lowlife scumbucket is a badge of honor.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:59 pm
by Atomic Punk
RumpleForeskin wrote:At least they're not AP.
Good thing too. Dude, I don't lower myself via cranes, step ladders, or any device to position myself to fuck a fatty like you admit. I would say "Whatever floats your boat" and all, but fat actually does float so you have an out to my statement.
Why do people fuck fatties? Why? Why not just jump in a luke-warm inflatable pool so common in your area and jerk off? I imagine it must be the same feeling/sensation. Then you go ahead and marry THAT?
Not sure if PUSFAG or MPerk are still loaning out reinqueer trolls, but if you lick ass enough as evidenced in this thread alone, then maybe you can come up with a jingle that's only 2 years old? Hell, why not suck PUSFAG off and lease a shit troll in lieu of a hog wife from the hog farmer you work for?
Just come up with a Xmas jingle and insert the following to make tards laugh... Ready?
AP, jizz, mirror, panties, and U-Haul.
That's all you need to make the dullest of the dullards here to rack you and laugh while they hope they aren't in the next jingle. 4 terms, and you will have PUS and PerkMarty just go off.
Happy New Year's to the rest of you and Terry in particular. Peace.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:02 pm
by Dinsdale
Did At Least I'm Not Him really just crack on someone else's mating habits?
Did that really just happen?
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:05 pm
by Mikey
At least he's not the Detroit Lions.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:13 am
AP, jizz, mirror, panties, and U-Haul.
That's all you need to make the dullest of the dullards here to rack you and laugh
Isn't it the truth? If there is a cheap laugh to be had here, it involves you, my friend. See, that's what "ALINAP" is all about.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:39 am
by RumpleForeskin
Atomic Punk wrote:Then you go ahead and marry THAT?
Yep. I married her because she makes me happy and she married me because I don't frolic around in Jessica Tandy's cotton undergarments.
As for the "ass licking" you're eluding to, how silly of me to think your messageboarding tenure would bestow you enough knowledge and understand my approach to the Mrs. Rumps punch lines.
It's really simple, AP, if I go along with the fat jokes, then it gets squashed rather quickly. I submit to you this thread as evidence of the very subject being abandoned because of lost interest by PSU and others chiming in after him.
I've only been doing this messageboarding thing for about 2 and half years and you've been doing this for how long??? And you haven't figured
it out? Pretty fucking pathetic.
Let me just surmise briefly where you and I sit on the self-respect totem pole. I posted a picture of my wife to about a 100 people total. Give or take a few considering the traffic on this board. What has that done to my self-respect in real life? What? Nothing.
You, on the other hand, actually took your Home Depot uniform off, poured yourself a glass of Yellow Tail merlot, put on a vinyl of Carly Simon, and proceeded to not only immerse yourself in circa 1950s female undergarments, but you took a picture of the act and posted it on the internet. Oh, it doesn't stop there; you made the fatal mistake of submitting it to someone within the SC circle. You go girl.
Yes, I married a fat woman and I posted her picture on a smack site that she could care less about. Do I regret it? Yeah. Am I certain that I won’t make a mistake like that again? I really don’t know, but the one thing am certain of is that I am not you. So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.
Take care, Alice.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:08 am
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:02 am
by Atomic Punk
Rumps, I just want to remind you that you are MARRIED to a fat hog. FAT. You know what I'm sayin' you stupid fuck? You are married to a fat woman. There is no going IKYABWAI reverse smack on me. No, nothing can reverse that what you've done to yourself.
Drop kick PUSFAG in his pig knuckles and call it a losing day as a reach-around fest for the both of you. Fucking a fatty is something to laugh about... if you're a college flunkie... Marrying one is beyond disgusting.
Respond all you want, but there is no going back with hooking up with fatness for life. She isn't going to stop eating to make herself feel better about herself because you want to please PUSFAG on a fucked up message board. She is going to get her freak on at every drive thru with neon lights until you die.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:37 pm
Poor Rumplewife. She didn't post her pic on the board, her hubby did. To summon the spirit of John Malkovich, it was beyond her control.
Listen, AP. Rumps posted his wife's pic, and has been targeted pretty much ceaselessly since. To his credit, he's endured it like a champ.
I posted a pic of my sodden jogging shorts, and laughed along with everyone who runs poopysmack.
You post pics of yourself prancing around in panties, for Pete's sake...and expect no smack? Here's a little holiday hint, brah - that shit is funny - just like Mt. Rumplewife, just like PUS shit-stripe smack. Referencing your panty-dance in front of a jizz-stained mirror will NEVER not be funny. It might be time to accept that simple reality.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:32 pm
by indyfrisco
I told the dude to roll with it in an IM long ago, but he just seems to enjoy being the punching bag around here. Not sure why.
Again...Roll with it, AP. This place is like quicksand. The more you fight it, the worse it gets.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:54 pm
by smackaholic
Rack rumps for being a sport. He's good peeps. Just hope he isn't smoothered in the middle of the night one day. I for one would miss him.
AP, Mixed feeling here. I still like him. Don't know what the fukk he was thinking when he tried going victoria's secret model, but, I'm sure we've all done dumb shit. Fortunately for us, there usually isn't a camera or gram's panties around when we do it. I think the advice you're getting here is good though. Take a page out of rump's book. No, not the marry someone heavier than you page, the other one about laughing at yourself. It beats wrassling TVO or queerland for the board speedbag title.
I think that PSU, as board admin, healer and all around decent enough fellow, ought to post a similar pic of himself as a sign of solidarity. Maybe even turn it up a notch by mixing in some sex toys. Or better yet, next time you whup the crew's arses, dress them up for a group photo.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:48 pm
by RumpleForeskin
Atomic Punk wrote:No, nothing can reverse that what you've done to yourself.
I know this.
Unfortunately, you don't know this for yourself. I mean, you actually went through with it with no peer pressure of any kind. You actually put those Hattie McDaniel pajama panties on one leg at a time without the assistance of a gun being pointed to your head or a knife being held across your neck. No one forced you to go J Edgar on your wardrobe choice. This wasn't some dare or rush week with a bunch of drunken cronies sporting some Greek letters on their t-shirts. You chose to do this. This was all you, mang....ALL YOU.
Sure, I've got my sweet hog to wrestle with in the slop, but I will forever be remembered as a dude who always did his shopping in the men's section at Macy's. You know the second floor, where the ladies browse the clearance racks, well that belongs to you, dawg.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:13 pm
by Felix
l to r (then l): rumps, AP

Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:16 am
by Goober McTuber
smackaholic wrote:AP, Mixed feeling here. I still like him. Don't know what the fukk he was thinking when he tried going victoria's secret model, but, I'm sure we've all done dumb shit. Fortunately for us, there usually isn't a camera or gram's panties around when we do it. I think the advice you're getting here is good though. Take a page out of rump's book. No, not the marry someone heavier than you page, the other one about laughing at yourself. It beats wrassling TVO or queerland for the board speedbag title.
I think that PSU, as board admin, healer and all around decent enough fellow, ought to post a similar pic of himself as a sign of solidarity. Maybe even turn it up a notch by mixing in some sex toys.
If really want to see more pics of men wearing women's panties and playing with sex toys, I'm sure there are websites that cater to your kind. Or maybe you could just IM PSUFAN.
Re: U&L Brilliance
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:31 pm
by smackaholic
I'll pass, goober. AP's shot pretty much filled my lifetime quota for grown men in women's undies.