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Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:18 pm
Let's make nice in 2009. This site needs your movie commentary, your income tax return advice, and your CFB banter.

Truce? Do it for JSC.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:38 pm
by smackaholic
PSU will even hook you up with a years supply of oxycontin.

Do it for the children man.

If you don't. I'm going to the local animal shelter, getting a cute little kitty and I'm gonna kill it. Slowly.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 5:58 pm
by KC Scott
Dave you need to raise the ante and offer up your cell # as well.

You can never have to many fliends, right?

It gets lonely when the Owls fly south for the winter.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 6:24 pm
Many will attest that RtS was once a deece dude on the boards. He's probably still that dood. Let 'er rip, rog...

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 9:01 pm
by smackaholic
So what are you saying PUS. He WAS deece? He prolly still is? WTF man. You're givin' me a migraine here. Get off the fence, dammit.

This kinda wishy washy stuff is gonna get you on The Deciders' shitlist.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:53 am
by smackaholic
who'd he bury it in? i thought he was saving it for douchebag.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:00 am
I'll bury the hatchet... Move on in 09.......


Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 7:33 am
by RadioFan
XXXL wrote:I'll bury the hatchet...
Whew. Good thing we've got that settled.

Nothing says LOOK OUT more than XXXL carrying the "hatchet."

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 2:13 pm
by Wolfman
FYI--Roger the Shrubber can be found over at Stucknut playing tunes late Sunday nights
and some other unscheduled times. You never know who might drop in over there.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:37 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber
Water under the bridge............

Hey I am cool with that.

As long you admit that I never EVER posted ChargerMike's personal info.

Then, we are cooler than the gang.

I am still trying to figure out how I got the name, address, and phone number for a person who as far as I know was and is a great guy, someone I had never posted to or got a post from? I still don't know anything about the man, nor got to see what I 'posted'.

Didn't know him then or now. I have the 'hacking' skills of a ferret and wasn't an admin or mod of any board or forum he was in, I was burying my Dad and then mourning him for a month, someone posted as me, with all that info......... and I was banned.

Didn't think it was you that did it. As long as you admit it wasn't me either.............

Hatchet buried, all the past.


Oh, and you really should listen in on Stucknut Radio. Some really good shows, and, on Sunday nights at 11:00 pm,since I talk live, I will sing for ya so you can judge for yourself.

You are always welcome to listen in, and look forward to see ya there.


Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 6:58 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber
Oh, one more thing........

My 'quote' in yer sig.....

Why not post the whole thing?

I was saying, in that thread, that in the gay marriage ban laws being voted on, it just said that marriage can only be between a man and a woman, and some crazy idiots could find a loophole, unless there was an ACTUAL definition of what is a man and woman. So those amendments needed to be re-written to define it. Why you chose those few words out of an entire post of mine, was........strange.

KC Scott - here is mine: 850-544-6833. I never called anyone that didn't give me there number first, and gave me permission to call them, including PSU. I always thought of you as very decent person. Hope I wasn't wrong.

Smackatardick - never even seen an oxycontin, let alone taken one.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:25 am
by Atomic Punk
For what it's worth Scott, I tend to believe Y2K's recollection of the event over PUSFAG any damn day of the week. If Y2K says something is to be true, then in my experience, he's not bullshitting you or anyone else.

PUSFAG has issues and sadly he is chasing people away from what once a fun community of idiots that liked to beat the shit out of each other. Those days are gone and I got something for the last moron that stepped up to me.

Rumps, I don't REALLY have any issues with you and your fatty of a wife as it is just flounder fodder. Enjoy the wetness or whatever it is like to do whatever it is you freaks get down on to mate or whatever. Yuck.

Rumps, It's cool though if you can look at it, fuck it, and stay with it.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:59 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber
Ummm...............Who is Rumps, and what does have to do with anything that I just posted PSU?

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:04 am
by poptart
Posting your phone number on an OPEN board isn't high on a list of things that scream ... mental stability, you ASSES!

But maybe that's just MY view.

I'm sure a lot of nice new (is this the guy that gives free head in stall 4?) fliends will be phoning you, Shrubs.


Happy '09!

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:27 am
by Roger_the_Shrubber

I first posted all my 'personal' info in SCIII in 2000, including my name, phone number and address . Guess what happened?

Not a damn thing. No nasty calls, no death threats, ..........................nothing. And that was at a time when SCIII was getting 17 million hits a day...#1 BBS on the entire U.S. internet. So I should be concerned now? Strange thing,...honesty..............

It's just a message board. Only wierd cowards like you have this fear of having to be who they actually are in person instead of what they are like on the internet. The rest of us are just fine.
This problem is solved by being yourself on the boards/internet as you are face to face. Hard concept for most of the net tards to grasp, I know.

So, IS just your 'view'. Most people aren't raving paranoid lunatics, like you I suppose.

And why not call me Scott? Since it's my name. Not roger, shrubs, etc. Scott Boudet, 4017 Delvin Drive, Tallahassee, Fla. Come on in and visit me. I'm sure you are a good guy in person, unlike in here. I hope.

Lighten up, Francis.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:00 am
by .m2


After the EPIC FAIL by "R-Jack"..... to show the truth a fraud by posting a cut and paste from a Hispanic "website".

Sure, some of the simpletons bought into it. But, that's all they are (Simpletons).

Slow down, and relax.

Shrubber, can you name the Cal Alum singing in this video ?

The m2 underground

Remember, "they can't touch this".... and "Horton Hears a Who!"

Can I call you "Horton"?

the truth

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:11 pm
by The Seer
Roger_the_Shrubber wrote:Poptard,

I first posted all my 'personal' info in SCIII in 2000, including my name, phone number and address . Guess what happened?

Not a damn thing. No nasty calls, no death threats, ..........................nothing. And that was at a time when SCIII was getting 17 million hits a day...#1 BBS on the entire U.S. internet. So I should be concerned now?

Now that we've proven ourselves, how's about a Soc Sec # & a major credit card?

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:45 pm
I'm not really sure what Y2K said about the ChargerMike personal info situation. Frankly, I am not concerned about it.

"Bury the Hatchet" means forgetting what has occurred in the past and moving on.

I think we all expect that our personal info stays off the board, whether one thinks it is harmful or not.

Here's a quick rule of thumb:

-even if you know someone's real name, use their username. That is the name they selected to be identified with. If they wanted to be addressed with their real name, I guess they would have used that as part of the username.

-posting your own info is not a good idea...whether it has hurt you, or not.

-when someone smacks you, respond in kind, with smack. That's the fulcrum around here - that's what makes a smack board work.

Thanks, and happy smacking!

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:27 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
You know as well as everyone else does R-Jack, m2ool will never answer your questions directly. Gutless is as gutless does.

And a liar and plagerizer will always remain just as they are.

And that is the Truth. Image ppbbllllthh...

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:43 pm
by warren
PSUFAN wrote:Many will attest that RtS was once a deece dude on the boards. He's probably still that dood. Let 'er rip, rog...
Above dude is just "getting nice" because Joe Pa sucked it up yet again.

How's things in happy valley dickweed?

Enjoy the next four year of the obomination and then get back to me on JoePa's eminent cripling mealtdown and your new liberal presiden't admittance that he's not even a citizen of the US and then we'll talk.

I want all left winging son's of bitches to relish in the economic turd that bill clinton began.

Props to john stewart still blaming Bush for all that is bad without reasonable explanation.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:45 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Nice melt, you hysterical, hand-wringing pantload. An Obamanation presidency means a rush to arms and you should heed and blast yourself in the face, dick-lick.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:39 pm
warren, wipe the felch crust from your eyes and witness the time of my post - NEW YEAR'S EVE, you faux-limey simpleton.

You know what's interesting - I have a feeling Obama will end up disappointing the left a lot more than he will the right.

I should say to you - enjoy his presidency. You better believe Hannity and his ilk are rolling up their sleeves and foaming at the mouth, thinking of contract renegotiation.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:50 pm
by Dinsdale
Atomic Punk wrote:Those days are gone and I got something for the last moron that stepped up to me.

An inbox full of panty-pics?

Don't get me wrong -- I fully encourage you to continue tough-talking here. Any "smack" you care to deal is easily thwarted by even the most feeble dweeb, by simply responding with the two magic hyphenated words...


And you sitting at the keyboard, doing your best Heidi Klum impression while trying to talk about running tards will NEVER not be funny.

Enjoy lying in that jizz stained bed you made yourslelf, while the rest of us are free to engage in the real-life celebration that is "At least we're not him, Peace Be Unto Us."

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:17 pm
by Jay in Phoenix
For A.P.'s sake, I'll paraphrase something here:

"The moving finger clicks; and, having clicked,

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line of Res.,

Nor all thy Tears wash out an Image of it."

He knows what it means. I hope.

Good luck A.P.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:17 pm
by Roger_the_Shrubber
30% - A
30% - B
40% - D - Who gives a shit?

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:19 pm
by Roger_the_Shrubber
PSUFAN wrote: You know what's interesting - I have a feeling Obama will end up disappointing the left a lot more than he will the right.
For the Nation's sake, man............I hope you are correct.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:06 am
by War Wagon
Shrub, you do of course realize that you've now got several subscriptions of the NAMBLA monthly newsletter coming?

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:09 am
by RadioFan
War Wagon wrote:Shrub, you do of course realize that you've now got several subscriptions of the NAMBLA monthly newsletter coming?
Let's leave Toddowen out of this.

Re: Shrubber, let's bury the hatchet.

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:05 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
Atomic Punk wrote:Enjoy the wetness or whatever it is like to do whatever it is you freaks get down on to mate or whatever.
:lol: :lol: