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Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:08 pm
by jiminphilly
Phils' Romero denies wrongdoing on eve of suspension
By Phil Sheridan
Inquirer Columnist
An anguished J.C. Romero wanted to tell his side of the story before Major League Baseball announces his 50-game suspension today. Once that happens, he knows, people will assume he's just another big-leaguer who had to cheat to compete.
"One thing I'm going to say, I'm a man and I'm accountable for my actions," the Phillies reliever said in a telephone interview. "If I'm guilty of something, you know what? I will face it. But I'm not guilty, and I'm not letting people that don't really know me judge me over something and accuse me of something that I didn't do."
Romero's situation is much more complicated than MLB's curt boilerplate announcement will acknowledge. He was not accused or found guilty of knowingly using a banned, performance-enhancing substance. Baseball and Romero agree that he used only an over-the-counter supplement he bought in a retail store in Cherry Hill. Romero is being suspended for 50 games and losing about $1.25 million in salary because, an arbitrator ruled, he was "negligent" in not knowing what was in the supplement.
Most players, when suspended, release a statement acknowledging their mistake and apologizing to their teammates, their organization, baseball and the fans. In the current highly charged environment, where MLB has been embarrassed by Congress for its years-long failure to police itself, many players fear repercussions if they speak out.
Not Romero, the 33-year-old lefthanded reliever who won two World Series games for the Phillies - including the title-clinching Game 5. He feels he owes it to himself, his family and his teammates to explain how this suspension came about.
"If people are intimidated because Major League [Baseball] is a big organization, so be it," Romero said. "But they are not going to make an example of me thinking that I'm just a [dumb] Puerto Rican. It's not going to happen. It's not the way I'm built.
"For me to keep my mouth shut? That's not the right thing to do. If they want to bump me out of the game, so be it. What am I going to do, just sit back and take it? When I know in my heart I'm innocent? That doesn't fly well with me and it doesn't fly well in my house, either."
Phillies general manager Ruben Amaro Jr. declined to comment on Romero last night. A spokesman for Major League Baseball also would not comment.
A new supplement
Romero said he went to the store to look for a supplement in July, the time of year he typically starts weight training again. He went to the shelf where his usual supplement was stocked and noticed a new product, 6-OXO Extreme, next to it. Because the familiar supplement required him to take eight large pills a day, he was intrigued by the other product.
The Major League Baseball Players' Association has told players that supplements purchased in U.S. retail stores should be safe and within the guidelines of baseball's drug-testing program. The union acknowledged giving that advice in a letter it sent out to players and their advisers in November. That letter, which arrived too late to help Romero, informed players that three over-the-counter supplements were found to create positive tests under baseball's drug program.
In July, Romero showed the new supplement to Phillies strength coach Dong Lien, who recommended that Romero get a second opinion before using it. Romero then showed it to his personal nutritionist, "the guy I've been working with since I've been in major-league baseball," Romero said.
That nutritionist checked the product's label and saw nothing on MLB's banned list. Romero began taking the supplement at that point.
Meanwhile, according to the arbitrator's report, Lien sent a sample of the supplement to MLB for testing. The tests showed the supplement contained a substance that could result in a positive drug test. A copy of those results was sent to commissioner Bud Selig's office in July.
Considering it was the first time a banned substance was found in an FDA-regulated, over-the-counter supplement - one available to every major-leaguer and millions of youths - that should have sounded alarms. But no one from MLB, the players' association or the Phillies told Romero that there was a problem with the supplement.
So where was the negligence? With Romero? With Lien? With MLB? With a union that told Romero and other Latin players they could trust products in U.S. stores such as Vitamin Shoppe (where Romero purchased the supplement) or GNC?
On Aug. 26, Romero gave a urine sample for a routine random drug test. On Sept. 19, during a road trip to Miami, he submitted another sample for a random test. It was not until four days later - after being tested randomly a second time - that Romero was told the Aug. 26 sample tested positive for a banned substance. He said he immediately stopped using the supplement.
According to sources close to Romero, baseball then offered the pitcher a deal. He could accept a 25-game suspension, beginning immediately, or face a longer suspension in 2009 after going through an arbitration process. Romero declined the deal for three reasons.
First, he believed accepting the suspension meant acknowledging wrongdoing. Second, he was hearing from union attorneys that the circumstances made it seem likely that he would win at arbitration. Third, the suspension would have prevented Romero from playing in the postseason.
"It wasn't a tough decision to make at all," Romero said. "I knew I wasn't going to accept that. Me accepting a 25-game suspension meant I was guilty of something. I knew in my heart I wasn't guilty."
Arbitration during Series
MLB scheduled his two-day arbitration hearing in Tampa, Fla., before the first two games of the World Series. So Romero had to go to the hearing in the morning and then report to Tropicana Field to prepare for the biggest games of his life. Somehow, he managed to pitch very well in four World Series appearances, earning the wins in Games 3 and 5.
"Only God can do something like that," Romero said. "My faith. I knew in my heart I was innocent. It was my dream to be in the World Series. So I kind of separated the two of them. Early in the morning before I got to the field was a nightmare, but once I got to the field I was all about baseball."
Romero got the impression from players' association lawyers that the hearings went very well for him and that he would likely get off with a warning. Clearly, he had taken a supplement he believed was OK and MLB seemed to grasp that.
"They knew the intention wasn't there, " Romero said. "They knew I wasn't taking steroids. They continued to pursue the fact that they thought it was negligence to not send my supplements in and going with my nutritionist, the guy I've been working with since I've been in major-league baseball. They made a big issue of that."
Romero became caught up in two separate subplots beyond his control or understanding. Baseball, because of its embarrassing mishandling of the steroid issue in the 1990s, is under pressure to catch cheaters and create the impression it has improved its policing techniques. At the same time, the FDA has had enormous enforcement issues with federal laws regarding the ingredients in over-the-counter supplements.
The supplement's creator
Here is where Patrick Arnold comes in. The man who first brought androstenedione to the U.S. marketplace and was the chemist behind the development of THG - the designer steroid distributed by Balco - also runs a major supplement business called ErgoPharm. Arnold created and marketed the supplement Romero was using.
In an e-mail exchange, Arnold said there was nothing in his supplement that should have created a positive drug test.
"We have funded two independent clinical studies (one done at Baylor University) that have been peer reviewed," Arnold wrote. "These studies demonstrated the efficacy and safety of the product. We also have funded studies that have demonstrated the compound's compliance with FDA regulation. Furthermore, we funded another study at [the University of Illinois] in Chicago using classical protocols that demonstrated that 6-OXO is absolutely not an anabolic steroid."
Andro, which first drew notice when it was spotted in Mark McGwire's locker, can generate positive test results because of metabolites similar to those created by use of the steroid Nandralone. Arnold said that should not happen with his supplement. It is not clear what baseball or the players' union found in their testing of the supplement.
What is clear is that Romero is being suspended, not for shooting steroids into his backside like the players whom baseball chose to ignore for a generation. He is being suspended for not knowing the chemical composition of a very sophisticated over-the-counter supplement he bought in a mall in Cherry Hill.
It looks as if MLB, the players' union and the Phillies' staff were at least as negligent as Romero, but none of them are being punished.
"Having people who don't know me criticize me, it's kind of sad," Romero said. "I've been exhausted for the last 21/2 months. I'm drained right now."
Either baseball believes Romero cheated and allowed him to compete in the World Series, or it believes he made an innocent mistake and is suspending him 50 games anyway.
Which would be worse?
What a fucked up scenario. The only reason MLB was even pushing for a suspension of any kind is b/c they want to be able to produce a spreadsheet with a bottom line number to Congress showing names and suspensions proving they've improved their policy. In reality, they and the MLB Players
Association, have only created even more confusion to the honest players who take supplements believed are legal only to be told a few months after the fact that they are not. Romero followed the rules and is getting burned. WTF??
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:08 pm
by RJ
Even in victory, you fucking pussies seem to find something to cry about.
Fuck Pussadelphia and the sissy ass whinebags that inhabit that godforsaken shithole.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:15 am
by jiminphilly
RJ wrote:Even in victory, you fucking pussies seem to find something to cry about.
Fuck Pussadelphia and the sissy ass whinebags that inhabit that godforsaken shithole.
Epic take James. Epic.
Little nugget of advice; a little more water activated gel cleanser and a little less semen slurping on the weekends and maybe, just maybe you'll put 2 brain cells together to post something worth reading.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:08 am
by War Wagon
RJ's post was the only thing made me click on this abortion....
Fuck that whinebag for taking any kind of "supplements".
And fuck you for defending it.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:21 am
by jiminphilly
War Wagon wrote:RJ's post was the only thing made me click on this abortion....
Fuck that whinebag for taking any kind of "supplements".
And fuck you for defending it.
Whitey you do know that when you take your Centrum Silver every morning along with your metamucil that you're taking a supplement, right?
Baseball didn't pursue a suspension because he took a supplement or because he tested positive. They banned him because they think he was negligent in not doing enough to verify the supplement he took had a banned substance. But seeing how you have on-going literacy issues, I wouldn't expect you comprehend that.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:48 am
by RJ
Buwahahaha......RACK Wags, and I couldnt agree more.
Your fucking teams, city, and people are top shelf sniveling pussies of the highest order. I find it hilarious that you'd start a thread over this twat instead of blasting your inept management for letting one of the main reasons you took the title in the first place go directly to the Rays.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 1:50 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
jiminphilly wrote:Baseball didn't pursue a suspension because he took a supplement or because he tested positive.
Wow... it seems that stupidity has found itself a friend.
You do realize if Romero didn't test positive for a banned substance, we wouldn't be having this discussion... right?
You're a colossal dumbfuck if you don't get this: MLB makes the rules about what subtances are banned and what aren't. If a player is uncertain about these rules, he should go to the governing body for clarification on said rules... not his union, not his coach, and certainly not his nutritionist. Do you even know what a fucking nutritionist is or what qualifies one to be a nutritionist? Do some research on this and get back to me. Or not.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:30 pm
by jiminphilly
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:jiminphilly wrote:Baseball didn't pursue a suspension because he took a supplement or because he tested positive.
Wow... it seems that stupidity has found itself a friend.
You do realize if Romero didn't test positive for a banned substance, we wouldn't be having this discussion... right?
You're a colossal dumbfuck if you don't get this: MLB makes the rules about what subtances are banned and what aren't. If a player is uncertain about these rules, he should go to the governing body for clarification on said rules... not his union, not his coach, and certainly not his nutritionist. Do you even know what a fucking nutritionist is or what qualifies one to be a nutritionist? Do some research on this and get back to me. Or not.
Romero's nutrionist isn't the issue, But if you want to make it one, consider this fact you seem to have overlooked-
it was the first time a banned substance was found in an FDA-regulated, over-the-counter supplement - one available to every major-leaguer and millions of youths
The MLB Union is telling players that OTC supplements purchased at GNC etc.. are safe, the FDA apparently did testing on this supplement and found it to be safe to distribute OTC and Romero's own nutrionist advised him of the same thing. Even more telling is the fact that MLB offered Romero a 25 game suspension as opposed to a 50 game suspension because they obviously knew that while Romero may have
some level of responsibility, namely not calling the hotline, they and the union dropped the ball in sending out other mixed messages about OTC drugs. All MLB wanted out of this was the ablity to pad their suspension total.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:42 pm
by jiminphilly
RJ wrote:Buwahahaha......RACK Wags, and I couldnt agree more.
Your fucking teams, city, and people are top shelf sniveling pussies of the highest order. I find it hilarious that you'd start a thread over this twat instead of blasting your inept management for letting one of the main reasons you took the title in the first place go directly to the Rays.
Wish I could tell you I was disappointed to see him leave but the guy only hit .071 in the WS with 1 RBI. Takes 4 wins to take the WS and Romero had 2 of the 4 wins including the Game 5 clincher. PB had his moments but the last 3 years his avg has been dropping and his RBIs were down, his OBP the lowest in 4 years and he's a defensive liability who has to be pulled after the 7th inning.
Ibanez may be about the same defensively but he's a better pure hitter than PB, has better numbers with RISP and won't strikeout as much. His power numbers will go up simply be leaving one of the worst hitter's parks in MLB.
Of course had you taken 5 minutes to look this up you instead of rushing to mash submit you might haved prevented yet another occurance of you coming across as a clueless dumbfuck.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:07 pm
by Screw_Michigan
jiminphilly wrote:Of course had you taken 5 minutes to look this up you instead of rushing to mash submit you might haved prevented yet another occurance of you coming across as a clueless dumbfuck.
RJ? Rushing to dumbfuckedness?

Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:56 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
jiminphilly wrote:The MLB Union is telling players that OTC supplements purchased at GNC etc.. are safe, the FDA apparently did testing on this supplement and found it to be safe to distribute OTC and Romero's own nutrionist advised him of the same thing.
You still don't get it, do you? The Players Association and some uneducated quack do not speak for MLB nor its policy regarding banned substances. Romero fucked up by asking the wrong people about a new supplement. He asked three separate sources for clarification when all he had to do was ask one. The
right one. He has to be held accountable for stupidity.
jiminphilly wrote:I am sorry officer, I didn't know that fucking a corpse up the ass was against the law. My coach, union, and nutritionist said it was okay... so I assraped this dead fucker with extreme prejudice.
Ignorance is no excuse in the real world. If I have a question about the law that could possibly cost me my livelihood... I go to an experienced lawyer, not some guy who watches The People's Court or some loser who read a book about jurisprudence
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:29 pm
by RJ
jiminphilly wrote:RJ wrote:Buwahahaha......RACK Wags, and I couldnt agree more.
Your fucking teams, city, and people are top shelf sniveling pussies of the highest order. I find it hilarious that you'd start a thread over this twat instead of blasting your inept management for letting one of the main reasons you took the title in the first place go directly to the Rays.
Wish I could tell you I was disappointed to see him leave but the guy only hit .071 in the WS with 1 RBI.
What a fucking cunt ass snizz you are. Pat came up with timely home runs in both the Brewers and Dodgers series. Without him stepping up against the Dodgers (along with Stairs), we're talking about the World Champion Dodgers instead of the Phillies. Yes, he is a defensive liability and slow as hell, that we can agree on..........but to discount what he did because he walked on you guys is the fucking height of bitchdom.
Pat Burrell could carry a team for a month with his bat, and was RHH protection for Utley and Howard. Instead they sign a 36 yo LHH who is going to have to bat lower in the lineup, to a contract of 3 years instead of 2 like Burrell got, and for $4m/yr more. Real fucking smart.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:47 pm
by jiminphilly
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote: He has to be held accountable for stupidity.
Not necessarily in question. I already agree that he should have made the call to the hotline. So why did MLB offer him a 25 game suspension?? Could it be that while they feel he holds the brunt of the responsibility, they also feel the MLBPA and perhaps even MLB itself feels as if this isn't as cut and dry and you are trying to make this out to be?
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:15 pm
by jiminphilly
RJ wrote:jiminphilly wrote:RJ wrote:Buwahahaha......RACK Wags, and I couldnt agree more.
Your fucking teams, city, and people are top shelf sniveling pussies of the highest order. I find it hilarious that you'd start a thread over this twat instead of blasting your inept management for letting one of the main reasons you took the title in the first place go directly to the Rays.
Wish I could tell you I was disappointed to see him leave but the guy only hit .071 in the WS with 1 RBI.
Without him stepping up against the Dodgers (along with Stairs), we're talking about the World Champion Dodgers instead of the Phillies.
You're kidding right? He had a decent game against Milwaukee but the big hit of the series came from Shane Victorino (GS against Sabbathia).
Did you not watch Cole Hamels pitch? Seriously eject now or at least admit you watched the same NLCS that I did. Don't tell me you didn't at least check the box scores before you hit submit again..
Pat Burrell could carry a team for a month with his bat, and was RHH protection for Utley and Howard. Instead they sign a 36 yo LHH who is going to have to bat lower in the lineup, to a contract of 3 years instead of 2 like Burrell got, and for $4m/yr more. Real fucking smart.
You fucking idiot. PB batted 5th in that lineup behind Utely and Howard for most of the season. He didn't provide any additional protection to Howard because teams didn't fear pitching to him or Burrell because they strike out so much. But if you want to talk about carrying a team, check out Howard's September numbers and tell me who carried the team.. The main reason the Phillies let him go was the same reason they let Bobby Abreu go a few years ago- too many strike outs in the lineup.
Oh and despite being a LH hitter, Ibanez hit .288 against LH hitters last year.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:27 am
by RJ
Tell ya what jim, we'll revisit the Ibanez/Burrell comparison at the All-Star break and after the season. If im wrong, i'll come correct.
Slitadelphia still remains biggest throbbing vag on the face of this nation in need of a Kotex. Fuck you bitch ass cunts for whining about anything (especially somebody who was obviously guilty) so soon after taking home the hardware. Fucking ingrates. I truly hope the Eagles continue to be a titleless org for the rest of thier existance, especially since it is well known that the World Champion Phillies play second fiddle in that fucking miserable dump of a city.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:47 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
jiminphilly wrote:Oh and despite being a LH hitter, Ibanez hit .288 against LH hitters last year.
He bats against
hitters, does he? I'd like to see that. Now wonder he does so well against them. According to CBSSportsline, he hit .305 last year against lefties, you dumbfuck. He batted .288 against righties. Furthemore, he batted .256 in 07 against lefties and .243 in 06.
Would you say these numbers were trending up, or would you consider 08 to be an anomoly?
The correct answer is... we need more data:
05 -- .275
04 -- .295
It seems to me, his numbers are all over the place. He's just as likely to hit .250 as he is .300 against lefties, wouldn't you say? Tell me, jim... are you an analyst by trade? Way to throw out one lousy number likes it's supposed to mean anything.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:55 pm
by jiminphilly
RJ wrote:Tell ya what jim, we'll revisit the Ibanez/Burrell comparison at the All-Star break and after the season. If im wrong, i'll come correct.
You still want to wait?
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:20 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Hold on there, slugger. Most of that came the other night against Gas Can Hanrahan, although I do agree with most of it.
Re: Romero is being fucked over..
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:19 pm
by jiminphilly
Screw_Michigan wrote:Hold on there, slugger. Most of that came the other night against Gas Can Hanrahan, although I do agree with most of it.
He also had a great series against the overrated Marlins. When the temperature is hovering around 90+ in mid July and August I suspect RJ will have a new love interest besides his finely coifed hair.