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Re: caption

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:52 pm
by Cuda
tight pussy, loose shoes and a warm place to shit; what more could a senator want?

Re: caption

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:29 pm
by Smackie Chan
mvscal wrote:I wonder how much he paid for the seat and will Blago give him a refund if the Senate refuses to seat him.
Hopefully, the refund will be paid in the currency of cigarettes.

Re: caption

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:08 pm
by Cuda

isn't that about $27500.00 over the limit that individals can give to a candidate, imo?

Re: caption

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:16 am
by Bobby42
Jsc810 wrote:Image
"Damn. I feel like Jimmy Stewart. I AM Jimmy Stewart."

Re: caption

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 2:41 pm
by smackaholic
Jsc810 wrote:Image
where da white wimins at?

make dat white wimins wit no tape recorders.

Re: caption

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:36 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Funds Tie Obama to Richardson Probe Figure
Embattled Executive David Rubin Gave Thousands to Campaign
Jan. 6, 2009

President-elect Barack Obama took big money from a man at the center of a federal probe that has forced one of Obama's top Cabinet picks to withdraw.

Financial records show the Obama campaign got more than $30,000 from California financier David Rubin, the target of an investigation into donations and possible "pay-to-play" deals involving New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Obama's pick for commerce secretary. ... 275&page=1
30k is hardly big money for a campaign that raised and spent over a half a billion dollars. Richardson's endorsement and the timing of said endorsement was all the payment he needed for his Commerce gig. Peddle that bullshit somewhere else.

Re: caption

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:15 pm
by Terry in Crapchester

I blame Bush.

Re: caption

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:36 pm
by jiminphilly
BSmack wrote:
mvscal wrote:Funds Tie Obama to Richardson Probe Figure
Embattled Executive David Rubin Gave Thousands to Campaign
Jan. 6, 2009

President-elect Barack Obama took big money from a man at the center of a federal probe that has forced one of Obama's top Cabinet picks to withdraw.

Financial records show the Obama campaign got more than $30,000 from California financier David Rubin, the target of an investigation into donations and possible "pay-to-play" deals involving New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, Obama's pick for commerce secretary. ... 275&page=1
30k is hardly big money for a campaign that raised and spent over a half a billion dollars. Richardson's endorsement and the timing of said endorsement was all the payment he needed for his Commerce gig. Peddle that bullshit somewhere else.
Stop thinking this is anything but a small blip on the radar, B.....

Richardson scandal firm gave Rendell $$$$, was tied to Philly probe

Remember when I wrote the other day that the chickens were coming home to roost for the Democrats by going to the well of experienced -- but in some cases badly compromised -- career pols too many times. Well, I should have guessed that some of those chickens are roosting right here in Pennsylvania.

In fact, there are reports this morning that the company that is at the center of the federal grand jury that derailed the nomination of New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson also does state business here in Pennsylvania, gave sizable donations to Gov. Ed Rendell, and hired a longtime Rendell pal as a lobbyist. And that's not all: The company -- CDR Financial Products -- is also the firm that sent disgraced and still-jailed former Philadelphia treasurer Corey Kemp of the scandal-scarred John Street administration to the 2003 Super Bowl as it was successfully seeking city business.

The reports come by way of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review and the website TPMMuckraker. It should be noted that the state agency that awarded CDR a lucrative contract as a financial advisor denies receiving any pressure whatsoever from the governor or his people.

When the news broke that Richardson was out as Barack Obama's choice to serve as Commerce Secretary, most of the local reports focused on the national political drama and less on the specifics of the investigation that caused the 2008 presidential also-ran to withdraw his name. It turns out the company and its chief official, David Rubin, are no strangers to the murky world of politics here.

First, the allegations that are under investigation in New Mexico:

The probe is focused on how the company -- whose founder gave at least $100,000 in political contributions to the New Mexico governor's political action committees -- won two 2004 financial consulting contracts with the state, worth about $1.4 million. No real evidence has yet emerged that Richardson himself is currently a target of the investigation, but his abrupt decision to take himself out of the running for the Commerce post -- and his refusal to say, at a press conference this afternoon, whether he had hired a lawyer in connection with the investigation -- suggest the story won't soon go away.

But Rubin's CDR should have set off red flags long ago. Although it was not charged with any wrongdoing, the firm did play a significant role in the 2003 city corruption probe that included the bugging of Mayor Street's office and criminal convictions for Kemp and a cast of local political wheeler-dealers. As summarized here:

In April 2001, CDR hired Ron White, a bond lawyer and chief fundraiser for Philadelphia Mayor John Street, as a consultant, paying him a $5,000 retainer to help the company win business with the city. Rubin donated $15,000 to Street between December 2000 and June 2003, according to Pennsylvania state filings.

In addition, CDR gave White three tickets to the 2003 Super Bowl in San Diego and provided a limo ride to the game. White brought along Philadelphia treasurer Corey Kemp, according to a federal criminal indictment brought against White and Kemp in 2004.

Here, too, CDR -- which seems to make money both from government contracts and the banks with which it does business -- landed a lucrative deal from City Hall without any competitive bidding. But at the same time, with less fanfare (until now), CDR was forging close ties to Pennsylvania's then-new governor, Rendell. Summing up some of the reports so far this week:

* CDR's Rubin has given $35,000 in political contributions to Rendell, including some $20,000 during his 2002 campaign. After the ex-Philadelphia mayor was elected to his first term, Rubin was given a seat on the transition committee.

* CDR's lobbyist in Harrisburg has been one of Rendell's closest political fundraisers, Philadelphia lawyer Alan Kessler.

* Also in 2003, a state agency -- the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency -- awarded CDR a no-bid contract as a bond swaps advisor, a deal that has netted the controversial company hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits. That was before news about its role in the Philadelphia corruption probe had surfaced, but amazingly (OK, maybe not so amazingly) CDR continued to receive work locally, including a 2006 arrangement with Philadelphia Gas Works.

It's unclear how much of this is on the official radar screen of government agents who seem to be expanding their probe into CDR's coast-to-coast political activities. One other thing to wonder is this: Rendell was clearly not in the running himself for Obama's cabinet because of his political situation at home: The death of his lieutenant governor Catherine Baker Knoll and her constitutional replacement with a Republican, in particular. But you'd have to assume that Rendell was on Obama's short list for any openings after 2010.

Is he still?

Re: caption

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:51 pm
by Tom In VA
Mace wrote:Image

Hey look, you guys, I'm having a bad fuckin' day and I could really use a blowjob. Where's mvscal when you need him?
Mace becoming a Birdy parrot ? Holy fuck, that is CHANGE.

Re: caption

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:32 pm
by Tom In VA
I don't buy it.

Re: caption

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:34 am
by Q, West Coast Style
Jsc810 wrote:Image
"I better hury and get there before all the slutty interns are already handed out."

Re: caption

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:48 am
by Jobocky
Jsc810 wrote:Image
I'm serious. There's a big fucking hole in the back of his head.

Re: caption

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:52 am
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Oh...OK, let's all just ignore the fact Onogger is once again busted taking money from a shitbag on his way to jail. He hasn't even taken office yet and he's already one of the most corrupt Presidents in history. The kickbacks, graft and cronyism that will commence once that fucking mvscal gets his grimy paws on the Federal budget will beggar anything that has ever come before.

So keep dreaming, fuckstick. None of this is going to go away.
Shove it up your ass. You haven't been right about one solitary thing relating to politics since at least 2006. I mean wasn't it you who said that the Clintons would "never let Obama win the nomination"? Wasn't it you that said Pelosi would never been Speaker of the House back in 2006? Wasn't it you, using the most vile racial epithets possible, who said that Obama couldn't possibly beat John McCain? Wasn't it you who said that Sara Palin would HELP the GOP ticket? And so on and so on....

Seriously, I would sooner have a retarded chimpanzee on crack flip a coin for my political prognostication than listen to one word you have to say. At least the chimp has a 50/50 chance of being right.

Re: caption

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:53 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:More brazen conflicts of interest? What a shocker...
Obama picks lobbyist as Pentagon No. 2

WASHINGTON – President-elect Barack Obama, who deliberately distanced himself from lobbyists during his campaign and his transition, appointed a defense contractor's lobbyist Thursday to become his No. 2 official at the Defense Department. Obama acknowledged that his choice appeared to break with his self-imposed rules to keep lobbyists at arm's length.

William J. Lynn III, Obama's choice for deputy defense secretary, was senior vice president for government operations at Raytheon Co. and lobbied as recently as last June on issues including missiles, sensors and radar, advanced technology programs and intelligence funding. ... ma_defense
There's also the new Global Warming Czarina- Carol Browner, who just happens to be a board member of a Carbon Offset Trading Company
Carol Browner Joins APX's Board of Directors

Santa Clara, CA - March 10, 2008 - APX, Inc., the leading infrastructure provider for environmental and energy markets, announced today that Carol Browner, former Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, has joined its Board of Directors. Ms. Browner, who has a distinguished career in public service, brings to APX's Board deep expertise in environmental policy, including climate change issues.

She is currently a Principal of The Albright Group LLC, a global strategy firm that she co-founded with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and a team of international negotiators and seasoned diplomats. The firm provides strategic counsel to clients around the world. She is also a Principal of Albright Capital Management LLC, an investment advisory firm.

Commenting on Ms. Browner's election to the Board, Brian Storms, APX's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer said: "Carol is one of the world's foremost environmental policy experts and we are honored that she is joining our Board of Directors. APX's ability to attract such well-respected leaders as Carol to our Board underscores the trusted position we have established in supporting the rapidly developing environmental commodities markets. Her extensive experience and global perspective will be a tremendous asset to APX as we look to enhance our position as the leading environmental market infrastructure provider."

Said Ms. Browner: "The explosive growth in environmental commodities trading will result in a greater need for market oversight. APX's cutting-edge technology provides integrity and transparency, which are essential to the efficient and effective operations of these markets. APX is a world-class environmental infrastructure company with a long history of public private partnership, and I look forward to helping them capitalize on the full potential of these markets."
Gee, a government official in charge of making everybody go along with the global warming hoax is also in a position to directly profit from the decrees she hands down. There's the change that dumbfucks like B-Monica, Goober, & PUSFAN voted for.

Re: caption

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:01 pm
by Goober McTuber
BTW, Cooter, I didn't vote for Obama. Any positive references I make to him are designed to cause people like you and mvscal to go all PSUFAN on your underoos.

Re: caption

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:38 pm
by Terry in Crapchester
mvscal wrote:Sarah Palin's daughter's future mother in law
Don't hold your breath.

On second thought, check that.