Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:14 pm
Interesting website - and book - about GITMO.
Wasting some time in there I found an interesting link. ... ctness.php
The author of this piece has the following "street-cred"
The new place, will house "inmates", after they've been - not just waterboarded torture - but actually severely tortured somewhere else and we won't hear about that.
I can't seem to come away from this piece with a reason to keep Gitmo - as is - going. It really doesn't seem effective. It reminds of what I read about the "Chu Hoi" program in Vietnam. Viet Cong that would surrender, allow their wounds to heal, get fattened up and then runaway to re-engage in the fight against American troops. We've already heard about this happening with Gitmo. Released invididuals being fattened up, having gotten their medical treatment, returning to the Global Jihad.
Closing Gitmo, with the appearance of us being "Just" and "Compassionate", might actually be the best thing, logisitcal issues notwithstanding. We score a win with that in the perception of the world. Further, we have the opportunity to engineer a better process and better methods of extracting information - ones that might not see the light of day with an Obama friendly media and an Obama Administration that plans on controlling information flow more than the Bush Administration.
Wasting some time in there I found an interesting link. ... ctness.php
The author of this piece has the following "street-cred"
She details her knowledge of Arab culture, with respect to "torture" and the treatment of one's enemies.Brigitte Gabriel is a native of the Arab world and a former news anchor of World News for Middle East Television. She is now a contributing editor of Family Security Matters and founder of American Congress for Truth. During her childhood, radical Islamists destroyed Gabriel's home because she was a Christian. She spent 2-1/2 months in the hospital and then lived under ground for seven years with no electricity and little food. Bridgitt eventually became a news anchor, and later moved to the U.S. where she's a true American success story - own business, husband, two kids, etc.
And goes on to suggest that our internal hystrionics over the treatment of terrorists at GITMO are a source of fun, laughter, and fodder for ridicule among them ...Torture is accepted and even expected in the Arab world. Yes, I know what you're thinking - that's not politically correct in most mainstream media. And you know some nice Arabs who have immigrated to America. But it's the truth in the Arab world. Might makes right. Real men don't eat quiche. They prove their manhood by the way they treat their enemy. After all it's what Muhammad did to the unbelievers - Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians in the Quoran - the 'holy book' allegedly mishandled in Guantanamo prison.
Arab Muslim men gain honor by shaming, belittling, abusing and torturing their enemy in the most horrific ways. Just look at how the Palestinians treat so-called collaborators by disemboweling them and hanging them upside down in Manger Square in Bethlehem. Look at the terrorist torture chambers that the coalition forces recently uncovered in Iraq. When people refer to the prisons of Saddam Hussein and his regime they think he is the extreme exception. Not! The truth is his torture tactics are quite the norm in the Arab world.
If you want to see torture that is beyond what any Westerner can ever imagine please go to IMPALEMENT. Yes, you read it right, impalement. You'll get a glimpse of what the Arabs do to their own people.
Put within the context of the Arab world's frame of reference of "prison" she outlines how GITMO is --They smirk because they believe that Americans have demonstrated how stupid and weak they are by caving in to stories about maltreatment of Guantanamo detainees. They are watching our critics in this country and counting on them to embolden the radical Islamic cause and weaken our resolve.
Maybe, closing GITMO, as it might be ineffective based upon her opinion piece is the right thing to do. It's a win-win, I suppose. I predict GITMO will no longer be used to house enemy combatants and the place where they are housed will not be what the author alleges some of the prisoners call it "'Al muntazah al-dini lilmujaheden al Muslimin,' The Religious Resort for Islamic Militants."Actually, Gitmo is a joke as far as the Arabs are concerned. Prison? You call that a prison? Let me tell you what some of the prisoners call Guantanamo, “Al muntazah al-dini lilmujaheden al Muslimin,” The Religious Resort for Islamic Militants. They are given three halal meals a day in accordance to their religious dictates. How many kosher prisons are there in the Arabic world? None. Jews captured in the Arab world are butchered like those obscene pictures taken in Ramallah during the frenzied slaughter of two Israeli reservists who got lost. Remember the Palestinian man holding his red, Jewish blood dripping hands, high above his head in victory? Remember Nick Berg's head being held high also?
Most of these detainees never had three meals a day in their entire life. They are gaining weight, and are living in what they refer to in Arabic as “Al-Jannah,” paradise. They have radio, television, soccer games, air-conditioning, clean clothes, and “servants” - meaning American GIs who wait on them hand and foot. They have Islamic chaplains and are handed Qu'rans, the social hate guide against Infidels, by people so concerned as not to offend that they wear latex gloves and carry the book with two hands.
Many Muslims in the Middle East would gladly give up their poverty, dictatorial governments, corrupt leaders and social bondage to enjoy the relative luxuries Guantanamo offers. They have free medical care - better than millions of uninsured Americans and our military men and women serving on the jihadists' battlefield. Some of them who couldn't afford to see an optometrist now have glasses and can see and read their Qu'ran. Others who never had the opportunity to see a dentist now have a free dental plan. It has become such a joke; we even stop interrogations to let them take prayer breaks demanded by their religion.
The new place, will house "inmates", after they've been - not just waterboarded torture - but actually severely tortured somewhere else and we won't hear about that.
I can't seem to come away from this piece with a reason to keep Gitmo - as is - going. It really doesn't seem effective. It reminds of what I read about the "Chu Hoi" program in Vietnam. Viet Cong that would surrender, allow their wounds to heal, get fattened up and then runaway to re-engage in the fight against American troops. We've already heard about this happening with Gitmo. Released invididuals being fattened up, having gotten their medical treatment, returning to the Global Jihad.
Closing Gitmo, with the appearance of us being "Just" and "Compassionate", might actually be the best thing, logisitcal issues notwithstanding. We score a win with that in the perception of the world. Further, we have the opportunity to engineer a better process and better methods of extracting information - ones that might not see the light of day with an Obama friendly media and an Obama Administration that plans on controlling information flow more than the Bush Administration.