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Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:46 pm
by H4ever
I know I got hosed and lost shitload of OT at 1.5 when the new laws came in under Dubya. I heard he's changing back and expanding a number of pre-Bush labor laws. I'm kinda hoping we go back to the laws in place since 1938. This registered Republican hated Bush's ass for a number of reasons and one of them was his being in bed with big business.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:52 pm
by Dinsdale
Which part of the Constitution grants the fed the power to dictate wages again?

Someone remind me?

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:57 pm
by H4ever
Dinsdale wrote:Which part of the Constitution grants the fed the power to dictate wages again?

Someone remind me?
What about the DOL and Bureau of times and standards or whateverthehell it is?
I think the Pennsylvania coal fields might have pressed someone in government to do something about corporate greed...whether the constitution does or does not say anything about labor or wages.

Those 9 year old boys working 18 hour days pissed people off...and rightfully so.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:04 pm
by Sirfindafold
who gives a fuck?

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:09 pm
by Dinsdale
Sirfindafold wrote:who gives a fuck?

People who, like yourself, dream about 9 year old boys 18 hours a day.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:22 pm
by Truman
Dinsdale wrote:Which part of the Constitution grants the fed the power to dictate wages again?

Someone remind me?
Aw c'mon, Dins...

It's right there next to that part that guarantees ever'body free healthcare and a college education.

Tell me you knew...

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:27 pm
by Dinsdale
Truman wrote:Tell me you knew...

At one point, I guess I did know. I think that was last week.

Then, I think I ruptured some internal organ from all the laughter at the asinine "interpretation" of the Constitution that an anti-American had the fucking gall to spew.

While I don't think that people who believe the Founders actually intended socialism should be shot in the face (8th Amendment, and all), I do think it's entirely inappropriate for them to remain in the USA.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:50 pm
by Dinsdale
mvscal wrote:
Dinsdale wrote:Which part of the Constitution grants the fed the power to dictate wages again?

Someone remind me?
Article 1, Section 8, US Constitution

Why don't you go ahead and quote the text you're thinking of (which doesn't exist, but I'll hear your case).

Nothing in there even alludes to any such wage laws, meaning minimum wage laws are strictly the domain of the states, and the fed can only pass such laws in regards to federal employees.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:31 pm
by Dinsdale
Birdy wrote: How does a fucking cum sucker like you, who posts at work, get to dictate what type of labor laws this country should allow.

I rarely, if ever read your posts.

And I'm thankful for that, since on the rare occasions I have, it's chock-full of idiocy like this.

If you were to start a contracting business to deliver pizzas, you too could have some flexibility on your hours of employment, and could use your computer when and how you saw fit.

In other words...

Sucks to be you, Cumdrinker.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:54 pm
by Dinsdale
My bad... I forgot just how stupid you are.




YOU'RE the one who claimed to be a pizza delivery boy on these boards.

Not ME... YOU.

I was just trying to make a suggestion as to how you could improve your miserable little life, and enjoy the benefits of your labor to the point you don't have to ask anyone's permission to use the computer to stalk some guy on the internet you've never met, and postulate on the inner-workings of his persuit of penile-happiness.

While I could certainly see how someone of your meager intellect could confuse the name "Dinsdale" for the name "Me," you should probably bear in mind that even the dumbest motherfuckers don't struggle nearly as badly with the rudimentary stuff as you do... just a FYI.

P.S.: Don't be so stingy with the parmesan next time, OK?

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:39 am
Trust fubu to post something really fucking stupid...twice.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:05 am
by Derron
H4ever wrote:I know I got hosed and lost shitload of OT at 1.5 when the new laws came in under Dubya. I heard he's changing back and expanding a number of pre-Bush labor laws. I'm kinda hoping we go back to the laws in place since 1938. This registered Republican hated Bush's ass for a number of reasons and one of them was his being in bed with big business.
The only way that could have happened is if your worked agriculture, or your employer was one of those who pulled the
" Your on salary now mother fucker, so I don't have to pay you overtime" card out..which means he is playing the game....and will get caught if it is a legitimate business...but payroll and workmen's comp audits are soooo over rated..not much chance of that shit happening..

I am putting that call into my accountant and payroll service right now asking them what the fuck have I been doing paying over time for time and a half, and all that shit for the last 10 fucking years.

This registered Republican hates the IRS, and every other government agency that has managed to maintain a policy of fucking every business in the ass, all day, every day, every spite of whom is in the White House or who controls Congress.

I will be sure and link to your post, since if you read it on an internet message board, it must be true.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 1:09 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
PSUFAN wrote:Trust fubu to post something really fucking stupid...twice.
I set my watch to it.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 2:34 am
by H4ever
Derron wrote:
H4ever wrote:I know I got hosed and lost shitload of OT at 1.5 when the new laws came in under Dubya. I heard he's changing back and expanding a number of pre-Bush labor laws. I'm kinda hoping we go back to the laws in place since 1938. This registered Republican hated Bush's ass for a number of reasons and one of them was his being in bed with big business.
The only way that could have happened is if your worked agriculture, or your employer was one of those who pulled the
" Your on salary now mother fucker, so I don't have to pay you overtime" card out..which means he is playing the game....and will get caught if it is a legitimate business...but payroll and workmen's comp audits are soooo over rated..not much chance of that shit happening..

I am putting that call into my accountant and payroll service right now asking them what the fuck have I been doing paying over time for time and a half, and all that shit for the last 10 fucking years.

This registered Republican hates the IRS, and every other government agency that has managed to maintain a policy of fucking every business in the ass, all day, every day, every spite of whom is in the White House or who controls Congress.

I will be sure and link to your post, since if you read it on an internet message board, it must be true.
I'm not going to divulge any personal info but, if you read the law....any "white collar" professional making more than 22K and change per year can be affected. It basically allows management to consider whether switching someone to salary from hourly or vice versa, will exempt them from having to pay 1.5 past 40 hours. What a beautiful law that allows people's family and personal lives to be completely fucked around whilst allowing the bosses to look like fucking heroes when it comes to labor savings.

You should look into it. You could probably really fuck your employees around, work them like dogs whenever you feel like it, and pay straight time while you do it. It's great for employee morale and when 30% of your workforce walks (happened where I work), those that remain are afforded the opportunity to work extra long days for straight time as they pick up the slack.

edit- I'm probably just bitter because I got the short end of the stick. But, I actually have a friend who benefited from the new law so never mind my rantings. They should just keep the shit simple!

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:11 am
by Screw_Michigan
H4ever wrote:You should look into it. You could probably really fuck your employees around, work them like dogs whenever you feel like it, and pay straight time while you do it. It's great for employee morale and when 30% of your workforce walks (happened where I work), those that remain are afforded the opportunity to work extra long days for straight time as they pick up the slack.
How do you think I could afford to throw money down the toilet on Johnny Rockets and Six Flags, nevertheless waste all that money on Jason Taylor?

Dan Snyder, Chairman of Pro-Football, Inc., aka the Washington Redskins Football Club.

Re: Will Obama fix the overtime laws?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:15 am
by H4ever