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Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:12 am
by Van
Main Entry: mu·lat·to
Pronunciation: \mə-ˈla-(ˌ)tō, mu̇-, myu̇-, -ˈlä-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural mu·lat·toes or mu·lat·tos
Etymology: Spanish mulato, from mulo mule, from Latin mulus
Date: 1593
1 : the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person
2 : a person of mixed white and black ancestry

Apparently The Messiah is so big on Change that many African Americans, most of the media and all of Hollywood have even seen fit to change basic definitions in order to create a new and apparently very emotionally necessary title for him: first African American U.S. president.

Barack Obama is not the first African American U.S. president. He's merely the first mulatto U.S. president. If we're to buy the "African American" tag then Obama is the latest in an unbroken string of male, white U.S presidents.

Along those same lines, well, sorry to break it to you, African American golf fans, but no African American has ever won The Masters either. (Lee Elder never won one, right?)

Btw, has any meaningful Change come yet for blacks in this country, since last Tuesday? Coulda swore we'd be living in a whole new world by now, what with all the game show style thankful sob fest gibbering pouring out of Obama supporters following last Tuesday's big shindig. I mean, hell, I'm a white guy, just like Obama's a white guy, according to blacks who claim Obama as their own. Even though one of My Own just got elected to be president I just haven't noticed any difference in my life yet.


My African American neighbor reports a similar lack of Change in his life.

It's fucking eerie.

Maybe we need an African American president, or a female president?

We still don't have a playoff system in BTPCF though, and that really pisses me off. Now that Obama's mentioned wanting a playoffs that's all I ask from our latest white U.S. president. (That sounds so much better than correctly saying "our first mulatto U.S. president," doesn't it?)

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:17 am
by Dinsdale
I've been singing the exact same tune, brother.

People are awfully hung up on this race thing.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:28 am
by Derron
You both will burn in hell for bring up the race card...

Its not about race....

oh wait..yes it is...

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:33 am
Here's what I've been saying for a while - Obama might end up being a pretty good friend to the real conservatives out there.

Here is a guy who has been championed by millions of those who previously averred from participating as citizens...and by that I mean voting and also working, bootstrapping, finagling and struggling.

Obama has been sounding the notes of Personal Responsibility for a while now, it's just that those who shallowly voted for him because of some shard of african ethnicity just haven't wanted to hear it. Now that he's in, they'll have to...or at least, they'll listen a little more closely than they ever have before.

He's got the keys - if he truly wants to get some things done, and it seems like he does, he'll have to really build some consensus - and the parasitical elements of our society really will have to change or they'll continue to be isolated.

No more excuses.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:37 am
by Screw_Michigan
Derron wrote:You both will burn in hell for bring up the race card...

Its not about race....

oh wait..yes it is...
Holy fucking shit. A post where Duhhron doesn't mention penis. I'm truly shocked.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:51 am
by War Wagon
Van wrote: Barack Obama is not the first African American U.S. president. He's merely the first mulatto U.S. president.
Which really doesn't make a damn bit of difference now, does it?

You can call him the first whatever you want and save the Hollywood/media/racial spin. He's the president, and I hope he does a good job.

I'll judge him by his actions and then the results of said actions.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:55 am
by H4ever
PSUFAN wrote:Here's what I've been saying for a while - Obama might end up being a pretty good friend to the real conservatives out there.

Here is a guy who has been championed by millions of those who previously averred from participating as citizens...and by that I mean voting and also working, bootstrapping, finagling and struggling.

Obama has been sounding the notes of Personal Responsibility for a while now, it's just that those who shallowly voted for him because of some shard of african ethnicity just haven't wanted to hear it. Now that he's in, they'll have to...or at least, they'll listen a little more closely than they ever have before.

He's got the keys - if he truly wants to get some things done, and it seems like he does, he'll have to really build some consensus - and the parasitical elements of our society really will have to change or they'll continue to be isolated.

No more excuses.
Rack it! And something tells me that if Obama succeeds in motivating even half the dregs of society into making positive contributions....even the conservatives will be singing the praises....somewhat.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:57 am
by Wolfman
I'll judge him by his actions and then the results of said actions.

No you won't. You'll be blaming George W Bush for every bad thing that happens for the rest of your lives.
Remember Herbert Hoover !

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:01 am
You just said that to Wags - who along with you is one of the only remaining W apologists on the fucking planet.

So much for the details, eh?

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:16 am
by War Wagon
PSUFAN wrote:You just said that to Wags - who along with you is one of the only remaining W apologists on the fucking planet.
I've never apologized for Bush nor will I at any point in the forseeable future.

And I'm not alone.

That said, I've moved on. I respect the power, obligations, and responsibilty of the office, regardless of who holds it. More than that, I respect the American electorate's collective wisdom when it comes to selecting the current occupant.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:19 am
by H4ever
War Wagon wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:You just said that to Wags - who along with you is one of the only remaining W apologists on the fucking planet.
I've never apologized for Bush nor will I at any point in the forseeable future.

And I'm not alone.

That said, I've moved on. I respect the power, obligations, and responsibilty of the office, regardless of who holds it. More than that, I respect the American electorate's collective wisdom when it comes to selecting the current occupant.
Now your apologizing for the people who voted in Bush.....twice. :lol:

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:32 am
by Van
WW wrote:I'll judge him by his actions and then the results of said actions.
So will I. Dude better bring it, and I know he will, and then I'll be jacked and pumped!


Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:35 am
by War Wagon
H4ever wrote: Now your apologizing for the people who voted in Bush
How the fuck did you arrive at that incredibly assinine conclusion?

Take "your" time.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:46 am
by H4ever
War Wagon wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:You just said that to Wags - who along with you is one of the only remaining W apologists on the fucking planet.
... I respect the American electorate's collective wisdom when it comes to selecting the current occupant.

there ya go

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:49 am
by Mr T
Van wrote:Along those same lines, well, sorry to break it to you, African American golf fans, but no African American has ever won The Masters either. (Lee Elder never won one, right?)
We dont count as African?

Gary Player, Nick Price, Harold Henning, and Rory Sabbatini

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:51 am
by Mr T
Van I agree with a lot you say here but according to the old old old days, before change we can believe in, if you had a drop of black blood you were considered black.

Which is weired because if they are reping racist whites from centuries ago, what is all this talk about change?

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:55 am
by Van
Mr T wrote:
Van wrote:Along those same lines, well, sorry to break it to you, African American golf fans, but no African American has ever won The Masters either. (Lee Elder never won one, right?)
We dont count as African?

Gary Player, Nick Price, Harold Henning, and Rory Sabbatini
Now you've done it!



Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:01 am
by War Wagon
H4ever wrote:
War Wagon wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:You just said that to Wags - who along with you is one of the only remaining W apologists on the fucking planet.
... I respect the American electorate's collective wisdom when it comes to selecting the current occupant.

there ya go
there ya go... What?

So how does that make me an apologist for anyone who voted for Bush?

Who'd you vote for, Santa Claus?

I don't know much about you Hwhatever, but apparently in your world 2+2 equals 13 and there's not a damn bit of difference between apples and horseshoes.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:27 am
by H4ever
War Wagon wrote:
War Wagon wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:You just said that to Wags - who along with you is one of the only remaining W apologists on the fucking planet.
... I respect the American electorate's collective wisdom when it comes to selecting the current occupant.

So how does that make me an apologist for anyone who voted for Bush?

Who'd you vote for, Santa Claus?

I don't know much about you Hwhatever, but apparently in your world 2+2 equals 13 and there's not a damn bit of difference between apples and horseshoes.
Respecting and then describing those votes (for Bush) as "wisdom" is apoligizing the same way you would apologize for a drunken engineer at a train wreck by saying, "Hey....he's been an engineer for 8 years and he thought he could make the corner"

You must respect those who voted for Bush the same way you "respect" those who voted for Obama. Don't even try to spin it on a technicality.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:52 am
by War Wagon
H4ever wrote: Respecting and then describing those votes (for Bush) as "wisdom" is apoligizing
No, it's not. Not even close.

You're making false assumptions.

You must respect those who voted for Bush the same way you "respect" those who voted for Obama. Don't even try to spin it on a technicality.
I'm not spinning a damn thing and there is no technicality.

Yes, I respect those who voted for Bush, as opposed to Gore and then Kerry. I voted for Bush. Twice. He's my dawg.

Big shocker, eh?

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:25 am
by Screw_Michigan
Not really. You're proven yourself, time and time again, to be the dumbest fucking retard on these boards, if not, on planet earth. Sticking your head in a die press would be the only way to salvage the damage you've single-handily inflicted on civilization. Any other questions, dumbfuck?

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:39 am
by War Wagon
Have I ever asked you a question, Screwed???


Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:41 pm
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:Not really. You're proven yourself, time and time again, to be the dumbest fucking retard on these boards, if not, on planet earth. Sticking your head in a die press would be the only way to salvage the damage you've single-handily inflicted on civilization. Any other questions, dumbfuck?
The second of 2 complete bullshit rantings with the obligatory double dumb fuck blast, the retard reset, which is pretty funny in itself for a tard to have a retard reset, and then he trolls for a penis reference..maybe he should look in his own ass, but pulling the plunger out first would be required, and the handle does not have enough space for picture instructions.

Sucks to be that stupid, and then post your stupidity for all to see...

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:45 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Are you capable of writing a coherent sentence without coming across like you're a fifth deep at 7:45 AM, U&L time? Holy fucking Christ, that made no sense at all.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:55 pm
by Mikey
Wolfman wrote:I'll judge him by his actions and then the results of said actions.

No you won't. You'll be blaming George W Bush for every bad thing that happens for the rest of your lives.
Remember Herbert Hoover !
You might as well come to terms with the fact that, for the rest of your life, you will have a President that you hate.

Sucks to be you, I guess.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:33 am
Derron's just muttering until he sees a chance to chat about penis again.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:04 am
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:Are you capable of writing a coherent sentence without coming across like you're a fifth deep at 7:45 AM, U&L time? Holy fucking Christ, that made no sense at all.
Seems like you and your bitch PSU are the only ones too fucking stupid to understand English..but that's no surprise...after all, its hard for you to "decifer" what the written word means.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:44 am
by socal




Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:41 pm
by BSmack
If Dr. Leakey is to be believed, then the first "African-American" President was George Washington, as we are all descended from Africans. Perhaps a better way to put it is that President Obama is the first person to be elected President who would have been lynched for even looking a white woman not more than 50 years ago?

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:19 am
by The Seer
The Messiah gets elected and everything is still fucked up. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:09 am
by Goober McTuber
The Seer wrote:The Messiah gets elected and everything is still fucked up. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Yes, because if John McCain had been elected the Dow would be up 3,000 points, gas prices would be $1.25 and banks would be turning down bailout money. Idiot.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:26 am
by Screw_Michigan
That's probably the only half-way decent take you've had here in the past month, Gobbles. Keep it up, whatever you're doing, dicklick.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:32 am
by Invictus
'Swhy I voted for Edwards in the primary.

Obama might be the first "black" president but I don't believe that he will be the best. probably in my lifetime.

Colin Powell is from NYC but he has West Indian roots. They will kill you if you lump them in with American blacks. So you can't count him if he ever ran. (of course, he way too smart to run for prez)

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:52 am
by Van
Goobs, had McCain been elected none of those things you mentioned would be any different now.

You are correct there.

The difference is that had McCain (or any of the other candidates) been elected it wouldn't have been due to their skin color. Moreover, stupid, pathetic people wouldn't be crying in the streets with joy over the election of a wholly unqualified guy who achieved the heights of politcal success solely due to his skin color.

Don't think so?

Ask yourself these two questions...

If Barack Obama were a 100% caucasian and equally inexperienced politico in Chicago and his name was John Jones would any of us today even know he exists?

If Barack Obama were a 100% caucasian man named John Jones would blacks and clueless, ignorant people everywhere be crying in the streets with joy over the sweeping changes in their lives they'd be expecting to see and feel, strictly due to his election as president?

In both instances you are to factor in Barack's exact resume, with only his name, his appearance and the race of his parents being different.

Barack sems to be a decent man and I have little doubt he's a very bright man as well.

Those types of men aren't rare.

What is rare is a to see a man sitting first in the U.S. Senate (and only for a short while, during which he spent nearly his entire tenure running for higher political office rather than doing the job to which he was elected) and then in the White House, for little other reason than the color of his skin plus a catchy name.

On top of all that is the simple fact that so many blacks claim him as their own, in the process elevating him to near deity status because of his skin color, despite the fact that he's at least as white as he is black.

Dunno 'bout you but as is so often the case with this country lately I'm just fucking embarrassed. We have truly become a nation of media driven chattel.

Hopefully Obama's presidency will turn out to be as successful as the blindfolded kid who nails the pinata. Just as I'd root for that kid so too will I root for this presidency to succeed.

The fact that this presidency was achieved in the same manner as the kid holding the pinata candy, well, it sure doesn't say much about us as a society...

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 2:30 am
by Van
Okay then, allow me to qualify it...

As politicians go, he seems like a decent man, with the emphasis on "seems."

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:15 am
by Goober McTuber
Screw_Michigan wrote:That's probably the only half-way decent take you've had here in the past month, Gobbles.
I could shit on my keyboard and viciously smack it with a canoe paddle, and be light years ahead of any any "take" you've squirted out in your pathetic message board career, you drug-addled fuckwit.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:53 am
by War Wagon
Van wrote: The difference is that had McCain (or any of the other candidates) been elected it wouldn't have been due to their skin color.
Obama wasn't elected due to his skin color. You should just drop that angle right the fuck now.

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:13 am
by Van
The fuck he wasn't. That wasn't the only reason he was elected, obviously, but it was the main reason he was even in a position to be elected.

Make him a white guy with a boring name and the exact same resume and we never would've even heard of him. He doesn't get that senate seat and he certainly isn't groomed as a first term junior senator to be the Democractic nominee for president of the United States.

Not a chance.

Hell, if his name was Jimmy Watkins and he looked like Nate Newton, same deal. We never would've even heard of the guy.

He was tabbed as an ideal figure head because of his name and how he looked. He had to also be able to pull off the role, of course, which meant he had to have his other politically viable qualities.

Based on those other qualities alone though he never even gets a sniff at these gigs he's been given, not this soon, not if he were a nondescript white politician.

He was groomed to be the perfect figure head of "change." Black, but not too black.

No chance in hell does a boring white guy via Hawaii and Chicago go as far as Obama has gone, as quickly as he's managed it.

With that resume?


No way in hell blacks by the thousands are bawling their eyes out over how it's such a great, uplifting day for their people if Obama's a 100% caucasian named Burt Weinstein.

Not...a...chance. Same resume. Same man.


Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:13 am
by poptart
No way in hell blacks by the thousands are bawling their eyes out over how it's such a great, uplifting day for their people if Obama's a 100% caucasian named Burt Weinstein
TWIS '12!

Re: Change You Can Believe In

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:20 am
by Mr T
Goober McTuber wrote:
The Seer wrote:The Messiah gets elected and everything is still fucked up. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Yes, because if John McCain had been elected the Dow would be up 3,000 points, gas prices would be $1.25 and banks would be turning down bailout money. Idiot.
No, but if you believe we would be better off with McCain then Obama or vice a versa then you are a fucking retard.

Last time I checked Obama, Biden and McCain all voted yes on the bailout.

Change you can believe in.... :lol: