...3 things that really shouldn't be mixed together, but, unfortunately they are.
I walk out of work tonight into the parking lot. We got about 5 inches of snow, followed by some really nice "wintery mix" followed by light rain. So the slop on and around everyone's ride was pretty nasty. I get to my car and sitting next to it is a rather puzzled looking young hindu chick. She puts it in reverse, waits a few seconds, gets out, scratches at the slop behind her tires, gets back in and tries again.
Does this a few times, never actually stepping on the gas pedal. I finally ask if she needs help? I tell her she might wanna try stepping on the go pedal. Apparently she thinks that is the go fast forward pedal. She is absolutely horrified at the idea of stepping on it in reverse. She then gets out of her car and asks if I can help. I hop in, slap it in reverse, back out with not even a hint of tire spin, put it in park and send her on her way.
How the fukk do these folks ever get drivers licenses?
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:48 am
by Van
Couldn't help it. Just the thread title already had me laughing...
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:49 am
by H4ever
Oh yeah? Try a Sudanese or Somali who hasn't driven much more than a few head of cattle or goats and then find themselves at the wheel of 4 thousand pound sled with 200 hp. It doesn't bode well for the rest of the populace. Especially in winter.
23, 456 banged up mini-vans out of the 23, 457 given to them by the US gov.
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 12:59 am
by Wolfman
No worse than some snot nosed 16 year old who manges to pass a driving test and then thinks he is Dale Earnhardt--and then becomes him !
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:03 am
by Left Seater
Does she drive a truck on the weekends in her home country?
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:32 am
by smackaholic
tod, you ever see a mashantucket so called indian that actually looked like anything other than poor white trash or maybe mulato trash? I haven't. I remember back when they first started coming into some dough, back in the early nineties. A friend of mine from norwich knew quite a few of them. Said that they were the same dregs of society. Only thing different was that they were now rolling in new caddies instead of 20 year old ones.
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:24 pm
by KC Scott
Van wrote:Couldn't help it. Just the thread title already had me laughing...
Same here - I thought of this game for some reason..
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:29 pm
by Derron
Some Hindu chick ??
You got in that car?? How could you stand the stench of her snatch on that seat.?...props to you for helping ....I guess...
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:05 pm
by Mikey
smackaholic wrote: She is absolutely horrified at the idea of stepping on it in reverse.
I believe that, in her religion, this would be as bad as shooing a cow out of the road or not letting a holy monkey steal your food.
You wouldn't want her to incur the eternal wrath of Vishnu, would you?
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:22 pm
by Van
Yeah, KC, I can only imagine why you suddenly thought of that...
...and again...
The scrawny lil' Sudden Sam looking dude is pretty funny. He looks like Ole Miss fan on Sunday morning, following a big win.
Re: indian woman + inclement weather + driving....
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:23 pm
by KC Scott
Van wrote:Yeah, KC, I can only imagine why you suddenly thought of that...
...and again...
The scrawny lil' Sudden Sam looking dude is pretty funny. He looks like Ole Miss fan on Sunday morning, following a big win.
Bwa - I'd never even heard of the game, but saw it top list of the worst Non-PC (politically correct) games ever.
Watching a clip of it in action just made it stick ...........