At The Cat's Cradle, 1992

It's the 19th Anniversary for T1B - Fuckin' A

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At The Cat's Cradle, 1992

Post by MiketheangrydrunkenCUfan »

Just got this in the mail a couple days ago. It's definitely brown as all hell. I never got the opportunity to see them live as a duo (my first Ween show was Lawrence, Kan. during the Chocolate & Cheese tour), so this is a nice representation of their sound before they started touring with a whole band. Pretty cool version of "Buckingham Green" a good 5 years before The Mollusk came out.

The bonus DVD has some cool shit on it as well, but the sound and video quality is very "early '90s."

Anybody else pick this up? bbq?
"Keys, woman!"
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