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Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:04 pm
by RJ
Most points ever in Madison Square Garden.
Oh, and he recorded his fifth career 60-point game on Monday night, the second most in NBA history behind Wilt Chamberlain's 32. RACK
Any doubters left?
The next one to fall will be Jordan's game winning shots record. Kobe is currently 1 behind (He'd be tied if fucking Lamar Scrotum would've thrown some D on his man who hit an open fucking 3 in the Bobcat game)
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:11 pm
by Screw_Michigan
Let me get this straight...
You're done with that "shit league," the NFL, because of it's shit officiating, but yet you're still down with the NBA, the league created the Jordan Rules, had officials throwing games, and basically disregards half the fucking rulebook it its games?
Go fuck yourself, gashsock.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:07 pm
by Dinsdale
Screw_Michigan wrote:the league created the Jordan Rules
I don't think "The Jordan Rules" means what you think it does... actually, I KNOW it doesn't mean what you think it does.
That phrase was used sarcastically to poke fun at the percieved favortism that 23 recieved. That was WELL after the Jordan Rules were put into æffect.
The league no more instituted the Jordan Rules than they did Hack-a-Shaq... dumbass.
The Jordan Rules were implimented by Chuck Daily... dumbass. It involved dishing out
extreme punishment every time 23 made the piss-poor decision to go airborne through the lane against the BB's. MJ should thank him, since he actually had to learn to make a jump shot after Daily æffectively ended his strictly-arial career, which was what made Jordan nothing more than an entertaining freak-show in his early years (and the Pistons' Little Bitch). They busted him up pretty good in the mid-to-late 80's (certainly had the personnel to do it).
And you claim to be from Michigan? Makes it double-funny.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:13 pm
by Dinsdale
RJ wrote:The next one to fall will be Jordan's game winning shots record.
[stirring the pot]I don't even know how the stats/projections play out, but I wouldn't be suprised if BRoy is on pace to CRUSH that record, since he hits a ridiculous number of game winners vs. career games played... something like every 4th game he plays in, or some such unbelievable number... and considering this is his first season on a winning team, it's pretty impressive.
That said, if I was coaching a game tomorrow, down one with a few seconds left...
I'm giving the ball to 24/8. No-fucking-brainer.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:32 pm
by RJ
Screw_Michigan wrote:Let me get this straight...
You're done with that "shit league," the NFL, because of it's shit officiating, but yet you're still down with the NBA, the league created the Jordan Rules, had officials throwing games, and basically disregards half the fucking rulebook it its games?
Go fuck yourself, gashsock.
Little man syndrome kicking in again, Skeletor?
Your time would be better spent lifting a weight or 10 instead of instead of being a manchum'd basted milquetoast on both this BB and in daily life.
Fingerbanging the nearest chainsaw would do wonders for this shithole's readability you fucking bottomfeeding dildo rack. You bring
nothing to this bb-period.
Anyone still doubt "81"?
Didnt. Think. So.
And Dins, no need to do my dirty work-although a RACK is deserved for the Jordan rules asstapping of Slewof_Menslipitin
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:36 pm
by RJ
Dinsdale wrote:RJ wrote:The next one to fall will be Jordan's game winning shots record.
[stirring the pot]I don't even know how the stats/projections play out, but I wouldn't be suprised if BRoy is on pace to CRUSH that record, since he hits a ridiculous number of game winners vs. career games played... something like every 4th game he plays in, or some such unbelievable number... and considering this is his first season on a winning team, it's pretty impressive.
That said, if I was coaching a game tomorrow, down one with a few seconds left...
I'm giving the ball to 24/8. No-fucking-brainer.
I'll give it up-BRoy is the real deal. That cat gots some muthafuckin' serious range and game.
Chuck Daily
The fuck? Somebody stole a password.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:00 am
by Dinsdale
RJ wrote:you fucking bottomfeeding dildo rack.
BTW-"Daly." I feel better now... wait, his team whooped my teams ass... fuck the asshole.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:30 am
by War Wagon
When I heard Kobe had went off for 61 and a MSG record last night, I fucking knew RJ would be in here.... rightly glorifying in the feat. Dude's a great player, one of the top 5 best ever in my estimation.
Only question is, what took you so long?
Off topic... saw where Durant scored 46 the other day, but still lost the game. That has to suck for the kid. So much talent, so little help.
How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:46 am
by Screw_Michigan
Classic Lames take: include phallic and/or skeletor balst. The irony is fucking rich.
Lames still fails to ignore the premise of my statement: Dogging the NFL's officiating while sucking the dick of the NBA, the league who currently has a referee serving prison time for fixing games, the same league that allows four-step travels and lets LeBron walk from Cleveland to Istanbul to get to the hole. Not to mention a shit league who's offensive creativity hasn't evolved from one-on-one isolation in over 12 years.
The NBA is the worst fucking product on the face of the earth. If I want to watch eight n...iggers stand around and watch two actually work, I'll walk down the street to the fucking corner store.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:50 am
by Screw_Michigan
Dinsdale wrote:And you claim to be from Michigan? Makes it double-funny.
Unlike you, I'm not shitting geriatric diapers yet, so thanks for the refresher on the Bad Boys' glory days. Also unlike you, I don't have recurring nightmares of my team getting fucked in the ass by Rick Mahorn, so I could see how the Bad Boys are still fresh in your dome 20 years later.
Eat a dick.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 1:05 am
by RJ
Dinsdale wrote:
BTW-"Daly." I feel better now... wait, his team whooped my teams ass... fuck the asshole.
RACK and concur. Fuck him.
Wags wrote:I fucking knew RJ would be in here.... rightly glorifying in the feat. Dude's a great player, one of the top 5 best ever in my estimation.
Only question is, what took you so long?
This BB bores me to tears now, thats what took so long. Its cool shooting the shit with you, Dins, and whoever may roll into this tumbleweed laden section of the Bored, but seeing the same old tired shit being flung back and forth by the same folks over the years here has gotten old.
It sure as fuck doesnt help that I leave more talent on my beach bunny slut's eye sockets after a morning arabian goggle than the combined efforts of FuBirdy, Screwed_intheslit, and LTS.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:12 am
by Dinsdale
Screw_Michigan wrote:
The NBA is the worst fucking product on the face of the earth. If I want to watch eight n...iggers stand around and watch two actually work, I'll walk down the street to the fucking corner store.
Kinda gets to the root of your issue, eh?
Do you drop n-bombs on black players if you think they're over-represented on an NFL team?
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Unlike you, I'm not shitting geriatric diapers yet, so thanks for the refresher on the Bad Boys' glory days.
Yet you still felt qualified to comment on it... "ponderous" doesn't do that any justice.
Also unlike you, I don't have recurring nightmares of my team getting fucked in the ass by Rick Mahorn, so I could see how the Bad Boys are still fresh in your dome 20 years later.
So, RJ... should I tell him, or just let this one stew for a while?
Either way, it's pretty funny... for several reasons, all of which fall into the main category of "good god, what an idiot."
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:14 am
by Dinsdale
RJ wrote:Dinsdale wrote:
BTW-"Daly." I feel better now... wait, his team whooped my teams ass... fuck the asshole.
RACK and concur. Fuck him.
But at least they didn't sweep
my team's ass.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:23 am
by Dinsdale
War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
Getting out of the funk, and starting to really influence how a game is played on both ends, just like a dominant big man is supposed to do.
Durant has also improved leaps and bounds../. and if you still think he's a better long-term prospect, I'll shit my pants like RTS at an owl-lovers convention.
Of course, I could have gone lots of ways with that answer:
War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
A fuckload better than Bynum.
War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
He can spell his own name correctly on the deposit slip when he cashes his check, meaning he's doing much better than Durant.
War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
He's a meaningful contributor to a 30-17 team... how do YOU think he's doing?
Greggy's problem has been A) a knee injury 1.5 years ago, and B) Learning NBA defense.
What the casuals like yourself don't seem to understand, is when Oden isn't in foul trouble, he's putting up bigtime numbers... bigtime.
Matter of fact, it won't go down this way, but if it was real and not a beauty contest, his only competition for ROY would come from his own teammates (Don't think people realize the Blazers are doing all this damage with 4 rooks in the regular rotation... be VERY afraid, NBA)... but they'll give it to Big Market Rose, or What's A Pass Mayo.
VERY happy with the #1 pick, thank you very much... we're starting to reap the benefits of that no-brainer decision.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:40 am
by RJ
Dinsdale wrote:
So, RJ... should I tell him, or just let this one stew for a while?
Either way, it's pretty funny... for several reasons, all of which fall into the main category of "good god, what an idiot."
I havent seen a dumbfuck this overmatched since Lagos decided to scroll his filthy fucking meth covered mouse over the "Register" link. Splooge_Onthechin is almost
offensively fucking stupid.
Hmmmm...this thread just took on r-kyve possibilities.
But at least they didn't sweep my team's ass
Fuck off. I still cringe thinking about the moment Magic's hamstring fucked him. Series over.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:09 am
by War Wagon
Dins, you seldom disappoint.
While I hope your boy Greggy works out in the long run, I just have this premonition that in a coupla' few years he's going to be glossed as "Woebegone" rather than the current "Woeden".
Yeah, I just made that shit up, but I'd have still taken Durant.
RJ, cut Screwey some slack... that's probably how we posted... 7 years ago. He'll eventually grow up. I've already seen evidence that's the case. He readily admits he's a jizz mopper. Acceptance is the 1st step.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:15 am
by The Seer
Dinsdale wrote:War Wagon wrote:How has Woe-den been doing lately, Dins?
A fuckload better than Bynum.
I will concede that when Bynum is not playing due to injury, Oden's stats are slightly better.
Re: Kobe breaks yet another record....
Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:47 am
by RJ
Bump for the simple fact that im damn sick of looking at the last post made in this forum belonging to a brainless liar of a golden state backing gimp who hasnt brought a readable thing to this board in years.
BTW-Title number 15 (the first in another 3 peat throwdown) is looking damn good right now-make your time, haters.