Re: Onogroid Raises Taxes on Poor
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:58 pm
Them poor folk shouldn't be smokin' anyhoo. This tax will help them quit. It's a win/win.
FTFY.mvscal wrote:Obama Raises Taxes on the Stupid
Bullshit. For most smokers, this won't affect them. They'll always find a way to get their little fix... even the poor smokers will just go from buying the 52 inch plasmas to spruce up their single wides down to just a 42, or whatever. Smokers always make it work. They'll eat more hot dogs and beans and maybe not treat the wife to McDonald's Drive through on "date night." Perhaps they'll change brands from Marlboro to Kool or whatever the fuck is cheaper. Don't worry. Smokers... smoke. Always have. Always will.mvscal wrote:Almost immediately. It will be great for organized crime, though.Left Seater wrote:At what point do these sin taxes start having the opposite effect?
We were having a serious discussion... or bagging on the losers who smoke?mvscal wrote:Check back in when you have some actual facts to support your position instead of guesswork.
So, what you're REALLY worried about is that if everybody quits smoking they'll have to tax all us bitchin' non-smokers to pay for Socialized Children's Health care.mvscal wrote:Let's say that is what happens. Now what? Do you think this program will just go away? So tell me, where do you think the money to fund it is going to come from...jackass?PSUFAN wrote:A tax on cigs can be avoided - just don't smoke, jackasses.
Goodmvscal wrote: To cover the increase in spending, lawmakers approved boosting the federal excise tax on a pack of cigarettes by 62 cents, to $1.01 a pack.
If you are really interested in profiting from a lack of understanding of the difference between causation and correlation, I suggest you cut off your dick in order to win the lottery.Tom In VA wrote:I've decided to not pay any taxes at all, should help me to become a front-runner for Obama's second administration as a cabinet member.
Rack!mvscal wrote:You're an idiot. Smokers die early and they die fast. Any action or policy that results in people living longer raises health care costs.Mikey wrote:If all those indigent po' people quit smoking they won't be burdening the existing Socialist Health Care System by getting lung cancer and qualifying for free hospital treatment. That savings alone should more than make up for any lost cigarette taxes.
People should be encouraged to smoke, run with scissors, cross busy intersections without looking, assume that all firearms are unloaded, swim less than 30 minutes after eating a full meal, going hiking in the U&L during winter and anything else that would help thin the herd.
Sin taxes have always been an easy way to swindle money from the public.smackaholic wrote: The bottom line here is, who the fukk does the gubmint think they are deciding what should be taxed excessively and what shouldn't?
Left Seater wrote:That or sending more of the smokers to indian casinos to buy their smokes.
The drop in revenue wouldn't have anything to do with the statewide smoking ban in workplaces and restaurants in '94, would it, slappy?mvscal wrote:Meanwhile back in reality, California has experienced a 20% drop in tobacco revenue since Prop 10 (raised taxes $.50 per pack) went into effect in 1999.
Now where do you suppose all those neat programs "For The Children" are making up their shortfalls in revenue? Feel free to guess again.
Imagine that! mvscal talking about a black man pissing/jizzing in his face. Who could have ever thought he'd post something like that?mvscal wrote:Well, that didn't take long. Don't worry, libtards. I know it must look like he's pissing in your face, but you can't believe everything you see. In reality it's just raining. It's for "The Children" though, so that makes it OK.
House set to pass kids' health bill
By KEVIN FREKING – 9 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — The government is poised to extend health coverage to 4 million more lower-income children, a first step in President Barack Obama's promise to shrink the ranks of the uninsured.
The House was expected to approve the expansion of a children's health insurance program Wednesday and deliver it to Obama for his quick signature. The bill passed the Senate last week.
Over the next four years, up to 13 million children could be covered under the program run by the Health and Human Services Department and state governments.
The bill calls for spending an additional $32.8 billion on the State Children's Health Insurance Program. To cover the increase in spending, lawmakers approved boosting the federal excise tax on a pack of cigarettes by 62 cents, to $1.01 a pack. ... AD964KTCG0
I agree, but don't believe for one instant we don't find it humorous you play Russian Roulette with black cock. You never know when you might bite down on one and the force of his cock will tear through the back of your neck or the donkey punch will be so vicious, his hand will break through your skull.mvscal wrote:You're an idiot. Smokers die early and they die fast. Any action or policy that results in people living longer raises health care costs.Mikey wrote:If all those indigent po' people quit smoking they won't be burdening the existing Socialist Health Care System by getting lung cancer and qualifying for free hospital treatment. That savings alone should more than make up for any lost cigarette taxes.
People should be encouraged to smoke, run with scissors, cross busy intersections without looking, assume that all firearms are unloaded, swim less than 30 minutes after eating a full meal, going hiking in the U&L during winter and anything else that would help thin the herd.
Talk about an utter shit argument.smackaholic wrote:Ahhhh yes, the old stand by argument that smoker raise healthcare costs.
Too bad it's an utter shit arguement.
Lung cancer tends to kill people rather quickly, usually before they grow old enough to suck off the SS teat for long, if at all.
Lung cancer mainly occurs in older people. About 2 out of 3 people diagnosed with lung cancer are older than 65; fewer than 3% of all cases are found in people under the age of 45. The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 71.
How so. Average age of diagnosis is 71. Most die rather quickly. I would say that they check out at an average age of under 73. This is well below the average life expectancy. So, it frees up a SS teat for another blue hair.Goober McTuber wrote:Talk about an utter shit argument.smackaholic wrote:Ahhhh yes, the old stand by argument that smoker raise healthcare costs.
Too bad it's an utter shit arguement.
Lung cancer tends to kill people rather quickly, usually before they grow old enough to suck off the SS teat for long, if at all.
Lung cancer mainly occurs in older people. About 2 out of 3 people diagnosed with lung cancer are older than 65; fewer than 3% of all cases are found in people under the age of 45. The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 71.
You’re just throwing out anecdotes about your family and totally fabricated facts about people dying quickly. Feel free to back up your claim of lung cancer victims dying by age 73, which is only 5 years less than the current US life expectancy and even if it were true, these people could easily have been collecting SS for 11 or 13 years.smackaholic wrote:How so. Average age of diagnosis is 71. Most die rather quickly. I would say that they check out at an average age of under 73. This is well below the average life expectancy. So, it frees up a SS teat for another blue hair.Goober McTuber wrote:Talk about an utter shit argument.smackaholic wrote:Ahhhh yes, the old stand by argument that smoker raise healthcare costs.
Too bad it's an utter shit arguement.
Lung cancer tends to kill people rather quickly, usually before they grow old enough to suck off the SS teat for long, if at all.
Lung cancer mainly occurs in older people. About 2 out of 3 people diagnosed with lung cancer are older than 65; fewer than 3% of all cases are found in people under the age of 45. The average age at the time of diagnosis is about 71.
Are you arguing that it is more cost effective to have that person hang around long enough to become senile and waste away and punch out at 91?
Both my grandparents on my dad's side made it into their mid nineties. My grandmother was completely senile for atleast 5 or 6 years. She spent the last 2 years in a home. Going quickly from cancer at 85 would have been a cakewalk compared to what she and my gramps went through. My gramps was comparatively lucky. He made it to 95 without losing his marbles and only spent about 3 or 4 days in hospice before checking out. Unfortunately, his case is the exception.
The financial costs of lung cancer are high. One study estimated that the cost of treating lung cancer in the United States in 2004 was about $9.6 billion per year (see Costs of Cancer Care). This made it one of the most expensive cancers to treat in the country.
Fuck yeah! Air in a can, baby! Only $19.95/6-pack!War Wagon wrote:I want to tax the fucking air you bitches breathe. Every breath you take over the age of 60 gets taxed double. Since you've lived that long, we obviously haven't squeezed enough out of you yet.
Let them tax cigarettes to 50 bucks a pack. After the die-hard smokers resort to the black market and everyone else has quit, a 6 pack of domestic beer can be taxed to 30 bucks or more to make up for the lost revenue. Hopefully the moonshiners will fire up the stills and the gubmint can enact an "emergency" federal sales tax that will never go away.IndyFrisco wrote:Fuck yeah! Air in a can, baby! Only $19.95/6-pack!War Wagon wrote:I want to tax the fucking air you bitches breathe. Every breath you take over the age of 60 gets taxed double. Since you've lived that long, we obviously haven't squeezed enough out of you yet.