...just a slip of the tongue
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:46 pm
"Some people will say anything to get an unpopular bill passed …
Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated that 500 million Americans a month will lose their jobs unless we pass the pork heavy $900 billion dollar stimulus package. Is this fear mongering or just plain stupidity? Was this a gaffe on Pelosi’s part or is she willing to say anything to get this unpopular stimulus package through even if it means misrepresenting the fact?
500 Million American a month will lose their jobs
500 million Americans? Really? Last I checked and it appears that Stop the ACLU has the same stats, there are only approximately 300 million Americans living in the US. I realize that present day Congress cannot differentiate between millions and billions when it comes to taxing Americans; however, one would like to think that Nancy Pelosi knows how many people actually live in the United States. Talk about being out of touch with your constituents."
Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi stated that 500 million Americans a month will lose their jobs unless we pass the pork heavy $900 billion dollar stimulus package. Is this fear mongering or just plain stupidity? Was this a gaffe on Pelosi’s part or is she willing to say anything to get this unpopular stimulus package through even if it means misrepresenting the fact?
500 Million American a month will lose their jobs
500 million Americans? Really? Last I checked and it appears that Stop the ACLU has the same stats, there are only approximately 300 million Americans living in the US. I realize that present day Congress cannot differentiate between millions and billions when it comes to taxing Americans; however, one would like to think that Nancy Pelosi knows how many people actually live in the United States. Talk about being out of touch with your constituents."