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Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:50 am
by Dinsdale
88 wrote:Why work yourself to death if there is no reward for your effort?

The reason why socialism will never, EVER work.

RACK you, brother.

And for myself... I've typically been near the bottom of wage earners. At times in my life, I've done well, others not so much...

But fuck getting motivated to excel for the next 4 years. I've already been presented with a potential opportunity to fleece Uncle Sam... but even if it's a raging success, I'll keep it under $250K.

In your shoes, 88, I'd say you're a fool to crack the 250K barrier, when you can be taking time off to spend time with your kids, and slack in general.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:50 am
by Dr_Phibes
so by working less, you're leaving others to pick up the slack and indirectly creating employment, not hogging it all to yourself. making for a working society rather than a working individual.

you're a good man, 88.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:46 pm
by Left Seater

My wife and I are will be in the same boat this year. We have spoken with the accountant who keeps the books for our company and are immediately taking a few steps to lower our AGI.

For example my mother in law and my brother are now on the payroll. We support both, grad school for the bro, and supplement my mother in law's income. Now both will be paid a salary from the company for "consulting services" and they can then pay their own bills instead of us writing the checks to the school or the apt.

We are open to other ideas if you come across some. I would love to knock my salary down to say $100 a year or something as such so that I don't owe any income tax. Having the company pay the house note isn't a great idea though.

And that brings up the problem with raising taxes on only the top wage earners. As shown you and I can manipulate our income to not reach the threshold. So instead of seeing more money coming into the treasury it goes the other way and soon taxes are going up for everyone. Instead taxes should be set at a flat rate for all wage earners regardless of the bottom end. When people succeed and make more they aren't penalized and their rate remains the same. At the same time all deductions need to just go away and most people could file on a post card.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:58 pm
by BSmack
All this agita for a 2% increase on wages over 250k?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:36 pm
by Left Seater
It's real easy to sit back and laugh when it isn't your money.

No idea where you get 2% from either. The rate would rise from 35% to 39.6%. In most of the world that is 4.6% increase in the rate. On top of that he wants to further reduce one of the only deductions left, mortgage intrest. Taking 40 cents of a dollar is nothing but theft as 88 said.

The amount actually paid will rise close to 10%.

Further he wants to remove some deductions for oil and gas companies. He is upset at their record profits over the last couple of years. So because of that he is going to raise their tax bill. So short sided. These companies will just pass the increase on to consumers at the pump and watch gas prices rise again. Good news there is at least the lowest wage earners will share that burden with every other group.

If he is going to penalize oil and gas for their profits, why stop there. Companies like Microsoft make much more profit on a percentage basis, so why not go after them?

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:42 pm
by Tom In VA
Left Seater wrote:Companies like Microsoft make much more profit on a percentage basis, so why not go after them?
Because Gates is a Democrat. Besides, hurting the gas and oil industry is part of motivating the search for alternative fuels.

I suspect if those oil and gas companies used profit to invest in research and development into alternative clean fuel alternatives they could receive tax breaks on that.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:55 pm
by Left Seater
Oil and gas companies are heavily invested in wind generation project in multiple areas across the country. I fly a group out to west Texas twice a month for meeting regarding the expansion of the wind farms there. I don't see much in tax breaks for their efforts.

Further, Dems are all about talking about alternative energy sources, but they oppose them at nearly every turn. They want alternative energy, but only if it is far, far away from their playgrounds. See Teddy Kennedy and Cape Wind.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:56 pm
by The Seer
When you tax businesses, they just pass on their higher costs to the customers.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:00 pm
by Left Seater
Not in Pres Hussein's world.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:17 pm
by BSmack
Left Seater wrote:It's real easy to sit back and laugh when it isn't your money.

No idea where you get 2% from either. The rate would rise from 35% to 39.6%. In most of the world that is 4.6% increase in the rate. On top of that he wants to further reduce one of the only deductions left, mortgage intrest. Taking 40 cents of a dollar is nothing but theft as 88 said.
So what we're talking about is a top rate equal to what it was during the Clinton years.

Did you stop making money then?

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:19 pm
by titlover
BSmack wrote:All this agita for a 2% increase on wages over 250k?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

easy to laugh at when it's not YOUR money being stolen from you, you dripping cunt.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:25 pm
by Left Seater
BSmack wrote:
So what we're talking about is a top rate equal to what it was during the Clinton years.

Did you stop making money then?

Wasn't in this situation in the Clinton years.

However, I guess I can thank Clinton for part of my success. By giving terrorists a free ride and not taking out Osama when he could, we saw 9/11. As such rather than face airline security and headaches more people chose to travel on corporate/private jets.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:26 pm
by BSmack
titlover wrote:
BSmack wrote:All this agita for a 2% increase on wages over 250k?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
easy to laugh at when it's not YOUR money being stolen from you, you dripping cunt.
Oh please, afflict me with this curse of super high wages. :lol:

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:39 pm
by titlover
BSmack wrote:
titlover wrote:
BSmack wrote:All this agita for a 2% increase on wages over 250k?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
easy to laugh at when it's not YOUR money being stolen from you, you dripping cunt.
Oh please, afflict me with this curse of super high wages. :lol:
so that makes it ok in your mind, because it doesn't directly affect YOU?

also, it's more money being stolen that those high earners could spend on the economy.

fukken moron

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:42 pm
by Derron
The government and the American people will just keep injecting the needle of debt into their and the countries arms on a daily basis now.

2008 did a number on specialty construction business's such as mine. What profit we made went to debt reduction. I will have all the equipment paid off this year. Won't make close to that 250K net all you other evil bastards will make, but you can be damn sure the business needs a few things over the next 2 years. :wink: :wink:

Borrow,borrow, finance,finance, credit cards,blah,blah blah,..this country will debt itself into obscurity before long.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:00 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
BSmack wrote:Oh please, afflict me with this curse of super high wages. :lol:
The only curse you're saddled with is not having the education and/or skills necessary to make any serious money. Perhaps if you weren't such a bottom feeder, you wouldn't resort to fleecing old men out of 15 lousy bucks.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:04 pm
by BSmack
titlover wrote:so that makes it ok in your mind, because it doesn't directly affect YOU?
Even if it did affect me, I wouldn't be bitching about it.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:06 pm
by Derron
BSmack wrote:
titlover wrote:so that makes it ok in your mind, because it doesn't directly affect YOU?
Even if it did affect me, I wouldn't be bitching about it.
But if there was a Republican in the White House or a Congressional majority , you sure as hell would be.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:08 pm
by Left Seater
mvscal wrote:
Left Seater wrote:The rate would rise from 35% to 39.6%. In most of the world that is 4.6% increase in the rate.
If you increase the tax rate from 35% to 39.6%, your taxes go up about 14% not 4.6%.

Easy, read all of the posts. That was a math example for Bsmack. Showing 4.6 does not equal 2. As for the total bill I calculate about 10% for me, but it all depends on what your income is. The higher you earn the more the percentage of the total bill.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:25 pm
by Left Seater
In a vaccuum. Taking into account the few deductions left it will be 10%.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:38 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Left Seater wrote:The rate would rise from 35% to 39.6%. In most of the world that is 4.6% increase in the rate.
If you increase the tax rate from 35% to 39.6%, your taxes go up about 14% not 4.6%.
No, they don't.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:59 pm
by Mikey
Not too good at math, are you?

For the first $250,000 of income they go up zero, zilch, or about the equivalent of your understanding of anything to do with numbers.

For the first dollar after $250,000 they go up 14%, but that's equivalent to a lot less than 1% on $251,000. The percentage that your tax will increase depends completely on how how far you're over the $250,000 threshold.

Glad I could help.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:06 pm
by indyfrisco
88 wrote:Obama appears to have made $250,000 the threshold for fucking people over from a tax perspective. So I've decided I'm not going to earn more than $250,000 in AGI once his tax plan goes into effect. I am going to work less.
We really have no choice. Our ownership of family business pays out 25% in tax free dividends. 50% is paid out in estimated taxes. The other 25% remains with the companies. Right now, that 50% estimated puts us close to the 250k mark. And this does not take into account our daily jobs. As my daily job is for a corporation (not mine), I cannot work less especially since I am the only one here who does what I do. So really, our only choice is to bend over and grab our ankles and wait for the mulatto to ram it in.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:14 pm
by Mikey
IndyFrisco wrote:
88 wrote:Obama appears to have made $250,000 the threshold for fucking people over from a tax perspective. So I've decided I'm not going to earn more than $250,000 in AGI once his tax plan goes into effect. I am going to work less.
We really have no choice. Our ownership of family business pays out 25% in tax free dividends. 50% is paid out in estimated taxes. The other 25% remains with the companies. Right now, that 50% estimated puts us close to the 250k mark. And this does not take into account our daily jobs. As my daily job is for a corporation (not mine), I cannot work less especially since I am the only one here who does what I do. So really, our only choice is to bend over and grab our ankles and wait for the mulatto to ram it in.

And you'll still probably be paying less on a percentage basis than somebody making in the $106K range, due to the maxing out of the payroll tax.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:29 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Mikey wrote:Not too good at math, are you?

For the first $250,000 of income they go up zero, zilch, or about the equivalent of your understanding of anything to do with numbers.

For the first dollar after $250,000 they go up 14%, but that's equivalent to a lot less than 1% on $251,000. The percentage that your tax will increase depends completely on how how far you're over the $250,000 threshold.

Glad I could help.
Which, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with the percentage of increase between a 35% tax rate and 39.6% tax rate.
It has everything to do with your statement that:
If you increase the tax rate from 35% to 39.6%, your taxes go up about 14% not 4.6%.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:34 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:Oh I see. Pointless semantic hairsplitting. Your tax rate goes up 13.4%. Good job "getting over", you tedious twat.
No it doesn't. Stop lying.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:35 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Oh I see. Pointless semantic hairsplitting. Your tax rate goes up 13.4%. Good job "getting over", you tedious twat.
No it doesn't dumbshit. Your marginal rate goes up 13.4%. Huge difference no matter how much you bluster and blow spittle all over the place.

You do actually know how the income tax system works, I assume.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:08 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
All other things being equal, doesn't an increase to 39.6 from 35 = +13.14%?


I am not a math major, so I am sure someone will correct me.

Carry on.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:22 pm
by BSmack
88 wrote:
Dr_Phibes wrote:so by working less, you're leaving others to pick up the slack and indirectly creating employment, not hogging it all to yourself. making for a working society rather than a working individual.

you're a good man, 88.
Laugh it up, comrade. We'll see how well it all works out for you. A system that is intentionally built to fuck the shit out of the dude that makes $500,000 won't succeed when that dude refuses to play. You'll end up with ten dudes each pulling in $50,000. Those guys don't pay taxes. As a matter of fact, they are being conditioned to expect to receive a check from the government with their take of the loot the government jacked from the guy who used to make $500,000. Oh, we're headed for great times, baby.
Guys who make 50k pay taxes dipshit. Property taxes, sales tax, excise taxes, sin taxes and yes, income taxes. And you would have to pay a lot more than the paltry 39% Obama is asking of you before your share of the total local/state/federal tax burden AS A PERCENTAGE OF YOUR INCOME equaled that of a guy making 50k. So go fuck yourself.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 9:54 pm
by BSmack
For starters, your 50% figure is absolute bullshit. The real number is 32%.

Furthermore, 93% of those with a zero liability make under 20k a year. Those who fall between 40 and 75k make up a paltry 2.9% of all taxpayers with a negative liability.

Also, you're forgetting that all the other taxes we pay are REGRESSIVE. All of them. Think of that the next time you pay your sales tax.

Lastly, I find it incredible that you are contemplating giving up 250,000 in income because of a tax increase of 32k on said income. It is a good thing you're a lawyer, because you are the suck as an accountant.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:14 pm
by Jerkovich
In other terms

Your taxes will increase 1,386 basis points.

yaaaaa me. :lol: :meds:

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:27 pm
by Mikey
Times must be really tough for you, doug. Sorry to hear that.
Maybe we could take up a collection or something.

Anyhow, I'll pray for you.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:45 pm
by indyfrisco
Just curious but anyone who thinks someone who makes 500k/year with 12 kids should pay taxes? Oh yeah, people who make 500k/year aren't fucking stupid enough to have 12 kids even though they could afford it.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:30 am
by smackaholic
Why is it the libs still don't get the FACT that those in the higher income levels have the ability to avoid paying higher tax rates and quite often the result is them being less productive. And enough of these folks being less productive results in guess what? The economy as a whole being less productive. Also tax receipts go down.

Obama's answer to receipts going down as a result of higher rates was so fukking what? It's fair.

88, you have inspired me, brother. I here by proclaim that I too (wifey included) will have a AGI of less than 250K. I'll even go so far as to say that I will double down on your offer and keep mine under 125K. :D

So, dude, if you need some more "employees" to spread that wealth around and keep it from barry hussein, I'm your man.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:19 am
by Louis Cyphre
88 wrote:
BSmack wrote:For starters, your 50% figure is absolute bullshit. The real number is 32%.

Furthermore, 93% of those with a zero liability make under 20k a year. Those who fall between 40 and 75k make up a paltry 2.9% of all taxpayers with a negative liability.

Also, you're forgetting that all the other taxes we pay are REGRESSIVE. All of them. Think of that the next time you pay your sales tax.

Lastly, I find it incredible that you are contemplating giving up 250,000 in income because of a tax increase of 32k on said income. It is a good thing you're a lawyer, because you are the suck as an accountant.
The 50% number was a guess. 32% is sickening. 1/3 of all of the people living in this country do not pay federal income taxes. That is off the charts wrong.
Don't forget, they'll be getting a rebate from the feds as well.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:26 am
by Moving Sale
88 wrote: I ... put in 3,000+ hour years many times to build my practice.

We take all the people who do not pay federal taxes (about 50% of all taxpayers) and we make them pick up trash, dig ditches, muck crap out of the sewers, paint things and do other jobs that do not take much skill.
Just think what a better person you would be if you had done both at once.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 4:13 am
by .m2
This thread is too funny.

Republicans... don't make good businessmen.

I have a question for Seer, 88, and Lefty.

How many people do you employ and how many new jobs are you creating each year ?

Actually, make it two questions... "Are you creating a tangible product that can be bought and sold" ?

I'm gonna go ahead and guess not so much to each of the questions.

So your bitching and whining really comes down to "selfish" greed and has nothing to due with the betterment of society in general.

I really don't have any patience or empathy for people in your predicament.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:10 am
by Goober McTuber
Funny that successful people in this country used to still strive to maximize their income when the top marginal rate was 70%.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:10 am
by Goober McTuber
People who are driven to succeed will continue to do so even if their marginal tax rate is raised by 4.6%. There was a time in this country when the most successful members of society saw no problem in paying a proportionally higher tax rate. Of course, that might also have been a time when their government wasted a much smaller percentage of their contributions.

Re: Obama's Tax Plan

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:28 am
by .m2
88 wrote:. We live comfortably and have not racked up significant debt.

Something doesn't add up here....

88, makes OVER $250,000 a year and lives in (Cleveland).... and

... his wife is WELL educated and makes BANK.... and lives in (Cleveland).

Yet, the 88 family has debt ????????

All of his kids are in "junior high or high school" so we can't go with him having 15 kids at Harvard.

Hmmmm... all we have is 88 growing up in a rural part of the country (West Virginia).

Is "racism" playing a role...????

88 wrote:Don't worry, m2. Bammy will send you your check

Hmmmmmm ???

the truth