Re: Techies...Need Assistance
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 7:39 pm
Yes it can be done. Your limitations in terms of space depends on whether or not you have a CD Burner or a DVD Burner.
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<H3 class=first><A
- De-thatching the Lawn</A></H3>
<P class=author><A
title=Post height=9 alt=Post
width=11></A>by <STRONG><A
Sam</A></STRONG> on Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:17 am </P>
<DIV class=content>Keep in mind that my back is getting more and more fragile
and I am very limited in doing things that I've previously taken for granted.
Improvisation has become a daily necessity.<BR><BR>I badly need to de-thatch my
lawn. There are spots where the cuttings are deep and they hindered grass
growing last year. So the other day I was dragging an old heavy metal rake
across the yard, applying pressure so it would dig down and do some good. Got
about a third of the way done, when my back <SPAN
style="FONT-STYLE: italic">and</SPAN> the rake gave out. The rake jettisoned
itself from its handle with a muted, mushy tear. Rotted wood handle.
Shit.<BR><BR>I pondered my predicament and decided I needed to make use of the
remainder of the rake. I had to finish this job. I (actually I had some
assistance; will explain later) attached 3 weights to the metal rake tines. The
weights are designed to go on the front of my Snapper mower . The weight seemed
about right for maintaining good contact with the ground. do I attach
this device to the back of my mower, so's I can drag it around the
yard?<BR><BR> assistants suggested bungee cords. That's it! So we
utilize several bungee cords and I begin dragging the rake across the yard. The
bungees, of course, allow way too much movement. Then it hit me. No, not the
rake, but the realization that the rake could become stuck in the grass and then
release itself with intense propulsion. Intense enough to imbed the tines in the
back of my skull! I didn't want to be found slumped over the steering wheel of
my mower with a rake protruding from my head, so I stopped. A new attachment
process had to be devised. My crew and I began discussions immediately. We had
to fabricate a rigid device that would connect the mower and rake together in a
more reliable and safe manner. <BR><BR>After much debate and tossing about of
ideas, we came up with the following system. <BR><BR>In this first photo, Turd
points out her method of knot-tying of the weights to the rake:<BR><IMG
to be outdone, my wife's dog indicates what she considered to be a superior
method:<BR><IMG alt=Image
finished product:<BR><IMG alt=Image
view:<BR><IMG alt=Image
allowing the dogs to do their handiwork on the weights/rake meshing, I applied
my vast engineering skills to the far more vexing problem of attaching the
weight-laden rake tines to the lawnmower, seeings how the bungee cord method
left me with the distinct impression that someone would like to see me dead. I
point out the use of 2 hoseclamps (1 1/4"-3/8" and a 1 1/2" -1", if I remember
correctly) to attach the remnants of the rake to a plastic-coated, threaded
hook. <BR><IMG alt=Image
"round-to-round" applique was, admittedly, taking a risk, but it was all we
could do. Tightening the hose clamps to their max was required and regular
tightening while in use was going to be a necessity.<BR><BR>Here, again, is the
attachment point:<BR><IMG alt=Image
more shot from a really cool angle:<BR><IMG alt=Image
connection!<BR><IMG alt=Image
don't have a shot of the machinery in action (I will soon. I know...what a
tease! You'll just have to wait), but, suffice it to say, the device was a
miserable failure. Not enough downforce was exerted, thus rendering the machine
a glorified mobile rake. Did the front yard and part of the back mainly out of
stubbornness. By god, we built this contraption...we're gonna use
it!<BR><BR>Guess I'll set fire to the yard at some point soon. That should lend
itself to some great photos.</DIV>
<DIV class=signature id=sig579275><SPAN style="FONT-STYLE: italic">If you're
going to be crazy, you have to get paid for it or else you're going to be locked
up. </SPAN><BR>Hunter S. Thompson</DIV></DIV>
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Sudden Sam wrote:Thanks to you and Shoalzie. I was about to ask Shoalzie: This seems to just save a link to the URL. I wanted to capture the images and captions directly to the disk.Tom In VA wrote:Oh pictures and captions.
Save it locally as Shoalzie said. Modify the HTML to remove all other posts.
Open modified file in Firefox browser. Make sure you install an addon like this.
It will print the file to PDF.
Then you can burn a disk, email, offer up to download on a site, or whatever.
+1Van wrote: "Grandpa, why does that one blonde lady have a giant roast beef sandwich down there where her naughty place should be, and why is a big sea monster lurching out of it?"