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Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:25 am
by War Wagon
Meanwhile, we're still digging out from the 6" of snow that fell here yesterday and it's currently a balmy 16 degrees... on March fucking 1st. I had to be out driving during that shit and it wasn't fun. Got stuck behind a 5 wide phalanx of Modot snowplows going 20 mph on I-435 for 15 miles. :brad:
If coal fired power plants cause global warming, we need more of those nasty bastards.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:49 am
by socal
You guys know the planet is tilted on an axis right?
Right now some Argentinian tard is probably mashing his keyboard wishing for a cold snap ('sup Van's brother's achilles?).
BTW Long Beach, CA was 81 today.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:13 am
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:
Winter Storm Warning in effect for Washington D.C. area, with snow accumulations betwee 7" and 9" expected between now and 2:00 p.m. on March 2, 2009.
Anecdotal evidence
The expression 'anecdotal evidence' has two quite distinct meanings.
(1) Evidence in the form of an anecdote or hearsay is called anecdotal if there is doubt about its veracity: the evidence itself is considered untrustworthy or untrue.
(2) Evidence, which may itself be true and verifiable, used to deduce a conclusion which does not follow from it, usually by generalizing from an insufficient amount of evidence. For example "my grandfather smoked like a chimney and died healthy in a car crash at the age of 99" does not disprove the proposition that "smoking markedly increases the probability of cancer and heart disease at a relatively early age". In this case, the evidence may itself be true, but does not warrant the conclusion.
In both cases the conclusion is unreliable; it might happen not to be untrue, but it doesn't follow from the "evidence".
Google is your friend Counselor.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:48 pm
by BSmack
socal wrote:You guys know the planet is tilted on an axis right?
It's all a part of a vast 9-11 conspiracy.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:17 pm
by Mikey
Apparently some people - make that a lot of people - who for some reason like to think of themselves as "intelligent", still haven't figured out the difference between weather and climate.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:19 pm
by BSmack
Mikey wrote:Apparently some people - make that a lot of people - who for some reason like to think of themselves as "intelligent", still haven't figured out the difference between weather and climate.
That's a job best left to private enterprise.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:01 pm
by Mikey
Not particularly hysterical. Cold weather isn't so unusual in the beginning of March in DC. I guess they should have waited until August so that there would be no chance of the naysayers getting all hysterical over supposed irony of it.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:14 pm
by Left Seater
I enjoyed the irony.
Then again I also understand that the Earth has gone thru warming and cooling periods throughout its history and will do so long after we are gone.
You may also find it amuzing that here in S. Texas this morning it was 31 degrees. Local weather guessers are trying to explain the cooler wather here in March and from last Oct. Longer more severe winters don't fit nicely inside the "sky is falling" mentality.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:16 pm
by Van
I enjoyed the irony too and I would add that it was hardly a display of hysterics. It was merely a quick, humorous aside.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:34 pm
by smackaholic
Van wrote:I enjoyed the irony too and I would add that it was hardly a display of hysterics. It was merely a quick, humorous aside.
Goddammit dins, this is no place for quick humorous asides. I mean...
[dopey algore voice]
THE PLANET HAS A FEVER!!!! [/dopey algore voice]
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:37 pm
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote:Not particularly hysterical. Cold weather isn't so unusual in the beginning of March in DC. I guess they should have waited until August so that there would be no chance of the naysayers getting all hysterical over supposed irony of it.
A substantial snowfall is unusual anytime in DC. It is flat out whacky in early march.
Not saying that it is an indication of climate. Just that it is pretty fukking funny and ironic. It would be even funnier if one of them protesting hippies gets taken out by a snow plow.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:40 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:51 pm
by Mikey
OK it was ironic.
But not hysterical...

Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:19 pm
by Dinsdale
smackaholic wrote:Van wrote:I enjoyed the irony too and I would add that it was hardly a display of hysterics. It was merely a quick, humorous aside.
Goddammit dins, this is no place for quick humorous asides. I mean...
[dopey algore voice]
THE PLANET HAS A FEVER!!!! [/dopey algore voice]
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:23 pm
by Wolfman
Dr. Obama's Snake Oil--Cures Everything form Zits to a Failing Economy !
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:37 pm
by Cuda
Another Global Warming Spectacle Laughed At by the Weather
Anyone participating in the Capital Climate Action campaign against modern civilization scheduled to take place today in DC had better dress warmly. The conspicuously absent global warming we're supposed to be so afraid of has resulted in as much as 9 inches of snow predicted for the region.
Discredited global warming
profiteer James Hansen, who has been pimping this latest spectacle, may end up getting grounded in New York, where businesses are extending the weekend because they're buried under a foot of snow.
But if the government doesn't mandate that we live like the Flintstones right now, next year it really will get warm, and then we'll be sorry!
The scheduled protest targets a coal-powered plant that provides power to Congress, which just imposed a carbon cap scheme that will result in our paying outlandish taxes on energy in the near future. Congress used to buy carbon indulgences to make up for using their politically incorrect coal power, but no more as of last Friday. Since global warming isn't real, there's no reason our rulers should have to pay a price to combat it — although we sure will.
It's nice to know that liberal Congresscritters will be kept toasty warm by burning coal, while the dupes who elect them trudge through a blizzard baying about global warming.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:47 pm
by Tom In VA
The snow this weekend was - trivial. We've a lot more snow in the past, to include early March, I remember my youth.
I don't know enough to say "Global Warming" is a farce, but I do know the earth's climate has cycles. Cooling trends, warming trends, and if the Mayans are correct a big huge "We're Fucked" trend is about to happen.*
Nothing we can do about it. We can Cap and Trade ourselves into poverty and famine before mother nature does*
*Maybe I shouldn't be watching the History Channel so much.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:48 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:
What better way to lift the economy out of a recession than by pointlessly making the production of energy (who needs it anyway?) more expensive? Brilliant stuff right there.
At least he reads off a teleprompter well. Good job, dumbfucks.
It's not about the economy, it's about fairness.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 9:54 pm
by Tom In VA
Papa Willie,
Of course it was going to, it's as intended. Daddy and he made all the money there was to be made in oil and tobacco. The most logical course of action is demonize both and make money off the destruction of the oil and tobacco industries.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:58 pm
by War Wagon
Tom In VA wrote:The snow this weekend was - trivial.
Unless you were out driving in it.
Nothing we can do about it. We can Cap and Trade ourselves into poverty and famine before mother nature does
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Man is an insignificant flyspeck on this planet and has about as much effect on the climate as a few anthills in my backyard. If every nation on Earth
purposely went about trying to create global warming, it'd have as much effect as flying a freaking kite.
For anybody buying into the global warming and 'go green' farce, you are one seriously deluded dumbfuck.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:07 pm
by Tom In VA
War Wagon wrote:Tom In VA wrote:The snow this weekend was - trivial.
Unless you were out driving in it.
I was. I've lived here all my life and the last time we had what I would consider a significant snowfall was in 2003. Then again I measure significant snowfall my how sore my back is after shovelling snow.
Based on smackoholic's other thread, as I'm about to hit 40, I reckon any snowfall will become more and more significant as the years go by.
But I think I can maintain a relatively healthy shape and lower back until 2012, at which point, according to Nostradamus, The Mayans, the Free Mason, etc.. etc.. it won't matter.*
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:23 pm
by Tom In VA
Oh, I'm sure Bobby Jindal is hopeful then. Needs to work on his "speechin'" though.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:18 am
by Smackie Chan
mvscal wrote:Tom In VA wrote:Bobby Jindal
How nice. Another token "brown person" chosen strictly for his ethnicity.
No thanks.
He's not your Great Beige Hope?
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:03 am
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:Tom In VA wrote:Bobby Jindal
How nice. Another token "brown person" chosen strictly for his ethnicity.
No thanks.
I don't see it that way.
Will the real Gov. Bobby Jindal please come back?
The Washington Post
What did they do with him?
The Jindal who responded to Barack Obama’s address to Congress was less the brilliant statesman than a terribly mixed metaphor — equal parts Mister Rogers, Bobby Brady and Kenneth the Page.
I know Bobby Jindal, and that guy wasn’t Bobby Jindal.
The real Jindal is the intellectual equivalent of a nuclear power plant. The real Jindal has actually read the stimulus bill and can recite its contents. The real Jindal is the sort of politician who promises ethics and education reform, and actually delivers.
Stories of Jindal’s ability to quickly assess a problem and fix it have become the stuff of legend in Louisiana, as when he was assigned the task of reforming the state’s Medicaid program and presented a workable plan the following morning. He was in his 20s.
That kind of performance, followed by his bare-hands approach to Hurricane Katrina rescue efforts as a Louisiana congressman, helped him become the nation’s youngest governor in 2007. What happened to that guy? Who snatched his body?
His staff did.
In fact, Jindal did not write his own speech, and he’s on a choke collar by some well-meaning people who helped him win the governor’s race. What worked in Louisiana in 2007 may not work on the national stage in 2016, when Jindal is most likely to run for president.
The stage-crafting was amateurish and the speech embarrassing. Jindal is smarter than the guy who criticized “volcano monitoring” as an example of wasteful spending in the stimulus bill, prompting the same cringe reflex that Sarah Palin did when she took aim at silly ol’ spending — in France, no less — on fruit fly research that is, in fact, crucial to medical research.
Volcano monitoring may not be a top priority for creating jobs and stimulating credit, which is doubtless what Jindal’s speechwriter meant, but it does save lives. Jindal’s rendering of a spending eruption metaphor (get it?) merely gave Democrats yet another opportunity to question Republicans’ understanding of science and the role of government in protecting the public good.
Being the smartest person in the room can be a mixed blessing. Whether it is advantage or handicap for a brainy candidate depends on having the right people around him. At the moment, Jindal seems to be handicapped by handlers who either don’t trust their candidate or have no faith in Americans’ intelligence.
In coaching him to dim the lights a tad, they stole his spark. Dumbing down doesn’t come naturally to wunderkinds such as Jindal. In trying to sound human, he sounds fake. In trying to sound ordinary, he comes across as an extraterrestrial.
Tuesday’s speech was a setback, much like Bill Clinton’s droning 1988 Democratic convention speech, but hardly a career-ender. When Jindal apparently slipped his collar and resurfaced Wednesday morning on the “Today” show, the Rhodes Scholar Jindal (who was accepted to both Yale and Harvard medical and law schools) was back.
He dropped his “I’m-just-a-regular-guy” shtick and managed to articulate his conservative principles without putting the audience in mind of cookies and milk. Praising Obama’s objectives — while conceding that Republicans have lost fiscal credibility — he emphasized his preference for policies that help businesses create jobs rather than government programs he fears will require a taxpayer feeding tube in perpetuity.
Jindal - 2016
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:08 am
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:Irony
Irony (from the Ancient Greek εἰρωνεία eironeía, meaning hypocrisy, deception, or feigned ignorance) is a literary or rhetorical device, in which there is an incongruity or discordance between what one says or does and what one means or what is generally understood.
There is no incongruity or discordance you dumbass, hence no irony, ergo you are a vapid pile of shit.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:09 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:Welcome to Omonkey's Hog Trough A Go Go. Sooooweeee, pig, pig, pig!!!
Who wants pork?!?

Racist fuckhole.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:46 am
by Moving Sale
Papa Willie wrote: Nobody gives a fuck about it around here anymore.
That is the point you supercilious shithole.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:59 pm
by Diego in Seattle
War Wagon wrote:mvscal wrote:Tom In VA wrote:Bobby Jindal
How nice. Another token "brown person" chosen strictly for his ethnicity.
No thanks.
I don't see it that way.
Will the real Gov. Bobby Jindal please come back?
The Washington Post
What did they do with him?
The Jindal who responded to Barack Obama’s address to Congress was less the brilliant statesman than a terribly mixed metaphor — equal parts Mister Rogers, Bobby Brady and Kenneth the Page.
I know Bobby Jindal, and that guy wasn’t Bobby Jindal.
The real Jindal is the intellectual equivalent of a nuclear power plant. The real Jindal has actually read the stimulus bill and can recite its contents. The real Jindal is the sort of politician who promises ethics and education reform, and actually delivers.
Stories of Jindal’s ability to quickly assess a problem and fix it have become the stuff of legend in Louisiana, as when he was assigned the task of reforming the state’s Medicaid program and presented a workable plan the following morning. He was in his 20s.
That kind of performance, followed by his bare-hands approach to Hurricane Katrina rescue efforts as a Louisiana congressman, helped him become the nation’s youngest governor in 2007. What happened to that guy? Who snatched his body?
His staff did.
In fact, Jindal did not write his own speech, and he’s on a choke collar by some well-meaning people who helped him win the governor’s race. What worked in Louisiana in 2007 may not work on the national stage in 2016, when Jindal is most likely to run for president.
The stage-crafting was amateurish and the speech embarrassing. Jindal is smarter than the guy who criticized “volcano monitoring” as an example of wasteful spending in the stimulus bill, prompting the same cringe reflex that Sarah Palin did when she took aim at silly ol’ spending — in France, no less — on fruit fly research that is, in fact, crucial to medical research.
Volcano monitoring may not be a top priority for creating jobs and stimulating credit, which is doubtless what Jindal’s speechwriter meant, but it does save lives. Jindal’s rendering of a spending eruption metaphor (get it?) merely gave Democrats yet another opportunity to question Republicans’ understanding of science and the role of government in protecting the public good.
Being the smartest person in the room can be a mixed blessing. Whether it is advantage or handicap for a brainy candidate depends on having the right people around him. At the moment, Jindal seems to be handicapped by handlers who either don’t trust their candidate or have no faith in Americans’ intelligence.
In coaching him to dim the lights a tad, they stole his spark. Dumbing down doesn’t come naturally to wunderkinds such as Jindal. In trying to sound human, he sounds fake. In trying to sound ordinary, he comes across as an extraterrestrial.
Tuesday’s speech was a setback, much like Bill Clinton’s droning 1988 Democratic convention speech, but hardly a career-ender. When Jindal apparently slipped his collar and resurfaced Wednesday morning on the “Today” show, the Rhodes Scholar Jindal (who was accepted to both Yale and Harvard medical and law schools) was back.
He dropped his “I’m-just-a-regular-guy” shtick and managed to articulate his conservative principles without putting the audience in mind of cookies and milk. Praising Obama’s objectives — while conceding that Republicans have lost fiscal credibility — he emphasized his preference for policies that help businesses create jobs rather than government programs he fears will require a taxpayer feeding tube in perpetuity.
Jindal - 2016
We can start reducing pork by eliminating hurricane monitoring.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:19 pm
by titlover
Moving Sale wrote:mvscal wrote:Welcome to Omonkey's Hog Trough A Go Go. Sooooweeee, pig, pig, pig!!!
Who wants pork?!?

Racist fuckhole.
does that .gif make you cry or something?
it's funny how you cry racism every other post here, yet seem to find the nerve to stick around. if it bothers you so much, just leave.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:21 pm
by Cuda
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:52 am
by Moving Sale
88 wrote:
I wytched your pic.
You are one Racist twatlipped fuckhole.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:30 pm
by Cuda
Moving Sale wrote:88 wrote:
I wytched your pic.
You are one Rathitht twatlipped fuckhole.
lisping homo
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:12 pm
by Moby Dick
Rapid growth spurt leaves amount of ice at levels seen 29 years ago.
Thanks to a rapid rebound in recent months, global sea ice levels now equal those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close.
Ice levels had been tracking lower throughout much of 2008, but rapidly recovered in the last quarter. In fact, the rate of increase from September onward is the fastest rate of change on record, either upwards or downwards.
The data is being reported by the University of Illinois's Arctic Climate Research Center, and is derived from satellite observations of the Northern and Southern hemisphere polar regions.
Each year, millions of square kilometers of sea ice melt and refreeze. However, the mean ice anomaly -- defined as the seasonally-adjusted difference between the current value and the average from 1979-2000, varies much more slowly. That anomaly now stands at just under zero, a value identical to one recorded at the end of 1979, the year satellite record-keeping began.
Sea ice is floating and, unlike the massive ice sheets anchored to bedrock in Greenland and Antarctica, doesn't affect ocean levels. However, due to its transient nature, sea ice responds much faster to changes in temperature or precipitation and is therefore a useful barometer of changing conditions.
Earlier this year, predictions were rife that the North Pole could melt entirely in 2008. Instead, the Arctic ice saw a substantial recovery. Bill Chapman, a researcher with the UIUC's Arctic Center, tells DailyTech this was due in part to colder temperatures in the region. Chapman says wind patterns have also been weaker this year. Strong winds can slow ice formation as well as forcing ice into warmer waters where it will melt.
Why were predictions so wrong? Researchers had expected the newer sea ice, which is thinner, to be less resilient and melt easier. Instead, the thinner ice had less snow cover to insulate it from the bitterly cold air, and therefore grew much faster than expected, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
In May, concerns over disappearing sea ice led the U.S. to officially list the polar bear a threatened species, over objections from experts who claimed the animal's numbers were increasing. ... #cmt393751
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:59 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote:88 wrote:
I wytched your pic.
You are one Racist twatlipped fuckhole.
The difference between a racist and a tard is the racist knows he is racist and the tard has no clue he is a tard, and continues on his tardly ways.
The tard drops words such as "supercilious" and " midget cunt" and then belives he has gotten over on the racist...
The question is..Would you rather have a tard or a racist running smack here ?
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:28 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:Moby Dick wrote:Why were predictions so wrong?
Because they are based on a fundamentally flawed premise.
What do I win?
A date with Moving Sale.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:31 pm
by Tom In VA
Moby Dick wrote:Rapid growth spurt leaves amount of ice at levels seen 29 years ago.
Thanks to a rapid rebound in recent months, global sea ice levels now equal those seen 29 years ago, when the year 1979 also drew to a close.
Ice levels had been tracking lower throughout much of 2008, but rapidly recovered in the last quarter. In fact, the rate of increase from September onward is the fastest rate of change on record, either upwards or downwards.
RACK Obama. God damn, there might be something to this fucker.
Holy Shit.
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:35 pm
by Left Seater
That must be the CHANGE he was talking about during the campaign process. It certainly isn't in how Washington is working or how he built his staff.
Good to see he wasn't totally lying when he was talking about the promised change. How long before the inventor of the internet weighs in to tell us this change is not because of Pres. Hussein?
Re: The Global Warming Crowd Cannot Get A Break
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:16 pm
by Tom In VA
Actually, the cooling trend is due to the warming nightmare.