Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:23 am
88 wrote:I wytched your pic. I figured you would like it better this way:mvscal wrote:Welcome to Omonkey's Hog Trough A Go Go. Sooooweeee, pig, pig, pig!!!
Who wants pork?!?
You know the one thing all "bigots" have in common ???
They're afraid.... someone's gonna to take their job.
I make/made 3 times my annual income in the market...
... yet, I'm not going to blame or try and put blame on someone else.
It seems that 88 had mucho dinero tied up in the market.... and may now have to spend his time working at Target.
Not much of a need for a "sleaze ball" now.... in this booming economy... that was driven into the ground by a real chimp.

m2 is the truth