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What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:22 am
by Left Seater
Read and heard the other day that Obama (or his team) said that now is the time to strike. Meaning right now he should propose stuff that he never would get away with in better times. If that is the case then here is what he should be doing.

1) Term Limits. Get them in place now. No more than 4 terms in the House and only two in the Senate. If you run out of time in one you can run for the other.

2) Social Payments to Illegals. End them all tonight. If you are not a legal visitor or worker, you don't get a single thing from the government. Children born to illegals are not US citizens. If parents are here legally, then the child gets citizenship. I'll be damned if my money goes to feed someone from another country who broke and continues to break laws to be here.

3) Must work for Food Stamps, Welfare, Etc. With the illegals gone there will be plenty of jobs for those needing help. You want your Food Stamps? School districts, cities, counties, etc have jobs that need completion. Hell, if you want to work really hard we can add an incentive payment.

4) Make Food Stamps etc less likely to be resold. I understand moving away from the printed kind to save money, but put something in place so person A can't sell them to person B for cash or drugs etc. Also, make those using them have to get them from the supervisor of their community job.

5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.

6) Restore relations with Cuba. No other reason than I want to visit and go to some of the place my Grandparents have pictures of.

7) Give employers the right to fire any Union workers on Strike. Think you are worth more money, go across the street. The better employers will always rise to the top.

8) Encourage States to end Teacher Tenure and move to Merit based Pay. I had some outstanding young teachers and some horrible seasoned ones. No reason the older ones should make more just because they have been there longer. Reward and encourage good teachers no matter their experience and let the others move on.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:34 am
by Screw_Michigan
Left Seater wrote:5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.
What is Mexico's "debt" with us? Take your time.
7) Give employers the right to fire any Union workers on Strike. Think you are worth more money, go across the street. The better employers will always rise to the top.
What part of "National Labor Relations Act" do you fail to understand? Oh, let me guess, you're a pilot and jealous of your peers who make more money than you with better job security. Why do you hate America, shit-stained dumbfuck?

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:46 am
by smackaholic
Left Seater wrote:Read and heard the other day that Obama (or his team) said that now is the time to strike. Meaning right now he should propose stuff that he never would get away with in better times. If that is the case then here is what he should be doing.

1) Term Limits. Get them in place now. No more than 4 terms in the House and only two in the Senate. If you run out of time in one you can run for the other.

I'd go with 2 terms in the house. 1 in the senate. That way nobody in the senate is under re-election pressure. 6 years is a long time. If you can't get what you want done in 6, gfy.

2) Social Payments to Illegals. End them all tonight. If you are not a legal visitor or worker, you don't get a single thing from the government. Children born to illegals are not US citizens. If parents are here legally, then the child gets citizenship. I'll be damned if my money goes to feed someone from another country who broke and continues to break laws to be here.

rack the anchor baby ban. the constitution really needs an amendment on that one.

3) Must work for Food Stamps, Welfare, Etc. With the illegals gone there will be plenty of jobs for those needing help. You want your Food Stamps? School districts, cities, counties, etc have jobs that need completion. Hell, if you want to work really hard we can add an incentive payment.


4) Make Food Stamps etc less likely to be resold. I understand moving away from the printed kind to save money, but put something in place so person A can't sell them to person B for cash or drugs etc. Also, make those using them have to get them from the supervisor of their community job.

also make them good for bare staples. oatmeal, rice, potatoes, vegetables. No over priced organic shit, either. You can buy cheese its and fruit loops when you get a job.

5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.

Let's just make it simple. Everything down to the panama canal. That way we'd have a defendable moat. If canada gives us any shit, we annex them too.

6) Restore relations with Cuba. No other reason than I want to visit and go to some of the place my Grandparents have pictures of.

just so long as we kill fidel and his bro first

7) Give employers the right to fire any Union workers on Strike. Think you are worth more money, go across the street. The better employers will always rise to the top.

I would hold them to whatever policy HR has in effect. At my job, 3 days of not showing up without at least calling someone is considered job abandonment and grounds for dismissal. Fat chance of Onogga getting on board with that one.

8) Encourage States to end Teacher Tenure and move to Merit based Pay. I had some outstanding young teachers and some horrible seasoned ones. No reason the older ones should make more just because they have been there longer. Reward and encourage good teachers no matter their experience and let the others move on.
Another thing I would do is end the ridiculous educational policies that teachers themselves have ensured stay in place.

50 years ago our K-12 school system was the best in the world and way better than it is today. Many of those teachers had 2 year certificates from teacher's colleges. Now they crow non stop about the fact that no one with a master's degree should be paid as little as they.


You should be paid what it takes to keep decent people in the position. And you learn how to be a good teach by teaching, not by taking some master's level psychobabble bullshit class over the summer.

Rocket science may require folks with some pretty high level math skills. Teaching geometry does not. It takes a decent fundamental knowledge and the ability to understand how to deal with a 15 year old punk.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:53 am
by Van
Mvscal wrote:I'm sure he'll get right on that after he's had his nap and a pudding snack.

Dunno why but that one cracked me up even more than his quip about "Pie!" in the other thread...

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:54 am
by Left Seater
Screw_Michigan wrote:
What part of "National Labor Relations Act" do you fail to understand? Oh, let me guess, you're a pilot and jealous of your peers who make more money than you with better job security. Why do you hate America, shit-stained dumbfuck?


Yeah the airlines are much better in terms of job security. Yep, that is where I want to be. Tied up in a long line due to some ATC delay 1200 miles away with waitresses who are pissed that they have to serve another round of drinks on the ground. Yep, I really miss going thru TSA screening everyday. I also hate having my ski bag or golf bag along on trips depending on the season.

Swing and a miss for you.

While I have no doubt that some of the 747 and 777 captains make more than I do, they also have to put up with a lot more. That's why so many of them are bailing out to available private sector jobs.

As for an outdated 1930's law, it is time to reform it.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:27 am
by Cuda
What Obama and his team should be doing?

I was Hoping for something along the lines of this:


Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:54 am
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote: The cost of importing Mexico's poverty far exceeds the value of their menial contribution to the economy.
Self loathing Racists are the saddest kind.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:35 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Left Seater wrote: 5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.
So...Mexico gets absolved of it's debt burden and you get...more Mexicans...

You brainiacs sure know how to cut a deal.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:40 am
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
mvscal wrote:
The cost of importing Mexico's poverty far exceeds the value of their menial contribution to the economy.


Dear TVO,

If you believe this statement to be racist then the truth is one racist motherfukkker!

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:42 am
by Moving Sale
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:If you believe this statement to be racist then the truth is one racist motherfukkker!
You wouldn't know the truth if it stuck its dick in your ass you stupid douchenozzle.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:45 am
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
Moving Sale wrote:
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:If you believe this statement to be racist then the truth is one racist motherfukkker!
You wouldn't know the truth if it stuck its dick in your ass you stupid douchenozzle.

I know that mvscal kicks your arse on every post. Or are you oblivious to that truth too?

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:30 am
by Terry in Crapchester
#1 and #2 both would require Constitutional amendments. There's not enough support for either.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:09 pm
by Jerkovich
mvscal wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Left Seater wrote:5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.
What is Mexico's "debt" with us? Take your time.
About 13 billion dollars a year in California alone. Or were you thinking, for some odd reason, that there were no costs associated with absorbing millions of unskilled peons?

The cost of importing Mexico's poverty far exceeds the value of their menial contribution to the economy. It serves no purpose other than to depress wages for low and low middle income workers. You know...the people you pretend to give a fuck about?

Beat me to it....RACK!

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:12 pm
by Jerkovich
Martyred wrote:
Left Seater wrote: 5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.
So...Mexico gets absolved of it's debt burden and you get...more Mexicans...

You brainiacs sure know how to cut a deal.
No shit. TRY building a freaking wall with armed defenses, then catapult the illegals over said wall and let them fall where they may.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:49 pm
by Left Seater
Not really a bad deal at all. The Baja doesn't have a huge population and those who are there tend to have tourist industry jobs.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:18 pm
by Cuda
Who cares?



Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:19 pm
by Tom In VA

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:35 pm
by Van
Looking at Cuda's little deal there, am I the only one here who feels an irrational and downright unnatural loathing for Michelle Obama?

It's weird. I think Obama has no business being in the White House, minus a guest pass. Still, I get the feeling that if I ever met the guy I'd actually like him and respect him.

Michelle Obama? That smug, lantern jawed gargoyle bitch just makes me wanna slit her throat with an Oprah Winfrey DVD.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:59 pm
by Tom In VA
Because she's a strong black woman, in charge of her man ?

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:16 pm
by Mikey
mvscal wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:
Left Seater wrote:5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.
What is Mexico's "debt" with us? Take your time.
About 13 billion dollars a year in California alone. Or were you thinking, for some odd reason, that there were no costs associated with absorbing millions of unskilled peons?

The cost of importing Mexico's poverty far exceeds the value of their menial contribution to the economy. It serves no purpose other than to depress wages for low and low middle income workers. You know...the people you pretend to give a fuck about?
Cabo would get a lot more expensive.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:17 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Van wrote:Michelle Obama? That smug, lantern jawed gargoyle bitch just makes me wanna slit her throat with an Oprah Winfrey DVD.
This hostility is well understood in the context of your history in regards to black women.

I don't even know what to say at this point...

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:21 pm
by Van
Martyred wrote:
Van wrote:Michelle Obama? That smug, lantern jawed gargoyle bitch just makes me wanna slit her throat with an Oprah Winfrey DVD.
This hostility is well understood in the context of your history in regards to black women.

I don't even know what to say at this point...
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Unfortunately, no, that doesn't quite explain it. See, I don't feel that way about all black or partially black women.

Something about the cut of Michelle's jib just irks the fuck out of me.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:57 pm
by smackaholic
It's deja vu all over again. She's hilary II. There is a difference though. If barry was your neighbor, you'd prolly get along fine with him. If bill was your neighbor, you'd get along fine, have beers and all, but, you sure as hell wouldn't loan him your snow blower. You'd never see it again. And you know damn well he'd be trying to bone your OL.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:07 pm
by BSmack
Left Seater wrote:Read and heard the other day that Obama (or his team) said that now is the time to strike. Meaning right now he should propose stuff that he never would get away with in better times. If that is the case then here is what he should be doing.

1) Term Limits. Get them in place now. No more than 4 terms in the House and only two in the Senate. If you run out of time in one you can run for the other.
As I recall, this was action item #1 in Newt Gingrich's 1994 platform. What happened to all those term limits promises after 2001?

That's what I thought. :lol: :lol: :lol:
2) Social Payments to Illegals. End them all tonight. If you are not a legal visitor or worker, you don't get a single thing from the government. Children born to illegals are not US citizens. If parents are here legally, then the child gets citizenship. I'll be damned if my money goes to feed someone from another country who broke and continues to break laws to be here.
Good luck with that one. I bet you would be right at home with the 100 Percenters and the Invisible Knights back in 1920. We are a country of immigrants and nothing you say is going to stop that.
3) Must work for Food Stamps, Welfare, Etc. With the illegals gone there will be plenty of jobs for those needing help. You want your Food Stamps? School districts, cities, counties, etc have jobs that need completion. Hell, if you want to work really hard we can add an incentive payment.
There are plenty of jobs to do RIGHT NOW. We don't have a shortage of workers. We have a shortage of people willing to pay to get shit done. See 88's tax thread for examples.

That being said, I've always been in favor of the idea of work for any able bodied person on public funds. Period. This is your best idea of the bunch.
4) Make Food Stamps etc less likely to be resold. I understand moving away from the printed kind to save money, but put something in place so person A can't sell them to person B for cash or drugs etc. Also, make those using them have to get them from the supervisor of their community job.
Unless you want to start monitoring the cash registers of every bodega in America, that's not likely. Even if you give everybody individualized food stamp "credit cards", you still have the problem of unscrupulous corner stores who will ring up fake bills in return for a cash kickback. The better idea is just to have people work for their benefits.
5) Annex Baja. Then call Mexico's debt with us repaid.
That's the kind of shit that prompted us to invade Iraq the first time. Totally unrealistic.
6) Restore relations with Cuba. No other reason than I want to visit and go to some of the place my Grandparents have pictures of.
Your second best idea. This has gone on long enough.
7) Give employers the right to fire any Union workers on Strike. Think you are worth more money, go across the street. The better employers will always rise to the top.
You mean like bank CEOs? The "better employees" are the ones who fucked the entire system up to begin with.
8) Encourage States to end Teacher Tenure and move to Merit based Pay. I had some outstanding young teachers and some horrible seasoned ones. No reason the older ones should make more just because they have been there longer. Reward and encourage good teachers no matter their experience and let the others move on.
The real problem is that the people most qualified to teach look at what the average teacher makes and 90% move onto something more lucrative. Change that dynamic and tenure isn't an issue.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:15 pm
by Cuda
Martyred wrote:
Van wrote:Michelle Obama? That smug, lantern jawed gargoyle bitch just makes me wanna slit her throat with an Oprah Winfrey DVD.
This hostility is well understood in the context of your history in regards to black women.

I don't even know what to say at this point...
You know, I saw her on the TV news the other day, doing something to little school children. Her face & jaws looked unusually puffy- kind of like her Main Man was giving her regular, well-deserved bitch-slappings. So maybe Barry ain't ALL bad after all

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:00 pm
by Left Seater

I agree we are a nation made up of many backgrounds. My family orgins are Scot and German.

That said, they came here legally. One of my Great Grandparents waited 23 years for his opportunity to come to the US.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:24 pm
by BSmack
Left Seater wrote:Bsmack,

I agree we are a nation made up of many backgrounds. My family orgins are Scot and German.

That said, they came here legally. One of my Great Grandparents waited 23 years for his opportunity to come to the US.
Maybe I'm not as inclined to get worked up about illegals as you are because some of my ancestors were also a little lax in securing the permission of the locals before moving in. They were Pilgrims

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:29 pm
by Left Seater
Don't believe said laws were in place when they landed @ the rock.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:37 pm
by Van
Bsmack, cute analogy and all but your Pilgrim ancestors didn't arrive here illegally. The locals at the time didn't have a series of immigration laws which the Pilgrims were breaking by being there.

There is no way to justify giving government funds to people who aren't here legally.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:45 pm
by War Wagon
Van wrote:The locals at the time didn't have a series of immigration laws which the Pilgrims were breaking by being there.
Of course they did.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:57 pm
by Van
War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote:The locals at the time didn't have a series of immigration laws which the Pilgrims were breaking by being there.
Of course they did.
Link them. While you're at it go ahead and also link the government fnancial aid programs they had, which the Pilgrims abused.

The Pilgrims didn't sneak into the country.They didn't steal themselves in so as to pass into the country undetected.

There was no country. They were no structures. There were no formal borders. There were no paychecks. They were no formal tax systems. There were no hospital bills paid by tax payers, for non tax payers.

The comparison doesn't work.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:22 am
by War Wagon
Van wrote: Link them.
The comparison doesn't work.
I'm not comparing the illegal aliens of today with American Indians of the past 4 centuries, just saying they got a raw deal.

And to suggest they didn't have a highly structured society is flat out wrong.

America is steeped in Indian tradition, from the names of States, rivers, cities, etc... I can't believe you don't recognize that.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:40 am
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote: And look what happened to them when they couldn't or didn't enforce their "immigration laws"
So, you're suggesting that Hispanics are going to do the same thing to America that the Europeans did?
Starting to get the picture, idiot?
I get that you really hate Mexicans, if that's the picture you're trying to paint. Maybe that hatred is justified, I dunno'. From my vantage point, I don't quite see it that way.

Don't take me wrong. I don't support illegal immigration. I just get the feeling you'd just as soon deport (or shoot) every Juan, Jose, or Jesus you run across... legal or not.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:00 am
by poptart
The Constitution does not call for citizens to be taxed so that those funds can go for the benefit of people who are NOT citizens and have broken laws to get into the country.

The people who are "running" America have seriously gone mad.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:16 am
by Q, West Coast Style
Left Seater wrote:Read and heard the other day that Obama (or his team) said that now is the time to strike. Meaning right now he should propose stuff that he never would get away with in better times. If that is the case then here is what he should be doing.

2) Social Payments to Illegals. End them all tonight. If you are not a legal visitor or worker, you don't get a single thing from the government. Children born to illegals are not US citizens. If parents are here legally, then the child gets citizenship. I'll be damned if my money goes to feed someone from another country who broke and continues to break laws to be here.

3) Must work for Food Stamps, Welfare, Etc. With the illegals gone there will be plenty of jobs for those needing help. You want your Food Stamps? School districts, cities, counties, etc have jobs that need completion. Hell, if you want to work really hard we can add an incentive payment.

7) Give employers the right to fire any Union workers on Strike. Think you are worth more money, go across the street. The better employers will always rise to the top.
A simple question regarding the people who would be negatively impacted by the above. Where would they go and what would they do? Desperate people do desperate things. If you think most of them are going to go "ah shucks, I better work harder and/or go back to Mexico" you are naive. Who is going to make sure these people don't commit more crimes and/or fuck up the environment with make-shift slums like in India or Brazil?

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:17 am
by Van
War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote: Link them.
I said link them. That link you provided has literally nothing to do with what you were asked to link: a listing of codified immigration laws which the Pilgrims were breaking by being here.

Present day illegals in this country know they're breaking our immigration laws and they do everything in their power to remain undetected as they break them. The Pilgrims were doing no such thing and the locals had no formal set of recognized borders and immigrations laws to break.
The comparison doesn't work.
I'm not comparing the illegal aliens of today with American Indians of the past 4 centuries, just saying they got a raw deal.
Of course they got a raw deal. They were primitives having to deal with a far more numerous and advanced group of people. Manifest Destiny was never going to bode well for the locals and they simply weren't up to the task of preventing it.
And to suggest they didn't have a highly structured society is flat out wrong.
Good thing then that I never suggested such a thing, innit?

What I suggested was that they had no formal borders and no formal immigration laws, among a few other things I mentioned. That's not to say that they didn't have a structured society. Their society wasn't nearly as structured though as modern American society.

They did have one good idea though. Maybe we should begin scalping people who shouldn't be here.

America is steeped in Indian tradition, from the names of States, rivers, cities, etc... I can't believe you don't recognize that.
I can't believe these leaps of factual whimsy you're taking, regarding what I did and didn't say.

I don't recognize our Indian legacies? How did you ever arrive at such a bizarre conclusion?

I'm legally a Cherokee myself and right here on my 'puter table sits a Cleveland Indians baseball cap. I even rooted for the Injuns almost every time, in old western flicks.

That's quite an army of strawmen you're constructing for me.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:25 am
by Q, West Coast Style
One more point, most of the illegals that come here aren't coming for the government cheese. They're coming for the under the table cash wages.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:31 am
by Van
They're still spending government cheese though, every time they make use of publicly funded services.

Jimmy Meds' medical bills aren't going to suck themselves, you know.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:37 am
by Q, West Coast Style
Van wrote:They're still spending government cheese though, every time they make use of publicly funded services.

Jimmy Meds' medical bills aren't going to suck themselves, you know.
Right. But my point is they aren't going to go anywhere if they are cut off. They will just get more desperate. So the money we save we will have to spend on more police, more prisons, more enviromental cleanup.

Re: What Obama and Team should be doing...

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:48 am
by War Wagon
First off, Van, congrats on not rushing in and not having to edit that bastard eleventeen times. :wink:
Van wrote: I said link them. That link you provided has literally nothing to do with what you were asked to link: a listing of codified immigration laws which the Pilgrims were breaking by being here.
Shove your request for codified immigration laws. It's called Emminent Domain. They were here first. Some part of that you don't get?
Of course they got a raw deal. They were primitives having to deal with a far more numerous and advanced group of people.
Doesn't and didn't make it right... at least you didn't call them "heathen savages". Of course you realize, while talking out of both sides of your mouth, that these "advanced" people were Christians, yes? The horrah, that has to chap. Friggin' clueless simpletons displaced even more clueless heathens, what's the world coming to?

I'm legally a Cherokee myself...
This does not surprise me, though I'm not sure what it means to be "legally" Cherokee. My wife is 1/4 Cherokee, and she's tougher than a box of 10 penny nails or square headed deck screws, as is her Mom.

Btw, in a belated response to Left Seater that I intended to make before I got sidetracked by Van...

Small world. Dad from Scotland, maternal grandparents from Germany, and Catholic as Catholic can be.