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Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:06 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle

'This party atmosphere sends the wrong message'
Posted: March 07, 2009
12:20 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Super Bowl party at White House

An organization that serves as a watchdog on the U.S. government for American taxpayers has launched a campaign to uncover exactly how much tax money is being spent on parties at the Obama White House.

The president has shown a penchant for lavish galas, such as the huge assembly orchestrated in Denver when he accepted his party's nomination for president – an outdoor gathering for some 75,000 featuring a stage with Greek columns. He also held a multimillion-dollar victory celebration in Chicago, and his fancy inauguration cost an estimated $170 million, according to ABC News.

Now, Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch, told WND today he's seeking information about the partying in the White House since the Obamas moved in.

Didn't Nero party like a Rock Star as Rome burned to the ground too????

Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:26 pm
by smackaholic
I'd like to know when he's gonna give AF1 a rest.

Gotta cost a few million just to drag it out of it's hanger.

If he really did give a shit about pissing away money, that would be a good pace to start.

And for the "all the other presidents did it" defenders, I say, no, they didn't to the extent he does and so fukking what.

I never have been a big fan of pols spending countless dollars flying all over the place just to get their mugs on a few pictures.

Barry, we're fukking broke already. Park that fukking thing and use the phone/interwebs a bit....for things other than getting money out of folks.

Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:41 am
by KC Scott
Stan - how about something entertaining, useful or at least not redundent?

Hmm..... Maybe We need to consult a higher power?

Will Stan soon be doing Think Laps Again?


Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:53 am
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:I never have been a big fan of pols spending countless dollars flying all over the place just to get their mugs on a few pictures.
Bite me fucktard.


Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:02 am
by smackaholic
I would consider W's first covert trip into Iraq somewhat of an exception. I think that tirp was well received by the troops there.

I am refering more to pols flying all over the place on our dime all the time for bullshit reasons.

I lived in Nashville while bubba was in office. One morning I found myself parked on I-65 on the way to work because the route across town and everything near it was shut down for al bore's motorcade.

That is the kinda shit I am talking about. Not only does it cost a fortune, it inconveniences the shit out of anyone within 10 miles. You fukkin' pols want to get your message out, do it on the idiot box or the interwebs.

My favorite is when they have to show their concern during some natural disaster and get in the fukking way of folks trying to clean up to survey the damage.

What bullshit.

Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:43 am
by Trampis
smackaholic wrote:
My favorite is when they have to show their concern during some natural disaster and get in the fukking way of folks trying to clean up to survey the damage.

What bullshit.

Yep,I'll never understand Americans need to have there leader stand up and state the obvious, its a disaster and it sucks. As if they cant move on with their life till the Pres sheds a fake tear and wraps his arm around some otherwise pathetic slob.

Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:55 am
by Diego in Seattle
Trampis wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
My favorite is when they have to show their concern during some natural disaster and get in the fukking way of folks trying to clean up to survey the damage.

What bullshit.

Yep,I'll never understand Americans need to have there leader stand up and state the obvious, its a disaster and it sucks. As if they cant move on with their life till the Pres sheds a fake tear and wraps his arm around some otherwise pathetic slob.
Because there's a political price to be paid if one appears to be "insensitive" or "indifferent" to those suffering from whatever disaster. For POTUS it's a Catch 22 situation (I'd prefer that they at least wait until a POTUS' presence doesn't draw law enforcement away from getting more important things done).

Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:39 am
by Terry in Crapchester

Oh boy, caption time.

One fake turkey being held by one real turkey.

Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 1:28 pm
by smackaholic
Diego in Seattle wrote:
Trampis wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
My favorite is when they have to show their concern during some natural disaster and get in the fukking way of folks trying to clean up to survey the damage.

What bullshit.

Yep,I'll never understand Americans need to have there leader stand up and state the obvious, its a disaster and it sucks. As if they cant move on with their life till the Pres sheds a fake tear and wraps his arm around some otherwise pathetic slob.
Because there's a political price to be paid if one appears to be "insensitive" or "indifferent" to those suffering from whatever disaster. For POTUS it's a Catch 22 situation (I'd prefer that they at least wait until a POTUS' presence doesn't draw law enforcement away from getting more important things done).
Bull. Fukking. Shit.

The problem is, every last one of these pathetic narcissistic shitstains we've had in office are so fukking full of themselves, they think they really do make a difference. They think that if they fly in there, pat a few slobs on the back, tell them uncle sugar will make it better, then go for a little whirlybird ride to confirm that, indeed, cnn/fox/local news guys aren't making it up, it will help.

It won't, dipshit.

I would respect a pol if he had the balls and common sense to get in front of a mic, at the fukking white house, and say look everybody, I got a TV. I seen it already. If I go there, I will be in the fukking way, which means that someone's suffering will be prolonged. I can not in good conscience do that.

Explain to me how a rival politician can counter that point? I realize that the populace as a whole is pretty fukking stupid, but, I don't think they're that stupid.

Re: Obama Multi Million dollar parties under investigation..

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:15 pm
by Diego in Seattle
The problem is that they actually are. No argument that POTUS flying around a disaster area does nothing (other than draw resources away from the rescue/recovery efforts). But the opposition would use that as a sign of aloofness.

Yeah, it would be nice if a pol had the juevos to stay away & tell their opposition to gft, but I don't see anyone in politics right now who has the sack to stand up to the opposition (or their own advisers for that matter).