May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:23 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
Drumroll Please.........................
rat a tat tat
Jonathan Krohn
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:32 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
I wonder....Could this be Mvscal's kid?
No way....not angry enough. But definetely smart enough!
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:34 pm
by smackaholic
Good enough speaker, but, a 12 year old should be playing video games, throwing rocks through peoples windows and watching porn.
This kid's weird.
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:45 pm
by Moving Sale
Who is going to beat him in '32 and '36?
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:44 pm
by H4ever
smackaholic wrote:Good enough speaker, but, a 12 year old should be playing video games, throwing rocks through peoples windows and watching porn.
This kid's weird.
....he is also the AntiChrist. I said his name out loud 3 times, recorded it, and then played it backwards and heard the following: "smoke marijuana"
"har-ee Kreesh-na"
"woorship satan"
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:26 pm
by Diego in Seattle
That kid's private school must have great supervision at recess & lunch. Otherwise he'd be getting the shit kicked out of him on a daily basis by the other kids.
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:50 pm
by smackaholic
Leave it to diego to be an expert on elementary school recess security.
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:56 pm
by Shoalzie
Aw, how cute...a mini-Tucker Carlson.
If 12-year-olds can get book deals and have public speaking engagements, they should also be tried as adults for committing crimes...just sayin'.
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:16 pm
by Van
-How is there any demand for a political treatise book authored by Alex Keaton, Jr? Who decided to book this kid as a speaker? Seriously. Who made this kid an authority figure, to the point that people wish to purchase his thoughts, all of which are merely the regurgitated thoughts of others.
-This doesn't speak well to the credibility of the CPAC when they have Rush Limbaugh and an adolescent lecturing them and rallying up the troops. If I'm the Dems I'm simply loving this shit...
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:29 pm
by Shoalzie
Van wrote:-How is there any demand for a political treatise book authored by Alex Keaton, Jr? Who decided to book this kid as a speaker? Seriously. Who made this kid an authority figure, to the point that people wish to purchase his thoughts, all of which are merely the regurgitated thoughts of others.
-This doesn't speak well to the credibility of the CPAC when they have Rush Limbaugh and an adolescent lecturing them and rallying up the troops. If I'm the Dems I'm simply loving this shit...
RACK the Alex P. Keaton blast...well played. I can see it now, a Krohn-Tebow ticket...
You think the conservatives would jump the liberals' shit if they had a kid writing books and speaking on behalf of the liberal movement? That poor kid doesn't know he's being used. That's why I bring up the idea of trying kids as adults. If we are going to use them as political tools, then we can put them in prison with adults for committing crimes. I'm not crushing the kid for taking an interest in politics but this kid is being exploited.
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:50 pm
by Van
If that kid is being used it's by the likes of James Carville and George Stephanopoulos. He's obviously being used to clown conservatives. I'm surprised they don't have the kid sporting a fat stogie, an ascot and a monocle.
That kid is to conservative credibility what m2 is to Cal.
Re: May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:25 pm
by Smackie Chan
Stan Sukkkin' Pikkkle wrote:May I present the winner of Presidental election 2040...
I'm surprised you'd post this. Based on all the doom & gloom from the right based on the current administration, I figured you were resigned to there being no more US with elected officials and whatnot by the time 2040 rolls around. Hell, I thought you figured we wouldn't make it to 2012 without China or Iran taking over.