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Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:05 am
by War Wagon
The last time I saw an asskicking this severe, AP was wearing panties...and Jim Cramer may actually be wishing he
was AP right about now. ... r-we-trust
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:34 am
by War Wagon
aight you degenerate knuckle draggers, if you thought that was funny, this one might blow out your depends. ... hia-lummis
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:52 am
by .m2
When did you become a "liberal" (Colbert and Stewart)
Not too many "conservatives" with the brain power to entertain.
Can you name 10 "conservatives" with the brain power for comedy ?
Psssst.... Bob Hope isn't funny
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 2:59 am
by poptart
mvscal makes me laff
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:04 am
by .m2
poptart wrote:mvscal makes me laff
Stepping in "dog shit" would make
you laugh.
Will the "Jews" god... you know, the one you
stole for your religion.
"The Chosen" people.
Will they get to to to heaven in
your twisted world ?
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:08 am
by poptart
Ask Marty.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:10 am
by War Wagon
.m2 wrote:When did you become a "liberal" (Colbert and Stewart)
Good comedy and satire isn't exclusive to any particular ideology. Those guys have some good writers and they pull it off well.
Stewart reminds of Johnny Carson, at least with the facial expressions.
Colbert is an entirely unique act and I'm not sure you can compare him to anybody. When he's on his particular brand of schtick, it's hilarious. When he's off, it sucks.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:11 am
by .m2
poptart wrote:Ask Marty.
Ask Marty what...
If this is a dog shit tasting contest... you might be the one with the answer.
You do eat dog in Korea... ?
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:14 am
by .m2
War Wagon wrote:.m2 wrote:When did you become a "liberal" (Colbert and Stewart)
Good comedy and satire isn't exclusive to any particular ideology.
Those guys have some good writers and they pull it off well.
Stewart reminds of Johnny Carson, at least with the facial expressions.
Colbert is an entirely unique act and I'm not sure you can compare him to anybody. When he's on his particular brand of schtick, it's hilarious. When he's off, it sucks.
Pssst.... 99.9% of the comedy writers are "liberals" you dipshit.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:23 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
poptart wrote:Ask Marty.
Yeah, nice try.
Now, answer the good little Jewish boy's question on how Jesus will come surfing back down to Earth on a river of Heeb blood.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:27 am
by War Wagon
.m2 wrote:
Pssst.... 99.9% of the comedy writers are "liberals" you dipshit.
In your case, it's purely unintentional.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:33 am
by .m2
War Wagon wrote:.m2 wrote:
Pssst.... 99.9% of the comedy writers are "liberals" you dipshit.
In your case, it's purely unintentional.
Actually, you live in Kansas City for a reason... not my choice... it's "god's" choice.
he knows best.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:05 pm
by smackaholic
I'd be interested to see Stewart's portfolio for '08. I'd be willing to bet that he took a bath with the rest of us.
I'm not a cramer fan at all, but, not because of his financial advice. I just hate that trainwreck of a show with him screaming booooyahhhhh every 3.7 seconds. Is that still on? Or are people not much into an MTV type financial show with a screaming lunatic as they watch their portfolios get cut in half.
Apparently there were more than a few folks that thought BS wasn't gonna implode as it WAS trading at $69.
I thought colbert's clip was better. He is one funny bastard. And that chick he had on was the perfect interview for him.
I'd like to see Colbert grill Charlie Rangel. Stewart wouldn't do it as he is a shamless liberal shill. Colbert might. Not sure what his own political bent is. If he's as liberal as Stewart, he does a good job of hiding it.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 1:55 pm
by Smackie Chan
Steven Colbert is funny. Jon Stewart is not. He might get some decent material to work with, but his delivery is terrible. He makes Carlos Mencia look good by comparison.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:22 pm
by Moving Sale
Smackie Chan wrote:Jon Stewart is not {funney.}
I laughed.
Does that count?
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:27 pm
by smackaholic
Moving Sale wrote:Smackie Chan wrote:Jon Stewart is not {funney.}
I laughed.
Does that count?
nothing you do counts, bitter little turd.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:42 pm
by Moving Sale
smackaholic wrote:
nothing you do counts, bitter little turd.
Your Mom counted it when I stretched her asshole to the size of a bowling ball.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:43 pm
by Moving Sale
Papa Willie wrote:Seeing somebody popping a .50 Magnum in your face -
Now THAT would be funny!!!
OG TVO was the only person who did deathsmack right. GFY.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:45 pm
by Derron
smackaholic wrote:I
I'm not a cramer fan at all, but, not because of his financial advice. Or are people not much into an MTV type financial show with a screaming lunatic as they watch their portfolios get cut in half.
Well Cramer could not pick a stock if he had to.The guy just does not know shit. People called into his show,drinking his Kool Aid and then bitching when the stock tanked. He flat out is a complete fucking idiot.
I guess you could call it financial entertainment, like the WWE is "sports entertainment". But why watch either one for "entertainment"??
But Cramer is bad all around...Cramers bad advice probably caused people to lose more than if that had just rode it down with every one else.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:46 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote:smackaholic wrote:
nothing you do counts, bitter little turd.
Your Mom counted it when I stretched her asshole to the size of a bowling ball.
Was that when you sticking your head up there and rimming around with your tongue to look for your brains ?
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:49 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:... dribble ...
Another right wing board tard with crap for brain.
Good show.

Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:54 pm
by War Wagon
I don't know what's got into Derron lately, but this is not the same guy I used to flame with weekly a couple/few years ago, going all the way back to TNW. He's definitely mellowed and smoothed his game over time.
Well that, and the fact his posts seem positively refined compared to some of the trash that regularly drags itself in here.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:55 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:{Cramer}... gets some right ....
Derron wrote:Well Cramer could not pick a stock if he had to.
Make up your mind fuckhole.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:56 pm
by Moving Sale
War Wagon wrote:I don't know what's got into Derron lately...
He's all up in your ideological ass. You seem to like it.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:11 pm
by Moving Sale
mvscal wrote:Easy with the homophobia, you vile, shitsmeared bigot.
Fuck yourself in the ass much you vile vapid cock-doughnut.
BTW-you had better hide in your basement soon, the Muslims are coming for you, you chicken-little motherfucker.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:18 pm
by Derron
Moving Sale wrote:mvscal wrote:Easy with the homophobia, you vile, shitsmeared bigot.
Fuck yourself in the ass much you vile vapid cock-doughnut.
BTW-you had better hide in your basement soon, the Muslims are coming for you, you chicken-little motherfucker.
Said as some black buck rams his 16 inch dick up Moving Sale's ass..while Moving Sale is rimming the bucks bubble butted old lady's stanky ass hole..looking for his brains...this is where he gets his material and his schtick to try and counter mv's continual plungering of his super wide lawyer asshole..
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:19 pm
by Derron
War Wagon wrote:I don't know what's got into Derron lately, but this is not the same guy I used to flame with weekly a couple/few years ago, going all the way back to TNW. He's definitely mellowed and smoothed his game over time.
Well that, and the fact his posts seem positively refined compared to some of the trash that regularly drags itself in here.
Go fuck yourself Wags....
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:20 pm
by Moving Sale
Derron wrote:Moving Sale wrote:mvscal wrote:Easy with the homophobia, you vile, shitsmeared bigot.
Fuck yourself in the ass much you vile vapid cock-doughnut.
BTW-you had better hide in your basement soon, the Muslims are coming for you, you chicken-little motherfucker.
Said as some black buck rams his 16 inch dick up Moving Sale's ass..while Moving Sale is rimming the bucks bubble butted old lady's stanky ass hole..looking for his brains...
Try English next time.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 12:24 pm
by Shoalzie
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:19 pm
by smackaholic
Ya gotta give cramer credit. He's got balls. Not much smarts, but balls a'plenty going on stewart's show knowing he was gonna get ripped.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:34 pm
by Tom In VA
Moving Sale wrote:
Try English next time.
Derron wrote:Moving Sale wrote:mvscal wrote:Easy with the homophobia, you vile, shitsmeared bigot.
Fuck yourself in the ass much you vile vapid cock-doughnut.
BTW-you had better hide in your basement soon, the Muslims are coming for you, you chicken-little motherfucker.
Said as some
English buck rams his 16 inch dick up Moving Sale's ass..while Moving Sale is rimming the bucks bubble butted old lady's stanky ass hole..looking for his brains...
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:52 pm
by BSmack
What made Kramer look bad was his unwillingness to acknowledge or answer the questions being asked of him. He should have known that he could not possibly represent CNBC and answer Stewart's questions in an honest and forthright manner. Furthermore he should have known that all those videos he posted on would have been downloaded and digested by the Daily Show staff by the time he hit the stage. He was grossly unprepared, completely clueless and if there is a God his show at CNBC should be canceled.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:53 pm
by Loganfan
RACK Mr. Stewart. I've been saying the news heads should be insisting their 'financial experts' (fucking joke that is....) tone down their fucking doom and gloom reports since March of last year. Too many sheep listen to everything those clowns say without doing any research themselves.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:12 pm
by jiminphilly
BSmack wrote:What made Kramer look bad was his unwillingness to acknowledge or answer the questions being asked of him. He should have known that he could not possibly represent CNBC and answer Stewart's questions in an honest and forthright manner. Furthermore he should have known that all those videos he posted on would have been downloaded and digested by the Daily Show staff by the time he hit the stage. He was grossly unprepared, completely clueless and if there is a God his show at CNBC should be canceled.
Or people could choose to just not watch which results in lower ratings, less add revenue and ultimately a cancelled show. He's no different than the bookies who purchase airtime to give their 6 star rating picks before each NFL weekend. Much like betting, if I want real financial advice I'm not listening to the guy who makes money whether I win or lose..
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:20 pm
by BSmack
jiminphilly wrote:Or people could choose to just not watch which results in lower ratings, less add revenue and ultimately a cancelled show. He's no different than the bookies who purchase airtime to give their 6 star rating picks before each NFL weekend. Much like betting, if I want real financial advice I'm not listening to the guy who makes money whether I win or lose..
If it were up to me, guys like Cramer who tout stocks would be forced to only buy stocks they publicly tout.
But really I'd just like to see real investigative reporting and commentary in the financial news sector. And the next person who says something like "The market was down yesterday on news from (insert random financial news event here)" should be fucking shot in front of their children on Christmas Day for insulting our intelligence.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:17 pm
by BSmack
mvscal wrote:BSmack wrote:But really I'd just like to see real investigative reporting and commentary in the financial news sector.
It's a little late now.
Unless you think we'll be living in caves as hunter gatherers, honest financial reporting is still a valuable tool.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:35 pm
by LTS TRN 2
smackaholic wrote:Ya gotta give cramer credit. He's got balls. Not much smarts, but balls a'plenty going on stewart's show knowing he was gonna get ripped.
Cramer was like Freddo Corleone getting called in for losing money at bingo. What a slimeball weasel! "Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...I'm sorry"! And when Stewart rolled the clips--with smarmy Cramer bragging about fleecing the sheep on shorting (and creating short situations by spreading fake rumors, etc.) CNBC should have been firing him immediately. He's a total disgrace and I can't believe he'll dare show his face again.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:49 pm
by War Wagon
Derron wrote:
Go fuck yourself Wags....
that's the Derron I remember.
Re: Cramer vs. Stewart
Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:46 pm
by smackaholic
There's one thing I don't get.
How the hell does stewart fail to break off a gigantic BOOOOOOYAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on jim.