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Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:50 pm
by missjo
I made 300 dollars for 20 min work
& no before you lot get all festy it wasn't for a sexual act of any kind
I just cut the hair of one of Australia's richest men
at his waterfront Mansion in Darling point in Sydney

His PA is one of my clients & it was a hair emergency so she dropped in to the Salon where I work
& I told her I had lunch at 2pm, a car was sent to pick me up
I did my fabulous styling thing
& the limo dropped me back to work in time to eat my sandwich with $300 cash in my pocket
the PA came in for a blowdry later that afternoon
& said that her boss emailed her to say great haircut
& she said he NEVER does that :mrgreen:

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:36 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
missjo wrote:before you lot get all festy it wasn't for a sexual act of any kind.

I don't think we needed the clarification, skank. The only way you'd get anyone to fuck you for a lousy $10 is at gunpoint.

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:44 pm
by Mikey
300 bucks? This guy is a slacker compared to John Edwards.

But RACK it anyway. Maybe this could become a regular gig.

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:44 pm
by poptart
PA came in for a blowdry later that afternoon
That doesn't sound sexual either.

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:06 pm
by trev
poptart wrote:
PA came in for a blowdry later that afternoon
That doesn't sound sexual either.
That would be a wet blow.

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:43 pm
by Cuda
missjo wrote:& the limo dropped me back to work in time to eat my sandwich with $300 cash in my pocket
How much is that in American money?

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:44 pm
by Van
mvscal, along the lines of "Polish War Heroes" and "World Class Arab Athletes" it might be interesting to see the novella you could put together describing your list of women upon whose ass you wouldn't go medieval...

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:05 pm
by Van
mvscal. Check my sig.

In this case I'm not so much talking about missjo, per se. It's much more about your overall pernicious sexual ouevre, which sees you running neck and neck with Dins in the twin categories of social generosity and outright not-giving-a-fuck-about-your-cack's-own-well-being.

Just shoot us the list, dammit!


Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:26 pm
by Ana Ng
Jsc810 wrote:Was there a camera at this event?
I'm sure the guy films ALL of his haircuts.

Rip the "enter" button from your keyboard and feed it to something, would ya'?

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:22 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
Rack Missjo and Rack me for bringing her to the trolls from that shithole Naitonal Enquirer message board.

Just think....if it wasn't for me, Stanley Fukkken Pickle, none of you would know this Aussie Creature.

I can remember when I found and posted her pictures for the very first time. My original thought was "Wow, this is definetely a chick with a dick!" :shock:

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:34 pm
by Van
Stanley, so, you thought she had a dick and still you brought her here and pursued her, in your own inimatable way.

You're your own mental Mardi Gras.

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:40 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
Van wrote:Stanley, so, you thought she had a dick and still you brought her here and pursued her, in your own inimatable way.

You're your own mental Mardi Gras.

Dear Vannie,

It was "my first reaction" that she had a dick. I didn't invite her over to the trolls until I was ABSOLUTELY certain she did not possess that particular feature of the male anatomy. As much as I like all you people here, do you really think I'd invite a tyranny into our moral and conservative little community????

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:44 pm
by Van
Okay, and how did you ever manage to come by this no doubt reassuring and unassailable knowledge of missjo's reproductive anatomy?

Keep in mind, a lot of people used to think JiFR was a shim....and they were right.

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:08 pm
by Loganfan
Cuda wrote:
missjo wrote:& the limo dropped me back to work in time to eat my sandwich with $300 cash in my pocket
How much is that in American money?

'bout $210.
Nice gig if you can keep it, Jo!!

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:15 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
missjo wrote:...the limo dropped me back to work in time to eat my sandwich with $300 cash in my pocket...
Maybe if you weren't eating $300 sandwiches, you wouldn't be so fat.

Re: Rack Moi !!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:15 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
missjo wrote:$300

P.S. Rack ~ ADAM