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California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:33 am
by Stan Fukkken Pickle ... -RUSH.html

Damn, one of my potential plans this summer was moving to California to dig for gold. Now I'm gonna have to compete with millions of other morons because of this article. :brad:

The New California Gold Rush
Modern-day gold diggers party like it's 1849

Within an hour of downtown Los Angeles, people are seeking that one sure commodity.

"I'm here to find gold," said Kevin Brown. "I'm a studio lighting technician in Hollywood, between the writers strike that happened last year, and the Screen Actors Guild, whatever they want to call it. Lately I've had to turn to having to do it for extra cash."


Geologists estimate that during the gold rush of 1849 in California, about 80 percent of the gold was never found. Today, with the price of gold soaring and the economy falling, the idea of panning, digging or diving for precious metal has become serious business.

"There's definitely gold nuggets down in the bottom here," Brown said. "Just a matter of getting 30 feet down lower than any old timer or modern prospector has done."

And, for people willing to put in the effort, it's paying off.

"I just wanted a little California gold. That's all I initially started at," said David Perkins, an unemployed aerospace worker from the South Bay. "And, one thing led to another, and within my first year, I actually picked up close to two pounds of gold."

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:53 am
by Left Seater
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:"I just wanted a little California gold. That's all I initially started at," said David Perkins, an unemployed aerospace worker from the South Bay. "And, one thing led to another, and within my first year, I actually picked up close to two pounds of gold."

Good for that guy I guess. Props for finding your $30K a year instead of filing for unemployment.

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:00 am
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
Left Seater wrote:
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:"I just wanted a little California gold. That's all I initially started at," said David Perkins, an unemployed aerospace worker from the South Bay. "And, one thing led to another, and within my first year, I actually picked up close to two pounds of gold."

Good for that guy I guess. Props for finding your $30K a year instead of filing for unemployment.

I'm thinking if you get with an experienced professional Gold Hunter that you can find more than 2 pounds in a year. Anyway, digging for gold out in the beautiful California weather sure beats sitting in a cubical in an office and another one of these horribly cold Wisconsin winters.

And lastly, I ain't got nothing holding me here anymore...Dad is gone, mom is almost gone, and Frodo is a family man now. :(

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:33 am
by smackaholic
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:And lastly, I ain't got nothing holding me here anymore...Dad is gone, mom is almost gone, and Frodo is a family man now. :(
Then kill your self.

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:34 am
by smackaholic
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote: Now I'm gonna have to complete with millions of other morons because of this article.
Complete what?

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:00 pm
by Derron
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:

Anyway, digging for gold out in the beautiful California weather sure beats sitting in a cubical in an office and another one of these horribly cold Wisconsin winters.
And your expecting those out of work, lucky buck receiving, dope peddling white trash,spics and noggers to just grab their gold panning stuff and start WORKING and not receive gubmint assistance anymore ???

I call Bullshit on that..

Bwwwahhaaaa.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:54 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
smackaholic wrote:
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote: Now I'm gonna have to complete with millions of other morons because of this article.
Complete what?

Oops. :oops: I mean "compete".

I've actually been thinking about digging for gold for about two years now. Like I said, it sure bets sitting in an office cubical staring at a computer screen and it sure beats living in frigid Wisconsin. Also, there is always that glimmer of hope with each shovel of dirt of stumbling upon a vane of gold or a giant nugget.

If Obongo can't deliver HOPE perhaps I can find hope in a gold filled California Mountain Stream.

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:07 pm
by Derron
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:
smackaholic wrote:
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote: Now I'm gonna have to complete with millions of other morons because of this article.
Complete what?

Oops. :oops: I mean "compete".

I've actually been thinking about digging for gold for about two years now. Like I said, it sure bets sitting in an office cubical staring at a computer screen and it sure beats living in frigid Wisconsin. Also, there is always that glimmer of hope with each shovel of dirt of stumbling upon a vane of gold or a giant nugget.

If Obongo can't deliver HOPE perhaps I can find hope in a gold filled California Mountain Stream.
Yeah..righhhttt..I am sure your going to make your next fortune

We were digging and sifting from 5 to 5..selling everything we found just to stay alive...

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:12 pm
by Stan Fukkken Pickle

RACK MTB and Toy Caldwell!

I'm the kinda man likes to get away
Like to start dreaming about
Tomorrow, today
Never said that I love you
even though its so
Where's that duffle bag of mine?
It's time to go to California

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 5:41 pm
by Derron
Stan Fukkken Pickle wrote:
RACK MTB and Toy Caldwell!
Good rack...I have that exact Fender bass dude is playing..and the flute intro was the only thing I learned on that instrument, hell.. our garage band only need that one riff so it worked out..

Just a minute ago scored my Allman Bros and Doobie Bros tickets for May 15 at the Rose Garden...wished I could have seen them the next day with The Dead in George WA....

Re: California Gold Rush II - The Modesto 09'ers

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:30 pm
Now I'm gonna have to compete with millions of other morons because of this article.
Beautiful. Nothing more be added to this YHKYOA seminar.