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Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:30 pm
by Derron
Dude is sending MORE troops to kid is one of them..leaves may 5th..another one just got back from Iraq..
Where is the outrage..???
Where is the calls for impeachment ?? ... fghanistan
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:39 pm
by Y2K
Cindy Sheehan isn't camped out in front of the Obama Residence in Chicago?
No way...

Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:41 pm
by Left Seater
Typical Political double speak.
If my party is in charge it is ok, but if your party is in charge then it is the worst thing ever.
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:05 pm
by LTS TRN 2
I actually haven't said a word about 'Bama, except to express relief from the previous (unelected) cabal, etc. But since a syphilitic jackalope would have been better, and since McBush and Brood Mare were genuinely scary, I've been willing to give
some time to a new administration. far, if I've got this right, he's on course--and on a pace--to become the biggest War President in our history. A similar trajectory for economic woe is underway, and as unfathomable and astonishing as
this appears, the pending historically disastrous march into Afghanistan is a nightmare indeed. If he can somehow actually get out of Iraq this would help, but in fact he hasn't really changed anything. Blackwater was given a new contract--even though they'd been "banned" by the puppet Iraqi government, they just changed their name to "Xe" problem.
But, with Rahm Emmanuel as chief of staff why should we be so surprised? That is, don't be so quick to put all the blame on 'Bama if he's just reading a teleprompter, right?
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:08 pm
mvscal wrote:He is the front man and will take the fall but, yes, he is little more than a puppet. Even you, Felchco, will eventually look back with fondness on the "good old days" of Chimpy Magnus' reign.
Also, unlike Iraq, there is potential for a genuine military disaster in Afghanistan on a scale not seen since the first Chinese offensive of the Korean War.
Yes, let's handle shit like your pussy ass. Obama should be posting on an Afghan message board 24/7 about how much he hates them. He can stomp his heals and repeat: "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you."
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:09 pm
Who the fuck are you talking about? Who in this country has ever been against the Afghan war besides pussy ass Republicans?
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:21 am
by poptart
What is the supposed objective in Afghanistan?
I mean, other than to bankrupt us sooner?
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:28 am
by Derron
GOSD wrote:
Who the fuck are you talking about? Who in this country has ever been against the Afghan war besides pussy ass Republicans?
Ahhh ...the Republicans should have dealt with Afghanistan a long time ago...but all you bleeding cunt liberals would have screamed that Bush was a war monger and accelerating the war and all that Bush just left it the fuck alone..let Osama Obama deal with it, and when it all goes to shit on him..its his fault not Bush's..
Pretty bad attitude for Bush, and Osama Obama has not got as fucking clue what he could be in simply cannot fight an insurgency imbedded in the population with any success and not take some casualties....he would have to launch a major offensive complete with air bombing and follow on ground actions to route it out. If he did that, his homies will have his ass... I suspect he will try and deal with it with ground forces pissing in the wind and taking casualties at unacceptable rates.
So both he and Bush fucked this up.
My point is for every low life liberal Bush bashing blast..where is the outrage over this "surge" ??
Fucking liberal hypocrites ...
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:05 am
by Stan Fukkken Pickle
mvscal wrote:
He is the front man and will take the fall but, yes, he is little more than a puppet.
They're all PUPPETS!
When Clinton was President he was hosting a black tie event at the White House. That 80 year old White House Correspondent, Helen Thomas, asked Clinton if he would come clean about the existence of Extraterrestrials, UFO's and life on other planets. Clinton said that he wanted to confess all this information, but she must understand there is a government within the government.
What that tells me is that every President is just a puppet and a mouthpiece of this elite, unknown power that dictates and runs this country from behind the scenes. Scary...probably the same motherfukkkers that ordered the Kennedy assasination.
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:39 pm
by Derron
R-Jack wrote:Derron wrote:Ahhh ...the Republicans should have dealt with Afghanistan a long time ago...but all you bleeding cunt liberals would have screamed that Bush was a war monger and accelerating the war and all that Bush just left it the fuck alone.....
My really are too stupid for words.
And as usual, you have no take other than some " You are too stupid" blast.
Mongoloids like you think in guttural grunts and 2 words sentences. Carry on tardling..
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:39 pm
by Trampis
poptart wrote:What is the supposed objective in Afghanistan?
I mean, other than to bankrupt us sooner?
To create a USA friendly place, not a terrorist friendly place. IMO, its not possible. Whereas Iraq has some semblence of civility, Afghanistan seems to be more tribal, meaning any hope for democracy(peace) is wishful thinking.
Re: Where are the liberals screaming war monger now ?
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:09 pm
by Tom In VA
Well Bush didn't leave Afghanistan alone.
A day or two after 9-11, Northern Alliance forces began waging a campaign, soon CIA operatives were on the ground directing fire and coordinating air support, Spec Ops, and slowly the 10th Mtn Division was deployed. Operation Anaconda, I believe.
Trampis, and mvscal are spot on.
If people thought Iraq was a quagmire, I don't think they'll be able to stomach what will happen in Afghanistan. So, Derron, the "Code Pink" people have already protested Obama - if I'm not mistaken - but I do think it gets less press.
Traditionally, in America, Democrat "Chickenhawks" do get away with getting more GI's killed. It's just the way it is.