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.m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:03 pm
by Left Seater
Just thought I would start the HOF for the board bitch. You know an easy place to go and relive each epic beatdown. Feel free to add your own...

The first one that came to my mind was .m2blue discussing first trees, then directions, then his inability to read his own posts, and finally his encylcopedic memory. Notice also his use of multiple log-in names and his smooth transition between them. Enjoy:
Van wrote: but he'll at least be able to show them redwoods to their heart's content on the drive down through northern California, well north of San Francisco.
Blueblood wrote: You're not that bright... and know nothing about Northern California.
Pssst..... the most famous "Grove of Redwoods" is about 10 minutes north of San Francisco.
Van wrote:You have to go hours north to get to The Avenue Of the Giants, which is the most famous grove of redwoods on planet earth. You have to go hours southeast to get to the most famous tree in the world, General Sherman, which is a sequoia anyway.
Blueblood wrote:Van, it's best if you stick to googling all your info about the San Francisco Bay Area.

Are you sure about that Mr. Central Valley ?

Then I guess I'll leave out the FACT.... that this place is just over the Golden Gate Bridge....

The most famous grove of Redwoods in all of California.
Muir Woods National Monument.....
Van wrote:Jesus, m2, that was your big fucking play? Muir Woods?? You're seriously going to try and compare Muir Woods with Sequoia National Park and the vast tracts of redwoods up in Redwood Grove and The Avenue Of The Giants?

Are you stupid, or insane, or are you simply so provincial that you're completely unaware of the rest of California that exists beyond a twenty mile radius of the Bay Area?

Dude, seriously. Muir Woods is nice. It includes a nice little pocket of old growth redwoods. Muir Woods is bitchin', it really is. Don't even begin to try to compare quaint little Muir Woods to vast national parks full of redwoods and giant sequoias. Muir Woods would be the equivalent of a small grove in Sequoia National Park.

You are one weird fuck.
Blueblood wrote: Pssst... we're discussing coastal redwoods... not the ones that grow in the Sierra Mountains
Van wrote:m2, no, we weren't only discussing coastal redwoods. We (smackie and I) we're discussing "big trees" and I mentioned both the redwoods and the sequoias.

Besides, I already included the world's biggest and most famous coastal redwoods with the inclusion of The Avenue Of The Giants

Even if we're only talking coastal redwoods then Muir Woods is still small potatoes compared to Redwood National Park, Grove Of Titans, Atlas Grove, Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park and The Avenue Of The Giants.

And here's your biggest redwood in the world (by volume), Lone Monarch, which is located in Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park...

Lastly, since I've mentioned it so much already, here's the largest tree (by volume) on earth; the largest living thing on earth, for that matter; General Sherman, in Sequoia National Forest...

Note that none of the biggest, tallest or most famous trees of any type, coastal redwoods included, are located in Muir Woods. That's because Muir Woods is just a sliver of old growth redwoods. They don't have any giant sequoias and their redwoods just don't quite compare to those found in the larger, wetter forests up north.
Blueblood wrote:The truth.... lived in Santa Barbara for 6 years and knows it well.
Blueblood wrote: and what does this have to do with the fact that Muir Woods doesn't contain the biggest or most famous redwoods in California?
Blueblood wrote:too easy…

the truth…
Van, in a PM to Blueblood that was posted by Blueblood wrote: with today being a shitty, rainy day (the best time to hike as far as I'm concerned, since I hate heat) I drove down and hiked a few Muir Woods trails today.
Blueblood wrote: I have just one question.... did you take "Lucas Valley Road" or did you go through Mill Valley?
Van wrote:101 south to Hwy 1 and Stinson Beach.
.m2 wrote:This is where is gets very Sad.

I don't mean to call you out on a lie.... but, I must.

These roads don't cross anywhere... in Marin County.

Pssst... I live in San Francisco and have a shop in Marin.

the truth
Van wrote:I don't mean to call you an imbecile...wait, yes I do. You're an imbecile. ... each&2s=CA

Sacramento, California to Stinson Beach, Ca.
7: Merge onto US-101 S via the exit on the LEFT toward SAN RAFAEL/SAN FRANCISCO. 15.2 mi Map Avoid

8: Take the CA-1 N exit toward STINSON BEACH. 0.2 mi Map Avoid

.m2 wrote:Psssst.... I commute 101 from San Francisco to Novato and back.... and I don't need Map Quest.
Van wrote:
You just got buried, again. You just got caught in the type of error NO Bay Area local would make.

Anyone traveling south on 101 passes the Hwy 1/Stinson Beach exit every time, right before they continue on to the GGB.

Anyone who's ever gone to Stinson Beach via 101 knows you exit off the 101 and then bend right before making a left onto Hwy 1. You then head north on Hwy 1 and after a couple miles or so you come to a fork in the road. Left keeps you on Hwy 1, to Stinson Beach. Right takes you off Hwy 1, to Muir Woods.

How are you not aware of this??

Still wanna contend that you can't take the 101 to get to Hwy 1, just below Muir Woods and Stinson Beach?

Amazing how quickly you backed off that one, dumbshit. First you call me a liar and then when you're presented with incontrovertible fact you simply change the subject...onto another equally erroneous point.

When are you gonna realize that your "I'm a local!" shtick simply doesn't work when there's someone right there on the ground to call you on your bullshit?

You simply don't have any of this shit right! How is that even possible, you tool?
.m2 wrote:As far as Vannie saying highway 1 and 101 cross .....

I can't stop laughing.
Van wrote: Image
Van wrote:In fact, to further bury m2 let's use Mt Tam State Park's own website directions on how to get to Mt Tam...
North of San Francisco's Golden Gate. From Highway 101 take Highway 1 to the Stinson Beach exit and follow signs up the mountain.
Hmm. Says there that there's a Hwy 1/Stinson Beach exit, on Hwy 101.

Imagine that.
Blueblood wrote:Nobody in San Francisco or Marin considers Shoreline Highway part of highway 1. Only the tourista's.
Van wrote: Btw, the signs on Shoreline Hwy say "US Hwy 1" and the government road maps all list Shoreline Dr and Hwy 1 as being the same thing during that stretch so whether or not YOU consider it to be Hwy 1 is irrelevant.
Blueblood wrote: It takes 30 to 45 minutes to get from 101 to highway 1 and a drive over 3,000 foot Mount Tamalpais....
Van wrote:Pretty fucking funny, if you've been going all the way over Mt Tam just to get to Muir Woods or Stinson Beach.
Blueblood wrote:Bullshit!

Show me the quote....

Or consider yourself a liar on this whole fantasy trip of yours
Van wrote:
m2, in this very thread, right between his stupid non sequitur pics, wrote:It takes 30 to 45 minutes to get from 101 to highway 1 and a drive over 3,000 foot Mount Tamalpais....
Blueblood wrote: Pssst... dipshit.

Where does it say that I said you take 101 over Mt. Tam ????????????????????????????????
.m2 wrote:
smackaholic wrote:Yeah. I won't be hiring mstool as a tour guide.

Yeah, don't ask the guy that knows more about California than anyone else on this board.


You see that little bridge at the bottom of the picture ?

Did you cross it on your way to Muir Woods ?
Van wrote:If that bridge is on 101 then I crossed it, but I don’t remember.
.m2 wrote:I could travel from San Francisco to New York... and I'd remember every bridge I went over.
IndyFrisco wrote:Why didn't you tell us you're the real life Rainman?

Going over a bridge, Charlie.
What's the name, Charlie?
White River, Charlie?
Got it, Charlie. [writes White River Bridge, Nebraska in notepad]

Re: .m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:27 pm
With mStool, we all win.

If he's real, then he's smack material that will never dry up. If he's a troll, then he's piloted by a dedicated, persistent expert.

He's like a Colossus of Rhodes standing across T1Bay, plungering himself with a sequoia. Just watch out for the ass estrus.

Re: .m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:15 pm
by Van
Lefty, allow me to add this little pic in place of the one you posted, which obviously got blocked out...


m2's a local. He knows Hwy 1 never comes anywhere near 101. He posted it, and everything. Gotta take a huge drive over Mt Tam to reach 1, from 101.

m2 said so, so it must be true.



Let me look at that again...


Nah, I must be seeing things. m2 says it's not like that, and he was heavily recruited to play at Cal, so he must be right.

Or, maybe he's just insane...and that's exactly the way his troll handler likes him.

Re: .m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:40 am
by .m2
We'll have a Vannie PET of the trip from highway 37 to the top of Mt. Tam and beyond sometime later in the week.

This should be entertaining...

Re: .m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:21 pm
by Smackie Chan
.m2 wrote:We'll have a Vannie PET of the trip from highway 37 to the top of Mt. Tam and beyond sometime later in the week.

This should be entertaining...
Not quite as entertaining as yours, though, stoolio, since they will probably be pix that he actually took with captions that he actually wrote, and won't include shots of windchimes or Renfaire geeks & wenches. Don't think R-Jack will have much luck going all on Van the way he does with you.

Kinda diminishes the entertainment value.

Re: .m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:53 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
I last went through Ft. Bragg & Muir Woods 19 years ago and the Nat'l Forest 25 years ago, and can still remember enough to know which was best.
That's nothing. I can remember the 5 foot bridge made out of sticks and vine that I passed over in the forest with my radio flyer full of discounted chimes in eastern Vermont.


Re: .m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:40 am
by Katy
R-Jack wrote:
.m2 wrote:We'll have a Vannie PET of the trip from highway 37 to the top of Mt. Tam and beyond sometime later in the week.

This should be entertaining...
Better his than yours

Fuck!!!! :lol: :lol:

Re: .m2blueblood HALL OF FAME

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:29 pm
by RadioFan
I can't remember if it was on this board or over at the old, but the thread where m2 was trying to argue that there are no Arabs in Africa ranked right up there.