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Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:31 pm
by Screw_Michigan
You forgot to insert the (R) after his name.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:50 pm
by Smackie Chan
Screw_Michigan wrote:You forgot to insert the (R) after his name.
It wasn't necessary.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:27 pm
by Cuda
So... he's right, but for the wrong reasons?

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:57 pm
by smackaholic
I get a kick out of people gwho basically say, well, yeah, ofcourse there's an old dude with a long white beard up in the clouds running everything, but, if you believe anything from the book which is the sole "proof" that this dude exists, you're a fukkin' moron.

I think this guys a whack job as well, but, then again, I don't buy into any of the religion bullshit.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:10 pm
by Tom In VA
Well no, he's wrong. Though God might have promised to not destroy the earth - global warming won't destroy the earth. So even if Global Warming exists, is man-made, the final solution would be that Humanity and a host of other carbon life forms would be destroyed. Not the planet.

This guy should have sat quietly and let people wonder if he was an idiot, rather than speaking and removing all doubt.

George Carlin said it best, the earth will shake us off like a bad case of fleas if it so desires. We are unable to contain the power of nature. We are subordinate to it.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:13 pm
This guy should have sat quietly and let people wonder if he was an idiot
Rack Tom - what a clever metaphor he's crafted for inhabiting public office.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:17 pm
by indyfrisco
Tom In VA wrote:George Carlin said it best, the earth will shake us off like a bad case of fleas if it so desires. We are unable to contain the power of nature. We are subordinate to it.
I got a Carlin CD. Here's the video you refer to. ... id=7502846 (7:00 minute mark)

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:25 pm
by Derron
mvscal wrote:
Jsc810 wrote:Oh bullshit mvscal. There are plenty of scientific reasons to oppose or support global warming. He didn't articulate those.
I'm not worried about him. His kookery is harmless enough. I'm worried about the n...igger in the White House who intends to destroy this economy with this ridiculous carbon cap and trade scheme. Whether he is doing it through ignorance or malice is beside the point. He needs to be stopped.
So is this a call for insurrection, overthrow or jihad ?

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:27 pm
by Van
Assassination, sounds like, to me.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:27 pm
by Wolfman
I could be wrong, but I think that the Old Testament story about Noah and the flood has a reference about God not destroying the earth again by FLOOD (water). Could it be that God kept destruction by HEAT (fire) up His sleeve ?? In reality that is how it is all going to end, hopefully several billion years from now.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 6:39 pm
by Derron
Wolfman wrote:I could be wrong, but I think that the Old Testament story about Noah and the flood has a reference about God not destroying the earth again by FLOOD (water). Could it be that God kept destruction by HEAT (fire) up His sleeve ?? In reality that is how it is all going to end, hopefully several billion years from now.
Thanks...Al Fucking Gore....The heat probably will come from when the Iranians,Pakis,Indians and all those roach crawling cocksuckers start popping nukes on each other...probably a lot sooner than a billion years...

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 7:57 pm
How about we start by spiking the legislation in Congress and see how that plays out.
Any guesses what he means by "we"? Not too many Americans want to see the POTUS fail in what he's attempting at this point.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:14 pm
by Left Seater
PSUFAN wrote: Any guesses what he means by "we"? Not too many Americans want to see the POTUS fail in what he's attempting at this point.
Well, many of us already see his actions so far as a failure. Making the Pres Chimpy debts look like pocket change, messing with our W2's to give us another $20 per pay check but still taxing us on that money at year end, not ending the War but instead increasing the number of troops, etc.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:28 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote: I much prefer to see him crawl out of office in 2012 disgraced, discredited and reviled..
He'll never be so disgraced or reviled that Monica & PUSFAN won't slug it out to chug his jizz

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:41 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
You mean nobody other than hundreds of economists including three Nobel prize winning economists?
your not referring to that Cato Institute ad are you? Of course, half the people that signed that had no idea what they were signing....and there are a lot of economists that are of the opinion that some sort of government stimulus is needed, they just disagree on how much and what it should be spent on
Or did you mean nobody other than 50% of the country who think he is fucking up? Or are you just mindlessly regurgitating daily talking points without a clue of what you're talking about?
You mean 50% of the general population that has not a fucking clue about what the stimulus is or what it's designed to do? You mean that 50%?
In any event, his failure is inevitable considering that he has done absolutely nothing other exponentially magnify the worst aspects of Chimpy's administration. If you actually believe that what he is doing (robbing you blind) will fix the economy, you're a fucking idiot. No, ifs ands or buts about it.
so what's your solution? Don't tell me let me guess-lower taxes. Or are you going to join the cacaphony of reps. that cry out in feigned anguish "what he's proposing isn't what needs to be done" yet when asked what should be done, they collectively look at each other like deer stuck in the headlights and say "well, we don't know, but we do know what he's proposing isn't what we should be doing" or maybe just submit an alternative budget that doesn't contain any actual budget numbers (seriously, that was comedic genius)
Good job, idiots. Way to fuck up the country.
seriously, you need to calm down

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 9:54 pm
by War Wagon
Tom In VA wrote:We are unable to contain the power of nature. We are subordinate to it.
True, as far as it goes, but to take it one step further:

The idea that the pimple on the butt of this planet (man) can or has had any effect on the climate is for gullible fools.

And I love how the "global warming" screeching fruitcakes have now changed their doomsday mantra to "climate change" since we've been enduring one of the harshest winters in recent memory in many parts.

And then they come back with "bu..bu.. but the Antartic icecaps and glaciers in Greenland are melting and could raise sea levels."

To which I reply, who gives a fuck?

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:05 pm
by War Wagon
Felix wrote: You mean 50% of the general population that has not a fucking clue about what the stimulus is or what it's designed to do? You mean that 50%?
No, I think he meant the 50% of those who do have a clue that handing a trillion $$$ of taxpayer money over to what are essentially loan sharks to do with as they see fit (AIG bonuses) is pretty fucking stupid.

I think he meant that simultaeneously ratcheting up deficits for years to come to finance all his social programs is pretty fucking stupid.

No surprise you're one of the Kool-aid chugging dumbfucks, but let's not let a good crisis go to waste, eh?

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:14 pm
by War Wagon
Sudden Sam wrote:
War Wagon wrote: And then they come back with "bu..bu.. but the Antartic icecaps and glaciers in Greenland are melting and could raise sea levels."

To which I reply, who gives a fuck?

You would if you lived someone other than dead center USA.
Assuming that sea levels are indeed rising, which is a large assumption, I'd say some coastal areas need a good cleansing anyway.

Or look at it this way. If you're a speculator gambling on that, there should be some primo new beach-front property available in the near future, eh? Better get in now.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:16 pm
by Felix
War Wagon wrote:
No surprise you're one of the Kool-aid chugging dumbfucks, but let's not let a good crisis go to waste, eh?
so your solution is to let a company like AIG simply fail and take with it thousands and thousands of peoples pensions, 401ks, etc. not to mention the loss of thousands and thousands of jobs not only at AIG but the companies that AIG's demise would take with it? Of course, that fuck the economy two ways to Sunday what with the loss of all those tax revenues from all of those formerly employed people coupled with the monies we'd be spending on unemployment supporting all of these out of work people...but of course, your simplistic solution would be to simply regurgitate the talking points of honks like Hannity and Limbaugh, who offer nothing in the way of any kind of solution, just screeching that Obama is a socialist, he's on a power grab, he's a communist, he's Satan reincarnated, etc...seriously, do you think that type of dialogue is really what this country needs right now?

I've got news for you hoss, if you think our economic situation is some kind of fabricated crisis, you're even more moronic than I'd originally envisioned...the thought of that is simply frightening

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:23 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote: See if you can fill in the blank.

Clinton Era: Spending down...economy up. Bush Era: Spending up...economy down. Onogger Era: Spending through the roof...economy _______.
It's still all Bushs' fault. Obama inherited this mess.

Neveryoumind that it just keeps getting worse, we'll just keep beating that dead horse until it's time to campaign for re-election.

~B.O. apologists

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:27 pm
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
You eliminate corporate income tax completely (since they don't pay taxes, they pass them through to their consumers) cut personal income tax across the board and get this:


Clear enough for you? That is how you get the economy going.

Every penny the government spends is money it REMOVED from the economy in the first fucking place. I don't give a fuck how many Keynesians you line up, government spending does NOT stimulate economic growth. If it did, we would be smack in the middle of the biggest boom in world history.

See if you can fill in the blank.

Clinton Era: Spending down...economy up. Bush Era: Spending up...economy down. Onogger Era: Spending through the roof...economy _______.
so when Obama starts cutting military spending (which in large part is how Clinton reduced spending), you'll be back here screeching like a fucking harpie that Obama is gutting the military making us less safe, etc. etc.

of course, what you fail to note that there's a huge, massive, ginormous fucking difference between what Clinton had to work with and the steaming pile of dogshit economy that Bush left for Obama....

apples and handgrenades bud

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:41 pm
by War Wagon
Felix wrote: so your solution is to let a company like AIG simply fail and take with it thousands and thousands of peoples pensions, 401ks, etc. not to mention the loss of thousands and thousands of jobs not only at AIG but the companies that AIG's demise would take with it?
So, rather than let some shitdicks go bankrupt who deserve it, lets put the taxpayers in hock for the next 20 years, print up a bunch of money that doesn't exist, fuel inflation, and ultimately bankrupt the U.S. Treasury instead.

Great fucking strategy, Einstein. You must work for AIG.

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:52 pm
by War Wagon
mvscal wrote:Onogger's "solution" to that problem is to double down on the Bush era deficits which were in no small part of the problem we face today.
I'll see your double down and double down on that double down. That's a quadruple down if you were wondering... of course, it's not actually my money, it doesn't even exist... bwahaha - this is fun.

~Timothy Geithner

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:07 am
by Felix
mvscal wrote:
Very smart thing to do in the middle of a war. Yes, I can see the genius behind it. What happened to all the handwringing about our helpless untrained and poorly equipped troops? All bullshit? Thought so.
um, obviously the sarcasm of cutting military spending went way the fuck over your, you can't cut military spending right now...but if you check your history books, that's exactly how Clinton cut his spending....again, different time, different era....that's simply not an option for Obama at this point.
Well, he would certainly be making the military less safe.
see above numbskull...I never said that's what Obama should do, I said that's what Clinton did to cut his spending....
And here go you tripping all over your rather pathetic imbecility. The difference between the Clinton and Bush era economies can be measured in terms of a steady increase in the level of debt across the board. There is a point at which the burden of debt becomes unsustainable and compromises the ability of the economy to grow. This is a problem in case you were wondering. Onogger's "solution" to that problem is to double down on the Bush era deficits which were in no small part of the problem we face today.

Anyone who sincerely believes that this is an intelligent thing to do should be shot in the face and left twitching in the dirt.
our economy is flatlining you fucking dork, and no amount of tax cuts is going to jump start it the intelligent thing to do? Fuck no, but at this point we've pretty much exhausted most other options

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:19 am
by Cuda
mvscal wrote: What happened to all the handwringing about our helpless untrained and poorly equipped troops? All bullshit?
The troops? Fuck 'em


I get to pick which twoop(s) I want, don't I? Otherwise, what's the point of being a congwessman?

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:39 pm
by indyfrisco
Felix wrote:so your solution is to let a company like AIG simply fail and take with it thousands and thousands of peoples pensions, 401ks, etc. not to mention the loss of thousands and thousands of jobs not only at AIG but the companies that AIG's demise would take with it? Of course, that fuck the economy two ways to Sunday what with the loss of all those tax revenues from all of those formerly employed people coupled with the monies we'd be spending on unemployment supporting all of these out of work people...but of course, your simplistic solution would be to simply regurgitate the talking points of honks like Hannity and Limbaugh, who offer nothing in the way of any kind of solution, just screeching that Obama is a socialist, he's on a power grab, he's a communist, he's Satan reincarnated, etc...seriously, do you think that type of dialogue is really what this country needs right now?

I've got news for you hoss, if you think our economic situation is some kind of fabricated crisis, you're even more moronic than I'd originally envisioned...the thought of that is simply frightening
Why do you hate periods?

Re: Rep. Shimkus is a fool

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:01 pm
by Felix
IndyFrisco wrote:
Why do you hate periods?

periods are tools of the conservative cabal designed to keep the working man down while expanding the powers of the rich

periods will eventually be the downfall of this country