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Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:24 am
by Moby Dick
7 months ago the wife and i had an ultrasound done, much to my happiness it was a boy! Was going to make 2 boys and we were gonna be done with the baby producing.

i'll be fuc...err..blessed if today as i watch the baby come from the OL's vag i noticed..."wow, those are some weird looking balls"...then i hear the wife say "that's no boy!"

i can't say i was pissed or dissapointed at all, i was a feeling i had never before felt..i still can't describe it...after knowing i was going to have a boy for more than 6 2nd Linebacker DESTINED to go play D1 somewhere, or a fireballing lefty throwing 95mph fastballs drafted right out of highschoo(as all dad's fantasies go): ...i'm blessed instead with beautiful baby girl that when i'm 44 i get to worry bout protecting. I swear to God the next 20 yrs of her life flashed before my eyes in 5 seconds.

My wife said the doc asked me if i wanted to cut the chord but i dont remember it..still dont know what the fuck i was doing other than staring off into space still thinking my boy had some fucked up looking balls and a penis so small i just couldnt make it out.

now, being 6 hours later i really couldnt be happier. instead of wearing his big bro's hand me downs...and saving cash on some toys that are still decently preserved i get to spend hours and caysh on building princess house and fake doll faces that she gets to practice make-up on, and an overwhelming erdge to dump a body into the Washita river at any boy that does her wrong.

God i'm so fucked, she'll have me wrapped around her finger, and when i should be pissed and ready to punish, she'll do a "but daddy..." and bat her eyes or some shit.

Looking forward to it :lol:

Violet Mae 6lbs 7oz, 19 inches long

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:57 am
by Harvdog
Congrats. My daughter was born over 2 years ago. It is so different being a father to a little girl. She is really cool. You are going to love it.

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:43 am
by Laxplayer
Dude, I've got two weddings...errrrr....daughters. One is 15 and the other is 10. Trust me...enjoy the years you have ahead of you right now because it doesn't get easier......
Now throw in my two sons at 13 and 9 and I've got more fucking trouble than blades of grass on a golf course.

OH, BTW congrats...daughters and fathers have that special relationship.

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:55 am
by Van
daughters and fathers have that special relationship.
Shit howdy!



Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:36 am
by Laxplayer
Come on Van...I'm not marrying my daughter or setting her up with my son. She's my daughter and if someone tries anything I have 30 acres of raw land in the Palmdale area, along with a shot gun and shovel. She's my first born and I'm very over protective.

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:04 am
by Van
You're also in L.A.

That's Los Angeles, not Louisiana.


Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:08 pm
by Screw_Michigan
I'm sure she'll have porked all the skill positions by the time she's 16, so good luck.

And props.

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:59 pm
by SunCoastSooner
Congrats Moby!!!

From one father to another... start threatening the boys early as soon as day care starts! If nothing else it is good practice for the future!!!

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:06 pm
by Van
Mine was way funnier. Way better timing, and way better execution.


Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:03 am
by Moby Dick
thanks guys.

just brought her home.

the 2 1/2 yr old is definatly having issues, but i think he's starting to warm up to her. Unfortunately he keeps calling her "luke" cause originally his name was going to be Lucas lol.

i'm definatly smitten, and i'm definatly screwed when it comes to 'getting her way' in the future

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 12:40 am
by SunCoastSooner
Moby Dick wrote:i'm definatly smitten, and i'm definatly screwed when it comes to 'getting her way' in the future
Not a single father of a daughter who who won't understand this. I am terrible about it as well. Always have been. I've never spanked my daughter once; hell I can count on one hand how many times I have even spoken in a stern voice and she is about to turn four. She moved to Texas a year ago now and she still screams for fudge and pizza when I am on the phone. I can only hope and pray she always remembers those Sunday haunts for extreme hyperness/happiness. Cherish the moments because they pass faster than anyone can imagine.

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:48 am
by Laxplayer
Cherish the moments because they pass faster than greased shit goes through a goose.
There FTFY. dude, enjoy EVERY moment, even the ones that stress you out. My daughter just turned 15 in Feb and it's like she doesn't have parents. Dad, drop me off down honey I'll drive you into school. No really dad....honey, don't worry everyone has a father and I'm not going to get out of the car and walk you to class. Enjoy the unconditional love.

Re: Peice of shit incopetent small town hospitals.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 4:56 am
by socal
Congrats on the baby girl. Mine is now 13. Time flies.
Van wrote:My boy on boy butt action was way funnier. Way better timing, and way better execution.
