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Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:46 pm
by Left Seater
First off let us reset a one of your takes:
.m2blue wrote:You do remember.... me saying I shared the blog with a friend that went to Cal and played for the New Orleans Saints.... ????????
Later you let us know this blogger is Greg Loberg.

I then sent an email to the Cal SID office asking for confirmation that Loberg played in the NFL. They polite reply was that Loberg never played for the New Orleans Saints. They also linked me to a page on the Cal site with all of their NFL players. After looking at the site I confirmed their information, but still had one question. So I responded to their email with another question asking if you had to play in a game to make the list or if you just had to be on the roster. They quickly responded back saying that to make the list a player didn't have to play in a game, but had to be on the active roster for at least one game. They further defined the active roster as regular season or playoff, excluded scabs and practice squad players, and was submitted to the league officials at the game site.

Here is the link: ... 072007.pdf

Page 24 of the 40 on the pdf.

So why should we believe you .m2blue if Cal doesn't claim your boy played in the NFL?

Oh, it was pre-season or some other reason right?

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 1:51 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
OHMIGOD!!!! m2 lied? Wow, this is shocking.

Wait a minute... this is what trolls do, right?

Why do you waste your time on this bullshit, Lefty? Dude continues to make you idiots chase your dicks... even years later. Unreal.

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:02 pm
by Left Seater
Dude isn't trolling.

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:10 pm
by The Seer
For the sake of creative writing, an artist is allowed certain latitudes of embellishment, poetic license if you will, to illustrate/define his message.

It's your bad for looking for "the truth" in any of his posts....

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:27 pm
by Screw_Michigan
He's not trying to impress anyone, Sam. He just loves people 'sessing over him.

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:23 am
by .m2

After starting for the USFL's Denver Gold in 1985 and spending a training camp injured with the New Orleans in 1986, Loberg came back to Marin and began work as a stock broker. Then in 1987, when the NFL players went on 24-day strike, the Saints called him and asked him to come play for them.

"I remember it was Sunday," Loberg said. "I turned to my wife and asked, 'Should I go?' She said, 'Sure.'"

Thus, Loberg fulfilled his childhood dream of playing in the NFL. He played in three games for the Saints.

Like the time Loberg was a backup offensive lineman for the USFL's Los Angeles Express and he and his teammates would joke about the team's quarterback, who didn't have a car and bummed rides to and from practice. A QB named Steve Young, Pro Football Hall of Famer.

Thanks for playing Lefty.

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:26 pm
by Left Seater
So your boy was a scab.

But according to your beloved Cal he never played in the NFL. Your beef is with Cal not me. You should work on getting that changed.

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:36 pm
by smackaholic
Thus, Loberg fulfilled his childhood dream of being an nfl scab for 3 weeks.
So, you know a guy that was an nfl scab. rack the hell outta you, I guess.

Like the time Loberg was a backup offensive lineman for the USFL's Los Angeles Express and he and his teammates would joke about the team's quarterback, who didn't have a car and bummed rides to and from practice. A QB named Steve Young, Pro Football Hall of Famer.
And where is steve from? That's right, connecticut. I'm from ct too.

:bode: me!

Re: Paging .m2blue...You have some explaining to do

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:43 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
m2 has "boys" now?

Wow. I guess he's a shitty tribal tattoo and beaten pitbull puppy away from Zy status.

Just throw your arm around some bar skanks and post the pics so we can call it a day.