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Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:38 pm
by Left Seater
What with the Republik that is Cali it is shocking that Iowa is putting them to shame.

Iowa just passed up Cali in wind energy. ... ower_N.htm
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — Texas continues to blow away the competition, but Iowa can now generate more wind power than California, according to a new industry report released Monday.
The Lone Star state's 7,118 megawatts dwarfs Iowa's 2,791 megawatts and California's 2,517 megawatts, but wind power has grown into a key part of the energy infrastructure in Minnesota and Iowa, where each state generates more than 7% of their electricity from turbines, the American Wind Energy Association study said.

States are trying to lure wind energy companies and the jobs that come with them, especially with federal requirements that will require more power from alternative sources in coming years.

While jobs in the wind industry jumped 70% to 85,000 last year, the association's chief executive warned that more must be done to prevent the industry from stalling.

The passage of a national Renewable Electricity Standard that would require utilities to generate a quarter of their electricity from renewable energy by 2025 is vital to long-term growth, Bode said.

Global investment in alternative energy was cut in half during the first quarter of 2009, according to one study. Billions in investments have vanished with the recession.

Shares in wind, solar and geothermal companies took a pummeling from investors this year. Investments in companies devoted solely to clean energy fell to about $100 million from $2.1 billion, according to New Energy Finance, an industry-research firm.

Still, 2008 was a big year for the industry.

U.S. wind farms, with a combined capacity of 25,300 megawatts at the end of last year, should be able to generate some 73 billion kilowatt hours of power in 2009, enough to serve nearly 7 million homes, the association said.

The association estimates that 10 new manufacturing facilities started up in 2008, while 17 were expanded and 30 new plants were announced.

Indiana added its first utility-scale wind project. Michigan, Utah, New Hampshire and Wisconsin grew at the fastest clip.

Still, big wind power states added the most capacity by far, led by Texas with 2671.3 new megawatts and Iowa with 1599.8 megawatts. Minnesota, Kansas and New York added between 400 and 455 megawatts each.

FPL Group subsidiary NextEra Energy Resources continues to dominate the landscape with ownership of about 25% of the total installed U.S. wind projects, totaling 6,290 megawatts. Iberdrola Renewables, MidAmerican Energy and Horizon-Energia de Portugal combine for the next 25%.

GE Energy installed the most turbines in 2008, accounting for 43% of new capacity. Vestas, 13%; Siemens and Suzlon, 9% each; and Gamesa, 7%, rounded out the Top 5.

Makes sense I guess in that they would rather import all their needs.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:13 am
by Louis Cyphre
GE Energy installed the most turbines in 2008, accounting for 43% of new capacity. Vestas, 13%; Siemens and Suzlon, 9% each; and Gamesa, 7%, rounded out the Top 5.
We build the converters for the Gamesa wind turbines where I work.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:24 am
by smackaholic
The problem in cali is the save the condor hippies are cockblocking the green power hippies. Kind of like ted kennedy not wanting any navigational hazards windmills near the cape. Fortunately, he won't mind shortly as dead folks generally aren't very objectionable to much of anything.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:31 pm
by Left Seater
Besides being the king of drunk driving Teddy is the King of not in my back yard.

That Cape Wind project could power all of the Cape and islands, yet Ted is against it. I guess I can see his point though, it is hard enough to sail a boat when drunk, imagine 10 support posts less than 4 feet across in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:42 pm
by Derron
In due time all this wind nonsense will pass.

In Oregon, the liberals hate everything, and have wanted all this sustainable, green,non polluting,non carbon footprint bullshit for years, want to blow up the dams that generate all of CA's electricity, and generally do away with all sorts of would think they would embrace the change to wind energy.

Fuck no...the greenies now say the wind mills are:

1. Unsightly and destroy the views
2. Make too much noise
3. Pose a hazard to birds
4. Create electricty emissions like cell towers.

and they:

1.Demand their removal
2.Demand no more wind mills installed
3.Demand a more earth friendly type of power generation.

Fucking environmental whackos...

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:07 pm
by Left Seater
You would think the greenies would love the view, cheap renewable energy that doesn't pollute.

Actually, I think wind power will continue to grow. There are two new wind projects in West Texas that are waiting for the economy to recover some before moving forward. One is to replace 4 old coal powered generation stations that run only when Cali needs extra capacity. These plants are some of the most expensive to run in the country because of their emissions, and as such Cali pays a huge premium for them. The wind generation would replace the coal plants and lower the generation cost and fines. However, the contract rates with Cali are set for the next 12 years, so profits would soar and could pay for the entire project. Meanwhile the wind turbines would run all the time not just when Cali needed the power and the excess would go into the Texas grid.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:18 pm
by BSmack
Politicians of all stripes have opposed wind power. Here in Western NY, the #1 opponent of wind power is one Tom Golisano. As a partially self made billionaire, he's Rochester's answer to Ross Perot if that helps. But, he also has some fabulous cottages in the Finger Lakes that he doesn't want "spoiled" by having windmills next door.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:34 pm
by Left Seater

Explain. It has been very good to many of us in Texas.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:39 pm
by trev
mvscal wrote:Wind power is a sick, fucking joke.
I beg your pardon?


Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:34 pm
by Cuda
mvscal wrote:Wind power is a sick, fucking joke. It doesn't really matter why a politician opposes it just so long as it is shitcanned for the obscene waste of everything that it is.
Wind power has been tried


It was replaced by something far more efficient, more reliable, and much safer


Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:37 pm
by titlover
isn't that 2nd pic Zyclone's yacht?

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:01 pm
by Derron
R-Jack wrote:
mvscal wrote:Wind power is a sick, fucking joke. It doesn't really matter why a politician opposes it just so long as it is shitcanned for the obscene waste of everything that it is.
The only reason I quoted this was that my daughter was looking at mvscal's avatar when I was reading this.

Just the way she says "MUNKY WOOK DADDY MUNKY HAHAHAHA" .........fucking tears
Your a great parent...your young daughter looking at this board..great.....

Maybe if she was not some Asian half breed we could understand what the fuck you THINK she said.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:17 pm
by Derron
R-Jack wrote:
Derron wrote:Maybe if she was not some Asian half breed we could understand what the fuck you THINK she said.
She's not even two, and I know what she said. I save the thinking for trying to figure out what point you were trying to make with this subhuman and moronic stream of idiocy I quoted above.
The point would be you fucking moron that none of us on her give a fuck what your "almost 2 "year old said after seeing the avatar. No matter how cute you think it is, and no matter what kind of babbling baby talk you convert it from, it makes most of us puke, and brings home the point what a fucking tool you are..

" Oh look what my almost two year said after seeing the avatar..."

Take it to the breast feeding support group you idiot.

The Asian half breed blast comes from your pathetic attempt to convert a babbling brats spew into a bode for you..


Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:28 pm
by Left Seater

You are correct for the moment. However, once the wind infrastructure is in place the cost will drop significantly. Not an even apples to apples when most of the fossil fuel plants are substantially paid for.

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:57 pm
by Derron
R-Jack wrote:
Just the way she says "MUNKY WOOK DADDY MUNKY HAHAHAHA" .........fucking tears
Yeah..that is a real compelling take..fucking idiot...

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 12:01 am
by Derron
R-Jack wrote:
It's probably best to recognize that you are making less sense than the very child you want to get on for some sick reason and just hitchike out of this discussion. This didn't go well for you Diego lite.
Did she get up and type that nonsense into the dude it is you I am getting on you fuckin tard. You thought it was cute and you posted that blathering conversion of kid speak and probably thought it was fuckin hilarious, and thought all of us reading it would be as amused as you are. Not....

We are amused that you though it was worth posting, and even more amused you take offense when you get smacked for posting baby talk....try again tard..

Re: Iowa breezes past Cali

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:30 am
by Cuda
here's the cliff's notes version for those who don't want to wade through all those words:

1. wind power is a fucking joke

2. R-Jack's 2 year old daughter is smarter than Derron