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How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:41 pm
by Van
I couldn't help it. I saw that t-shirt, and what was the first thing I thought?

"That would be a perfect avatar for mvscal."

The second thing I thought, by the end of the clip?

"Invictus wouldn't like that ass." ... _internet/ (!)

Ummm, hurry the fuck up and get here already, BTPCF!!

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:43 pm
by trev
I'm glad I'm not at work.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:45 pm
by Van
trev, meh, that was nothing. We see just as much on prime time network tv.

What do you do for work, anyway? No offense (seriously), but for some reason I always thought of you as a stay-at-home mom.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:50 pm
by trev
Oh, I thought I saw naked boobies bouncing around quite heavily. I clicked off pretty quick.

I don't advertise that I work or where I work. It's more fun that way.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:18 pm
by Van
Nope, she keeps herself covered, which is why I didn't throw up one of these (!) in the thread title.

That t-shirt of hers, though, that is so mvscal.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:06 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
trev wrote:I don't advertise that I work or where I work.
Is "the corner of 5th and Main" too embarrassing of a detail?

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:57 pm
by War Wagon
Van wrote:Nope, she keeps herself covered, which is why I didn't throw up one of these (!) in the thread title.
Dude, it's a link to a porn site, and hardcore porn at that.

Debinitely NSFW, and you are VERY fucked up.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:33 pm
by titlover
mvscal wrote:
trev wrote:Oh, I thought I saw naked boobies bouncing around quite heavily.
Hi, trev. Do you bounce quite heavily as well in your sexy lingerie? I'll bet you do. I can almost see them flailing away in all their fleshy magnificence perhaps one nipple working itself free and winking at me insouciantly just before my eyes roll back in my head and...

does someone have a god damn pic of trev and her juggs? for fucks sake..... :x

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:38 pm
by Van
War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote:Nope, she keeps herself covered, which is why I didn't throw up one of these (!) in the thread title.
Dude, it's a link to a porn site, and hardcore porn at that.

Debinitely NSFW, and you are VERY fucked up.
Porn?? She never even gets nude, she does nothing the least bit sexual, and you call that porn??

Goddamn, dude, Missouri really is behind the times.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:39 am
by War Wagon
There's more there than some gal flashing her boobs, you obtuse idiot.

WTF is wrong with you?

You want to spread your sickness, apparently.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:33 am
by Van
The clip itself isn't porn, so as long as you don't go scrolling all up and down the page looking for other links your fragile evangelical sensibilities should be safe.

Eh, you've already got your panties in a bunch over it, so nevermind. Hell, in the hopes that it might prevent you from having a morally outraged aneurysm I'll even add the (!) to the thread title.

Happy now, Mr Whipple?

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:38 am
by trev
There's naked boobies and porno popups when I click on your link, Van. Just a warning to anyone else.

I never got see her shirt.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:47 am
by Van
trev, on my screen there are no porno pop ups. There are "naked boobies," but only if you scroll down the screen, well below the video clip. On my screen, merely clicking on the link and leaving it alone has you watching the clip, with nothing objectionable showing.

No matter. I went ahead and added the (!) to the thread title.

The whole point of the video is her t-shirt, which fairly mirrors mvscal's recent sarcastic apology to TVO. Her shit has a sad looking pouty face teddy bear, above the words, "That's terrible. I'm sorry."

It's so mvscal, especially when it's coming from a bouncing EE rack.

Bersides, you're no longer at work. You can watch it now, free and clear, imagining yourself dancing like that for Mikey and mvscal...again.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:52 am
by trev
A little late for me as far as slapping on the (!) Van. But, I don't hold grudges, all's forgiven. You are a good guy and meant no harm. Hopefully my computer is still clean and pure.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:57 am
by War Wagon
Van wrote:The clip itself isn't porn, so as long as you don't go scrolling all up and down the page looking for other links your fragile evangelical sensibilities should be safe.
One doesn't have to scroll far to find horse fucking.

Look, if that's your thing, go for it.

Just don't expect me to fall right in line approving of your depravity.

You want a world in which there are no rules, where anything goes.

You bag on 'slinger for the "black cock" broken record, but what you're doing is worse, because you want people to accept that under the guise of being a mainstream poster.

I, for one, don't accept it and if I were an admin here, this would be your last and only warning.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:04 am
by Van
trev wrote:Hopefully my computer is still clean and pure.
What's the world coming to...

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:12 am
by Van
My "depravity"? A girl, dancing?

Jesus, WW, that might've been the single cuntiest post ever. You sound like Dan Vogel's whiny minister.

Funny, but I had no problem avoiding scrolling down to any horse fucking. I was able to simply view the video, minus anything else. Did that pose a problem for you, or something? Just couldn't resist scrolling around and taking an extended looksee?

You got your (!) warning so lighten up already, Whipple.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 4:41 am
by Katy
I clicked on it and found nothing depraved about it. A few pictures of poon being linked? Big fukken deal. I don't understand why Wags is being such a handwringing cunt about this.

There have been plenty of things posted on these boards over the years that should have lit your tampon string--and it didn't. Seriously--this is so fucking stupid.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:51 pm
by socal

How fucked up are you?

The link opens to a porn site that contains numerous freeze framed porn videos that all show up on a 20" screen no scrolling necessary. Just because you're working with an Apple IIE with an 8" black and white monitor encrusted with your "pearly whiteness" doesn't mean you shouldn't have punctuated the thread title immediately.

That being said you covered your tracks and managed to ungack your keyboard in time to save everyone 'cept trev and WhippleWagon.

Now what's this mvscal/TVO connection? Connect the dots for me, fucko.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:15 am
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
War Wagon wrote:One doesn't have to scroll far to find horse fucking.
This made me laugh out loud.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:43 am
by Diego in Seattle
War Wagon wrote:
Van wrote:The clip itself isn't porn, so as long as you don't go scrolling all up and down the page looking for other links your fragile evangelical sensibilities should be safe.
One doesn't have to scroll far to find horse fucking.
Leave R-Jack's personal issues out of this.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:05 am
by Van
SoCal wrote:Now what's this mvscal/TVO connection? Connect the dots for me, fucko.
A couple weeks ago mvscal posted the best apology ever, to TVO. It was this lengthy laundry list of all the ways in which he might've offended anybody, all of which were perfectly valid accusations, and he prefaced it by saying that he finally realized the error of his ways, in being so mean spirited all the time.

He ended it by saying how he realized that nothing in the world matters more than making sure no one's feelings ever get hurt.

It was pure deep fried sarcasm. It was classic mvscal.

The girl's sarcastic t-shirt in this clip, it's exactly what mvscal was saying, right down to the pouty face teddy bear.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:27 am
by War Wagon
Katy wrote:I clicked on it and found nothing depraved about it. A few pictures of poon being linked? Big fukken deal. I don't understand why Wags is being such a handwringing cunt about this.

There have been plenty of things posted on these boards over the years that should have lit your tampon string--and it didn't. Seriously--this is so fucking stupid.

Nope, nothing at all depraved about that.

Van creamed his househusband sweat-pants when he read you thought that was no big deal and wants to hook-up... not that you needed me to inform you of this after your PM box got flooded with "You Go Girl" spam.

And Van, thanks for giving me yet another reason for investing in that anti-virus software.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:57 am
by Van
Haa! Check out WW! Dude was so "offended" by that shit that he not only scrolled down to really check it out but now he's even linking pics from it, right here, where he said he least wanted to see it!!

Gotta love it. To me, this was a thread and a video about an mvscal inspired t-shirt, on a dancing hottie.

WW? Dude goes straight up batshit over equine anal, his repressed synapses just bouncing willy nilly all over his evangelical website pics of nuns milking cows.

:bode: <------WW's Freakish Show Me State Libido

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:37 am
by RadioFan
Van wrote::bode: <------WW's Freakish Show Me State Libido
KC is a great town, with a lot of good folks.

I'm still trying, for the life of me, to figure out how the ass-end of Kansas City, Kan., ended up posting from Missouri on this board.

Pun intended.

I've seen better smack from some of these fucktards while they are Bud-Light, dog-killing drunks on the Current River, on a Friday afternoon.

To wit:
War Wagon wrote:Radiddles

That one really hurt.

So which is it, Wags? Are you "offended" by the woman/horsecock pic from Van's link, or would you prefer that Ang just paint another picture in her own blood again?
War Wagon wrote:You want to spread your sickness, apparently.
Coming from someone who enjoyed Ang's "art," this is pure gold.
War Wagon wrote:Just don't expect me to fall right in line approving of your depravity.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:45 am
by Van
I'm just enjoying the fact that I didn't even know about HorseChick, not until WW pointed it out, and he's the one obsessing over it.

That pic, it's probably his screen saver now, with a little additional photoshopped caption that reads:

l-War Wagon r-Ana

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:50 am
by RadioFan
Van wrote:l-War Wagon, holding a Bud Light, r-Ana

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:42 am
by Katy
Van, I'm still waiting for all that "You Go, Girl" PM spam. :wink:

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:54 am
by Van
Now, Katy, wait a minute. I'm confused. Aren't you currently blowing RF? (What is it with the chick Mods here, anyway? First, Ana is actually tossing Salad Tosser's bacon bits, and now Katy is getting biblical with RF...)

Anyway, Katy, see, he's an OU fan, and he really likes Mark Tremonti. I'm a USC fan, and I like good guitarists.

I just don't think there's room enough in your mouth for the both of us, and neither one of us is up for a sword fight anyway. We're not Missouri fans.

So, dammit, you're going to have to make a choice here, and since I'm the FNG to you I fear it'll be my heart that'll get pureed. I just know that where you're concerned, well, I can see where I'm heading...

(Just to make RF feel warm and fuzzy...)

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:08 am
by Katy
Fuck, Van, by far you're the funniest damned poster on this board next to mvscal. :lol: :lol:

RACK you for keeping the constant flow of funny running through here.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:19 am
by Van
Ummm, so, I guess this means you are choosing RF...


Yeah, well...

RF, you goddamn fuckpoodle. Fine, you get the girl, including all those charming little nodules deep inside her throat. She's like, ribbed for your pleasure, isn't she?

Yeah, whatever. Just remember something, Lancelot. Piss inducing orgasms are fleeting, but 55-19 is forever...


Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:17 am
by Katy
Van, you're still free to inscribe something on my face. But only if I'm allowed to not only photograph it--but videotape it as well.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:34 am
by Van
RF, don't fuck this one up. She's a definite keeper.

One suggestion: Leave no stone unturned.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:09 am
by War Wagon
Van wrote:Check out WW!
Van, speaking in the third person.

Nice job staying up until 2:34 am PST time to get that in... when do you sleep?

I'd call you a loser, but that would be too gracious.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:56 am
by War Wagon
RadioFan wrote: So which is it, Wags? Are you "offended" by the woman/horsecock pic from Van's link, or would you prefer that Ang just paint another picture in her own blood again?

I think not.

There's only one Angela around here, and Ana Ng isn't her... she only wishes she was from Tulsa.

And no, I never commented on menstrual art... that's better left alone.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:01 am
by .m2
trev wrote: Hopefully my computer is still clean and pure.

The "keyboard" disagrees....


Sticky fingers.

the truth

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:08 am
by .m2
War Wagon wrote:
One doesn't have to scroll far to find horse fucking.

Look, if that's your thing, go for it.

If you haven't noticed "Van's" propensity to post about porn and sex on a daily basis...then that's your fault.

The guy spends all day long surfing porn and posting on this board. He really needs to get a job, so if for no other reason he'll have another outlet.

the truth

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:24 am
Piss inducing orgasms
Imam, please advise.

Re: How fucked up am I?

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:45 am
by RadioFan
.m2 wrote:He really needs to get a job
You left out the quote marks before the j and after the b, champ.

Step it up.

Re: How fucked up am I? (!)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:17 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
PSUFAN wrote:
Piss inducing orgasms
Imam, please advise.
:lol: Beat me to it.