We are commanded to update our bookmarks
Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:53 am
While Iam at office it happens some times gas comes out from my private part. is this makes Ghusal obligatory .
You may be right about these people, mvscalAfter making wadhu, some times I feel that wind passes through vagina or some movement in front side of the organs but I could not determine that either my wadhu break or remain valid. I know that anything comes out from the body in the form of liquid or wind it break wadhu. Please let me know that either wind could pass through vagina or in front part of women or it is my doubt. If wind passes through vagina my wadhu remain valid.
The wind from the front organ of a woman does not invalidate Wudhu. (al-Bahr al-Raaiq vol.1 pg.112; Majmaul Anhur vol.1 pg.28)
What's so hard to figure? Do you seriously think all 800 million Muslims get that jacked up about what their Imam has to say? Think about what America would be like if every Christan actually followed ALL the tenets of the faith. At best, none of us would have gotten laid in college. At worst we would all be living in fear of witch trials.mvscal wrote:The thing I can't figure out is how people who are so frantically obsessed with most minute droplet of piss or the faintest queef can walk around smelling like fermented dogshit.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Istibra is a process that ensures that all of the droplets of urine are pressed from the urethra.
There are several practices that will assist a person in relieving himself of this problem.
1. One should urinate in the crouched sitting position and not while standing.
sin, mstoolakum
2. Once the urination has ended, the remaining drops in the urethra have to be forced out. This can be done by forcing yourself to cough whereby the movements of your body force out the remaining drops.
3. Another way is to place toilet paper on your private part and take several steps whereby the urine drops leak out onto the toilet paper. However, the best and the most tried and tested method is as follows:
have let's turd suck you dry. in the event he is unavailable, the following method will suffice...
After urinating from the sitting position, use the middle finger and / or index finger of your left hand and press upon the urethra starting from between the scrotum and the anus moving forward towards the penis forcing any urine drops. After repeating this process several times, wash the private part as you would normally do whilst making Istinja and thereafter make sure to dry the private part with toilet paper.
As an extra precautionary method, one can place a piece of toilet paper in his underpants to absorb any leftover droplets of urine. One should only commence performing Wudhu after feeling assured that no more drops of urine will come out. Before, performing Salaah the toilet paper should be removed or replaced with clean toilet paper.
By applying the above mentioned methods of Istibra, Insha Allah, your problem would be solved.
or you could just do like the infidels and change your drawers every now and then.
( كما ) ينقض ( لو حشا إحليله بقطنة وابتل الطرف الظاهر ) هذا لو القطنة عالية أو محاذية لرأس الإحليل وإن متسفلة عنه لا ينقض وكذا الحكم في الدبر والفرج الداخل ( وإن ابتل ) الطرف الداخل لا ينقض
(Al Durul Mukhtar Vol1, Pg 148)
(Fatawa Mahmoodiya Vol7, Pg 564)
And Allah knows best
Wassalamu Alaikum
Ml. Luqman Hansrot,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah
Ironically the sewage emanating from your keyboard smells worse, dumbfuck.mvscal wrote:The thing I can't figure out is how people who are so frantically obsessed with most minute droplet of piss or the faintest queef can walk around smelling like fermented dogshit.
Imam, please advise.ADAM wrote:You all got life fukked up.........
And who the hell is the "Alliance"
What part of this "fun board " did I miss the train?.........
jumpin jeezus, grease or lard as hair gel?!?!?!?!?"Is masah for wudhu valid if a person uses gel on his hair?"
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
1)- Masah for wudhu will be valid if a person uses gel on his hair, as long as the effect of the gel is similar to that of oil upon the head .
2)- However , if the effect of the gel on the head is more thicker , similar to grease or lard [cooking fat] , then in this case the masah will not be valid .
This isn't about any religion, it's obviously some chat concerning a party at Larry Craig's place (stall, etc)Felix wrote:jumpin jeezus, grease or lard as hair gel?!?!?!?!?"Is masah for wudhu valid if a person uses gel on his hair?"
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
1)- Masah for wudhu will be valid if a person uses gel on his hair, as long as the effect of the gel is similar to that of oil upon the head .
2)- However , if the effect of the gel on the head is more thicker , similar to grease or lard [cooking fat] , then in this case the masah will not be valid .
this is a seriously fucked up "religion"