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Infestation Alert

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:10 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Harman Scandal: All about War on Iran

Jeff Stein of reported on Sunday evening that the National Security Agency had picked up a telephone conversation by Representative Jane Harman (D-CA) with a suspected spy for Israel. It is alleged that in the conversation, the spy urged Harman to intervene to stop the prosecution for espionage of Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, two career lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee who headed up its Middle East bureau. The Israeli agent promised to lobby Pelosi to get Harman the chairmanship of the House Intelligence committee, but appears to have gone too far in doing so.

You see, for someone to call Harman and ask her to weigh in with the Justice Department on behalf of Rosen and Weissman is not illegal. But once she was offered a position, the conversation was suddenly about a bribe. At that point she is said to have hung up after asserting "This conversation never happened."

Israel lobbies did fundraising for Nancy Pelosi in 2006 in hopes of getting Harman the chairmanship.

Two things here. It should be remembered that this whole affair has been about getting up a war on Iran. That was the point of Franklin leaking to Rosen and Weissman in the first place. Someone should go back through Harman's statements on Iran.

Second, the transcript should be released and if it is as alleged, Harman must resign. Congress declares wars or implicitly authorizes them. American soldiers have a right to know that the representatives who send them to war are doing so on behalf of US interests. And that congressional intelligence reports are not plants by a foreign intelligence service.

Let us just stop and review what is being alleged, and to underline what it means for US security and policy.

The US is spied on, and a classified Pentagon document is passed to the Israeli embassy by AIPAC officials. They are caught because the FBI had them under surveillance. Apparently the FBI is one of the few US government institutions that is not corrupt on the issue of foreign influence on US institutions and policy. Then when the two AIPAC spies are indicted, a Mossad agent attempts to derail the prosecution by suborning a member of Congress and promising her the chairmanship of the Intelligence Committee.

Harman is denying it all, of course. But then so did Rosen and Weissman deny it all (or allege that the lack of a US official secrets act means that their passing of a classified Pentagon document to a Mossad agent was not in fact treason or illegal). Harman's denial is clever, since the NSA wiretap is presumably classified, and so she can't be contradicted until the document is released.

AIPAC operates like the Italian mafia, except that is much more organized and effective. The question is, when will the American people get a chance to WAKE UP? AIPAC owns your media, your government, your military, and wants to attack Iran. SO, if your house is infested with disgusting vermin...and it is...what will you do? :wink:

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:09 pm
by Cuda
Meanwhile, Diane Feinstein (or is it FineSteen) gets caught trying to funnel FDIC money to her husband's real estate brokerage so he can sell foreclosed properties at twice the normal commission.

Expect the same thing to happen to the Jewess as when she got caught steering defense contracts to another of her husband's corporations: nothing. Nothing's gonna happen to Harmon either.

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:41 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:I don't know about the Iran bit, but I'll agree with you on AIPAC. They need to be shut down with prejudice.

You Holocaust denying, Jew-baiting anti-Semite! How dare you!

There is no suffering like the suffering of the Jews historically. Why, it's the reason and justification for their oily treason for millennia. To deny this is to invite the return of the gas chambers. Oy!

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:51 pm
by Van
marty wrote:oily treason
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:55 pm
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
mvscal wrote:I really don't give much of a fuck about Jews either. I just like them because they torment Arabs who are loathsome, sub-human vermin.
Backwards Arabs or humanist, traitorous Jews with no loyalties to anyone but their tribe.

Wow. So many choices.

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:59 pm
by indyfrisco
mvscal wrote:pogroms

ST's Stink Star or was that fatsak?

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:01 pm
by LTS TRN 2
Wrong, M-tyrd. The real benefit in cutting off Israel and letting it die on the vine is that the Arabs and Muslims will stop hating us, and also will stop invading France, etc., and will start acting rationally, and will perhaps even reenact their initial burst of mathematical creativity and architectural prowess, and will drive better as cabbies, and felafals will drop in price, and oil prices will properly stabilize, and blond whores will have a windfall of travel opportunities, and goats won't need escorts, and camels will be able to vote, and indoor skiing will be fun again, and of course there will be an automatic drop in international crime by about forty percent,

But first, following tradition, the seething ZioNazis must gnash and tear at each other (while celebrating the Holocaust--"Oh the punching of our ticket!!")

Pelosi Said She Knew Harman Was Wiretapped
By Edward Epstein, CQ Staff

Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday that she was first informed in a confidential briefing a few years ago that Rep. Jane Harman had been recorded by spy agencies, but that she couldn’t tell Harman or anyone else about it.

Pelosi said the briefing from intelligence agencies was usual practice in the Capitol, where top congressional leaders are always told when a member of Congress pops up during the course of secret investigations.

Pelosi wouldn’t comment on the substance of the briefing about Harman.

“I was not in a position to raise it with Jane Harman . All they said was that she was wiretapped,” said Pelosi, who said she couldn’t remember if the secret briefing took place in 2005 or 2006.

“When you are briefed on something it isn’t your role to share it with anybody else,” said Pelosi, who served on the Intelligence Committee for a decade until she entered the House Democratic leadership about six years ago. “Even if I wanted to share it with her I would not have had the liberty to share it with her,” she added at a roundtable sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.

It's about the children this year.

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:17 pm
by Cuda
Yeah, as if Pelosi needed a heads-up to know not to talk "business" over the phone with Harmon. :meds:

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:04 am
by LTS TRN 2
But Avi, she's attending your interests. She's your bitch.

And yet you're pretending to rebuke her?

You are a complete fake. :evil:

Re: Infestation Alert

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 4:09 pm
by Van
Nick wrote:The real benefit in cutting off Israel and letting it die on the vine is that the Arabs and Muslims will stop hating us, and also will stop invading France, etc., and will start acting rationally, and will perhaps even reenact their initial burst of mathematical creativity and architectural prowess, and will drive better as cabbies, and felafals will drop in price, and oil prices will properly stabilize, and blond whores will have a windfall of travel opportunities, and goats won't need escorts, and camels will be able to vote, and indoor skiing will be fun again, and of course there will be an automatic drop in international crime by about forty percent
I like it!