Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

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Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/ ... YP20090428
He said the "Republican Party has moved far to the right" and noted that some 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their voting registration for the November 2008 election, in which Democratic President Barack Obama handily won the state.
Yet ANOTHER grand victory for Pennsylvania.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Cuda »

What would it take to get McDole to jump too?

I'll throw $5 into the kitty.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Arlen Specter, let's remember, was the guy who invented, advanced, and strenuously attempted to sell to the world, the theory of the Magic Bullet in the JFK assassination. Yep, it's his baby. Perhaps you got a chuckle from recent supporters of this ludicrous affront to physics--such as Gerald Posner in his fatuous farce, "Case Closed." But that's what Specter really is and what he's really all about.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Left Seater »

Sarcasm noted PSU.

If you were serious... :meds:
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

it is highly unlikely that the Democrats will accept him as their nominee in 2010
Specter is very popular in PA - just not with GOP folks, whose numbers in the state are declining rapidly. As he says, he has never supported a political party over his people. His people have moved away from an increasingly radical GOP.

My prediction is that Specter will comfortably represent the state's Democratic Party in the 2010 election -and go on to thump Twomey in the general election.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by War Wagon »

Left Seater wrote:If you were serious... :meds:
Oh, he was serious alright.

Specter is very popular in PA - just not with GOP folks, whose numbers in the state are declining rapidly. As he says, he has never supported a political party over his people. His people have moved away from an increasingly radical GOP.
So what you're saying is that he doesn't have any core beliefs of his own and lacks a backbone. Whichever way the political winds blow, that's where you'll find good ol' Arlen. It's all about "his people".

Lmao at you Pennslyvania hillbilly gullible fucks.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

You're not getting it, Whitey. The variable element here is whatever is motivating the GOP. Your guess there is as good as mine...and theirs, because they certainly don't know.

Specter has long been a moderate, as have been his core supporters. Southeastern PA (Philly and the 4 suburban counties that surround it) houses 40% of PA's population. This area has always been for Specter...but many of these folks have been disgusted at the headlessness and the aimlessness of the GOP, so they've moved on.

Specter moving on is a burning sore for the folks who are led by Fox News and whatever Rush/Hannity clone currently rules the air waves. They are ill-positioned to lose seasoned politicians like Specter. Now, they are led by entertainers like Glen Beck and Limbaugh - court jesters who only stand for whatever momentary cause can light up their call boards. They are NOT led by principled politicians, by intellectuals, or by folks who craft policies - in short, by folks who lead...instead they are led by whomever farts most winningly in front of them.

Nice party you call home, there, Wags.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

LTS TRN 2 wrote:He's a Jew Bastard.
All anyone saw...^
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

mvscal wrote:And the local Democratic party hacks are just going to roll over for a turncoat GOP dick slap?

If you've been paying attention, you know that Specter's been a pretty good friend to the dems over the years. Why wouldn't they vote for him? Also, as noted above PA had about 200,000 GOP voters register as democrats over the last year. Those folks - as well as many others - will vote for Specter, yes. Also, he'll definitely have the support of the White House and much of the democrat establishment. Who's gonna beat him?

At least one potential Dem candidate is reassessing things - Rep. Josh Shapiro.

Why don't you go ahead and link me up any instances of democrats denouncing this move...just bump the thread with them as you find them.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by War Wagon »

I get it just fine, PUS

Spectre is rat jumping off a sinking ship and showing his true colors. Nice legacy he's cementing for himself.

Meanwhile, the political pendulum will swing back sooner rather than later and the backlash will be devastating. You think 1994 was horrendous? That will seem like childs play compared to what's coming next.

Make your time. You've got about 18 months left. Try not to do too much irreparable damage while not under adult supervision.

But when daddy gets home, there's going to be hell to pay.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

Under whose standard will the GOP rally, Wags?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Tom In VA »

Who knows. Could be someone out of nowhere.

Nobody knew who the fuck Obama was prior to the primaries. "Cinderella story, come up from nowhere".

People are beginning to understand that the press, the "artists", even the Republican Party have bastardized, corrupted, and perverted Conservatism. They're at least, curious, about what conservatism is all about.

This guy isn't a former Dee Jay just speaking out of his ass.


His book is taking off, he will get the message through.

Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Screw_Michigan »

War Wagon wrote:Lmao at you Pennslyvania hillbilly gullible fucks.
Hillbilly forklift driver from the meth capital of the nation speaks for himself, right?

What a delusional, pathetic tard you are.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by War Wagon »

PSUFAN wrote:Under whose standard will the GOP rally, Wags?
Screw_Michigans, and that makes me sad... but not for the reasons you may think.

All this time while the GOP controlled the WH and the Congress, Bri seethed. I'm not talking Dr. Phibes or Nick Frisco type seething, I'm talking the guy sitting next to me at the bar type seething.

And now that he finally got what he wanted, he's not so sure he wants it anymore. Wife, kids, job... those things that tend to change your perspective from a college liberal to an ultra-conservative middle aged fuddy duddy... because you just don't have time to fuss about it anymore and do what you have to to get by.

Here's to my buddy B_Smack.

Gone, but not forgotten.

Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Screw_Michigan »

War Wagon wrote:And now that he finally got what he wanted, he's not so sure he wants it anymore. Wife, kids, job... those things that tend to change your perspective from a college liberal to an ultra-conservative middle aged fuddy duddy... because you just don't have time to fuss about it anymore and do what you have to to get by.
Sorry, some of us still have the functioning, analytical brain capacity and critical thinking skills to think beyond just surviving day to day. Sorry all your fuck ups in life have left you in that position, Wags. I'd certainly hate to think if I had no energy left after the end of a workday to think beyond punching out and being just a bitter fuck singing kumbayah with 'tart in case the sky fell.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by War Wagon »

And some of us have the analytical brain capacity left to realize that MGMT sucks.

Sorry, you were saying something?
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by poptart »

Arlen Specter wrote:The "Republican Party has moved far to the right"
PSU wrote:an increasingly radical GOP

Simply amazing, the idiocy that shows up on the board.

The GOP has moved undeniably LEFT in recent years.

Bush was not conservative.

Sure, he tossed the base some bones on domestic issues with stem cell and his anti-gay marriage rhetoric.

Some of the base was duped into a comatose state of passivity.

MOST were MORTIFIED by his spending and his blatant disregard for the Constitution.

His historically low approval ratings didn't come because only libs hated him.

Conservatives hated him, too.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

Who's talking about Bush? I'm talking about the GOP apparatus that sought to win this past election. The best - only chance they had at winning was to activate the looney fringe of the party. They were deservedly trounced for their efforts. Normal folks moved away from them in droves. The people in PA who will vote for Specter would have done so if he was a Republican.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by poptart »

The GOP nominated McCain this past fall.

He's pretty much a "middle of the road" candidate in this day and age, no?

The Dems effectively tied McCain in with Bush ... and the Sheeple wouldn't have Bush III.

So they voted for Obama.

And they got Bush III, anyway.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by trev »

Spector is just another old fart who needs to retire.

By the way, read this.

http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld ... 2737.story
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

PSUFAN wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:He's a Jew Bastard.
All anyone saw...^
That could describe about 99% of Nicky's posts, but for once, I actually agree with him. The "Magic Bullet" theory is horseshit, and I, for one, am chagrined at the number of people who apparently have come around to that line of thinking in recent years.

That having been said, the "Magic Bullet" theory is also about 40 years old. Time to let bygones be bygones, perhaps?
mvscal wrote:And the local Democratic party hacks are just going to roll over for a turncoat GOP dick slap?
Rumor had it that Tweety was considering a run for the Senate on the Democratic Party. At a minimum, the Democrats are no worse off running Specter.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by H4ever »

Probably just another sign of this country's lean to socialism. Greedy, corrupt fucks at the helm of the GOP over the last 10 years can thank themselves when their looking for a ticket to Canada.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by LTS TRN 2 »

Terry in Crapchester wrote:
PSUFAN wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:He's a Jew Bastard.
All anyone saw...^
That could describe about 99% of Nicky's posts, but for once, I actually agree with him. The "Magic Bullet" theory is horseshit, and I, for one, am chagrined at the number of people who apparently have come around to that line of thinking in recent years.

That having been said, the "Magic Bullet" theory is also about 40 years old. Time to let bygones be bygones, perhaps?
mvscal wrote:And the local Democratic party hacks are just going to roll over for a turncoat GOP dick slap?
Rumor had it that Tweety was considering a run for the Senate on the Democratic Party. At a minimum, the Democrats are no worse off running Specter.
The fact that he's a Jew is irrelevant. I notice no one trots out this crap when I cite Noam Chomsky. But as for Specter's role in the cover-up of the JFK assassination, it's significant in reminding us just who and what this guy really is. As for the ongoing historical spin job, consider that yet another "exhaustive" study was conducted recently--with the reassuring conclusion of a lone deranged communist gunman, etc. The fact that Specter is also a lock-step supporter of the grotesque race state is no surprise. The "super majority" really doesn't mean dick since the entire government is basically dysfunctional. What interesting times we're in! :wink:
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Left Seater »

Let's not kid ourselves here. Specter was elected for years by the Dems of the state of PA. I didn't vote for him while living in PA yet he carried the counties around Philly and Pitt.

Dude is and always has been a better fit with the Dems.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

he carried the counties around Philly and Pitt.

More exactly, Specter's power base was always the suburban counties of Philly - an area which of late was pretty heavily moderate republican. It's those folks who have migrated away from the GOP...they are the ones he's following.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by jiminphilly »

PSUFAN wrote:
he carried the counties around Philly and Pitt.

More exactly, Specter's power base was always the suburban counties of Philly - an area which of late was pretty heavily moderate republican. It's those folks who have migrated away from the GOP...they are the ones he's following.

... you are 100% correct however if Ridge does enter the race, Spector will lose.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

All depends. Ridge has some pretty significant skeletons in the closet that so far have not been explored by his political opponents. These skeletons are what have kept him from seeking higher office.

I have to say - I don't know why Specter would go through a tough campaign at this point in his life. If I were him, I'd call it a day.
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Left Seater »

PSUFAN wrote:
he carried the counties around Philly and Pitt.

More exactly, Specter's power base was always the suburban counties of Philly - an area which of late was pretty heavily moderate republican. It's those folks who have migrated away from the GOP...they are the ones he's following.
Must have been really lately. I saw none of that in Ft Washington, Blue Bell, or KofP. Big time left of center areas in the early 2000's.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by PSUFAN »

With all due respect - how long were you there?
King Crimson wrote:anytime you have a smoke tunnel and it's not Judas Priest in the mid 80's....watch out.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

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3 years. Long enough to know some folks that are now good friends. Long enough to vote against Specter and for Bush. Neither vote made a dent at all though in our area. Bush lost handily and Specter won handily.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

mvscal wrote:
jiminphilly wrote:... you are 100% correct however if Ridge does enter the race, Spector will lose.
He has already lost the race, that's why he jumped ship. You think another squishy moderate is going to beat Toomey in the primary?
Ridge isn't running.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Derron »

PSUFAN wrote:
I have to say - I don't know why Specter would go through a tough campaign at this point in his life. If I were him, I'd call it a day.
You sir...do not understand how the political process works. There is ample evidence of why the gentleman from Pennsylvania would do this.


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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by jiminphilly »

mvscal wrote:He would have gotten waxed by Toomey as well.

A recent Quinnipiac University poll says otherwise.

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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by poptart »

jim wrote:Quinnipiac
Prayers going out.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by socal »

PSUFAN wrote:I have to say - I don't know why Specter would go through a tough campaign at this point in his life. If I were him, I'd call it a day.
Already did. I am behind a wall of sound.
Last edited by socal on Fri May 08, 2009 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Diogenes »

Good riddance. Call it addition through subtraction.

And yes, he'll be toast in 2010.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Screw_Michigan »

Diogenes wrote:Good riddance. Call it addition through subtraction.

And yes, he'll be toast in 2010.
Care to bet on that?
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Diogenes »

Screw_Michigan wrote:
Diogenes wrote:Good riddance. Call it addition through subtraction.

And yes, he'll be toast in 2010.
Care to bet on that?
No. My jinx factor is too strong. Plus Pennsylvanians aren't all that bright in general.
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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Cuda »

Arlen Sphincter

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Re: Specter to GOP - L8, you FREAKS

Post by Terry in Crapchester »

Old news, but for once in his life, mvscal might have gotten a prediction right. Joe Sestak is prepared to challenge Specter for the Senate seat. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articl ... 96788.html

Ned Lamont challenged Joe Lieberman in the CT Democratic primary and won. I have to like Sestak's chances, in light of the fact that Specter is a much more recent convert to the Democratic Party, and Sestak has a better political resume than did Lamont.

Zysdale sidenote: I actually met Joe Sestak once, although it had nothing to do with politics. The year was 1987. I was a junior officer in the Navy, and while my ship was on SRA, I cross-decked to the USS Underwood. Sestak was that ship's Executive Officer at the time. The ship went to Tampa and participated in the Gasparilla Festival, so that was a pretty fun time (while there, I also made my first, and to date last, trip to Disney World).

Personally, I thought Sestak was a prick. Of course, that's pretty much what an XO's job description is. Then again, the link I posted described him as a "demanding taskmaster," so perhaps he hasn't changed much since those days. All of that having been said, he did make it all the way to Vice Admiral (retired as a Rear Admiral because he wasn't in the O9 paygrade long enough to retire there). That's pretty impressive no matter what, but especially as a SWO, given that SWOs eat their young.
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