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Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:00 pm
by Derron
Big shocker here...

Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:47 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Like there was ever any doubt... him and Big Sloppy were on the juice during the Sux run. Everyone knew this. The Mitchell Report should have confirmed this, but dude basically worked for the Red Sox organization, so he stayed away from "his team." It came as no surprise to me this offseason that Ortiz's "personal trainer" was the same dealer A-Roid got his juice from. Now that Manny is out of Boston, it's "okay" to expose him.
Their World Series wins are fucking tainted to say the least. Fuck them.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:04 pm
by Derron
Pretty obvious why Boras got Manny so much jack. He knew he was going down sometime and with out pay.
Manny's salary gets him about 35K every fucking at bat he takes, or up to 140K per game. So those 2 RBI's he got last night are going to be his last for a while. Kind of takes the luster off that home start record they got going.
We are watching the game last night and I tell the way dude has not been juicing..then this comes down today. The Dodgers are still my National League team. I first remember hearing Vin Skully calling the games on a pocket transistor radio as my dad had while he worked in the back yard in So Cal in about 1961. We will see what Vin has to say about this..
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:30 pm
by Screw_Michigan
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Their World Series wins are fucking tainted to say the least. Fuck them.
And yet you never hesitated to blow his pole when they were cheating their way to those titles. Your club is no better than the Yankees.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:52 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Screw_Michigan wrote:And yet you never hesitated to blow his pole when they were cheating their way to those titles. Your club is no better than the Yankees.
This just screams ucant is a Red Sox fan, huh:
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Their World Series wins are fucking tainted to say the least. Fuck them.
You are new here, right?
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:09 pm
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Their World Series wins are fucking tainted to say the least. Fuck them.
And yet you never hesitated to blow his pole when they were cheating their way to those titles. Your club is no better than the Yankees, Rangers,Athletics,White Sox, and Giants.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:56 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
You're both idiots... I am not a Red Sux, White Sox, Giants, Athletics, Rangers... nor a Yankees fan.
Keep swinging, tards.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 6:57 pm
by jiminphilly
Derron wrote:Pretty obvious why Boras got Manny so much jack. ..
Boras didn't get Manny any extra $$$.. the deal they agreed to was what the Dodgers offered all along.. Boras tried to create a market for Manny that never existed and ultimately had to settle for deal that was offered to Manny in the first place.
The real story is why there was no market for Manny back in January and Februray.. the reason seems clear now.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:06 pm
by ChargerMike
uh, wonder how fast they'll yank all the Billboards here in SoCal sporting "El Maniaco". Can't drive two blocks without seeing a giant Manny peering down at you.
3-2-1- they're gone
Oh, btw..Manny said it was a prescription that his doctor had him on

Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:06 pm
by War Wagon
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:I am not a Red Sux, White Sox, Giants, Athletics, Rangers... nor a Yankees fan.
um... scratches head... and then Eureka! I've got it!
Closet Royals and/or Rays fan, I just know it. Or not.
ok ucant. Spill it.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:20 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
War Wagon wrote:ok ucant. Spill it.
Good Lord... go check the old interleague threads involving your team and the NL team closest to you.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:23 pm
by Neely8
Did Manny test positive for Steroids or HGH? I still have yet to read that. He tested positive for a banned substance but not Steroids or HGH. So why all the talk about Manny "Juicing"? Yahoo sports confirms it was PED: ... &type=lgns
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:34 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Neely8 wrote:So why all the talk about Manny "Juicing"?
Allow me connect the dots for you, dumbfuck. Manny tested positive for a testosterone booster. He was sticking so much fucking steroids into his ass, his body recognized this and stopped producing testosterone naturally. Manny tooked this drug to kick start his body into producing testosterone again. It's a known fucking fact that
all juice monkies take this shit in between their cycles.
Get your fucking head outta yer fucking ass. Fuck you. Fuck the Sux. Fuck the titles in 04 and 07. Manny juiced. Nomar juiced. Ortiz juiced. You can guaranfuckingtee that. It's no secret that any and all teams Canseco came into contact with can be associate with steroids.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:43 pm
by Neely8
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Neely8 wrote:So why all the talk about Manny "Juicing"?
Allow me connect the dots for you, dumbfuck. Manny tested positive for a testosterone booster. He was sticking so much fucking steroids into his ass, his body recognized this and stopped producing testosterone naturally. Manny tooked this drug to kick start his body into producing testosterone again. It's a known fucking fact that
all juice monkies take this shit in between their cycles.
Get your fucking head outta yer fucking ass. Fuck you. Fuck the Sux. Fuck the titles in 04 and 07. Manny juiced. Nomar juiced. Ortiz juiced. You can guaranfuckingtee that. It's no secret that any and all teams Canseco came into contact with can be associate with steroids.
Well as someone who has never taken them and really doesn't know the initimate details of PED's I can say that it is news to me. Hey I loathed Manny. If there is one thing I hate it is a player who doesn't give 110% on the field. Manny was never a favorite of mine.
So when Pujols is outed will the Cardinals WS title be tarnished?
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:45 pm
Yawn, nothing to see here. Dodgers will be fine, Manny is coming back and the end of season push will be in full force. Now I can hear all the crying and stupid bitches that have to explain the world to their kids and tainted nutsacks. The real problem in Dodger country is the tailgaiting retsriction and astronomical beer prices. The rest of the cunts that are bringing up kids that can't explain to them a suspension and supplement use, well best wishes on handling the real problems you face with raising children. Luster off the home record start? Um, no the standings still show the best team in the MLB as of now. Don't think any luster has worn off. I'm just glad I got to see Manny Monday night cuz I wasn't planning on heading back out to the stadium until summer, so it's all good. The beast will be back and is still #1 boyyyy.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:55 pm
by War Wagon
Neely8 wrote:
So when Pujols is outed will the Cardinals WS title be tarnished?
I knew that blurb was going to get thrown out.
I don't know if Puuu-holes ever juiced, but I will say this fwiw. He played at a very local CC here for one year, Maple Woods. I know some of the coaches who were around at that time. They say he was just as strong then as he is now.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:17 pm
by jiminphilly
ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2 wrote:Neely8 wrote:So why all the talk about Manny "Juicing"?
Allow me connect the dots for you, dumbfuck. Manny tested positive for a testosterone booster. He was sticking so much fucking steroids into his ass, his body recognized this and stopped producing testosterone naturally. Manny tooked this drug to kick start his body into producing testosterone again. It's a known fucking fact that
all juice monkies take this shit in between their cycles.
Manny will obviously plead his innocence which only makes it worse for him because the drug he was taking is also meant to treat limp dick syndrome. Nice job by Manny of outting himself as limp dicked juicer.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:50 pm
by Q, West Coast Style
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:00 pm
by ucantdoitdoggieSTyle2
Neely8 wrote:So when Pujols is outed will the Cardinals WS title be tarnished?
No and neither will the Sux. I have been on record numerous times stating that I believe any and all teams were affected by the Steroid Era. Ever since I moved back up to Boston in 04, Sux fan somehow believes his shit team has been "above the fray." That is nonsense. The were ass-deep into juicing, just like everyone else. It's refreshing to see some evidence come to light that may state otherwise.
You know damned well Mitchell didn't kick over enough rocks in New England when producing his shit report because he was a fucking Sux employee. You can be damned sure that Manny and Ortiz are on that list of 103 "other players" yet to be outted. Fucking count on it.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:24 pm
by Screw_Michigan
I know Squeely is a monumental dumbfuck on a level that makes Whitey look like Stephen Hawking (limp dick included), but what he'll never understand is that Pujols has something that no Red Sox player has ever had: a high level of character and moral fortitude. Manny doesn't have a moral bone in his selfish fucking body. Nobody is shocked in the lease about these revelation, people would be shocked to hear Pujols juiced.
Re: Manny juices..Manny juices !!!
Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:49 pm
Yea and only a couple more weeks until he's back!!!
I'll take Manny's "selfishness" ANY DAY. That bastard only helped LA get through it's first series in over 20 years over the best record in the NL after being here what, 2.5 months. The selfish player came back to where nobody said he would and carried on where he left off, giving the kiddos what they needed to rev it up early and they have kept it going enough. Now, the selfish Manny is back well rested and prepped for the 2nd half surge. Yea fuck that guy.
I love how a guy doing roids is "selfish".. Nobody and I mean NOBODY is thinking that when they're going yard or sitting fools down for their team which means you're all just a bunch of bitches that still think like a 5 year old in that everything is going to be fair. I still would love to see anonymous testing of fans, see how many are cheating on something that matters, like their wives, and see how many of them open up a reply link or call a radio show and squawk about a baseball player and his stats when they're a bunch of frauds themselves. Taxes, piracy, etc. STFU everyone gets away with what they can.
Seems to me those HRs are helping EVERYONE. Just get your slams straight if ya wanna call him out you freakin Angels.
Let's get it on, double titles just like twenty years ago in The City of Champions!