vapid racist idiocy (merged from PET thread)

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How Does This Work?

Post by Mikey »

Don't you need to create a new form for the PETs?

If everybody posts their pets in this thread they'll be all shuffled together. Might be fun but pretty hard to create a Photo Essay Thread inside another thread.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

Mikey, they're only allowing one post per entrant. The thread itself can contain all sorts of entrants, including all the accompanying discussions, but there can only be one post per entrant.

No reason they shouldn't all be in the same thread. If you separate 'em some will soon be forgotten, lost amidst the white noise...
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Mikey »

Aha now I'm beginning to understand.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

C'mon Mikey, less schtick more pic. I'm sure you've got a really sweet attic flooring PET or something fired up and ready to go.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Mikey »

I'm thinking more along the lines of pubic hair trimming.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

Mikey could do an awesome PET, based on any number of themes...

-The sea of Asian C+ hotties he encountered at the last Stanford home game

-Migrant farmworkers loitering about near the Fallbrook area Home Depot store

-The wait staff and menu items at Junior Seau's restaurants

-Hookers mingling with bewildered sailors in the Lamplight District

-The San Diego Sports HOF, featuring the original Ted Williams homestead, Bill Walton's upper row of teeth, Marcus Allen's home videos of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Tony Gwynn's size 34 belt, which he last wore in 1974.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Mikey »

That's good Van. Except for one thing...

Haven't been to a Stanford game in at least 30 years. There weren't so many Asians around then.

Never been to one of Junior's dives. I just don't get along with the Oceanside Samoan crowd.

Haven't been to the gaslamp district since I stopped commuting downtown.

Never been to the Sports HOF here, but I'm pretty sure you're right that Tony hasn't seen 34 in almost as long as I have. I did go to his Baseball HOF induction though, and I had planned to post a PET about that trip but never did. Hmmmmm.....

Spot on with the Home Depot comment though. But really, I wouldn't have to go nearly that far to to pick up even a battalion size work force if so inclined.
Last edited by Mikey on Thu May 07, 2009 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Mikey »

OK. Four things.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

What'd I call it, the "Lamplight District"??

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What a moron!

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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Mikey »

Big do-wop fan?

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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

I wanna say there's a coffee shop called The Lamplighter on DeSoto Av, in Chatsworth. I pass it every time I head on down to visit my mom. I knew there was somewhere with a name like that in SD.

That's all I got.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by RadioFan »

Van wrote:Chatsworth
Anybody seen R.C. Collins lately?
Van wrote:It's like rimming an unbathed fat chick from Missouri. It's highly distinctive, miserably unforgettable and completely wrong.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by ChargerMike »

Van wrote:I wanna say there's a coffee shop called The Lamplighter on DeSoto Av, in Chatsworth. I pass it every time I head on down to visit my mom. I knew there was somewhere with a name like that in SD.

That's all I got.

...right again Van, corner of DeSoto and Nordhoff right across from Bally's.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »



ChargerMike, yep, back in the early 90's I lived with my first wife in those apartments across the street from the left field fence of Chatsworth High. The DeSoto Gardens, or maye the Chatsworth Gardens, I think they're called. Our little terrace overlooked left field. It was a perfect R.C. Collins white windowless Ford van locale, 'cause it was high school hottie heaven, what with all those little slunts parading beneath our terrace.

I guess that apartment took a pretty severe hit in the '94 Northridge quake, but by then I was living in a beach condo in Port Hueneme.

My mom lives in Canoga Park, so whenever I head down from Sac to visit her I always exit off the 118, at DeSoto. I notice that my old apartment seems to be fine now, and that fuggen Lamplighter restaurant and Bally's and even that stupid bowling alley are still there.

Having been away from The Valley for fifteen years now, it's really beginning to get to me, the differences between where I live now and the SF Valley. The smog there in the Valley is intense, sometimes. I grew up in it, and it didn't bother me then, but when I get hit with it now I really notice it. Also, man, I can't believe how many people they've got sardined into all those apartments on DeSoto, and off of DeSoto. Jesus, just streets and streets of tightly packed apartments; never ending.

Then again, hey, just by itself the Valley's population dwarfs Sacramento's.

Sure are a buttload of Mexicans there now, too. Way more now than when I lived there, and there were already a bazillion of 'em when I lived there. That many Mexicans, though, means that many killer Mexican food joints. When it comes to (low end) grub, the Valley is awesome.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: The DeSoto Gardens, or maye the Chatsworth Gardens, I think they're called.
I guess you didn't 'feel' like using English eh Vansmackless?
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

Desperation becomes you, TBO.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by socal »

Moving Sale wrote:I guess you didn't 'feel' like using English eh Vansmackless?
You may want to consider avoiding the use of contractions in formal smack. Using single quotation marks to indicate irony is a matter of writing style. However, it might be more consistent to use the double quotation mark style as one might gesture with their fingers in oral communication. You may also want to consider isolating the utterance 'eh' by using it more appropriately as an exclamation at the end of a sentence. Consider the following sentence, Otter Pop:

I guess you did not "feel" like using standard English in your critique of Van's writing, eh?
Van wrote:Kumbaya, asshats.
R-Jack wrote:
Atomic Punk wrote:So why did you post it?
Yes, that just happened.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I pass a huge convention center on my way to work. A couple times a week there are droves of people lined up outside at 8 A.M waiting to get inside for whatever type event is going on. This time it was some sort of National Anime Convention, and there were chicks dressed with fairy wings, dipshits with costumes and make-up on, and of course plenty of dudes with scruffy beards carrying 1 liters of Mountain Dew. Of course, I was on the look out Warlord and Ocelot X. But good lord, talk about fertile material for a PET but no camera on me...FUKK.
Moving Sale

Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:Desperation becomes you, TBO.
Get a glimpse of yourself in a mirror there Vanessa? Starting to get a clue as to why G&S smack is almost pointless? socal is on the right track. Live and learn.

Try posting something worthwhile next time you call me out or retort to me calling you out OK?

Throw a (!) up in this bitch sometime over the w/e if you get the chance.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I can do that. BTW, can you guys move your ankle biting to another thread? This is for PETs and PET commentary/discussion.
Moving Sale

Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

MgoBlue-LightSpecial wrote: BTW, can you guys move your ankle biting to another thread?

Any other questions?
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

Nope. I can take the trash out myself.
Moving Sale

Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

Then get to work bitch.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote:Desperation becomes you, TBO.
Get a glimpse of yourself in a mirror there Vanessa?
IKYABWAI smack?? Seriously? That's what you've been reduced to?? (No pun intended.)


Starting to get a clue as to why G&S smack is almost pointless?
There's a difference between a typo ("maye," instead of "maybe", which is what you're reduced to jumping on) vs the types of errors you make, which demonstrate a complete lack of understanding. You not only have no clue as to how to spell the word ("wenst" vs "whence" is not a typo), you don't even know how to use it properly. That's a far cry from a mere typo.
socal is on the right track.
He is. He called you out on your utter failure to properly construct a simple sentence. You don't know where to place commas, you don't know how to use quotes and you don't know how to position phrases within a sentence.

Yes, he's definitely on the right track.
Live and learn.
After he corrected you, did you learn anything? See, I already knew how to spell "maybe." I've spelled it correctly here, a thousand times. Nobody here, least of all you, doubts my ability to spell "maybe." Nothing for me to learn there, chief. How about you? Have you learned how to properly use quotes yet? How about the proper placement within a sentence of questioning phrases such as "eh"?

We won't even worry about "whence." Your head is already so Barry Bonds'd with vanity that we shouldn't even try to stuff it any further with tough words and dicey usages.
Try posting something worthwhile next time you call me out or retort to me calling you out OK?
You were the one who received a rebuke for your lame attempt to call me out. socal ripped on your rebuke, not mine.

Let me guess: socal is also a racist, vapid, brain-dead fuckpillow, right? Unfortunately, that'll now prove to be a tough sell, since you've already said he was on the right track. I wish you the best of luck in your attempt to backpedal from that one.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:IKYABWAI smack??
Yes Van, you're projecting. What? You think I'm not going to call you on it for fear of you pulling the "IKYABWAI smack" card? Not bloody likely.
... don't even know how to use it properly.
We've gone thru this and by that I mean I smacked you down over it and you ran like a girl.
don't know how to use quotes
We've gone thru this and by that I mean I smacked you down over it and you ran like a girl.
After he corrected you, did you learn anything?
Yes. I learn that you are even stupider than I thought you were. His worked because it was funny and not the rantings of a pissy little cunt.
Have you learned how to properly use quotes yet?
We've gone thru this and by that I mean I smacked you down over it and you ran like a girl.
How about the proper placement within a sentence of questioning phrases such as "eh"?
Proper placement of "eh" eh? You have GOT to be kidding? Bleeding gash much?
Let me guess: socal is also a racist, vapid, brain-dead fuckpillow, right?
Racist? I don't think so. At least I haven't see any indication of it. He doesn't suck mvskkkal's dick the way you do if that's what you are getting at.
Vapid? He is smarter than you if that's what your getting at.
Braindead fuckpillow? Vapid and braindead are a bit redundant, but yes he is a fuckpillow.
I wish you the best of luck in your attempt to backpedal from that one.
Why would I backpedal? He had a funny little post. It was breath of fresh air after dealing with your petty BS.

Anything else trivial and lame you would like to express in 300 words or less in this PET-OFF thread you pissy little cockpurse?
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

By your definition, what is a "fuckpillow," as it pertains to people, and why is socal one?

The rest of your post? The last vestiges of the well and truly defeated. IKYABWAI, indeed, right out front. Way to kick ass, Internet Warrior. Oh, and your concept of redefining the constant pummeling you've been receiving into someone running from you?

Stellar work. Exactly what percentage of your argument is alive, again?

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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Mr T »

Whoever is in charge of this etch-a-sketch, start shaking
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by BSmack »

I see an awful lot of TiVO plungering, but no PICTURES. Is this the PET thread?
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Moving Sale

Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote: Way to kick ass, Internet Warrior.
G&S smack fag says what?
Less Van impersonating a vagina would be nice since this is a PET-OFF.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

Btw, this was special...
Narcissus wrote:Anything else trivial and lame you would like to express in 300 words or less in this PET-OFF thread

...considering this...
The DeSoto Gardens, or maye the Chatsworth Gardens, I think they're called.

I guess you didn't 'feel' like using English eh Vansmackless?
...was your oh so pertinent, completely desperate and thoroughly vapid grand entrance into this thread.

Once again, your SOLE reason for entering a thread?

Why, it was to...hold on....wait for it...ANKLE BITE!

Once again, you made not even the slightest attempt to address the point of the thread. Instead, you saw a post by me, containing the horribly egregious error of accidentally omitting the "b" from the very common word "maybe," and you soiled your little pants over it. Ignoring everything else, you jumped right in and wriggled it around, hoping against hope...
Last edited by Van on Fri May 08, 2009 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

BSmack wrote:I see an awful lot of TiVO plungering
Then you need to pull your head out of your ass.
Moving Sale

Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Moving Sale »

Van wrote:Once again, you made not even the slightest attempt to address the point of the thread.
A) Not true I asked MGO to throw a (!) up in this bitch.
B) Difference is I only used a few words to make my point. You are droning on and on instead of just taking it for what it is, a reminder of how vaginal you look when you pull shitty G&S smack.
Instead, you saw a post by me, containing the horribly egregious error of accidentally omitting the "b" from the very common word "maybe," and you soiled your little pants over it.
That's funny since you have done the same to me MANY times. You area (oops I meant to type 'are') aware of that right? Is it sinking in yet what a cocksack you look like when you do it?
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

Moving Sale wrote:
Van wrote:Once again, you made not even the slightest attempt to address the point of the thread.
A) Not true I asked MGO to throw a (!) up in this bitch.
That wasn't your reason for entering the thread. That didn't come until later. Your sole reason for entering the thread was to throw down some epic, ankle biting typo smack.

Look it up.
B) Difference is I only used a few words to make my point. You are droning on and on instead of just taking it for what it is, a reminder of how vaginal you look when you pull shitty G&S smack.
Difference is, I actually posted about the content of this thread. Go back and check it out, counselor. My posts (plural) were pertinent to the thread, up until you climbed through your doggy door and began nipping at my ankle again.
Instead, you saw a post by me, containing the horribly egregious error of accidentally omitting the "b" from the very common word "maybe," and you soiled your little pants over it.
That's funny since you have done the same to me MANY times. You area (oops I meant to type 'are') aware of that right? Is it sinking in yet what a cocksack you look like when you do it?
Dude, if I called you out on typos, in addition to your legitimate gaffes, we'd have to change this entire board.

Besides, you do it the TBO Way: ankle biting, where it doesn't belong.

The other difference is typos are all you have, with which to call me out. Nobody cares. Nobody ever takes up your banner. Nobody ever piles on. Meanwhile, I literally have to avoid calling you out on typos; in part, because they're so numerous, but mainly due to the fact that you keep everybody's plate full with all your legitimate malaprops.

I post, a lot. My posts are often quite lengthy, and they're usually filled with words, not pictures. I don't use a spell checker program. I do my own editing. As such, yep, the law of averages says I'm going to be prone to making the occasional typo.

You? You post much less frequently, and your posts contain a whole lot less verbiage. The law of averages says that when it comes to malaprops you should NOT be the guy who's well known for being a bitter, humorless Don King...and yet, there you are.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by War Wagon »

Sorry to interrupt this PET of Van and T-Blow shaking their limp dicks at each other in impotent rage (yawn), but:
Van wrote: My mom lives in Canoga Park...
Isn't that the porn industry capitol of the world, or close to it?
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by MgoBlue-LightSpecial »

I thought that was Van Nuys.
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Re: Official PET-OFF Thread

Post by Van »

War Wagon wrote:Sorry to interrupt this PET of Van and T-Blow shaking their limp dicks at each other in impotent rage (yawn), but:
Van wrote: My mom lives in Canoga Park...
Isn't that the porn industry capitol of the world, or close to it?
Chatsworth is rightly considered the true Mecca of porn, though Van Nuys certainly could be considered Medina.

Canoga Park? Meh. Maybe Tikrit.

You're correct, however, in that they're all very close to each other. They're all in the San Fernando Valley, mere miles apart from each other. Canoga Park and Chatsworth actually border each other, I believe.

Chatsworth is wealthier, with many discreet business parks. So much of the magic to which you splooge is created in Chatsworth's anonymous business parks.
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Re: vapid racist idiocy (merged from PET thread)

Post by Moving Sale »

I know you are not too bright, but WTF is your problem? Can you read? We have been thru this and every time I call you out to back up your shtick you cite BS or run like a girl. I don't care what you tards think of my English. I've been judged on it by people with brains and come out on top. You are full of shit. You cite the masthead. Never happened. What else you got? An old English word mangled? BFD. I don't fuck shit up any more than anybody else. YOU just call me out on it more because you got nothing else. That makes you a bleeding gash. Congrats on that.

While Van is right that tons of porn is produced in Chatsworth most of it is shot someplace else, so it depends on what your question is. Of the 150 or so shoots I've seen in the last 10 years or so most of it is shot in the Hollywood Hills or Malibu or even Brentwood or Santa Monica, at least the Gonzo stuff I'v seen. Low rent shit is still shot in sleazy motels in Chats and VN, but most of the name players shoot in nice houses out of or on the edge of the Valley. As far as Canoga Park v Chatsworth, I've seen may more shoots in CP than Chats, but I'm sure Van will have a reason why I am full of shit.
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Re: vapid racist idiocy (merged from PET thread)

Post by Smackie Chan »

Moving Sale wrote:Of the 150 or so shoots I've seen in the last 10 years or so most of it is shot in the Hollywood Hills or Malibu or even Brentwood or Santa Monica, at least the Gonzo stuff I'v seen.
How'd you get your start as a fluffer?
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Re: vapid racist idiocy (merged from PET thread)

Post by Van »

KYOA wrote:I don't care what you tards think of my English. I've been judged on it by people with brains and come out on top.
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Re: vapid racist idiocy (merged from PET thread)

Post by War Wagon »

You Cali's fascinate, but it's like a terrible experiment gone horribly wrong. 49 other States sit back and wonder just what in fuck is wrong with you. How did this happen?

And then I listen to something like this from the Chili Peppers and i sorta' understand. ... re=related
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