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England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:52 pm
by poptart
They BANNED a popular U.S radio talk show host from their country??


bwaaa ... :lol:

Btw, this clip will never not be funny.

At 1:40 -- LMAO

NO way Archie could run his smack on TV in 2009 ..tyvm, uuh ... progressives??

25 years ago -- Those were THE days!!

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 4:25 pm
by Van
What I want to know is how is it that society has actually gotten more hyper-sensitive and more PC since the days of All In The Family?

If it's not cable a tv show couldn't get away with that kind of talk these days, even though most of the rest of our basic societal standards have loosened up quite a bit since the 70's.

How is that network tv became more repressive?

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 4:56 pm
by Van
Fine, but Christians claim to hate fags. Christians ate up Archie Bunker. It certainly wouldn't be Christian groups who'd complain about Archie's rhetoric. It'd be minority groups, and civil rights groups.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:12 pm
by smackaholic
Anyone with a sense of humor ate up AITF. The part I don't get is anyone thinking this is an antigay skit. This skit, along with the rest of the show actually made fun of Archie. It did it by showing what a whack job he was. The brilliant part was that they still made him likable so the knuckle dragging extra chromosome right wing terrorist types like myself would watch.

And yes, our society is more receptive to various perversities. Unfortunately, it has done it by going on PC witch hunts which make Archie no longer acceptable, even as a fictional character.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:19 pm
by Van
And yes, our society is more receptive to various perversities.
TBO silently gets up and leaves the room.

'Spray just smiles.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:57 pm
by Bobby42
smackaholic wrote:Anyone with a sense of humor ate up AITF. The part I don't get is anyone thinking this is an antigay skit. This skit, along with the rest of the show actually made fun of Archie. It did it by showing what a whack job he was. The brilliant part was that they still made him likable so the knuckle dragging extra chromosome right wing terrorist types like myself would watch.
Rack the capsule summary.

It was the 70's, people weren't as sensitive as they pretend to be now. I also ate up "Sanford and Son" and every one of Richard Pryor's albums. Add to that Cheech and Chong and George Carlin. Back then it was OK to laugh at yourself or someone else as long as everyone was laughing. If dude had a frown on his face you better start looking for an exit route.

As so far as AITF it was cutting edge back in 1971. And it led the way. It was the first time a lot of issues were thrown out into your living room: race relations, religion, sexism, homosexuallity, government corruption, unemployment and poverty. Anything that had a "phobia" attached to it was subject to Archie's close mindedness. And while we laughed at or with Archie there exposed was something inside each of us.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 6:17 pm
by War Wagon
Carroll O'Connor played the role of the bigoted Archie Bunker to perfection and Rob Reiner remains a meathead to this day.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 6:18 pm
by Tom In VA
Savage ?

Who cares, while I do think it is funny that the host of one of the major hubs of Islamic Facism in Europe would ban - anybody, Savage is an idiot in my opinion.

Quite possibly on purpose and quite possibly as a plant.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:31 pm
by smackaholic
Is savage the one banned?

What bullshit. I actually like Savage. I don't agree with some of his views and I think he's wayyyyyy to full of himself, but, I like that he doesn't sugar coat anything. I particularly like that he's not a GOP shill like Hannity or Limbaugh.

Guess I'll have to tune him in on monday and listen to him melt about it.

NOBODY can melt like Savage. It really is funny to listen to.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 8:10 pm
by MgoBlue-LightSpecial
The dude is smart, but is used as a cartoon and he knows it. His hysterics are hard to take seriously. He's an entertainer, and that's about it. I'll give him props for being pretty good at it.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:57 am
by Trampis
Archies right, we DID kick England out of our country a long time ago, along with the French and any other nobility worshiping idiots. Now we have a president that wants to appease these people. Nothing worse then being a self doubting ,guilt ridden Euro.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:09 am
Savage is always entertaining to listen to. The dude is in his own world, oppressed by waiters, kleenex, whatever. He just rambles blindly the length of his show, and then they fade him out. lol

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:23 am
by Dr_Phibes
Tom In VA wrote:Savage ?

Islamic Facism
all the better, considering the alternative is non-sensical jargon like that appealing to the ditch diggers of the world.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:33 am
by Tom In VA
Dr_Phibes wrote:appealing to the ditch diggers of the world.
We need ditch diggers too.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:46 am
by War Wagon
Ditch diggers and coal miners can at least wipe their ass with one hand, something that Feebs struggles to get done with both.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:35 pm
by Diogenes
A) Mikey Wiener is a moronic bitch.

B) They said he couldn't enter their country, not that they couldn't broadcast his drivel.

C) I doubt anyone over there listens to his gay ass anyway.

D) Who the fuck wants to go to that shithole to begin with.

And most important of all....

E) What the fuck does any of this have to do with smoking cigarettes?

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:07 pm
by socal
Diogenes, Cancerstick Polesmoker wrote:[And most important of all....
E) What the fuck does any of this have to do with smoking cigarettes?
I think you know the answer to that question.

Re: England is a fag country

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:10 pm
by Cuda
England would still be a fag country regardless of who they banned, or didn't ban