...I signed on with the world's second largest nuclear navy. That's what we called it back then in the bad old days when the russkies had more toys than us. Pretty sure we're back in the leadoff spot.....for now. Then chinks are building up pretty quick.
One of the best things I ever did. Wish I had stayed on active duty. Could have been drawing a pretty decent pension right about now.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:20 pm
by Screw_Michigan
What's a pension?
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:43 pm
by Trampis
So your a republican who works for the government?
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 4:40 pm
by smackaholic
I'm a republican becoming more and more libertarian by the day, working part time for the gubmint. I am in the reserves. Would have been done with that too had I not taken an 11 year break from it.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:00 pm
by Van
~smackie thinks to himself~
"Dammit, I should've stayed put..."
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 11:04 pm
by Derron
Screw_Michigan wrote:What's a pension?
That would be where you sold your sole to the gubmint, came to work every day, did not fuck (or get caught fucking ) little boys, you did the bare minimum to meet a yearly canned performance review, and when you get 30 years in they pay you 75% of your salary to breath air.
Now of course if you are in education in Oregon, that 75% becomes 108% of your salary and you retire at 55 and fucking kick it in style for the next 20 to 25 years.
If your a private worker like myself, you have no fucking comprehension of what a pension is, and will work until Death calls you in a welcome relief.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:15 am
by Diogenes
Derron wrote:
Screw_Michigan wrote:What's a pension?
That would be where you sold your sole to the gubmint, came to work every day, did not fuck (or get caught fucking ) little boys, you did the bare minimum to meet a yearly canned performance review, and when you get 30 years in they pay you 75% of your salary to breath air.
That description applies to unionized buereaucratic swine, not veterans.
If you actually serve your country in a way that matters for 20+ years, you deserve some recompense.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:32 am
by smackaholic
It's 50% of base pay for 20 years, 75% of base pay for 30 and prorated in between.
Notice I said base pay. Anybody that has served knows that base pay is a ways from actual pay including allowances, sea pay, etc.... And base pay really ain't all that much. So, unlike those union hacks, most retired military still gotta get up and go to work after they "retire". Of course, if you are a 30 year captain (colonel to you non-squids), you should be able to get by just fine on retirement alone.
Reserve retirement works a little different. You don't collect your pension till you hit 60 and it is quite a bit less. If you were a 20 year reservist with no active time, no extra points, you collect 25%. I have 6 active years, so I should be looking at a bit over 30%.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:46 am
by Tom In VA
Diogenes wrote:
That description applies to unionized buereaucratic swine, not veterans.
Bullshit. It applies to small minority of unionized Federal workers. It also applies to a small minority of "veterans" some of whom retired from military service to go and "triple dip" back into Uncle Sam's pocket for another paycheck and retirement fund.
Seriously, the stereotype of the Federal Worker is way overblown. Here's the truth. You idiots across the country keep sending idiots to D.C. Those idiots create programs and agencies that need personnel. Local folks around here need jobs. They look, they go, they get the job, they do what they're told - show up on time, leave on time and often work late to do what's asked of them.
And if you don't think we have "veterans" milking the fucking system, you're blind as a bat.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:48 am
by smackaholic
so tom's a fed hack?
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:54 am
by Tom In VA
Not at all.
I'm not a football player or an NFL official either, doesn't stop me from calling a bullshit call - a bullshit call.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:37 am
by Screw_Michigan
Tom In VA wrote:Seriously, the stereotype of the Federal Worker is way overblown. Here's the truth. You idiots across the country keep sending idiots to D.C. Those idiots create programs and agencies that need personnel. Local folks around here need jobs. They look, they go, they get the job, they do what they're told - show up on time, leave on time and often work late to do what's asked of them.
RACK Tom. Dude gets it. And the fact shit-eating asswipes from NY who laughed at working for the Feds 5-10 years ago are coming down in here in droves to take jobs (and eventually leave to go back to NY anyway) make me want to shoot them in the fucking face as they come in off NY Ave and in Union Station.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 2:45 am
by Diogenes
Tom In VA wrote:
Diogenes wrote:
That description applies to unionized buereaucratic swine, not veterans.
Seriously, the stereotype of the Federal Worker is way overblown. Here's the truth. You idiots across the country keep sending idiots to D.C. Those idiots create programs and agencies that need personnel. Local folks around here need jobs. They look, they go, they get the job, they do what they're told - show up on time, leave on time and often work late to do what's asked of them.
Simplistic spin. The fact is that public employee unions are not only totally unacountable to their employers (the taxpayers) but they are the only legal monopoly in the U.S. If Fed-Ex goes on strike, you can always use UPS. If the teacher's union goes on strike, your kids can go fuck themselves. Also one of the reasons that those idiots keep creating unnessecary jobs is because the unions own them (at least the current majority party). In any school district across the country, the largest cmapaign contributer in school board races will be the local teacher union. Who will then 'negotiate' with the elected officials whose election they just bought.
But just go ahead keeping your head in the sand (or whatever other dark place you prefer).
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:09 am
by Tom In VA
"Simplistic spin" ? Okay, you're black too pot.
Nobody is saying the Federal Government isn't bloated and that there aren't shitty workers in there. It's just not ALL of them, like you and your simplistic - bullshit - like I called it, would assert.
You want to blame the employees. Castigate them and minimize their work ethic. I can tell you from experience, that is based in lies. If anything gets in the way of the Federal workforce it is policy, procedure, and mostly rules outlined .... BY THE FUCKERS YOU IDIOTS VOTE FOR.
The only difference between the Government and major corporations is that a major corporation can fire on the spot. The Fed is accountable to LAW and other policies wherein, reams of documentation and potentially an act of congress is required before someone gets fired. Further, Affirmative Action, has in fact made it very tenuous to identify and root out inefficient employees because many supervisors are either too afraid of some sort of EEO complaint / potential lawsuit.
None of this, none whatsoever, can be extrapolated as the mass dismissal of the Federal Workforce as people who "did the bare minimum to meet a yearly canned performance review".
If your issue is Unions. Fine. Unions have run rampant, unchecked, in industry, government, and a host of other services. But in order to maintain any "intellectual honesty" in the discussion of what's wrong with Unions, one needs to ask why they exist in the first place ? They exist because people were getting screwed. Then people learned how to manipulate Unions for their own personal gain and to screw the "employer".
I hope things change but let's hope the pendulum stops in the middle instead of back the way it was prior to Unions wherein - people got screwed.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:09 am
by Tom In VA
smackaholic wrote:so tom's a fed hack?
Oh and BTW.
Thank you for your service.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:18 am
by Diogenes
Tom In VA wrote:Nobody is saying the Federal Government isn't bloated and that there aren't shitty workers in there. It's just not ALL of them, like you and your simplistic - bullshit - like I called it, would assert.
I never said ALL public union employees were shitty workers. And I didn't distinguish between Federal and state, in fact the example I gave was of local school boards.
Tom In VA wrote:You want to blame the employees. Castigate them and minimize their work ethic.
No. I blame the unions and the politicians they own.
Tom In VA wrote:The only difference between the Government and major corporations is that a major corporation can fire on the spot. The Fed is accountable to LAW and other policies wherein, reams of documentation and potentially an act of congress is required before someone gets fired.
Wrong. The difference is that public employees are a de facto monopoly, and they influence the elections of the corrupt swine they 'negotiate' with.
Tom In VA wrote:If your issue is Unions. Fine. Unions have run rampant, unchecked, in industry, government, and a host of other services. But in order to maintain any "intellectual honesty" in the discussion of what's wrong with Unions, one needs to ask why they exist in the first place ? They exist because people were getting screwed. Then people learned how to manipulate Unions for their own personal gain and to screw the "employer".
What's wrong with unions is too much Lewis, not enough Gompers.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:06 pm
by smackaholic
Tom, Dio is right on this one.
All private sector unions, no matter how rampant they are, in the end will end up killing their company. Big 3 out front should have told you. Gubmint employees OTOH are different. Short of revolution, about all we can do is bend over and take the ass plungering.
My best friend is a state hack. He fukking baby sits crazy people. No college degree. He'll tell you about what a dangerous job it is, blah, blah, blah.... but, in the end, if he lost that $30/hr gig and had to go back to the private sector, his pay would likely be cut in half or worse. Not to mention double time for mandated OT and a really fat pension. If you are in a job pulling down right close to six figures with OT, and moving to a similar private sector job means you'd probably qualify for food stamps....something is really fukking wrong.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 11:55 pm
by Tom In VA
My story is different. I left the Fed in 1998, as a "Computer Specialist" working in IT for the Fed I wasn't pulling nearly the scratch these charlatans screwing the Federal Government and YOU - called "contractors" were making. Yet I worked the same hours - if not more - and knew about twice as much. Hmmm, now to think of it, I found it odd most of the contractors were Iranian or Greek. Anyway, I left, and nearly doubled my salary.
Anyway, A-76 is a load of bullshit. It looks good on paper so they can say "We've shrunk the size of the Federal Government", but spending increases as contractors
1. Charge more.
2. Do a shitty job and nobody in the Fed at that point as the technical experience to say "Hey they're doing a shitty job". so ... the job needs to be done over again.
This is rampant throughout the Fed. DoD is no different. And if you think the military is short of goldbricks, attitude problems, and whatnot .... based upon second hand knowledge (i.e. listening to some friends gripe) then you're mistaken. Now, I will say they did mention it was not as rampant in "line units" as it was back here in D.C. But even those folks from line units that come here somehow get "corrupt" - i.e. stop beating their head against the wall and follow the old adage "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em".
The bottom fucking line is ... a mass condemnation of ANYONE (save for a room full of child molestors) is prone to be inaccurate, unjustified, and evidence will exist to prove them wrong.
Don't think you have a chance in making the government more effective and more efficient ?
Then sit down and shut up. You've obviously given up, surrendered, and fallen into the same trap of apathy as many of the Federal workers and bureacrats you condemn. I respect the bureaucrats I'm talking about much more. I've seen way too many people bust their ass trying to change things from the inside. Men and women who take their position as servants to the tax paying public seriously and to heart; to sit idle and not raise this voice of dissent. I've seen such men and women do so at great risk to their career and for some the cost was being "pigeonholed". Reluctantly cast aside to occupy an office until they were elgible for retirement. All at the hands of people who were given that authority - indirectly - by the VOTING PUBLIC. With every new administration comes new chiefs.
Is Dio right ? Dio makes a valid, compelling point, worthy of discussion and examination.
I do as well.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:41 am
by smackaholic
There are gubmint jobs which seem to have normal pay. These are the jobs such as yours, which, don't have the same sort of union pull. If a bunch of techies threaten to go on strike everybody laughs and says, go ahead. So, they aren't as successful at bilking the taxpayer. Other positions such as police, fire, teachers, dudes in white coats in the nuthouse, know that they are a position that HAS to be filled, every day, every shift. And these fukkers use that knowledge. Some of them get paid 3 times what somebody else would do it for, but, they are locked in. They are untouchable. And the pols haven't the balls to stand up to them.
Someday, hopefully sooner than later, the chump taxpayer will finally say that's it, I ain't got any more fukking money for you and things will change.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:29 am
by Kid Nashville
smackaholic wrote:...I signed on with the world's second largest nuclear navy. That's what we called it back then in the bad old days when the russkies had more toys than us. Pretty sure we're back in the leadoff spot.....for now. Then chinks are building up pretty quick.
One of the best things I ever did. Wish I had stayed on active duty. Could have been drawing a pretty decent pension right about now.
Too bad the "don't ask don't tell" policy didn't come sooner, eh?
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 1:37 am
by Diogenes
Kid Nashville wrote:Too bad the "don't ask don't tell" policy didn't come sooner, eh?
So then you are a veteran?
Props, I guess.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:35 pm
by Mikey
1. Not all Fed workers belong to a union.
2. Teachers, policemen and firefighters in general are not Federal employees.
3. Morons like diogenes tend to lump all into one category either because it suits their purpose or they're just too stupid to know the difference.
I worked for the Fed (EPA) for five years. The pay was deece, the bennies were excellent and I learned a lot about the stuff I was working on. I hit a glass ceiling wheras a white male could not advance past GS13 even if he was completely qualified, and the only qualified person to apply for the position. So I got pissed off and told them to shove it, and glad now that I did.
Oh, and multiple RACKS to Tom for his completely accurate insights.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 3:49 pm
by Diogenes
Mikey wrote:1. Not all Fed workers belong to a union.
2. Teachers, policemen and firefighters in general are not Federal employees.
3. Morons like Diogenes tend to lump all into one category either because it suits their purpose or they're just too stupid to know the difference.
Learn to read, dipshit.
Diogenes wrote:I never said ALL public union employees were shitty workers. And I didn't distinguish between Federal and state, in fact the example I gave was of local school boards.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:40 pm
by smackaholic
Mikey wrote:1. Not all Fed workers belong to a union.
2. Teachers, policemen and firefighters in general are not Federal employees.
3. Morons like Diogenes tend to lump all into one category either because it suits their purpose or they're just too stupid to know the difference.
You are right. Plenty of fed workers are non union. The military is non union.
White collars workers who can do as well or better in the private sector such as yourself, generally are non union, simply because they can get decent pay regardless, so why bother with the union bullshit.
Blue collar fed workers in positions which, were they in the private sector would pay low wages, generally are unionized. They will gladly put up with union BS and pay dues if it means they are payed double what the market should bear.
As to whether or not they are lazy do nothings, no sector has cornered the market there. The difference is, as dio has pointed out, gubmint workers have an honest to god monopoly. Therefore, the worthless workers are pretty much untouchable, since "the company" is in no danger of losing business and going under.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:48 pm
by smackaholic
nope. ct is right up there with them. i suspect that in the next decade you will see states go bankrupt to get out of the strangle hold the unions have on them. ct will be one of the first.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:15 am
by Diego in Seattle
Rack Tom's takes.
And I've said it once if I've said it a million times...the best way for an employer to keep the unions away is to treat the employees well enough that they don't feel they need one.
Gotta love the comments about lazy workers coming from the political party of "born on 3rd & thought they hit a triple."
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:27 am
by smackaholic
Diego in Seattle wrote:Rack Tom's takes.
And I've said it once if I've said it a million times...the best way for an employer to keep the unions away is to treat the employees well enough that they don't feel they need one.
Gotta love the comments about lazy workers coming from the political party of "born on 3rd & thought they hit a triple."
You're right, ped. Only republicans are born into their political success. Folks like the Kennedys and algore would have gotten to their position without any family help. And I'm certain that hillary, with all her natural charisma would have risen to her position without marrying well.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:25 pm
by socal
Hey, Diego, that vehicle registration line won't clear itself. Coffee break's over.
Re: A quarter century ago today.....
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 2:55 pm
by Diego in Seattle
socal wrote:Hey, Diego, that vehicle registration line won't clear itself. Coffee break's over.