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Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:25 pm
by Wolfman
Funny, but sad. Could actually be just about any city in the northeast. Is there still the 90 degree turn on I-90 ?? I always thought that said something about urban planning.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:24 pm
by Left Seater
Who the fuck still uses a pay phone?
Rack those vids.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:26 pm
by Van
Left Seater wrote:
Who the fuck still uses a pay phone?
Rack those vids.
When was the last time 88 posted something that wasn't good? I'm thinking...never?

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:56 pm
by War Wagon
Jsc810 wrote:At least we're not Detroit. :lol:
I make it a point to vehemently disagree with Jsc anytime the opportunity presents itself and call him all sorts of bad names, but damnit...

At least we're not Detroit was exactly what I was going to go after.

Fuck you anyway, Jsc, you cum gurgler.

And Rack 88.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:08 pm
by LTS TRN 2
88 wrote:There was an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer (our local news rag) about how these spoof videos on YouTube were not helping Cleveland's image. I disagree. The videos show exactly what Cleveland is like. This city is a complete joke.

I won't get into politics, but this is a one-party town. The guy who runs the entire county, Jimmy Dimora, has been raided and is being investigated by the Feds for ramptant corruption. He will likely be indicted before the Tribe is mathematically eliminated from the MLB playoffs. Yet he still runs the show. He and his cronies are planning to spend a billion dollars to build a "Medical Mart" convention center downtown. This will supposedly attract medical device manufacturers to set up their conventions in our lovely city. Right. And Roseanne Barr will fly.

What Cleveland needs is a good old-fashioned flushing like New Orleans got. Shove 95% of the place out into Lake Erie and start over. Put a fork in this joint. It's done.
Are you familiar with the rich mob history of C-burg? The tour vid should have a wink of Prior Ct., a dead end street in Little Italy near Murray Hill at the end of which lived local Family head James Licavoli, and if you for some reason drove down the street, it would be blocked behind you. All the beauty of the city is on the East side of course, the West side hell. The mobsters live on the East in the suburbs, Italians and a lot of Jews.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 10:11 pm
by Screw_Michigan
RACK those videos. "Our economy relies on LeBron."


Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:59 pm
by Wolfman
calling a 90ยบ bend in an interstate highway a "curve" is like calling President Obama a centrist.
Rack Cleve-land for trying !
BTW--the beaches on Sanibel Island were quite nice this past week.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:19 am
by Diego in Seattle
88 wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Are you familiar with the rich mob history of C-burg? The tour vid should have a wink of Prior Ct., a dead end street in Little Italy near Murray Hill at the end of which lived local Family head James Licavoli, and if you for some reason drove down the street, it would be blocked behind you. All the beauty of the city is on the East side of course, the West side hell. The mobsters live on the East in the suburbs, Italians and a lot of Jews.
All of that is part of Cleveland's past history. The East side of Cleveland is mostly a dump these days. Places like Murray Hill are nothing like they used to be. And the Cleveland mob has been supplanted by gang violence. The Italians moved out to Lyndhurst and the Jews moved out to Beachwood. Cleveland is a shell of its former self.

Population in 1950: 914,808

Population in 2000: 478,403
How much has manufacturing going down the tubes played a part in that decrease?

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:22 am
by smackaholic
How the hell do they support any professional sports francises?

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:56 am
by War Wagon
smackaholic wrote:How the hell do they support any professional sports francises?
The same way that KC does.

2 million plus in the metropolitan area.

White flight to the suburbs, while the inner city rots.

This is just a natural progression. Eventually, city leaders tear down the old shit, build anew and/or convert those old buildings into lofts and condo's with a cool view of the lakefront or the riverfront, as the case may be.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 2:12 am
by War Wagon
Yes, that mandated busing order affected most cities of any size.

Another example of where the Federal government, in an effort to alleviate a certain problem, created more in it's stead.

So when I hear anyone complain about "urban sprawl" it makes me want to punch Screw_Michigan and Kid Nashville in the face.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:16 am
by LTS TRN 2
88 wrote:
LTS TRN 2 wrote:Are you familiar with the rich mob history of C-burg? The tour vid should have a wink of Prior Ct., a dead end street in Little Italy near Murray Hill at the end of which lived local Family head James Licavoli, and if you for some reason drove down the street, it would be blocked behind you. All the beauty of the city is on the East side of course, the West side hell. The mobsters live on the East in the suburbs, Italians and a lot of Jews.
All of that is part of Cleveland's past history. The East side of Cleveland is mostly a dump these days. Places like Murray Hill are nothing like they used to be. And the Cleveland mob has been supplanted by gang violence. The Italians moved out to Lyndhurst and the Jews moved out to Beachwood. Cleveland is a shell of its former self.

Population in 1950: 914,808

Population in 2000: 478,403

Correct. And if some insane dago said "I should kill you, but I'll let you go--just leave town and never come back," where would you go? :wink:

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 10:44 pm
by Moving Sale
88 wrote: And the Cleveland mob has been supplanted by gang violence.

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 7:51 pm
by LTS TRN 2
mvscal wrote:
War Wagon wrote:White flight to the suburbs, while the inner city rots.

This is just a natural progression.
Not really. In Europe they tend to push their scum into the suburbs at least in France anyway.
Slum scum having fun in Paris

Re: Cleveland Tourism Videos

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 1:29 am
by Diogenes
What could be worse than your city having had Jerry Springer as Mayor?

Having Cincinnati look down on you.