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Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:56 am
by socal
Preliminary 5.0 centered near Inglewood.

Just some Lakers fans turning over some cars.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:59 am
by Mikey
My house fell down and my family is all dead.

But I'm OK.

At least we're not AP.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:11 am
by socal
I bet it was the fucking fury that is VagRussian.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:23 am
by .m2
Mikey wrote:
At least we're not AP.

Didn't you meet AP at some point.... and make love to him ?

Or did you just meet him for a burger and make love to him later ?

You slow Cal's are a funny bunch....

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:48 pm
by Left Seater
Dallas just had a 4.3 or 3.4, something like that on Sunday. What magnitude do they have to be before you feel them? What magnitude before they start breaking shit?

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:57 pm
.m2 wrote:
Mikey wrote:
At least we're not AP.

Didn't you meet AP at some point.... and make love to him ?

Or did you just meet him for a burger and make love to him later ?
I've seen MPoof start down some strange paths before...but suggesting homoerotic interludes - unprompted - for Mikey and AP is a new one. KN will be digging for his prostate down in TROTS before too long.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:04 pm
by Smackie Chan
Left Seater wrote:Dallas just had a 4.3 or 3.4, something like that on Sunday. What magnitude do they have to be before you feel them? What magnitude before they start breaking shit?
Depends on a few factors - how far you are from the epicenter, the duration, the depth within the Earth, the "nature" of the quake (rolling, shaking, bouncing, etc.). Richter scale magnitude doesn't really tell you much.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 7:51 pm
by Van
It does, if it's a 7.0. Rolling, shaking, whatever. If you're anywhere near the epicenter of a 7.0, shit is breaking.

Lefty, pretty much, it's gotta be in the high 5s or low 6s before Californians even give a crap. Otherwise, it's just a little news blurb for the bubble headed bleach blonde to interject, in between the story of Lindsay Lohan escaping rehab and some other little story about our state's power getting shut off.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:12 pm
by ChargerMike
Van wrote:Lefty, pretty much, it's gotta be in the high 5s or low 6s before Californians even give a crap. Otherwise, it's just a little news blurb for the bubble headed bleach blonde to interject, in between the story of Lindsay Lohan escaping rehab and some other little story about our state's power getting shut off.

....and THAT folks pretty much nails it dead-center.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:18 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van wrote:It does, if it's a 7.0. Rolling, shaking, whatever. If you're anywhere near the epicenter of a 7.0, shit is breaking.
I was gonna add something like that using ~6.5, but figured fuggit. If you're near the epicenter, a 4.5 could be causin' shit to break. Conversely, if the the epicenter of a magnitude 7 quake is out in the uninhabited desert, there may be little to no damage in populated areas surrounding it. I've experienced quakes that felt like a paint can shaker (Northridge), and some that felt like a waterbed (most of the others).

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:20 pm
by Van
The San Fernando quake in '71, fuck, that one felt like Friday night.


Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:28 pm
by Smackie Chan
Van wrote:The San Fernando quake in '71, fuck, that one felt like Friday night.

Yep, I remember it. It leveled (or at least seriously fucked up) the VA Hospital in LA. It struck about 6:00 am, if I recall correctly. I thought my mom was trying to wake me up for school by grabbing the footpost of my bed and shaking it. Pretty violent, that one. (The quake, not mom.)

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:42 pm
by Van
I lived in Sherman Oaks in '71, just a few miles from the epicenter. It knocked me out of my bunk bed, but it didn't even wake my brother.

That '71 quake definitely felt bigger than the Northridge quake, but then again I was in Port Hueneme for the Northridge quake. I missed being there in Northridge, by half a day. The quake was in the early morning, and I'd been down in the Northridge Mall the previous day.

The '71 quake was bigger, though, wasn't it?

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:53 pm
by Smackie Chan
I was in Anaheim for the '71 Sylmar quake (6.6) and in Ventura for the Northridge quake (6.7). Those were the two most violent ones I've felt. Their epicenters were nearly co-located: Sylmar - 34°24′58″N 118°22′12″W, Northridge - 34°12′47″N 118°32′13″W

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:06 pm
by Mikey
The Northridge quake gave us a pretty good shake all the way down in San Diego.

I realize that everybody here knows this already, but the Richter is a logrithmic scale.

A 6.0 is 10 times as powerful as a 5.0. 7.0 is 100 times as powerful.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:08 pm
by Smackie Chan
Mikey wrote:I realize that everybody here knows this already, but the Richter is a logrithmic scale.

A 6.0 is 10 times as powerful as a 5.0. 7.0 is 100 times as powerful.
Hence the use of the term magnitude to describe them.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:15 pm
by Van
Hmmm, I thought the Sylmar quake was bigger than that. IIRC, wasn't it graded down at some point, from its original 7.1, or something like that?

Coulda swore it was in the 7s, at one point. Oh well, it was fun.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:23 pm
by Mikey
Smackie Chan wrote:
Mikey wrote:I realize that everybody here knows this already, but the Richter is a logrithmic scale.

A 6.0 is 10 times as powerful as a 5.0. 7.0 is 100 times as powerful.
Hence the use of the term magnitude to describe them.
The term magnitude does not, in itself, imply a logarithmic scale.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:31 pm
by Smackie Chan
Mikey wrote:The term magnitude does not, in itself, imply a logarithmic scale.
True, but an order of magnitude is commonly used to refer to ten times the reference measurement.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:44 pm
by Mikey
Smackie Chan wrote:
Mikey wrote:The term magnitude does not, in itself, imply a logarithmic scale.
True, but an order of magnitude is commonly used to refer to ten times the reference measurement.
That's also true, but I think that the "order" part there is as important to the sense of the term as the "magnitude" part.

Magnitude is, most generally, a quantitative and comparative measure usually expressed as a multiple of a standard unit. In the case of "orders of magnitude" the standard unit is admittedly a power of 10, but magnitude can equally be applied in a linear scale.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:16 am
by socal
Van wrote:I lived in Sherman Oaks in '71, just a few miles from the epicenter. It knocked me out of my bunk bed, but it didn't even wake my brother.

Same here. I thought he was shaking the bed to wake me. Then the sight of the dresser drawers bouncing across the floor made me realize it wasn't him.

Scared the shit out of my mom. Dad was already on the road the work. She thought it was Armageddon. Herded us into the living room, shoved a rosary in our hands, and prayed a decade or twenty.

It's all about proximity, the type of waves, and the type of structure you're holed up in.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:17 am
by .m2
Get back to me.... when you actually go through a "real" earthquake.


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the truth

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:25 am
Sucks to be a Cali.....

I"ll take a hurricane over an earthquake any day.....

I went through Hurricane Andrew back in 92, What a motherfucker!

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:45 am
by Atomic Punk
.m2 wrote:Get back to me.... when you actually go through a "real" earthquake.

the truth
:meds: I was outside on the tennis courts at my complex in Mountain View when I was stationed at NAS Moffett Field when it hit. It sounded like a train going down the tracks then it was either a bouncing or rolling thing. I looked at the apartment buildings swaying and hearing glass break and some screaming... It was so bad I went to the net to hold in order to keep my balance.

After it was over I resumed playing tennis as the damage was already done. About 45 minutes later a neighbor walks by the court and asks if I've seen my place yet. I said whatever is broke is broke, and I might as well keep playing. She looked stunned that I didn't give a shit.

I couldn't get in through door as the door frame shifted to where I couldn't get in, so I climbed over the fence to get in through the porch sliding glass door. I was expecting my new Mitsubishi TV to have face planted, but it was my Marshall JCM 800 head and Digitech DSP-128 that took the fall. The Marshall was fine but I had to send the DSP-128 back to Utah to have it repaired. They upgraded it to a DSP-256. No other damage noted. My neighbor across the way was my Pensacola roomate and his place was trashed.

The thing that sucked the worst was I was on the Ready Alert crew. Since the phones were down or jammed, I had to drive to the base a few miles north as I lived off the 85 and El Camino Real intersection. I watched the World Series after all.

Ain't that cool Van? Somehow I could make this into a semi-musician take.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:15 am
by Shlomart Ben Yisrael
Atomic Punk wrote: It was so bad I went to the net to hold in order to keep my balance.
We know. You have a long history of using "the net" as a crutch.


Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:26 am
by Jerkovich
Hayward, drunk, watching the series.

Pussies couldn't even finish.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 2:58 pm
by Moving Sale
Smackie Chan wrote:
Mikey wrote:I realize that everybody here knows this already, but the Richter is a logrithmic scale.

A 6.0 is 10 times as powerful as a 5.0. 7.0 is 100 times as powerful.
Hence the use of the term magnitude to describe them.
The Richter scale measures Amplitude, not "magnitude" and certainly not "power." The "power" of a quake is measured in a 3/2 scale to it's amplitude. That means a 6 is almost 32 times more "powerful" than a 5 and a 7 is 1000 times more "powerful" than the same 5.

You two are about as helpful on this subject as a couple of fuzzy dice swinging from a mirror.

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 3:18 pm
by Mikey
Moving Sale wrote:
Smackie Chan wrote:
Mikey wrote:I realize that everybody here knows this already, but the Richter is a logrithmic scale.

A 6.0 is 10 times as powerful as a 5.0. 7.0 is 100 times as powerful.
Hence the use of the term magnitude to describe them.
The Richter scale measures Amplitude, not "magnitude" and certainly not "power." The "power" of a quake is measured in a 3/2 scale to it's amplitude. That means a 6 is almost 32 times more "powerful" than a 5 and a 7 is 1000 times more "powerful" than the same 5.

You two are about as helpful on this subject as a couple of fuzzy dice swinging from a mirror.
Took you more than 12 hours to wiki "Richter" and you still didn't get it right?

Nice try dipshit.

And while we're at it, since you're the local champion of anal retentiveness, go back to high school and learn when and when not to use apostrophes, mmmmkay?

Re: Socal Quake

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:08 pm
by Moving Sale
Mikey wrote: Took you more than 12 hours to wiki "Richter"
No. I had not been on the net since last week.
and you still didn't get it right?
So you KNOW I got it from wiki? How? Because it wrong? Step on your own dick much?
Nice try dipshit.
Enlighten me you fucking dipshit.
since you're the local champion of anal retentiveness
So now I'M in charge of your smack? You wouldn't have done it but I made you? Please pull your head out of your ass before you post again.