Shut up already, Joe!
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:53 pm
I think I'd like Joe Biden a little more if he had his jaws permanently wired shut or his lips sewn up. Dude needs to learn when NOT to flap his yap. And Eleanor Clift should learn that not everything she hears needs to be made public...

This has gotta be the worst pic ever of Joe ... tscommentsAccording to a report, while recently attending the Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, an annual event where powerful politicians and media elite get a chance to cozy up to one another, Biden told his dinnermates about the existence of a secret bunker under the old U.S. Naval Observatory, which is now the home of the vice president.
The bunker is believed to be the secure, undisclosed location former Vice President Dick Cheney remained under protection in secret after the 9/11 attacks.
Eleanor Clift, Newsweek magazine's Washington contributing editor, said Biden revealed the location while filling in for President Obama at the dinner...

This has gotta be the worst pic ever of Joe